 * MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2018 MinIO, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package target

import (


	xnet "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/net"

// NSQ constants
const (
	NSQAddress       = "nsqd_address"
	NSQTopic         = "topic"
	NSQTLS           = "tls"
	NSQTLSSkipVerify = "tls_skip_verify"
	NSQQueueDir      = "queue_dir"
	NSQQueueLimit    = "queue_limit"

	EnvNSQEnable        = "MINIO_NOTIFY_NSQ"

// NSQArgs - NSQ target arguments.
type NSQArgs struct {
	Enable      bool      `json:"enable"`
	NSQDAddress xnet.Host `json:"nsqdAddress"`
	Topic       string    `json:"topic"`
	TLS         struct {
		Enable     bool `json:"enable"`
		SkipVerify bool `json:"skipVerify"`
	} `json:"tls"`
	QueueDir   string `json:"queueDir"`
	QueueLimit uint64 `json:"queueLimit"`

// Validate NSQArgs fields
func (n NSQArgs) Validate() error {
	if !n.Enable {
		return nil

	if n.NSQDAddress.IsEmpty() {
		return errors.New("empty nsqdAddress")

	if n.Topic == "" {
		return errors.New("empty topic")
	if n.QueueDir != "" {
		if !filepath.IsAbs(n.QueueDir) {
			return errors.New("queueDir path should be absolute")

	return nil

// NSQTarget - NSQ target.
type NSQTarget struct {
	id         event.TargetID
	args       NSQArgs
	producer   *nsq.Producer
	store      Store
	config     *nsq.Config
	loggerOnce func(ctx context.Context, err error, id interface{}, errKind ...interface{})

// ID - returns target ID.
func (target *NSQTarget) ID() event.TargetID {
	return target.id

// HasQueueStore - Checks if the queueStore has been configured for the target
func (target *NSQTarget) HasQueueStore() bool {
	return target.store != nil

// IsActive - Return true if target is up and active
func (target *NSQTarget) IsActive() (bool, error) {
	if target.producer == nil {
		producer, err := nsq.NewProducer(target.args.NSQDAddress.String(), target.config)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err
		target.producer = producer

	if err := target.producer.Ping(); err != nil {
		// To treat "connection refused" errors as errNotConnected.
		if IsConnRefusedErr(err) {
			return false, errNotConnected
		return false, err
	return true, nil

// Save - saves the events to the store which will be replayed when the nsq connection is active.
func (target *NSQTarget) Save(eventData event.Event) error {
	if target.store != nil {
		return target.store.Put(eventData)
	_, err := target.IsActive()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return target.send(eventData)

// send - sends an event to the NSQ.
func (target *NSQTarget) send(eventData event.Event) error {
	objectName, err := url.QueryUnescape(eventData.S3.Object.Key)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	key := eventData.S3.Bucket.Name + "/" + objectName

	data, err := json.Marshal(event.Log{EventName: eventData.EventName, Key: key, Records: []event.Event{eventData}})
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return target.producer.Publish(target.args.Topic, data)

// Send - reads an event from store and sends it to NSQ.
func (target *NSQTarget) Send(eventKey string) error {
	_, err := target.IsActive()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	eventData, eErr := target.store.Get(eventKey)
	if eErr != nil {
		// The last event key in a successful batch will be sent in the channel atmost once by the replayEvents()
		// Such events will not exist and wouldve been already been sent successfully.
		if os.IsNotExist(eErr) {
			return nil
		return eErr

	if err := target.send(eventData); err != nil {
		return err

	// Delete the event from store.
	return target.store.Del(eventKey)

// Close - closes underneath connections to NSQD server.
func (target *NSQTarget) Close() (err error) {
	if target.producer != nil {
		// this blocks until complete:
	return nil

// NewNSQTarget - creates new NSQ target.
func NewNSQTarget(id string, args NSQArgs, doneCh <-chan struct{}, loggerOnce func(ctx context.Context, err error, id interface{}, kind ...interface{}), test bool) (*NSQTarget, error) {
	config := nsq.NewConfig()
	if args.TLS.Enable {
		config.TlsV1 = true
		config.TlsConfig = &tls.Config{
			InsecureSkipVerify: args.TLS.SkipVerify,

	var store Store

	target := &NSQTarget{
		id:         event.TargetID{ID: id, Name: "nsq"},
		args:       args,
		config:     config,
		loggerOnce: loggerOnce,

	if args.QueueDir != "" {
		queueDir := filepath.Join(args.QueueDir, storePrefix+"-nsq-"+id)
		store = NewQueueStore(queueDir, args.QueueLimit)
		if oErr := store.Open(); oErr != nil {
			target.loggerOnce(context.Background(), oErr, target.ID())
			return nil, oErr
		target.store = store

	producer, err := nsq.NewProducer(args.NSQDAddress.String(), config)
	if err != nil {
		target.loggerOnce(context.Background(), err, target.ID())
		return target, err
	target.producer = producer

	if err := target.producer.Ping(); err != nil {
		// To treat "connection refused" errors as errNotConnected.
		if target.store == nil || !(IsConnRefusedErr(err) || IsConnResetErr(err)) {
			target.loggerOnce(context.Background(), err, target.ID())
			return nil, err

	if target.store != nil && !test {
		// Replays the events from the store.
		eventKeyCh := replayEvents(target.store, doneCh, target.loggerOnce, target.ID())
		// Start replaying events from the store.
		go sendEvents(target, eventKeyCh, doneCh, target.loggerOnce)

	return target, nil