// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package condition

import (

func TestKeyIsValid(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		key            Key
		expectedResult bool
		{S3XAmzCopySource, true},
		{S3XAmzServerSideEncryption, true},
		{S3XAmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm, true},
		{S3XAmzMetadataDirective, true},
		{S3XAmzStorageClass, true},
		{S3LocationConstraint, true},
		{S3Prefix, true},
		{S3Delimiter, true},
		{S3MaxKeys, true},
		{AWSReferer, true},
		{AWSSourceIP, true},
		{Key("foo"), false},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := testCase.key.IsValid()

		if testCase.expectedResult != result {
			t.Fatalf("case %v: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestKeyMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		key            Key
		expectedResult []byte
		expectErr      bool
		{S3XAmzCopySource, []byte(`"s3:x-amz-copy-source"`), false},
		{Key("foo"), nil, true},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result, err := json.Marshal(testCase.key)
		expectErr := (err != nil)

		if testCase.expectErr != expectErr {
			t.Fatalf("case %v: error: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectErr, expectErr)

		if !testCase.expectErr {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, testCase.expectedResult) {
				t.Fatalf("case %v: key: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, string(testCase.expectedResult), string(result))

func TestKeyName(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		key            Key
		expectedResult string
		{S3XAmzCopySource, "x-amz-copy-source"},
		{AWSReferer, "Referer"},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := testCase.key.Name()

		if testCase.expectedResult != result {
			t.Fatalf("case %v: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestKeyUnmarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		data        []byte
		expectedKey Key
		expectErr   bool
		{[]byte(`"s3:x-amz-copy-source"`), S3XAmzCopySource, false},
		{[]byte(`"foo"`), Key(""), true},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		var key Key
		err := json.Unmarshal(testCase.data, &key)
		expectErr := (err != nil)

		if testCase.expectErr != expectErr {
			t.Fatalf("case %v: error: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectErr, expectErr)

		if !testCase.expectErr {
			if testCase.expectedKey != key {
				t.Fatalf("case %v: key: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectedKey, key)

func TestKeySetAdd(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		set            KeySet
		key            Key
		expectedResult KeySet
		{NewKeySet(), S3XAmzCopySource, NewKeySet(S3XAmzCopySource)},
		{NewKeySet(S3XAmzCopySource), S3XAmzCopySource, NewKeySet(S3XAmzCopySource)},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(testCase.expectedResult, testCase.set) {
			t.Fatalf("case %v: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, testCase.set)

func TestKeySetDifference(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		set            KeySet
		setToDiff      KeySet
		expectedResult KeySet
		{NewKeySet(), NewKeySet(S3XAmzCopySource), NewKeySet()},
		{NewKeySet(S3Prefix, S3Delimiter, S3MaxKeys), NewKeySet(S3Delimiter, S3MaxKeys), NewKeySet(S3Prefix)},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := testCase.set.Difference(testCase.setToDiff)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(testCase.expectedResult, result) {
			t.Fatalf("case %v: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestKeySetIsEmpty(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		set            KeySet
		expectedResult bool
		{NewKeySet(), true},
		{NewKeySet(S3Delimiter), false},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := testCase.set.IsEmpty()

		if testCase.expectedResult != result {
			t.Fatalf("case %v: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestKeySetString(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		set            KeySet
		expectedResult string
		{NewKeySet(), `[]`},
		{NewKeySet(S3Delimiter), `[s3:delimiter]`},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := testCase.set.String()

		if testCase.expectedResult != result {
			t.Fatalf("case %v: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestKeySetToSlice(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		set            KeySet
		expectedResult []Key
		{NewKeySet(), []Key{}},
		{NewKeySet(S3Delimiter), []Key{S3Delimiter}},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := testCase.set.ToSlice()

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(testCase.expectedResult, result) {
			t.Fatalf("case %v: expected: %v, got: %v\n", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)