 * MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 MinIO, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package cmd

import (

	xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/http"

const (
	timeFormatAMZLong = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z" // Reply date format with nanosecond precision.
	maxObjectList     = 10000                      // Limit number of objects in a listObjectsResponse.
	maxUploadsList    = 10000                      // Limit number of uploads in a listUploadsResponse.
	maxPartsList      = 10000                      // Limit number of parts in a listPartsResponse.

// LocationResponse - format for location response.
type LocationResponse struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ LocationConstraint" json:"-"`
	Location string   `xml:",chardata"`

// ListVersionsResponse - format for list bucket versions response.
type ListVersionsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListVersionsResult" json:"-"`

	Name      string
	Prefix    string
	KeyMarker string

	// When response is truncated (the IsTruncated element value in the response
	// is true), you can use the key name in this field as marker in the subsequent
	// request to get next set of objects. Server lists objects in alphabetical
	// order Note: This element is returned only if you have delimiter request parameter
	// specified. If response does not include the NextMaker and it is truncated,
	// you can use the value of the last Key in the response as the marker in the
	// subsequent request to get the next set of object keys.
	NextKeyMarker string `xml:"NextKeyMarker,omitempty"`

	// When the number of responses exceeds the value of MaxKeys,
	// NextVersionIdMarker specifies the first object version not
	// returned that satisfies the search criteria. Use this value
	// for the version-id-marker request parameter in a subsequent request.
	NextVersionIDMarker string `xml:"NextVersionIdMarker"`

	// Marks the last version of the Key returned in a truncated response.
	VersionIDMarker string `xml:"VersionIdMarker"`

	MaxKeys   int
	Delimiter string
	// A flag that indicates whether or not ListObjects returned all of the results
	// that satisfied the search criteria.
	IsTruncated bool

	CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix
	Versions       []ObjectVersion

	// Encoding type used to encode object keys in the response.
	EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`

// ListObjectsResponse - format for list objects response.
type ListObjectsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListBucketResult" json:"-"`

	Name   string
	Prefix string
	Marker string

	// When response is truncated (the IsTruncated element value in the response
	// is true), you can use the key name in this field as marker in the subsequent
	// request to get next set of objects. Server lists objects in alphabetical
	// order Note: This element is returned only if you have delimiter request parameter
	// specified. If response does not include the NextMaker and it is truncated,
	// you can use the value of the last Key in the response as the marker in the
	// subsequent request to get the next set of object keys.
	NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker,omitempty"`

	MaxKeys   int
	Delimiter string
	// A flag that indicates whether or not ListObjects returned all of the results
	// that satisfied the search criteria.
	IsTruncated bool

	Contents       []Object
	CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix

	// Encoding type used to encode object keys in the response.
	EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`

// ListObjectsV2Response - format for list objects response.
type ListObjectsV2Response struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListBucketResult" json:"-"`

	Name       string
	Prefix     string
	StartAfter string `xml:"StartAfter,omitempty"`
	// When response is truncated (the IsTruncated element value in the response
	// is true), you can use the key name in this field as marker in the subsequent
	// request to get next set of objects. Server lists objects in alphabetical
	// order Note: This element is returned only if you have delimiter request parameter
	// specified. If response does not include the NextMaker and it is truncated,
	// you can use the value of the last Key in the response as the marker in the
	// subsequent request to get the next set of object keys.
	ContinuationToken     string `xml:"ContinuationToken,omitempty"`
	NextContinuationToken string `xml:"NextContinuationToken,omitempty"`

	KeyCount  int
	MaxKeys   int
	Delimiter string
	// A flag that indicates whether or not ListObjects returned all of the results
	// that satisfied the search criteria.
	IsTruncated bool

	Contents       []Object
	CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix

	// Encoding type used to encode object keys in the response.
	EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`

// Part container for part metadata.
type Part struct {
	PartNumber   int
	LastModified string
	ETag         string
	Size         int64

// ListPartsResponse - format for list parts response.
type ListPartsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListPartsResult" json:"-"`

	Bucket   string
	Key      string
	UploadID string `xml:"UploadId"`

	Initiator Initiator
	Owner     Owner

	// The class of storage used to store the object.
	StorageClass string

	PartNumberMarker     int
	NextPartNumberMarker int
	MaxParts             int
	IsTruncated          bool

	// List of parts.
	Parts []Part `xml:"Part"`

// ListMultipartUploadsResponse - format for list multipart uploads response.
type ListMultipartUploadsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListMultipartUploadsResult" json:"-"`

	Bucket             string
	KeyMarker          string
	UploadIDMarker     string `xml:"UploadIdMarker"`
	NextKeyMarker      string
	NextUploadIDMarker string `xml:"NextUploadIdMarker"`
	Delimiter          string
	Prefix             string
	EncodingType       string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`
	MaxUploads         int
	IsTruncated        bool

	// List of pending uploads.
	Uploads []Upload `xml:"Upload"`

	// Delimed common prefixes.
	CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix

// ListBucketsResponse - format for list buckets response
type ListBucketsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListAllMyBucketsResult" json:"-"`

	Owner Owner

	// Container for one or more buckets.
	Buckets struct {
		Buckets []Bucket `xml:"Bucket"`
	} // Buckets are nested

// Upload container for in progress multipart upload
type Upload struct {
	Key          string
	UploadID     string `xml:"UploadId"`
	Initiator    Initiator
	Owner        Owner
	StorageClass string
	Initiated    string

// CommonPrefix container for prefix response in ListObjectsResponse
type CommonPrefix struct {
	Prefix string

// Bucket container for bucket metadata
type Bucket struct {
	Name         string
	CreationDate string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"

// ObjectVersion container for object version metadata
type ObjectVersion struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ Version" json:"-"`
	VersionID string `xml:"VersionId"`
	IsLatest  bool

// StringMap is a map[string]string.
type StringMap map[string]string

// MarshalXML - StringMap marshals into XML.
func (s StringMap) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {

	tokens := []xml.Token{start}

	for key, value := range s {
		t := xml.StartElement{}
		t.Name = xml.Name{
			Space: "",
			Local: key,
		tokens = append(tokens, t, xml.CharData(value), xml.EndElement{Name: t.Name})

	tokens = append(tokens, xml.EndElement{
		Name: start.Name,

	for _, t := range tokens {
		if err := e.EncodeToken(t); err != nil {
			return err

	// flush to ensure tokens are written
	return e.Flush()

// Object container for object metadata
type Object struct {
	Key          string
	LastModified string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
	ETag         string
	Size         int64

	// Owner of the object.
	Owner Owner

	// The class of storage used to store the object.
	StorageClass string

	// UserMetadata user-defined metadata
	UserMetadata StringMap `xml:"UserMetadata,omitempty"`

// CopyObjectResponse container returns ETag and LastModified of the successfully copied object
type CopyObjectResponse struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ CopyObjectResult" json:"-"`
	LastModified string   // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
	ETag         string   // md5sum of the copied object.

// CopyObjectPartResponse container returns ETag and LastModified of the successfully copied object
type CopyObjectPartResponse struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ CopyPartResult" json:"-"`
	LastModified string   // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
	ETag         string   // md5sum of the copied object part.

// Initiator inherit from Owner struct, fields are same
type Initiator Owner

// Owner - bucket owner/principal
type Owner struct {
	ID          string
	DisplayName string

// InitiateMultipartUploadResponse container for InitiateMultiPartUpload response, provides uploadID to start MultiPart upload
type InitiateMultipartUploadResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ InitiateMultipartUploadResult" json:"-"`

	Bucket   string
	Key      string
	UploadID string `xml:"UploadId"`

// CompleteMultipartUploadResponse container for completed multipart upload response
type CompleteMultipartUploadResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ CompleteMultipartUploadResult" json:"-"`

	Location string
	Bucket   string
	Key      string
	ETag     string

// DeleteError structure.
type DeleteError struct {
	Code    string
	Message string
	Key     string

// DeleteObjectsResponse container for multiple object deletes.
type DeleteObjectsResponse struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ DeleteResult" json:"-"`

	// Collection of all deleted objects
	DeletedObjects []ObjectIdentifier `xml:"Deleted,omitempty"`

	// Collection of errors deleting certain objects.
	Errors []DeleteError `xml:"Error,omitempty"`

// PostResponse container for POST object request when success_action_status is set to 201
type PostResponse struct {
	Bucket   string
	Key      string
	ETag     string
	Location string

// returns "https" if the tls boolean is true, "http" otherwise.
func getURLScheme(tls bool) string {
	if tls {
		return httpsScheme
	return httpScheme

// getObjectLocation gets the fully qualified URL of an object.
func getObjectLocation(r *http.Request, domains []string, bucket, object string) string {
	// unit tests do not have host set.
	if r.Host == "" {
		return path.Clean(r.URL.Path)
	proto := handlers.GetSourceScheme(r)
	if proto == "" {
		proto = getURLScheme(globalIsSSL)
	u := &url.URL{
		Host:   r.Host,
		Path:   path.Join(SlashSeparator, bucket, object),
		Scheme: proto,
	// If domain is set then we need to use bucket DNS style.
	for _, domain := range domains {
		if strings.Contains(r.Host, domain) {
			u.Host = bucket + "." + r.Host
			u.Path = path.Join(SlashSeparator, object)
	return u.String()

// generates ListBucketsResponse from array of BucketInfo which can be
// serialized to match XML and JSON API spec output.
func generateListBucketsResponse(buckets []BucketInfo) ListBucketsResponse {
	var listbuckets []Bucket
	var data = ListBucketsResponse{}
	var owner = Owner{}

	owner.ID = globalMinioDefaultOwnerID
	for _, bucket := range buckets {
		var listbucket = Bucket{}
		listbucket.Name = bucket.Name
		listbucket.CreationDate = bucket.Created.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
		listbuckets = append(listbuckets, listbucket)

	data.Owner = owner
	data.Buckets.Buckets = listbuckets

	return data

// generates an ListBucketVersions response for the said bucket with other enumerated options.
func generateListVersionsResponse(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, encodingType string, maxKeys int, resp ListObjectsInfo) ListVersionsResponse {
	var versions []ObjectVersion
	var prefixes []CommonPrefix
	var owner = Owner{}
	var data = ListVersionsResponse{}

	owner.ID = globalMinioDefaultOwnerID
	for _, object := range resp.Objects {
		var content = ObjectVersion{}
		if object.Name == "" {
		content.Key = s3EncodeName(object.Name, encodingType)
		content.LastModified = object.ModTime.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
		if object.ETag != "" {
			content.ETag = "\"" + object.ETag + "\""
		content.Size = object.Size
		content.StorageClass = object.StorageClass
		content.Owner = owner
		content.VersionID = "null"
		content.IsLatest = true
		versions = append(versions, content)
	data.Name = bucket
	data.Versions = versions

	data.EncodingType = encodingType
	data.Prefix = s3EncodeName(prefix, encodingType)
	data.KeyMarker = s3EncodeName(marker, encodingType)
	data.Delimiter = s3EncodeName(delimiter, encodingType)
	data.MaxKeys = maxKeys

	data.NextKeyMarker = s3EncodeName(resp.NextMarker, encodingType)
	data.IsTruncated = resp.IsTruncated

	for _, prefix := range resp.Prefixes {
		var prefixItem = CommonPrefix{}
		prefixItem.Prefix = s3EncodeName(prefix, encodingType)
		prefixes = append(prefixes, prefixItem)
	data.CommonPrefixes = prefixes
	return data

// generates an ListObjectsV1 response for the said bucket with other enumerated options.
func generateListObjectsV1Response(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, encodingType string, maxKeys int, resp ListObjectsInfo) ListObjectsResponse {
	var contents []Object
	var prefixes []CommonPrefix
	var owner = Owner{}
	var data = ListObjectsResponse{}

	owner.ID = globalMinioDefaultOwnerID
	for _, object := range resp.Objects {
		var content = Object{}
		if object.Name == "" {
		content.Key = s3EncodeName(object.Name, encodingType)
		content.LastModified = object.ModTime.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
		if object.ETag != "" {
			content.ETag = "\"" + object.ETag + "\""
		content.Size = object.Size
		content.StorageClass = object.StorageClass
		content.Owner = owner
		contents = append(contents, content)
	data.Name = bucket
	data.Contents = contents

	data.EncodingType = encodingType
	data.Prefix = s3EncodeName(prefix, encodingType)
	data.Marker = s3EncodeName(marker, encodingType)
	data.Delimiter = s3EncodeName(delimiter, encodingType)
	data.MaxKeys = maxKeys

	data.NextMarker = s3EncodeName(resp.NextMarker, encodingType)
	data.IsTruncated = resp.IsTruncated
	for _, prefix := range resp.Prefixes {
		var prefixItem = CommonPrefix{}
		prefixItem.Prefix = s3EncodeName(prefix, encodingType)
		prefixes = append(prefixes, prefixItem)
	data.CommonPrefixes = prefixes
	return data

// generates an ListObjectsV2 response for the said bucket with other enumerated options.
func generateListObjectsV2Response(bucket, prefix, token, nextToken, startAfter, delimiter, encodingType string, fetchOwner, isTruncated bool, maxKeys int, objects []ObjectInfo, prefixes []string, metadata bool) ListObjectsV2Response {
	var contents []Object
	var commonPrefixes []CommonPrefix
	var owner = Owner{}
	var data = ListObjectsV2Response{}

	if fetchOwner {
		owner.ID = globalMinioDefaultOwnerID

	for _, object := range objects {
		var content = Object{}
		if object.Name == "" {
		content.Key = s3EncodeName(object.Name, encodingType)
		content.LastModified = object.ModTime.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
		if object.ETag != "" {
			content.ETag = "\"" + object.ETag + "\""
		content.Size = object.Size
		content.StorageClass = object.StorageClass
		content.Owner = owner
		if metadata {
			content.UserMetadata = make(StringMap)
			for k, v := range CleanMinioInternalMetadataKeys(object.UserDefined) {
				if HasPrefix(k, ReservedMetadataPrefix) {
					// Do not need to send any internal metadata
					// values to client.
				content.UserMetadata[k] = v
		contents = append(contents, content)
	data.Name = bucket
	data.Contents = contents

	data.EncodingType = encodingType
	data.StartAfter = s3EncodeName(startAfter, encodingType)
	data.Delimiter = s3EncodeName(delimiter, encodingType)
	data.Prefix = s3EncodeName(prefix, encodingType)
	data.MaxKeys = maxKeys
	data.ContinuationToken = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(token))
	data.NextContinuationToken = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(nextToken))
	data.IsTruncated = isTruncated
	for _, prefix := range prefixes {
		var prefixItem = CommonPrefix{}
		prefixItem.Prefix = s3EncodeName(prefix, encodingType)
		commonPrefixes = append(commonPrefixes, prefixItem)
	data.CommonPrefixes = commonPrefixes
	data.KeyCount = len(data.Contents) + len(data.CommonPrefixes)
	return data

// generates CopyObjectResponse from etag and lastModified time.
func generateCopyObjectResponse(etag string, lastModified time.Time) CopyObjectResponse {
	return CopyObjectResponse{
		ETag:         "\"" + etag + "\"",
		LastModified: lastModified.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong),

// generates CopyObjectPartResponse from etag and lastModified time.
func generateCopyObjectPartResponse(etag string, lastModified time.Time) CopyObjectPartResponse {
	return CopyObjectPartResponse{
		ETag:         "\"" + etag + "\"",
		LastModified: lastModified.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong),

// generates InitiateMultipartUploadResponse for given bucket, key and uploadID.
func generateInitiateMultipartUploadResponse(bucket, key, uploadID string) InitiateMultipartUploadResponse {
	return InitiateMultipartUploadResponse{
		Bucket:   bucket,
		Key:      key,
		UploadID: uploadID,

// generates CompleteMultipartUploadResponse for given bucket, key, location and ETag.
func generateCompleteMultpartUploadResponse(bucket, key, location, etag string) CompleteMultipartUploadResponse {
	return CompleteMultipartUploadResponse{
		Location: location,
		Bucket:   bucket,
		Key:      key,
		ETag:     etag,

// generates ListPartsResponse from ListPartsInfo.
func generateListPartsResponse(partsInfo ListPartsInfo, encodingType string) ListPartsResponse {
	listPartsResponse := ListPartsResponse{}
	listPartsResponse.Bucket = partsInfo.Bucket
	listPartsResponse.Key = s3EncodeName(partsInfo.Object, encodingType)
	listPartsResponse.UploadID = partsInfo.UploadID
	listPartsResponse.StorageClass = globalMinioDefaultStorageClass
	listPartsResponse.Initiator.ID = globalMinioDefaultOwnerID
	listPartsResponse.Owner.ID = globalMinioDefaultOwnerID

	listPartsResponse.MaxParts = partsInfo.MaxParts
	listPartsResponse.PartNumberMarker = partsInfo.PartNumberMarker
	listPartsResponse.IsTruncated = partsInfo.IsTruncated
	listPartsResponse.NextPartNumberMarker = partsInfo.NextPartNumberMarker

	listPartsResponse.Parts = make([]Part, len(partsInfo.Parts))
	for index, part := range partsInfo.Parts {
		newPart := Part{}
		newPart.PartNumber = part.PartNumber
		newPart.ETag = "\"" + part.ETag + "\""
		newPart.Size = part.Size
		newPart.LastModified = part.LastModified.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
		listPartsResponse.Parts[index] = newPart
	return listPartsResponse

// generates ListMultipartUploadsResponse for given bucket and ListMultipartsInfo.
func generateListMultipartUploadsResponse(bucket string, multipartsInfo ListMultipartsInfo, encodingType string) ListMultipartUploadsResponse {
	listMultipartUploadsResponse := ListMultipartUploadsResponse{}
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.Bucket = bucket
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.Delimiter = s3EncodeName(multipartsInfo.Delimiter, encodingType)
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.IsTruncated = multipartsInfo.IsTruncated
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.EncodingType = encodingType
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.Prefix = s3EncodeName(multipartsInfo.Prefix, encodingType)
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.KeyMarker = s3EncodeName(multipartsInfo.KeyMarker, encodingType)
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.NextKeyMarker = s3EncodeName(multipartsInfo.NextKeyMarker, encodingType)
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.MaxUploads = multipartsInfo.MaxUploads
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.NextUploadIDMarker = multipartsInfo.NextUploadIDMarker
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.UploadIDMarker = multipartsInfo.UploadIDMarker
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.CommonPrefixes = make([]CommonPrefix, len(multipartsInfo.CommonPrefixes))
	for index, commonPrefix := range multipartsInfo.CommonPrefixes {
		listMultipartUploadsResponse.CommonPrefixes[index] = CommonPrefix{
			Prefix: s3EncodeName(commonPrefix, encodingType),
	listMultipartUploadsResponse.Uploads = make([]Upload, len(multipartsInfo.Uploads))
	for index, upload := range multipartsInfo.Uploads {
		newUpload := Upload{}
		newUpload.UploadID = upload.UploadID
		newUpload.Key = s3EncodeName(upload.Object, encodingType)
		newUpload.Initiated = upload.Initiated.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
		listMultipartUploadsResponse.Uploads[index] = newUpload
	return listMultipartUploadsResponse

// generate multi objects delete response.
func generateMultiDeleteResponse(quiet bool, deletedObjects []ObjectIdentifier, errs []DeleteError) DeleteObjectsResponse {
	deleteResp := DeleteObjectsResponse{}
	if !quiet {
		deleteResp.DeletedObjects = deletedObjects
	deleteResp.Errors = errs
	return deleteResp

func writeResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, statusCode int, response []byte, mType mimeType) {
	if mType != mimeNone {
		w.Header().Set(xhttp.ContentType, string(mType))
	w.Header().Set(xhttp.ContentLength, strconv.Itoa(len(response)))
	if response != nil {

// mimeType represents various MIME type used API responses.
type mimeType string

const (
	// Means no response type.
	mimeNone mimeType = ""
	// Means response type is JSON.
	mimeJSON mimeType = "application/json"
	// Means response type is XML.
	mimeXML mimeType = "application/xml"

// writeSuccessResponseJSON writes success headers and response if any,
// with content-type set to `application/json`.
func writeSuccessResponseJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, response []byte) {
	writeResponse(w, http.StatusOK, response, mimeJSON)

// writeSuccessResponseXML writes success headers and response if any,
// with content-type set to `application/xml`.
func writeSuccessResponseXML(w http.ResponseWriter, response []byte) {
	writeResponse(w, http.StatusOK, response, mimeXML)

// writeSuccessNoContent writes success headers with http status 204
func writeSuccessNoContent(w http.ResponseWriter) {
	writeResponse(w, http.StatusNoContent, nil, mimeNone)

// writeRedirectSeeOther writes Location header with http status 303
func writeRedirectSeeOther(w http.ResponseWriter, location string) {
	w.Header().Set(xhttp.Location, location)
	writeResponse(w, http.StatusSeeOther, nil, mimeNone)

func writeSuccessResponseHeadersOnly(w http.ResponseWriter) {
	writeResponse(w, http.StatusOK, nil, mimeNone)

// writeErrorRespone writes error headers
func writeErrorResponse(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, err APIError, reqURL *url.URL, browser bool) {
	switch err.Code {
	case "SlowDown", "XMinioServerNotInitialized", "XMinioReadQuorum", "XMinioWriteQuorum":
		// Set retry-after header to indicate user-agents to retry request after 120secs.
		// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Retry-After
		w.Header().Set(xhttp.RetryAfter, "120")
	case "AccessDenied":
		// The request is from browser and also if browser
		// is enabled we need to redirect.
		if browser && globalBrowserEnabled {
			w.Header().Set(xhttp.Location, minioReservedBucketPath+reqURL.Path)

	// Generate error response.
	errorResponse := getAPIErrorResponse(ctx, err, reqURL.Path,
		w.Header().Get(xhttp.AmzRequestID), globalDeploymentID)
	encodedErrorResponse := encodeResponse(errorResponse)
	writeResponse(w, err.HTTPStatusCode, encodedErrorResponse, mimeXML)

func writeErrorResponseHeadersOnly(w http.ResponseWriter, err APIError) {
	writeResponse(w, err.HTTPStatusCode, nil, mimeNone)

func writeErrorResponseString(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, err APIError, reqURL *url.URL) {
	// Generate string error response.
	writeResponse(w, err.HTTPStatusCode, []byte(err.Description), mimeNone)

// writeErrorResponseJSON - writes error response in JSON format;
// useful for admin APIs.
func writeErrorResponseJSON(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, err APIError, reqURL *url.URL) {
	// Generate error response.
	errorResponse := getAPIErrorResponse(ctx, err, reqURL.Path, w.Header().Get(xhttp.AmzRequestID), globalDeploymentID)
	encodedErrorResponse := encodeResponseJSON(errorResponse)
	writeResponse(w, err.HTTPStatusCode, encodedErrorResponse, mimeJSON)

// writeVersionMismatchResponse - writes custom error responses for version mismatches.
func writeVersionMismatchResponse(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, err APIError, reqURL *url.URL, isJSON bool) {
	if isJSON {
		// Generate error response.
		errorResponse := getAPIErrorResponse(ctx, err, reqURL.String(), w.Header().Get(xhttp.AmzRequestID), globalDeploymentID)
		writeResponse(w, err.HTTPStatusCode, encodeResponseJSON(errorResponse), mimeJSON)
	} else {
		writeResponse(w, err.HTTPStatusCode, []byte(err.Description), mimeNone)

// writeCustomErrorResponseJSON - similar to writeErrorResponseJSON,
// but accepts the error message directly (this allows messages to be
// dynamically generated.)
func writeCustomErrorResponseJSON(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, err APIError,
	errBody string, reqURL *url.URL) {

	reqInfo := logger.GetReqInfo(ctx)
	errorResponse := APIErrorResponse{
		Code:       err.Code,
		Message:    errBody,
		Resource:   reqURL.Path,
		BucketName: reqInfo.BucketName,
		Key:        reqInfo.ObjectName,
		RequestID:  w.Header().Get(xhttp.AmzRequestID),
		HostID:     globalDeploymentID,
	encodedErrorResponse := encodeResponseJSON(errorResponse)
	writeResponse(w, err.HTTPStatusCode, encodedErrorResponse, mimeJSON)

// writeCustomErrorResponseXML - similar to writeErrorResponse,
// but accepts the error message directly (this allows messages to be
// dynamically generated.)
func writeCustomErrorResponseXML(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, err APIError, errBody string, reqURL *url.URL, browser bool) {

	switch err.Code {
	case "SlowDown", "XMinioServerNotInitialized", "XMinioReadQuorum", "XMinioWriteQuorum":
		// Set retry-after header to indicate user-agents to retry request after 120secs.
		// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Retry-After
		w.Header().Set(xhttp.RetryAfter, "120")
	case "AccessDenied":
		// The request is from browser and also if browser
		// is enabled we need to redirect.
		if browser && globalBrowserEnabled {
			w.Header().Set(xhttp.Location, minioReservedBucketPath+reqURL.Path)

	reqInfo := logger.GetReqInfo(ctx)
	errorResponse := APIErrorResponse{
		Code:       err.Code,
		Message:    errBody,
		Resource:   reqURL.Path,
		BucketName: reqInfo.BucketName,
		Key:        reqInfo.ObjectName,
		RequestID:  w.Header().Get(xhttp.AmzRequestID),
		HostID:     globalDeploymentID,

	encodedErrorResponse := encodeResponse(errorResponse)
	writeResponse(w, err.HTTPStatusCode, encodedErrorResponse, mimeXML)