 * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016, 2017 Minio, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package cmd

import (


// Config version
const v19 = "19"

var (
	// serverConfig server config.
	serverConfig   *serverConfigV19
	serverConfigMu sync.RWMutex

// serverConfigV19 server configuration version '19' which is like
// version '18' except it adds support for MQTT notifications.
type serverConfigV19 struct {
	Version string `json:"version"`

	// S3 API configuration.
	Credential credential  `json:"credential"`
	Region     string      `json:"region"`
	Browser    BrowserFlag `json:"browser"`

	// Additional error logging configuration.
	Logger *loggers `json:"logger"`

	// Notification queue configuration.
	Notify *notifier `json:"notify"`

// GetVersion get current config version.
func (s *serverConfigV19) GetVersion() string {
	defer s.RUnlock()

	return s.Version

// SetRegion set new region.
func (s *serverConfigV19) SetRegion(region string) {
	defer s.Unlock()

	s.Region = region

// GetRegion get current region.
func (s *serverConfigV19) GetRegion() string {
	defer s.RUnlock()

	return s.Region

// SetCredentials set new credentials.
func (s *serverConfigV19) SetCredential(creds credential) {
	defer s.Unlock()

	// Set updated credential.
	s.Credential = creds

// GetCredentials get current credentials.
func (s *serverConfigV19) GetCredential() credential {
	defer s.RUnlock()

	return s.Credential

// SetBrowser set if browser is enabled.
func (s *serverConfigV19) SetBrowser(b bool) {
	defer s.Unlock()

	// Set the new value.
	s.Browser = BrowserFlag(b)

// GetCredentials get current credentials.
func (s *serverConfigV19) GetBrowser() bool {
	defer s.RUnlock()

	return bool(s.Browser)

// Save config.
func (s *serverConfigV19) Save() error {
	defer s.RUnlock()

	// Save config file.
	return quick.Save(getConfigFile(), s)

func newServerConfigV19() *serverConfigV19 {
	srvCfg := &serverConfigV19{
		Version:    v19,
		Credential: mustGetNewCredential(),
		Region:     globalMinioDefaultRegion,
		Browser:    true,
		Logger:     &loggers{},
		Notify:     &notifier{},

	// Enable console logger by default on a fresh run.
	srvCfg.Logger.Console = NewConsoleLogger()

	// Make sure to initialize notification configs.
	srvCfg.Notify.AMQP = make(map[string]amqpNotify)
	srvCfg.Notify.AMQP["1"] = amqpNotify{}
	srvCfg.Notify.MQTT = make(map[string]mqttNotify)
	srvCfg.Notify.MQTT["1"] = mqttNotify{}
	srvCfg.Notify.ElasticSearch = make(map[string]elasticSearchNotify)
	srvCfg.Notify.ElasticSearch["1"] = elasticSearchNotify{}
	srvCfg.Notify.Redis = make(map[string]redisNotify)
	srvCfg.Notify.Redis["1"] = redisNotify{}
	srvCfg.Notify.NATS = make(map[string]natsNotify)
	srvCfg.Notify.NATS["1"] = natsNotify{}
	srvCfg.Notify.PostgreSQL = make(map[string]postgreSQLNotify)
	srvCfg.Notify.PostgreSQL["1"] = postgreSQLNotify{}
	srvCfg.Notify.MySQL = make(map[string]mySQLNotify)
	srvCfg.Notify.MySQL["1"] = mySQLNotify{}
	srvCfg.Notify.Kafka = make(map[string]kafkaNotify)
	srvCfg.Notify.Kafka["1"] = kafkaNotify{}
	srvCfg.Notify.Webhook = make(map[string]webhookNotify)
	srvCfg.Notify.Webhook["1"] = webhookNotify{}

	return srvCfg

// newConfig - initialize a new server config, saves env parameters if
// found, otherwise use default parameters
func newConfig() error {
	// Initialize server config.
	srvCfg := newServerConfigV19()

	// If env is set override the credentials from config file.
	if globalIsEnvCreds {

	if globalIsEnvBrowser {

	if globalIsEnvRegion {

	// hold the mutex lock before a new config is assigned.
	// Save the new config globally.
	// unlock the mutex.
	serverConfig = srvCfg

	// Save config into file.
	return serverConfig.Save()

// doCheckDupJSONKeys recursively detects duplicate json keys
func doCheckDupJSONKeys(key, value gjson.Result) error {
	// Key occurrences map of the current scope to count
	// if there is any duplicated json key.
	keysOcc := make(map[string]int)

	// Holds the found error
	var checkErr error

	// Iterate over keys in the current json scope
	value.ForEach(func(k, v gjson.Result) bool {
		// If current key is not null, check if its
		// value contains some duplicated keys.
		if k.Type != gjson.Null {
			checkErr = doCheckDupJSONKeys(k, v)
		return checkErr == nil

	// Check found err
	if checkErr != nil {
		return errors.New(key.String() + " => " + checkErr.Error())

	// Check for duplicated keys
	for k, v := range keysOcc {
		if v > 1 {
			return errors.New(key.String() + " => `" + k + "` entry is duplicated")

	return nil

// Check recursively if a key is duplicated in the same json scope
// e.g.:
//  `{ "key" : { "key" ..` is accepted
//  `{ "key" : { "subkey" : "val1", "subkey": "val2" ..` throws subkey duplicated error
func checkDupJSONKeys(json string) error {
	// Parse config with gjson library
	config := gjson.Parse(json)

	// Create a fake rootKey since root json doesn't seem to have representation
	// in gjson library.
	rootKey := gjson.Result{Type: gjson.String, Str: minioConfigFile}

	// Check if loaded json contains any duplicated keys
	return doCheckDupJSONKeys(rootKey, config)

// getValidConfig - returns valid server configuration
func getValidConfig() (*serverConfigV19, error) {
	srvCfg := &serverConfigV19{
		Region:  globalMinioDefaultRegion,
		Browser: true,

	configFile := getConfigFile()
	if _, err := quick.Load(configFile, srvCfg); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if srvCfg.Version != v19 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("configuration version mismatch. Expected: ā€˜%sā€™, Got: ā€˜%sā€™", v19, srvCfg.Version)

	// Load config file json and check for duplication json keys
	jsonBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err = checkDupJSONKeys(string(jsonBytes)); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Validate credential fields only when
	// they are not set via the environment

	// Error out if global is env credential is not set and config has invalid credential
	if !globalIsEnvCreds && !srvCfg.Credential.IsValid() {
		return nil, errors.New("invalid credential in config file " + configFile)

	// Validate logger field
	if err = srvCfg.Logger.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Validate notify field
	if err = srvCfg.Notify.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return srvCfg, nil

// loadConfig - loads a new config from disk, overrides params from env
// if found and valid
func loadConfig() error {
	srvCfg, err := getValidConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// If env is set override the credentials from config file.
	if globalIsEnvCreds {

	if globalIsEnvBrowser {

	if globalIsEnvRegion {

	// hold the mutex lock before a new config is assigned.
	serverConfig = srvCfg
	if !globalIsEnvCreds {
		globalActiveCred = serverConfig.GetCredential()
	if !globalIsEnvBrowser {
		globalIsBrowserEnabled = serverConfig.GetBrowser()
	if !globalIsEnvRegion {
		globalServerRegion = serverConfig.GetRegion()

	return nil