/* * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cmd import ( "context" "encoding/xml" "fmt" "net/http" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/auth" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/dns" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/event" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/hash" ) // APIError structure type APIError struct { Code string Description string HTTPStatusCode int } // APIErrorResponse - error response format type APIErrorResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Error" json:"-"` Code string Message string Key string BucketName string Resource string RequestID string `xml:"RequestId" json:"RequestId"` HostID string `xml:"HostId" json:"HostId"` } // APIErrorCode type of error status. type APIErrorCode int // Error codes, non exhaustive list - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/ErrorResponses.html const ( ErrNone APIErrorCode = iota ErrAccessDenied ErrBadDigest ErrEntityTooSmall ErrEntityTooLarge ErrIncompleteBody ErrInternalError ErrInvalidAccessKeyID ErrInvalidBucketName ErrInvalidDigest ErrInvalidRange ErrInvalidCopyPartRange ErrInvalidCopyPartRangeSource ErrInvalidMaxKeys ErrInvalidMaxUploads ErrInvalidMaxParts ErrInvalidPartNumberMarker ErrInvalidRequestBody ErrInvalidCopySource ErrInvalidMetadataDirective ErrInvalidCopyDest ErrInvalidPolicyDocument ErrInvalidObjectState ErrMalformedXML ErrMissingContentLength ErrMissingContentMD5 ErrMissingRequestBodyError ErrNoSuchBucket ErrNoSuchBucketPolicy ErrNoSuchKey ErrNoSuchUpload ErrNotImplemented ErrPreconditionFailed ErrRequestTimeTooSkewed ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch ErrMethodNotAllowed ErrInvalidPart ErrInvalidPartOrder ErrAuthorizationHeaderMalformed ErrMalformedPOSTRequest ErrPOSTFileRequired ErrSignatureVersionNotSupported ErrBucketNotEmpty ErrAllAccessDisabled ErrMalformedPolicy ErrMissingFields ErrMissingCredTag ErrCredMalformed ErrInvalidRegion ErrInvalidService ErrInvalidRequestVersion ErrMissingSignTag ErrMissingSignHeadersTag ErrPolicyAlreadyExpired ErrMalformedDate ErrMalformedPresignedDate ErrMalformedCredentialDate ErrMalformedCredentialRegion ErrMalformedExpires ErrNegativeExpires ErrAuthHeaderEmpty ErrExpiredPresignRequest ErrRequestNotReadyYet ErrUnsignedHeaders ErrMissingDateHeader ErrInvalidQuerySignatureAlgo ErrInvalidQueryParams ErrBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou ErrInvalidDuration ErrBucketAlreadyExists ErrMetadataTooLarge ErrUnsupportedMetadata ErrMaximumExpires ErrSlowDown ErrInvalidPrefixMarker // Add new error codes here. // Server-Side-Encryption (with Customer provided key) related API errors. ErrInsecureSSECustomerRequest ErrSSEMultipartEncrypted ErrSSEEncryptedObject ErrInvalidEncryptionParameters ErrInvalidSSECustomerAlgorithm ErrInvalidSSECustomerKey ErrMissingSSECustomerKey ErrMissingSSECustomerKeyMD5 ErrSSECustomerKeyMD5Mismatch ErrInvalidSSECustomerParameters // Bucket notification related errors. ErrEventNotification ErrARNNotification ErrRegionNotification ErrOverlappingFilterNotification ErrFilterNameInvalid ErrFilterNamePrefix ErrFilterNameSuffix ErrFilterValueInvalid ErrOverlappingConfigs ErrUnsupportedNotification // S3 extended errors. ErrContentSHA256Mismatch // Add new extended error codes here. // Minio extended errors. ErrReadQuorum ErrWriteQuorum ErrStorageFull ErrRequestBodyParse ErrObjectExistsAsDirectory ErrPolicyNesting ErrInvalidObjectName ErrInvalidResourceName ErrServerNotInitialized ErrOperationTimedOut ErrPartsSizeUnequal ErrInvalidRequest // Minio storage class error codes ErrInvalidStorageClass ErrBackendDown // Add new extended error codes here. // Please open a https://github.com/minio/minio/issues before adding // new error codes here. ErrMalformedJSON ErrAdminInvalidAccessKey ErrAdminInvalidSecretKey ErrAdminConfigNoQuorum ErrAdminConfigTooLarge ErrAdminConfigBadJSON ErrAdminCredentialsMismatch ErrInsecureClientRequest ErrObjectTampered ErrHealNotImplemented ErrHealNoSuchProcess ErrHealInvalidClientToken ErrHealMissingBucket ErrHealAlreadyRunning ErrHealOverlappingPaths ErrIncorrectContinuationToken ) // error code to APIError structure, these fields carry respective // descriptions for all the error responses. var errorCodeResponse = map[APIErrorCode]APIError{ ErrInvalidCopyDest: { Code: "InvalidRequest", Description: "This copy request is illegal because it is trying to copy an object to itself without changing the object's metadata, storage class, website redirect location or encryption attributes.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidCopySource: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Copy Source must mention the source bucket and key: sourcebucket/sourcekey.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidMetadataDirective: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Unknown metadata directive.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidStorageClass: { Code: "InvalidStorageClass", Description: "Invalid storage class.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidRequestBody: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Body shouldn't be set for this request.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidMaxUploads: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Argument max-uploads must be an integer between 0 and 2147483647", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidMaxKeys: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Argument maxKeys must be an integer between 0 and 2147483647", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidMaxParts: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Argument max-parts must be an integer between 0 and 2147483647", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidPartNumberMarker: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Argument partNumberMarker must be an integer.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidPolicyDocument: { Code: "InvalidPolicyDocument", Description: "The content of the form does not meet the conditions specified in the policy document.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrAccessDenied: { Code: "AccessDenied", Description: "Access Denied.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden, }, ErrBadDigest: { Code: "BadDigest", Description: "The Content-Md5 you specified did not match what we received.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrEntityTooSmall: { Code: "EntityTooSmall", Description: "Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed object size.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrEntityTooLarge: { Code: "EntityTooLarge", Description: "Your proposed upload exceeds the maximum allowed object size.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrIncompleteBody: { Code: "IncompleteBody", Description: "You did not provide the number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInternalError: { Code: "InternalError", Description: "We encountered an internal error, please try again.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError, }, ErrInvalidAccessKeyID: { Code: "InvalidAccessKeyId", Description: "The access key ID you provided does not exist in our records.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden, }, ErrInvalidBucketName: { Code: "InvalidBucketName", Description: "The specified bucket is not valid.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidDigest: { Code: "InvalidDigest", Description: "The Content-Md5 you specified is not valid.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidRange: { Code: "InvalidRange", Description: "The requested range is not satisfiable", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, }, ErrMalformedXML: { Code: "MalformedXML", Description: "The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMissingContentLength: { Code: "MissingContentLength", Description: "You must provide the Content-Length HTTP header.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusLengthRequired, }, ErrMissingContentMD5: { Code: "MissingContentMD5", Description: "Missing required header for this request: Content-Md5.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMissingRequestBodyError: { Code: "MissingRequestBodyError", Description: "Request body is empty.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusLengthRequired, }, ErrNoSuchBucket: { Code: "NoSuchBucket", Description: "The specified bucket does not exist", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, }, ErrNoSuchBucketPolicy: { Code: "NoSuchBucketPolicy", Description: "The bucket policy does not exist", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, }, ErrNoSuchKey: { Code: "NoSuchKey", Description: "The specified key does not exist.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, }, ErrNoSuchUpload: { Code: "NoSuchUpload", Description: "The specified multipart upload does not exist. The upload ID may be invalid, or the upload may have been aborted or completed.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound, }, ErrNotImplemented: { Code: "NotImplemented", Description: "A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotImplemented, }, ErrPreconditionFailed: { Code: "PreconditionFailed", Description: "At least one of the pre-conditions you specified did not hold", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusPreconditionFailed, }, ErrRequestTimeTooSkewed: { Code: "RequestTimeTooSkewed", Description: "The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden, }, ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch: { Code: "SignatureDoesNotMatch", Description: "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden, }, ErrMethodNotAllowed: { Code: "MethodNotAllowed", Description: "The specified method is not allowed against this resource.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, }, ErrInvalidPart: { Code: "InvalidPart", Description: "One or more of the specified parts could not be found. The part may not have been uploaded, or the specified entity tag may not match the part's entity tag.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidPartOrder: { Code: "InvalidPartOrder", Description: "The list of parts was not in ascending order. The parts list must be specified in order by part number.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidObjectState: { Code: "InvalidObjectState", Description: "The operation is not valid for the current state of the object.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden, }, ErrAuthorizationHeaderMalformed: { Code: "AuthorizationHeaderMalformed", Description: "The authorization header is malformed; the region is wrong; expecting 'us-east-1'.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMalformedPOSTRequest: { Code: "MalformedPOSTRequest", Description: "The body of your POST request is not well-formed multipart/form-data.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrPOSTFileRequired: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "POST requires exactly one file upload per request.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrSignatureVersionNotSupported: { Code: "InvalidRequest", Description: "The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrBucketNotEmpty: { Code: "BucketNotEmpty", Description: "The bucket you tried to delete is not empty", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusConflict, }, ErrBucketAlreadyExists: { Code: "BucketAlreadyExists", Description: "The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusConflict, }, ErrAllAccessDisabled: { Code: "AllAccessDisabled", Description: "All access to this bucket has been disabled.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden, }, ErrMalformedPolicy: { Code: "MalformedPolicy", Description: "Policy has invalid resource.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMissingFields: { Code: "MissingFields", Description: "Missing fields in request.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMissingCredTag: { Code: "InvalidRequest", Description: "Missing Credential field for this request.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrCredMalformed: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; the Credential is mal-formed; expecting \"<YOUR-AKID>/YYYYMMDD/REGION/SERVICE/aws4_request\".", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMalformedDate: { Code: "MalformedDate", Description: "Invalid date format header, expected to be in ISO8601, RFC1123 or RFC1123Z time format.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMalformedPresignedDate: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "X-Amz-Date must be in the ISO8601 Long Format \"yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'\"", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // FIXME: Should contain the invalid param set as seen in https://github.com/minio/minio/issues/2385. // right Description: "Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; incorrect date format \"%s\". This date in the credential must be in the format \"yyyyMMdd\".", // Need changes to make sure variable messages can be constructed. ErrMalformedCredentialDate: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; incorrect date format \"%s\". This date in the credential must be in the format \"yyyyMMdd\".", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // FIXME: Should contain the invalid param set as seen in https://github.com/minio/minio/issues/2385. // right Description: "Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; the region 'us-east-' is wrong; expecting 'us-east-1'". // Need changes to make sure variable messages can be constructed. ErrMalformedCredentialRegion: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; the region is wrong;", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidRegion: { Code: "InvalidRegion", Description: "Region does not match.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // FIXME: Should contain the invalid param set as seen in https://github.com/minio/minio/issues/2385. // right Description: "Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; incorrect service \"s4\". This endpoint belongs to \"s3\".". // Need changes to make sure variable messages can be constructed. ErrInvalidService: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; incorrect service. This endpoint belongs to \"s3\".", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // FIXME: Should contain the invalid param set as seen in https://github.com/minio/minio/issues/2385. // Description: "Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; incorrect terminal "aws4_reque". This endpoint uses "aws4_request". // Need changes to make sure variable messages can be constructed. ErrInvalidRequestVersion: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; incorrect terminal. This endpoint uses \"aws4_request\".", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMissingSignTag: { Code: "AccessDenied", Description: "Signature header missing Signature field.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMissingSignHeadersTag: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Signature header missing SignedHeaders field.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrPolicyAlreadyExpired: { Code: "AccessDenied", Description: "Invalid according to Policy: Policy expired.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMalformedExpires: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "X-Amz-Expires should be a number", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrNegativeExpires: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "X-Amz-Expires must be non-negative", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrAuthHeaderEmpty: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Authorization header is invalid -- one and only one ' ' (space) required.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMissingDateHeader: { Code: "AccessDenied", Description: "AWS authentication requires a valid Date or x-amz-date header", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidQuerySignatureAlgo: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "X-Amz-Algorithm only supports \"AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\".", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrExpiredPresignRequest: { Code: "AccessDenied", Description: "Request has expired", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden, }, ErrRequestNotReadyYet: { Code: "AccessDenied", Description: "Request is not valid yet", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden, }, ErrSlowDown: { Code: "SlowDown", Description: "Please reduce your request", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable, }, ErrInvalidPrefixMarker: { Code: "InvalidPrefixMarker", Description: "Invalid marker prefix combination", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // FIXME: Actual XML error response also contains the header which missed in list of signed header parameters. ErrUnsignedHeaders: { Code: "AccessDenied", Description: "There were headers present in the request which were not signed", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidQueryParams: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "Query-string authentication version 4 requires the X-Amz-Algorithm, X-Amz-Credential, X-Amz-Signature, X-Amz-Date, X-Amz-SignedHeaders, and X-Amz-Expires parameters.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou: { Code: "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou", Description: "Your previous request to create the named bucket succeeded and you already own it.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusConflict, }, ErrInvalidDuration: { Code: "InvalidDuration", Description: "Duration provided in the request is invalid.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, /// Bucket notification related errors. ErrEventNotification: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "A specified event is not supported for notifications.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrARNNotification: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "A specified destination ARN does not exist or is not well-formed. Verify the destination ARN.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrRegionNotification: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "A specified destination is in a different region than the bucket. You must use a destination that resides in the same region as the bucket.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrOverlappingFilterNotification: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "An object key name filtering rule defined with overlapping prefixes, overlapping suffixes, or overlapping combinations of prefixes and suffixes for the same event types.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrFilterNameInvalid: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "filter rule name must be either prefix or suffix", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrFilterNamePrefix: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Cannot specify more than one prefix rule in a filter.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrFilterNameSuffix: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Cannot specify more than one suffix rule in a filter.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrFilterValueInvalid: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Size of filter rule value cannot exceed 1024 bytes in UTF-8 representation", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrOverlappingConfigs: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Configurations overlap. Configurations on the same bucket cannot share a common event type.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrUnsupportedNotification: { Code: "UnsupportedNotification", Description: "Minio server does not support Topic or Cloud Function based notifications.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidCopyPartRange: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "The x-amz-copy-source-range value must be of the form bytes=first-last where first and last are the zero-based offsets of the first and last bytes to copy", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidCopyPartRangeSource: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Range specified is not valid for source object", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMetadataTooLarge: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Your metadata headers exceed the maximum allowed metadata size.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInsecureSSECustomerRequest: { Code: "InvalidRequest", Description: "Requests specifying Server Side Encryption with Customer provided keys must be made over a secure connection.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrSSEMultipartEncrypted: { Code: "InvalidRequest", Description: "The multipart upload initiate requested encryption. Subsequent part requests must include the appropriate encryption parameters.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrSSEEncryptedObject: { Code: "InvalidRequest", Description: "The object was stored using a form of Server Side Encryption. The correct parameters must be provided to retrieve the object.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidEncryptionParameters: { Code: "InvalidRequest", Description: "The encryption parameters are not applicable to this object.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidSSECustomerAlgorithm: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Requests specifying Server Side Encryption with Customer provided keys must provide a valid encryption algorithm.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidSSECustomerKey: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "The secret key was invalid for the specified algorithm.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMissingSSECustomerKey: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Requests specifying Server Side Encryption with Customer provided keys must provide an appropriate secret key.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrMissingSSECustomerKeyMD5: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Requests specifying Server Side Encryption with Customer provided keys must provide the client calculated MD5 of the secret key.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrSSECustomerKeyMD5Mismatch: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "The calculated MD5 hash of the key did not match the hash that was provided.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidSSECustomerParameters: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "The provided encryption parameters did not match the ones used originally.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, /// S3 extensions. ErrContentSHA256Mismatch: { Code: "XAmzContentSHA256Mismatch", Description: "The provided 'x-amz-content-sha256' header does not match what was computed.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, /// Minio extensions. ErrStorageFull: { Code: "XMinioStorageFull", Description: "Storage backend has reached its minimum free disk threshold. Please delete a few objects to proceed.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusInsufficientStorage, }, ErrRequestBodyParse: { Code: "XMinioRequestBodyParse", Description: "The request body failed to parse.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrObjectExistsAsDirectory: { Code: "XMinioObjectExistsAsDirectory", Description: "Object name already exists as a directory.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusConflict, }, ErrReadQuorum: { Code: "XMinioReadQuorum", Description: "Multiple disk failures, unable to reconstruct data.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable, }, ErrWriteQuorum: { Code: "XMinioWriteQuorum", Description: "Multiple disks failures, unable to write data.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable, }, ErrPolicyNesting: { Code: "XMinioPolicyNesting", Description: "New bucket policy conflicts with an existing policy. Please try again with new prefix.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusConflict, }, ErrInvalidObjectName: { Code: "XMinioInvalidObjectName", Description: "Object name contains unsupported characters.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrInvalidResourceName: { Code: "XMinioInvalidResourceName", Description: "Resource name contains bad components such as \"..\" or \".\".", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrServerNotInitialized: { Code: "XMinioServerNotInitialized", Description: "Server not initialized, please try again.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable, }, ErrMalformedJSON: { Code: "XMinioMalformedJSON", Description: "The JSON you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published format.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrAdminInvalidAccessKey: { Code: "XMinioAdminInvalidAccessKey", Description: "The access key is invalid.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrAdminInvalidSecretKey: { Code: "XMinioAdminInvalidSecretKey", Description: "The secret key is invalid.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrAdminConfigNoQuorum: { Code: "XMinioAdminConfigNoQuorum", Description: "Configuration update failed because server quorum was not met", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable, }, ErrAdminConfigTooLarge: { Code: "XMinioAdminConfigTooLarge", Description: fmt.Sprintf("Configuration data provided exceeds the allowed maximum of %d bytes", maxConfigJSONSize), HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrAdminConfigBadJSON: { Code: "XMinioAdminConfigBadJSON", Description: "JSON configuration provided has objects with duplicate keys", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrAdminCredentialsMismatch: { Code: "XMinioAdminCredentialsMismatch", Description: "Credentials in config mismatch with server environment variables", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable, }, ErrInsecureClientRequest: { Code: "XMinioInsecureClientRequest", Description: "Cannot respond to plain-text request from TLS-encrypted server", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrOperationTimedOut: { Code: "XMinioServerTimedOut", Description: "A timeout occurred while trying to lock a resource", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusRequestTimeout, }, ErrUnsupportedMetadata: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "Your metadata headers are not supported.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrPartsSizeUnequal: { Code: "XMinioPartsSizeUnequal", Description: "All parts except the last part should be of the same size.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrObjectTampered: { Code: "XMinioObjectTampered", Description: errObjectTampered.Error(), HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusPartialContent, }, ErrMaximumExpires: { Code: "AuthorizationQueryParametersError", Description: "X-Amz-Expires must be less than a week (in seconds); that is, the given X-Amz-Expires must be less than 604800 seconds", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // Generic Invalid-Request error. Should be used for response errors only for unlikely // corner case errors for which introducing new APIErrorCode is not worth it. LogIf() // should be used to log the error at the source of the error for debugging purposes. ErrInvalidRequest: { Code: "InvalidRequest", Description: "Invalid Request", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrHealNotImplemented: { Code: "XMinioHealNotImplemented", Description: "This server does not implement heal functionality.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrHealNoSuchProcess: { Code: "XMinioHealNoSuchProcess", Description: "No such heal process is running on the server", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrHealInvalidClientToken: { Code: "XMinioHealInvalidClientToken", Description: "Client token mismatch", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrHealMissingBucket: { Code: "XMinioHealMissingBucket", Description: "A heal start request with a non-empty object-prefix parameter requires a bucket to be specified.", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrHealAlreadyRunning: { Code: "XMinioHealAlreadyRunning", Description: "", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrHealOverlappingPaths: { Code: "XMinioHealOverlappingPaths", Description: "", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, ErrBackendDown: { Code: "XMinioBackendDown", Description: "Object storage backend is unreachable", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable, }, ErrIncorrectContinuationToken: { Code: "InvalidArgument", Description: "The continuation token provided is incorrect", HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // Add your error structure here. } // toAPIErrorCode - Converts embedded errors. Convenience // function written to handle all cases where we have known types of // errors returned by underlying layers. func toAPIErrorCode(err error) (apiErr APIErrorCode) { if err == nil { return ErrNone } // Verify if the underlying error is signature mismatch. switch err { case errSignatureMismatch: apiErr = ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch case errDataTooLarge: apiErr = ErrEntityTooLarge case errDataTooSmall: apiErr = ErrEntityTooSmall case auth.ErrInvalidAccessKeyLength: apiErr = ErrAdminInvalidAccessKey case auth.ErrInvalidSecretKeyLength: apiErr = ErrAdminInvalidSecretKey // SSE errors case errInsecureSSERequest: apiErr = ErrInsecureSSECustomerRequest case errInvalidSSEAlgorithm: apiErr = ErrInvalidSSECustomerAlgorithm case errInvalidSSEKey: apiErr = ErrInvalidSSECustomerKey case errMissingSSEKey: apiErr = ErrMissingSSECustomerKey case errMissingSSEKeyMD5: apiErr = ErrMissingSSECustomerKeyMD5 case errSSEKeyMD5Mismatch: apiErr = ErrSSECustomerKeyMD5Mismatch case errObjectTampered: apiErr = ErrObjectTampered case errEncryptedObject: apiErr = ErrSSEEncryptedObject case errInvalidSSEParameters: apiErr = ErrInvalidSSECustomerParameters case errSSEKeyMismatch: apiErr = ErrAccessDenied // no access without correct key case context.Canceled, context.DeadlineExceeded: apiErr = ErrOperationTimedOut } if apiErr != ErrNone { // If there was a match in the above switch case. return apiErr } // etcd specific errors, a key is always a bucket for us return // ErrNoSuchBucket in such a case. if err == dns.ErrNoEntriesFound { return ErrNoSuchBucket } switch err.(type) { case StorageFull: apiErr = ErrStorageFull case hash.BadDigest: apiErr = ErrBadDigest case AllAccessDisabled: apiErr = ErrAllAccessDisabled case IncompleteBody: apiErr = ErrIncompleteBody case ObjectExistsAsDirectory: apiErr = ErrObjectExistsAsDirectory case PrefixAccessDenied: apiErr = ErrAccessDenied case BucketNameInvalid: apiErr = ErrInvalidBucketName case BucketNotFound: apiErr = ErrNoSuchBucket case BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou: apiErr = ErrBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou case BucketNotEmpty: apiErr = ErrBucketNotEmpty case BucketAlreadyExists: apiErr = ErrBucketAlreadyExists case BucketExists: apiErr = ErrBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou case ObjectNotFound: apiErr = ErrNoSuchKey case ObjectAlreadyExists: apiErr = ErrMethodNotAllowed case ObjectNameInvalid: apiErr = ErrInvalidObjectName case InvalidUploadID: apiErr = ErrNoSuchUpload case InvalidPart: apiErr = ErrInvalidPart case InsufficientWriteQuorum: apiErr = ErrWriteQuorum case InsufficientReadQuorum: apiErr = ErrReadQuorum case UnsupportedDelimiter: apiErr = ErrNotImplemented case InvalidMarkerPrefixCombination: apiErr = ErrNotImplemented case InvalidUploadIDKeyCombination: apiErr = ErrNotImplemented case MalformedUploadID: apiErr = ErrNoSuchUpload case PartTooSmall: apiErr = ErrEntityTooSmall case SignatureDoesNotMatch: apiErr = ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch case hash.SHA256Mismatch: apiErr = ErrContentSHA256Mismatch case ObjectTooLarge: apiErr = ErrEntityTooLarge case ObjectTooSmall: apiErr = ErrEntityTooSmall case NotImplemented: apiErr = ErrNotImplemented case PartTooBig: apiErr = ErrEntityTooLarge case UnsupportedMetadata: apiErr = ErrUnsupportedMetadata case PartsSizeUnequal: apiErr = ErrPartsSizeUnequal case BucketPolicyNotFound: apiErr = ErrNoSuchBucketPolicy case *event.ErrInvalidEventName: apiErr = ErrEventNotification case *event.ErrInvalidARN: apiErr = ErrARNNotification case *event.ErrARNNotFound: apiErr = ErrARNNotification case *event.ErrUnknownRegion: apiErr = ErrRegionNotification case *event.ErrInvalidFilterName: apiErr = ErrFilterNameInvalid case *event.ErrFilterNamePrefix: apiErr = ErrFilterNamePrefix case *event.ErrFilterNameSuffix: apiErr = ErrFilterNameSuffix case *event.ErrInvalidFilterValue: apiErr = ErrFilterValueInvalid case *event.ErrDuplicateEventName: apiErr = ErrOverlappingConfigs case *event.ErrDuplicateQueueConfiguration: apiErr = ErrOverlappingFilterNotification case *event.ErrUnsupportedConfiguration: apiErr = ErrUnsupportedNotification case BackendDown: apiErr = ErrBackendDown default: apiErr = ErrInternalError } return apiErr } // getAPIError provides API Error for input API error code. func getAPIError(code APIErrorCode) APIError { return errorCodeResponse[code] } // getErrorResponse gets in standard error and resource value and // provides a encodable populated response values func getAPIErrorResponse(err APIError, resource string) APIErrorResponse { return APIErrorResponse{ Code: err.Code, Message: err.Description, Resource: resource, RequestID: "3L137", HostID: "3L137", } }