# Running Minio as a service on Windows ## Install Minio service NSSM is an opensource alternative to srvany. NSSM is still being updated, and works on Windows 10 as well. Download [NSSM](http://nssm.cc/download) and extract the 64 bit nssm.exe to a known path. ``` c:\nssm.exe install Minio c:\bin\minio.exe server c:\data ``` ### Configure startup type When you start services, look for the Minio service and start and stop (or make it automatically start at reboots) the service.  ### Configure user It is a good (and secure) practice to create a new user, assign rights to the data folder to this user and change the service Log On info to use the newly created user.  ## Delete Minio service ``` c:\nssm.exe remove Minio ```