// Copyright (c) 2015-2022 MinIO, Inc. // // This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. package cmd import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "math/rand" "reflect" "strings" "sync" "time" "github.com/minio/minio-go/v7/pkg/set" "github.com/minio/minio/internal/grid" "github.com/minio/minio/internal/logger" "github.com/minio/pkg/v2/env" ) // To abstract a node over network. type bootstrapRESTServer struct{} //go:generate msgp -file=$GOFILE // ServerSystemConfig - captures information about server configuration. type ServerSystemConfig struct { NEndpoints int CmdLines []string MinioEnv map[string]string } // Diff - returns error on first difference found in two configs. func (s1 *ServerSystemConfig) Diff(s2 *ServerSystemConfig) error { ns1 := s1.NEndpoints ns2 := s2.NEndpoints if ns1 != ns2 { return fmt.Errorf("Expected number of endpoints %d, seen %d", ns1, ns2) } for i, cmdLine := range s1.CmdLines { if cmdLine != s2.CmdLines[i] { return fmt.Errorf("Expected command line argument %s, seen %s", cmdLine, s2.CmdLines[i]) } } if reflect.DeepEqual(s1.MinioEnv, s2.MinioEnv) { return nil } // Report differences in environment variables. var missing []string var mismatching []string for k, v := range s1.MinioEnv { ev, ok := s2.MinioEnv[k] if !ok { missing = append(missing, k) } else if v != ev { mismatching = append(mismatching, k) } } var extra []string for k := range s2.MinioEnv { _, ok := s1.MinioEnv[k] if !ok { extra = append(extra, k) } } msg := "Expected same MINIO_ environment variables and values across all servers: " if len(missing) > 0 { msg += fmt.Sprintf(`Missing environment values: %v. `, missing) } if len(mismatching) > 0 { msg += fmt.Sprintf(`Mismatching environment values: %v. `, mismatching) } if len(extra) > 0 { msg += fmt.Sprintf(`Extra environment values: %v. `, extra) } return errors.New(strings.TrimSpace(msg)) } var skipEnvs = map[string]struct{}{ "MINIO_OPTS": {}, "MINIO_CERT_PASSWD": {}, "MINIO_SERVER_DEBUG": {}, "MINIO_DSYNC_TRACE": {}, "MINIO_ROOT_USER": {}, "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD": {}, "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY": {}, "MINIO_SECRET_KEY": {}, } func getServerSystemCfg() *ServerSystemConfig { envs := env.List("MINIO_") envValues := make(map[string]string, len(envs)) for _, envK := range envs { // skip certain environment variables as part // of the whitelist and could be configured // differently on each nodes, update skipEnvs() // map if there are such environment values if _, ok := skipEnvs[envK]; ok { continue } envValues[envK] = logger.HashString(env.Get(envK, "")) } scfg := &ServerSystemConfig{NEndpoints: globalEndpoints.NEndpoints(), MinioEnv: envValues} var cmdLines []string for _, ep := range globalEndpoints { cmdLines = append(cmdLines, ep.CmdLine) } scfg.CmdLines = cmdLines return scfg } func (s *bootstrapRESTServer) VerifyHandler(params *grid.MSS) (*ServerSystemConfig, *grid.RemoteErr) { return getServerSystemCfg(), nil } var serverVerifyHandler = grid.NewSingleHandler[*grid.MSS, *ServerSystemConfig](grid.HandlerServerVerify, grid.NewMSS, func() *ServerSystemConfig { return &ServerSystemConfig{} }) // registerBootstrapRESTHandlers - register bootstrap rest router. func registerBootstrapRESTHandlers(gm *grid.Manager) { server := &bootstrapRESTServer{} logger.FatalIf(serverVerifyHandler.Register(gm, server.VerifyHandler), "unable to register handler") } // client to talk to bootstrap NEndpoints. type bootstrapRESTClient struct { gridConn *grid.Connection } // Verify function verifies the server config. func (client *bootstrapRESTClient) Verify(ctx context.Context, srcCfg *ServerSystemConfig) (err error) { if newObjectLayerFn() != nil { return nil } recvCfg, err := serverVerifyHandler.Call(ctx, client.gridConn, grid.NewMSS()) if err != nil { return err } // We do not need the response after returning. defer serverVerifyHandler.PutResponse(recvCfg) return srcCfg.Diff(recvCfg) } // Stringer provides a canonicalized representation of node. func (client *bootstrapRESTClient) String() string { return client.gridConn.String() } func verifyServerSystemConfig(ctx context.Context, endpointServerPools EndpointServerPools, gm *grid.Manager) error { srcCfg := getServerSystemCfg() clnts := newBootstrapRESTClients(endpointServerPools, gm) var onlineServers int var offlineEndpoints []error var incorrectConfigs []error var retries int var mu sync.Mutex for onlineServers < len(clnts)/2 { var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(clnts)) onlineServers = 0 for _, clnt := range clnts { go func(clnt *bootstrapRESTClient) { defer wg.Done() if clnt.gridConn.State() != grid.StateConnected { mu.Lock() offlineEndpoints = append(offlineEndpoints, fmt.Errorf("%s is unreachable: %w", clnt, grid.ErrDisconnected)) mu.Unlock() return } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 2*time.Second) defer cancel() err := clnt.Verify(ctx, srcCfg) mu.Lock() if err != nil { bootstrapTraceMsg(fmt.Sprintf("clnt.Verify: %v, endpoint: %s", err, clnt)) if !isNetworkError(err) { logger.LogOnceIf(context.Background(), fmt.Errorf("%s has incorrect configuration: %w", clnt, err), "incorrect_"+clnt.String()) incorrectConfigs = append(incorrectConfigs, fmt.Errorf("%s has incorrect configuration: %w", clnt, err)) } else { offlineEndpoints = append(offlineEndpoints, fmt.Errorf("%s is unreachable: %w", clnt, err)) } } else { onlineServers++ } mu.Unlock() }(clnt) } wg.Wait() select { case <-ctx.Done(): return ctx.Err() default: // Sleep and stagger to avoid blocked CPU and thundering // herd upon start up sequence. time.Sleep(25*time.Millisecond + time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(100*time.Millisecond)))) retries++ // after 20 retries start logging that servers are not reachable yet if retries >= 20 { logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for at least %d remote servers with valid configuration to be online", len(clnts)/2)) if len(offlineEndpoints) > 0 { logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Following servers are currently offline or unreachable %s", offlineEndpoints)) } if len(incorrectConfigs) > 0 { logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Following servers have mismatching configuration %s", incorrectConfigs)) } retries = 0 // reset to log again after 20 retries. } offlineEndpoints = nil incorrectConfigs = nil } } return nil } func newBootstrapRESTClients(endpointServerPools EndpointServerPools, gm *grid.Manager) []*bootstrapRESTClient { seenClient := set.NewStringSet() var clnts []*bootstrapRESTClient for _, ep := range endpointServerPools { for _, endpoint := range ep.Endpoints { if endpoint.IsLocal { continue } if seenClient.Contains(endpoint.Host) { continue } seenClient.Add(endpoint.Host) clnts = append(clnts, &bootstrapRESTClient{gm.Connection(endpoint.GridHost())}) } } return clnts }