// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc. // // This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . package cmd import ( "fmt" "net" "runtime" "strings" humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize" "github.com/minio/madmin-go" color "github.com/minio/minio/internal/color" "github.com/minio/minio/internal/logger" xnet "github.com/minio/pkg/net" ) // generates format string depending on the string length and padding. func getFormatStr(strLen int, padding int) string { formatStr := fmt.Sprintf("%ds", strLen+padding) return "%" + formatStr } func mustGetStorageInfo(objAPI ObjectLayer) StorageInfo { storageInfo, _ := objAPI.StorageInfo(GlobalContext) return storageInfo } // Prints the formatted startup message. func printStartupMessage(apiEndpoints []string, err error) { if err != nil { logStartupMessage(color.RedBold("Server startup failed with '%v'", err)) logStartupMessage(color.RedBold("Not all features may be available on this server")) logStartupMessage(color.RedBold("Please use 'mc admin' commands to further investigate this issue")) } strippedAPIEndpoints := stripStandardPorts(apiEndpoints) // If cache layer is enabled, print cache capacity. cachedObjAPI := newCachedObjectLayerFn() if cachedObjAPI != nil { printCacheStorageInfo(cachedObjAPI.StorageInfo(GlobalContext)) } // Object layer is initialized then print StorageInfo. objAPI := newObjectLayerFn() if objAPI != nil { printStorageInfo(mustGetStorageInfo(objAPI)) } // Prints credential, region and browser access. printServerCommonMsg(strippedAPIEndpoints) // Prints `mc` cli configuration message chooses // first endpoint as default. printCLIAccessMsg(strippedAPIEndpoints[0], "myminio") // Prints documentation message. printObjectAPIMsg() if globalMinioConsolePortAuto && globalBrowserEnabled { msg := fmt.Sprintf("\nWARNING: Console endpoint is listening on a dynamic port (%s), please use --console-address \":PORT\" to choose a static port.", globalMinioConsolePort) logStartupMessage(color.RedBold(msg)) } } // Returns true if input is not IPv4, false if it is. func isNotIPv4(host string) bool { h, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(host) if err != nil { h = host } ip := net.ParseIP(h) ok := ip.To4() != nil // This is always true of IP is IPv4 // Returns true if input is not IPv4. return !ok } // strip api endpoints list with standard ports such as // port "80" and "443" before displaying on the startup // banner. Returns a new list of API endpoints. func stripStandardPorts(apiEndpoints []string) (newAPIEndpoints []string) { newAPIEndpoints = make([]string, len(apiEndpoints)) // Check all API endpoints for standard ports and strip them. for i, apiEndpoint := range apiEndpoints { u, err := xnet.ParseHTTPURL(apiEndpoint) if err != nil { continue } if globalMinioHost == "" && isNotIPv4(u.Host) { // Skip all non-IPv4 endpoints when we bind to all interfaces. continue } newAPIEndpoints[i] = u.String() } return newAPIEndpoints } // Prints common server startup message. Prints credential, region and browser access. func printServerCommonMsg(apiEndpoints []string) { // Get saved credentials. cred := globalActiveCred // Get saved region. region := globalServerRegion apiEndpointStr := strings.Join(apiEndpoints, " ") // Colorize the message and print. logStartupMessage(color.Blue("API: ") + color.Bold(fmt.Sprintf("%s ", apiEndpointStr))) if color.IsTerminal() && !globalCLIContext.Anonymous { logStartupMessage(color.Blue("RootUser: ") + color.Bold(fmt.Sprintf("%s ", cred.AccessKey))) logStartupMessage(color.Blue("RootPass: ") + color.Bold(fmt.Sprintf("%s ", cred.SecretKey))) if region != "" { logStartupMessage(color.Blue("Region: ") + color.Bold(fmt.Sprintf(getFormatStr(len(region), 2), region))) } } printEventNotifiers() if globalBrowserEnabled { consoleEndpointStr := strings.Join(stripStandardPorts(getConsoleEndpoints()), " ") logStartupMessage(color.Blue("\nConsole: ") + color.Bold(fmt.Sprintf("%s ", consoleEndpointStr))) if color.IsTerminal() && !globalCLIContext.Anonymous { logStartupMessage(color.Blue("RootUser: ") + color.Bold(fmt.Sprintf("%s ", cred.AccessKey))) logStartupMessage(color.Blue("RootPass: ") + color.Bold(fmt.Sprintf("%s ", cred.SecretKey))) } } } // Prints startup message for Object API acces, prints link to our SDK documentation. func printObjectAPIMsg() { logStartupMessage(color.Blue("\nDocumentation: ") + "https://docs.min.io") } // Prints bucket notification configurations. func printEventNotifiers() { if globalNotificationSys == nil { return } arns := globalNotificationSys.GetARNList(true) if len(arns) == 0 { return } arnMsg := color.Blue("SQS ARNs: ") for _, arn := range arns { arnMsg += color.Bold(fmt.Sprintf("%s ", arn)) } logStartupMessage(arnMsg) } // Prints startup message for command line access. Prints link to our documentation // and custom platform specific message. func printCLIAccessMsg(endPoint string, alias string) { // Get saved credentials. cred := globalActiveCred const mcQuickStartGuide = "https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-client-quickstart-guide" // Configure 'mc', following block prints platform specific information for minio client. if color.IsTerminal() && !globalCLIContext.Anonymous { logStartupMessage(color.Blue("\nCommand-line: ") + mcQuickStartGuide) if runtime.GOOS == globalWindowsOSName { mcMessage := fmt.Sprintf("$ mc.exe alias set %s %s %s %s", alias, endPoint, cred.AccessKey, cred.SecretKey) logStartupMessage(fmt.Sprintf(getFormatStr(len(mcMessage), 3), mcMessage)) } else { mcMessage := fmt.Sprintf("$ mc alias set %s %s %s %s", alias, endPoint, cred.AccessKey, cred.SecretKey) logStartupMessage(fmt.Sprintf(getFormatStr(len(mcMessage), 3), mcMessage)) } } } // Get formatted disk/storage info message. func getStorageInfoMsg(storageInfo StorageInfo) string { var msg string var mcMessage string onlineDisks, offlineDisks := getOnlineOfflineDisksStats(storageInfo.Disks) if storageInfo.Backend.Type == madmin.Erasure { if offlineDisks.Sum() > 0 { mcMessage = "Use `mc admin info` to look for latest server/disk info\n" } diskInfo := fmt.Sprintf(" %d Online, %d Offline. ", onlineDisks.Sum(), offlineDisks.Sum()) msg += color.Blue("Status:") + fmt.Sprintf(getFormatStr(len(diskInfo), 8), diskInfo) if len(mcMessage) > 0 { msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", mcMessage, msg) } } return msg } // Prints startup message of storage capacity and erasure information. func printStorageInfo(storageInfo StorageInfo) { if msg := getStorageInfoMsg(storageInfo); msg != "" { if globalCLIContext.Quiet { logger.Info(msg) } logStartupMessage(msg) } } func printCacheStorageInfo(storageInfo CacheStorageInfo) { msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s Free, %s Total", color.Blue("Cache Capacity:"), humanize.IBytes(storageInfo.Free), humanize.IBytes(storageInfo.Total)) logStartupMessage(msg) }