// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc. // // This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. package notify import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "github.com/minio/minio/internal/config" "github.com/minio/minio/internal/event/target" ) // SetNotifyKafka - helper for config migration from older config. func SetNotifyKafka(s config.Config, name string, cfg target.KafkaArgs) error { if !cfg.Enable { return nil } if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } s[config.NotifyKafkaSubSys][name] = config.KVS{ config.KV{ Key: config.Enable, Value: config.EnableOn, }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaBrokers, Value: func() string { var brokers []string for _, broker := range cfg.Brokers { brokers = append(brokers, broker.String()) } return strings.Join(brokers, config.ValueSeparator) }(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaTopic, Value: cfg.Topic, }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaQueueDir, Value: cfg.QueueDir, }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaClientTLSCert, Value: cfg.TLS.ClientTLSCert, }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaClientTLSKey, Value: cfg.TLS.ClientTLSKey, }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaQueueLimit, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.QueueLimit)), }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaTLS, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.TLS.Enable), }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaTLSSkipVerify, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.TLS.SkipVerify), }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaTLSClientAuth, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.TLS.ClientAuth)), }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaSASL, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.SASL.Enable), }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaSASLUsername, Value: cfg.SASL.User, }, config.KV{ Key: target.KafkaSASLPassword, Value: cfg.SASL.Password, }, } return nil } // SetNotifyAMQP - helper for config migration from older config. func SetNotifyAMQP(s config.Config, amqpName string, cfg target.AMQPArgs) error { if !cfg.Enable { return nil } if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } s[config.NotifyAMQPSubSys][amqpName] = config.KVS{ config.KV{ Key: config.Enable, Value: config.EnableOn, }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpURL, Value: cfg.URL.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpExchange, Value: cfg.Exchange, }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpRoutingKey, Value: cfg.RoutingKey, }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpExchangeType, Value: cfg.ExchangeType, }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpDeliveryMode, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.DeliveryMode)), }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpMandatory, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.Mandatory), }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpInternal, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.Immediate), }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpDurable, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.Durable), }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpNoWait, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.NoWait), }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpAutoDeleted, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.AutoDeleted), }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpQueueDir, Value: cfg.QueueDir, }, config.KV{ Key: target.AmqpQueueLimit, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.QueueLimit)), }, } return nil } // SetNotifyES - helper for config migration from older config. func SetNotifyES(s config.Config, esName string, cfg target.ElasticsearchArgs) error { if !cfg.Enable { return nil } if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } s[config.NotifyESSubSys][esName] = config.KVS{ config.KV{ Key: config.Enable, Value: config.EnableOn, }, config.KV{ Key: target.ElasticFormat, Value: cfg.Format, }, config.KV{ Key: target.ElasticURL, Value: cfg.URL.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.ElasticIndex, Value: cfg.Index, }, config.KV{ Key: target.ElasticQueueDir, Value: cfg.QueueDir, }, config.KV{ Key: target.ElasticQueueLimit, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.QueueLimit)), }, config.KV{ Key: target.ElasticUsername, Value: cfg.Username, }, config.KV{ Key: target.ElasticPassword, Value: cfg.Password, }, } return nil } // SetNotifyRedis - helper for config migration from older config. func SetNotifyRedis(s config.Config, redisName string, cfg target.RedisArgs) error { if !cfg.Enable { return nil } if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } s[config.NotifyRedisSubSys][redisName] = config.KVS{ config.KV{ Key: config.Enable, Value: config.EnableOn, }, config.KV{ Key: target.RedisFormat, Value: cfg.Format, }, config.KV{ Key: target.RedisAddress, Value: cfg.Addr.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.RedisPassword, Value: cfg.Password, }, config.KV{ Key: target.RedisKey, Value: cfg.Key, }, config.KV{ Key: target.RedisQueueDir, Value: cfg.QueueDir, }, config.KV{ Key: target.RedisQueueLimit, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.QueueLimit)), }, } return nil } // SetNotifyWebhook - helper for config migration from older config. func SetNotifyWebhook(s config.Config, whName string, cfg target.WebhookArgs) error { if !cfg.Enable { return nil } if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } s[config.NotifyWebhookSubSys][whName] = config.KVS{ config.KV{ Key: config.Enable, Value: config.EnableOn, }, config.KV{ Key: target.WebhookEndpoint, Value: cfg.Endpoint.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.WebhookAuthToken, Value: cfg.AuthToken, }, config.KV{ Key: target.WebhookQueueDir, Value: cfg.QueueDir, }, config.KV{ Key: target.WebhookQueueLimit, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.QueueLimit)), }, config.KV{ Key: target.WebhookClientCert, Value: cfg.ClientCert, }, config.KV{ Key: target.WebhookClientKey, Value: cfg.ClientKey, }, } return nil } // SetNotifyPostgres - helper for config migration from older config. func SetNotifyPostgres(s config.Config, psqName string, cfg target.PostgreSQLArgs) error { if !cfg.Enable { return nil } if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } s[config.NotifyPostgresSubSys][psqName] = config.KVS{ config.KV{ Key: config.Enable, Value: config.EnableOn, }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresFormat, Value: cfg.Format, }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresConnectionString, Value: cfg.ConnectionString, }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresTable, Value: cfg.Table, }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresHost, Value: cfg.Host.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresPort, Value: cfg.Port, }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresUsername, Value: cfg.Username, }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresPassword, Value: cfg.Password, }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresDatabase, Value: cfg.Database, }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresQueueDir, Value: cfg.QueueDir, }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresQueueLimit, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.QueueLimit)), }, config.KV{ Key: target.PostgresMaxOpenConnections, Value: strconv.Itoa(cfg.MaxOpenConnections), }, } return nil } // SetNotifyNSQ - helper for config migration from older config. func SetNotifyNSQ(s config.Config, nsqName string, cfg target.NSQArgs) error { if !cfg.Enable { return nil } if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } s[config.NotifyNSQSubSys][nsqName] = config.KVS{ config.KV{ Key: config.Enable, Value: config.EnableOn, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NSQAddress, Value: cfg.NSQDAddress.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.NSQTopic, Value: cfg.Topic, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NSQTLS, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.TLS.Enable), }, config.KV{ Key: target.NSQTLSSkipVerify, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.TLS.SkipVerify), }, config.KV{ Key: target.NSQQueueDir, Value: cfg.QueueDir, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NSQQueueLimit, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.QueueLimit)), }, } return nil } // SetNotifyNATS - helper for config migration from older config. func SetNotifyNATS(s config.Config, natsName string, cfg target.NATSArgs) error { if !cfg.Enable { return nil } if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } s[config.NotifyNATSSubSys][natsName] = config.KVS{ config.KV{ Key: config.Enable, Value: config.EnableOn, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSAddress, Value: cfg.Address.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSSubject, Value: cfg.Subject, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSUsername, Value: cfg.Username, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSPassword, Value: cfg.Password, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSToken, Value: cfg.Token, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSCertAuthority, Value: cfg.CertAuthority, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSClientCert, Value: cfg.ClientCert, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSClientKey, Value: cfg.ClientKey, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSTLS, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.Secure), }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSTLSSkipVerify, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.Secure), }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSPingInterval, Value: strconv.FormatInt(cfg.PingInterval, 10), }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSQueueDir, Value: cfg.QueueDir, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSQueueLimit, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.QueueLimit)), }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSStreaming, Value: func() string { if cfg.Streaming.Enable { return config.EnableOn } return config.EnableOff }(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSStreamingClusterID, Value: cfg.Streaming.ClusterID, }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSStreamingAsync, Value: config.FormatBool(cfg.Streaming.Async), }, config.KV{ Key: target.NATSStreamingMaxPubAcksInFlight, Value: strconv.Itoa(cfg.Streaming.MaxPubAcksInflight), }, } return nil } // SetNotifyMySQL - helper for config migration from older config. func SetNotifyMySQL(s config.Config, sqlName string, cfg target.MySQLArgs) error { if !cfg.Enable { return nil } if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } s[config.NotifyMySQLSubSys][sqlName] = config.KVS{ config.KV{ Key: config.Enable, Value: config.EnableOn, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLFormat, Value: cfg.Format, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLDSNString, Value: cfg.DSN, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLTable, Value: cfg.Table, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLHost, Value: cfg.Host.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLPort, Value: cfg.Port, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLUsername, Value: cfg.User, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLPassword, Value: cfg.Password, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLDatabase, Value: cfg.Database, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLQueueDir, Value: cfg.QueueDir, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLQueueLimit, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.QueueLimit)), }, config.KV{ Key: target.MySQLMaxOpenConnections, Value: strconv.Itoa(cfg.MaxOpenConnections), }, } return nil } // SetNotifyMQTT - helper for config migration from older config. func SetNotifyMQTT(s config.Config, mqttName string, cfg target.MQTTArgs) error { if !cfg.Enable { return nil } if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } s[config.NotifyMQTTSubSys][mqttName] = config.KVS{ config.KV{ Key: config.Enable, Value: config.EnableOn, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MqttBroker, Value: cfg.Broker.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.MqttTopic, Value: cfg.Topic, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MqttQoS, Value: fmt.Sprintf("%d", cfg.QoS), }, config.KV{ Key: target.MqttUsername, Value: cfg.User, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MqttPassword, Value: cfg.Password, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MqttReconnectInterval, Value: cfg.MaxReconnectInterval.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.MqttKeepAliveInterval, Value: cfg.KeepAlive.String(), }, config.KV{ Key: target.MqttQueueDir, Value: cfg.QueueDir, }, config.KV{ Key: target.MqttQueueLimit, Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.QueueLimit)), }, } return nil }