# Metrics Version 3

In metrics version 3, all metrics are available under the following base endpoint:


To query metrics of a specific type, append the appropriate path to the base endpoint.
Querying the base endpoint returns "404 Not Found."

Metrics are organized into groups at paths **relative** to the top-level endpoint above.

Metrics are also available using the [MinIO Admin Client](https://min.io/docs/minio/linux/reference/minio-mc-admin.html) and the `mc admin prometheus metrics` command. For more information, see [Metrics and Alerts](https://min.io/docs/minio/linux/operations/monitoring/metrics-and-alerts.html) in the MinIO Documentation.

## Metrics Request Handling

Each endpoint can be queried as needed via a scrape configuration in Prometheus or a compatible metrics collection tool. You should schedule scrape operations so a prior scrape completes before the next one begins.

For ease of configuration, each (non-empty) parent of the path serves all the metric endpoints at its child paths. For example, to query all system metrics scrape `/minio/metrics/v3/system/`.

Each metric endpoint may support multiple child endpoints. For example, the `/v3/system/` metric has multiple child groups as `/v3/system/<child>`. Querying the parent endpoint returns metrics for all child groups. Querying a child group returns only metrics for that child.

### Per-bucket Metrics

Metrics with a `/bucket` component in the path return results for each specified bucket in the deployment. These endpoints **require** providing a list of buckets as a `bucket` query parameter.  The endpoint then returns only metrics for the given buckets, with the bucket name in a `bucket` label.

For example, to query API metrics for buckets `test1` and `test2`, make a scrape request to `/minio/metrics/v3/api/bucket?buckets=test1,test2`. 

### List Available Metrics

Instead of a metrics scrape, you can list the metrics that would be returned by a path by adding a `list` query parameter. The MinIO server then lists all available metrics that could be returned. Note that during an actual metrics scrape only metrics with available _values_ are returned. Metrics with null values are omitted from the scrape results.

To set the output format, set the request `Content-Type` to the desired format. Accepted values are `application/json` for JSON output or `text/plain` for a Markdown-formatted table. The default is Markdown.

For example, the the following returns a list of all available bucket metrics:

## Metric Categories

At a high level, metrics are grouped into categories as described in the following sections. The path in each of the tables is relative to the top-level endpoint. Note that the standard GoCollector metrics are not shown.

### Request metrics

Metrics about requests served by the current node.

| Path            | Description                                   |
| `/api/requests` | Metrics over all requests.                    |
| `/bucket/api`   | Metrics over all requests for a given bucket. |

#### `/api/requests`

| Name                                           | Description                                                                    | Labels                                       |
| `minio_api_requests_rejected_auth_total`       | Total number of requests rejected for auth failure. <br><br>Type: counter      | `type`, `pool_index`, `server`               |
| `minio_api_requests_rejected_header_total`     | Total number of requests rejected for invalid header. <br><br>Type: counter    | `type`, `pool_index`, `server`               |
| `minio_api_requests_rejected_timestamp_total`  | Total number of requests rejected for invalid timestamp. <br><br>Type: counter | `type`, `pool_index`, `server`               |
| `minio_api_requests_rejected_invalid_total`    | Total number of invalid requests. <br><br>Type: counter                        | `type`, `pool_index`, `server`               |
| `minio_api_requests_waiting_total`             | Total number of requests in the waiting queue. <br><br>Type: gauge             | `type`, `pool_index`, `server`               |
| `minio_api_requests_incoming_total`            | Total number of incoming requests. <br><br>Type: gauge                         | `type`, `pool_index`, `server`               |
| `minio_api_requests_inflight_total`            | Total number of requests currently in flight. <br><br>Type: gauge              | `name`, `type`, `pool_index`, `server`       |
| `minio_api_requests_total`                     | Total number of requests. <br><br>Type: counter                                | `name`, `type`, `pool_index`, `server`       |
| `minio_api_requests_errors_total`              | Total number of requests with 4xx or 5xx errors. <br><br>Type: counter         | `name`, `type`, `pool_index`, `server`       |
| `minio_api_requests_5xx_errors_total`          | Total number of requests with 5xx errors. <br><br>Type: counter                | `name`, `type`, `pool_index`, `server`       |
| `minio_api_requests_4xx_errors_total`          | Total number of requests with 4xx errors. <br><br>Type: counter                | `name`, `type`, `pool_index`, `server`       |
| `minio_api_requests_canceled_total`            | Total number of requests canceled by the client. <br><br>Type: counter         | `name`, `type`, `pool_index`, `server`       |
| `minio_api_requests_ttfb_seconds_distribution` | Distribution of time to first byte across API calls. <br><br>Type: counter     | `name`, `type`, `le`, `pool_index`, `server` |
| `minio_api_requests_traffic_sent_bytes`        | Total number of bytes sent. <br><br>Type: counter                              | `type`, `pool_index`, `server`               |
| `minio_api_requests_traffic_received_bytes`    | Total number of bytes received. <br><br>Type: counter                          | `type`, `pool_index`, `server`               |

#### `/bucket/api`

| Name                                         | Description                                                                             | Labels                                                 |
| `minio_bucket_api_traffic_received_bytes`    | Total number of bytes sent for a bucket. <br><br>Type: counter                          | `bucket`, `type`, `server`, `pool_index`               |
| `minio_bucket_api_traffic_sent_bytes`        | Total number of bytes received for a bucket. <br><br>Type: counter                      | `bucket`, `type`, `server`, `pool_index`               |
| `minio_bucket_api_inflight_total`            | Total number of requests currently in flight for a bucket. <br><br>Type: gauge          | `bucket`, `name`, `type`, `server`, `pool_index`       |
| `minio_bucket_api_total`                     | Total number of requests for a bucket. <br><br>Type: counter                            | `bucket`, `name`, `type`, `server`, `pool_index`       |
| `minio_bucket_api_canceled_total`            | Total number of requests canceled by the client for a bucket. <br><br>Type: counter     | `bucket`, `name`, `type`, `server`, `pool_index`       |
| `minio_bucket_api_4xx_errors_total`          | Total number of requests with 4xx errors for a bucket. <br><br>Type: counter            | `bucket`, `name`, `type`, `server`, `pool_index`       |
| `minio_bucket_api_5xx_errors_total`          | Total number of requests with 5xx errors for a bucket. <br><br>Type: counter            | `bucket`, `name`, `type`, `server`, `pool_index`       |
| `minio_bucket_api_ttfb_seconds_distribution` | Distribution of time to first byte across API calls for a bucket. <br><br>Type: counter | `bucket`, `name`, `le`, `type`, `server`, `pool_index` |

### Audit metrics

Metrics about the MinIO audit functionality.

| Path     | Description                             |
| `/audit` | Metrics related to audit functionality. |

#### `/audit`

| Name                              | Description                                                                     | Labels                |
| `minio_audit_failed_messages`     | Total number of messages that failed to send since start. <br><br>Type: counter | `target_id`, `server` |
| `minio_audit_target_queue_length` | Number of unsent messages in queue for target. <br><br>Type: gauge              | `target_id`, `server` |
| `minio_audit_total_messages`      | Total number of messages sent since start. <br><br>Type: counter                | `target_id`, `server` |

### Cluster metrics

Metrics about an entire MinIO cluster.

| Path                     | Description                    |
| `/cluster/config`        | Cluster configuration metrics. |
| `/cluster/erasure-set`   | Erasure set metrics.           |
| `/cluster/health`        | Cluster health metrics.        |
| `/cluster/iam`           | Cluster iam metrics.           |
| `/cluster/usage/buckets` | Object statistics by bucket.   |
| `/cluster/usage/objects` | Object statistics.             |

#### `/cluster/config`

| Name                                   | Description                                                  | Labels |
| `minio_cluster_config_rrs_parity`      | Reduced redundancy storage class parity. <br><br>Type: gauge |        |
| `minio_cluster_config_standard_parity` | Standard storage class parity. <br><br>Type: gauge           |        |

#### `/cluster/erasure-set`

| Name                                             | Description                                                                                             | Labels              |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_overall_write_quorum` | Overall write quorum across pools and sets. <br><br>Type: gauge                                         |                     |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_overall_health`       | Overall health across pools and sets (1=healthy, 0=unhealthy). <br><br>Type: gauge                      |                     |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_read_quorum`          | Read quorum for the erasure set in a pool. <br><br>Type: gauge                                          | `pool_id`, `set_id` |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_write_quorum`         | Write quorum for the erasure set in a pool. <br><br>Type: gauge                                         | `pool_id`, `set_id` |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_online_drives_count`  | Count of online drives in the erasure set in a pool. <br><br>Type: gauge                                | `pool_id`, `set_id` |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_healing_drives_count` | Count of healing drives in the erasure set in a pool. <br><br>Type: gauge                               | `pool_id`, `set_id` |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_health`               | Health of the erasure set in a pool (1=healthy, 0=unhealthy). <br><br>Type: gauge                       | `pool_id`, `set_id` |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_read_tolerance`       | Number of drive failures that can be tolerated without disrupting read operations. <br><br>Type: gauge  | `pool_id`, `set_id` |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_write_tolerance`      | Number of drive failures that can be tolerated without disrupting write operations. <br><br>Type: gauge | `pool_id`, `set_id` |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_read_health`          | Health of the erasure set in a pool for read operations (1=healthy, 0=unhealthy). <br><br>Type: gauge   | `pool_id`, `set_id` |
| `minio_cluster_erasure_set_write_health`         | Health of the erasure set in a pool for write operations (1=healthy, 0=unhealthy). <br><br>Type: gauge  | `pool_id`, `set_id` |

#### `/cluster/health`

| Name                                               | Description                                                         | Labels |
| `minio_cluster_health_drives_offline_count`        | Count of offline drives in the cluster. <br><br>Type: gauge         |        |
| `minio_cluster_health_drives_online_count`         | Count of online drives in the cluster. <br><br>Type: gauge          |        |
| `minio_cluster_health_drives_count`                | Count of all drives in the cluster. <br><br>Type: gauge             |        |
| `minio_cluster_health_nodes_offline_count`         | Count of offline nodes in the cluster. <br><br>Type: gauge          |        |
| `minio_cluster_health_nodes_online_count`          | Count of online nodes in the cluster. <br><br>Type: gauge           |        |
| `minio_cluster_health_capacity_raw_total_bytes`    | Total cluster raw storage capacity in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge    |        |
| `minio_cluster_health_capacity_raw_free_bytes`     | Total cluster raw storage free in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge        |        |
| `minio_cluster_health_capacity_usable_total_bytes` | Total cluster usable storage capacity in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge |        |
| `minio_cluster_health_capacity_usable_free_bytes`  | Total cluster usable storage free in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge     |        |

#### `/cluster/iam`

| Name                                                            | Description                                                                                                                                     | Labels |
| `minio_cluster_iam_last_sync_duration_millis`                   | Last successful IAM data sync duration in milliseconds. <br><br>Type: counter                                                                   |        |
| `minio_cluster_iam_plugin_authn_service_failed_requests_minute` | When plugin authentication is configured, returns failed requests count in the last full minute. <br><br>Type: counter                          |        |
| `minio_cluster_iam_plugin_authn_service_last_fail_seconds`      | When plugin authentication is configured, returns time (in seconds) since the last failed request to the service. <br><br>Type: counter         |        |
| `minio_cluster_iam_plugin_authn_service_last_succ_seconds`      | When plugin authentication is configured, returns time (in seconds) since the last successful request to the service. <br><br>Type: counter     |        |
| `minio_cluster_iam_plugin_authn_service_succ_avg_rtt_ms_minute` | When plugin authentication is configured, returns average round-trip time of successful requests in the last full minute. <br><br>Type: counter |        |
| `minio_cluster_iam_plugin_authn_service_succ_max_rtt_ms_minute` | When plugin authentication is configured, returns maximum round-trip time of successful requests in the last full minute. <br><br>Type: counter |        |
| `minio_cluster_iam_plugin_authn_service_total_requests_minute`  | When plugin authentication is configured, returns total requests count in the last full minute. <br><br>Type: counter                           |        |
| `minio_cluster_iam_since_last_sync_millis`                      | Time (in milliseconds) since last successful IAM data sync. <br><br>Type: counter                                                               |        |
| `minio_cluster_iam_sync_failures`                               | Number of failed IAM data syncs since server start. <br><br>Type: counter                                                                       |        |
| `minio_cluster_iam_sync_successes`                              | Number of successful IAM data syncs since server start. <br><br>Type: counter                                                                   |        |

#### `/cluster/usage/buckets` 

| Name                                                            | Description                                                                          | Labels            |
| `minio_cluster_usage_buckets_since_last_update_seconds`         | Time since last update of usage metrics in seconds. <br><br>Type: gauge              |                   |
| `minio_cluster_usage_buckets_total_bytes`                       | Total bucket size in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge                                      | `bucket`          |
| `minio_cluster_usage_buckets_objects_count`                     | Total object count in bucket. <br><br>Type: gauge                                    | `bucket`          |
| `minio_cluster_usage_buckets_versions_count`                    | Total object versions count in bucket, including delete markers. <br><br>Type: gauge | `bucket`          |
| `minio_cluster_usage_buckets_delete_markers_count`              | Total delete markers count in bucket. <br><br>Type: gauge                            | `bucket`          |
| `minio_cluster_usage_buckets_quota_total_bytes`                 | Total bucket quota in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge                                     | `bucket`          |
| `minio_cluster_usage_buckets_object_size_distribution`          | Bucket object size distribution. <br><br>Type: gauge                                 | `range`, `bucket` |
| `minio_cluster_usage_buckets_object_version_count_distribution` | Bucket object version count distribution. <br><br>Type: gauge                        | `range`, `bucket` |

#### `/cluster/usage/objects`

| Name                                                     | Description                                                                        | Labels  |
| `minio_cluster_usage_objects_since_last_update_seconds`  | Time since last update of usage metrics in seconds. <br><br>Type: gauge            |         |
| `minio_cluster_usage_objects_total_bytes`                | Total cluster usage in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge                                  |         |
| `minio_cluster_usage_objects_count`                      | Total cluster objects count. <br><br>Type: gauge                                   |         |
| `minio_cluster_usage_objects_versions_count`             | Total cluster object versions count, including delete markers. <br><br>Type: gauge |         |
| `minio_cluster_usage_objects_delete_markers_count`       | Total cluster delete markers count. <br><br>Type: gauge                            |         |
| `minio_cluster_usage_objects_buckets_count`              | Total cluster buckets count. <br><br>Type: gauge                                   |         |
| `minio_cluster_usage_objects_size_distribution`          | Cluster object size distribution. <br><br>Type: gauge                              | `range` |
| `minio_cluster_usage_objects_version_count_distribution` | Cluster object version count distribution. <br><br>Type: gauge                     | `range` |

### Debug metrics

Standard Go runtime metrics from the [Prometheus Go Client base collector](https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang).

| Path        | Description         |
| `/debug/go` | Go runtime metrics. |

### ILM metrics

Metrics about the MinIO ILM functionality.

| Path   | Description                           |
| `/ilm` | Metrics related to ILM functionality. |

#### `/ilm`

| Name                                                  | Description                                                                                       | Labels   |
| `minio_cluster_ilm_expiry_pending_tasks`              | Number of pending ILM expiry tasks in the queue. <br><br>Type: gauge                              | `server` |
| `minio_cluster_ilm_transition_active_tasks`           | Number of active ILM transition tasks. <br><br>Type: gauge                                        | `server` |
| `minio_cluster_ilm_transition_pending_tasks`          | Number of pending ILM transition tasks in the queue. <br><br>Type: gauge                          | `server` |
| `minio_cluster_ilm_transition_missed_immediate_tasks` | Number of missed immediate ILM transition tasks. <br><br>Type: counter                            | `server` |
| `minio_cluster_ilm_versions_scanned`                  | Total number of object versions checked for ILM actions since server start. <br><br>Type: counter | `server` |

### Logger webhook metrics

Metrics about MinIO logger webhooks.

| Path              | Description                         |
| `/logger/webhook` | Metrics related to logger webhooks. |

#### `/logger/webhook`

| Name                                    | Description                                                         | Labels                       |
| `minio_logger_webhook_failed_messages`  | Number of messages that failed to send. <br><br>Type: counter       | `server`, `name`, `endpoint` |
| `minio_logger_webhook_queue_length`     | Webhook queue length. <br><br>Type: gauge                           | `server`, `name`, `endpoint` |
| `minio_logger_webhook_total_message`    | Total number of messages sent to this target. <br><br>Type: counter | `server`, `name`, `endpoint` |

### Notification metrics

Metrics about the MinIO notification functionality.

| Path            | Description                                    |
| `/notification` | Metrics related to notification functionality. |

#### `/notification`

| Name                                          | Description                                                                                           | Labels   |
| `minio_notification_current_send_in_progress` | Number of concurrent async Send calls active to all targets. <br><br>Type: counter                    | `server` |
| `minio_notification_events_errors_total`      | Total number of events that failed to send to the targets. <br><br>Type: counter                      | `server` |
| `minio_notification_events_sent_total`        | Total number of events sent to the targets. <br><br>Type: counter                                     | `server` |
| `minio_notification_events_skipped_total`     | Number of events not sent to the targets due to the in-memory queue being full. <br><br>Type: counter | `server` |

### Replication metrics

Metrics about MinIO site and bucket replication.

| Path                  | Description                            |
| `/bucket/replication` | Metrics related to bucket replication. |
| `/replication`        | Metrics related to site replication.   |

#### `/replication`

| Name                                              | Description                                                                                 | Labels   |
| `minio_replication_average_active_workers`        | Average number of active replication workers. <br><br>Type: gauge                           | `server` |
| `minio_replication_average_queued_bytes`          | Average number of bytes queued for replication since server start. <br><br>Type: gauge      | `server` |
| `minio_replication_average_queued_count`          | Average number of objects queued for replication since server start. <br><br>Type: gauge    | `server` |
| `minio_replication_average_data_transfer_rate`    | Average replication data transfer rate in bytes/sec. <br><br>Type: gauge                    | `server` |
| `minio_replication_current_active_workers`        | Total number of active replication workers. <br><br>Type: gauge                             | `server` |
| `minio_replication_current_data_transfer_rate`    | Current replication data transfer rate in bytes/sec. <br><br>Type: gauge                    | `server` |
| `minio_replication_last_minute_queued_bytes`      | Number of bytes queued for replication in the last full minute. <br><br>Type: gauge         | `server` |
| `minio_replication_last_minute_queued_count`      | Number of objects queued for replication in the last full minute. <br><br>Type: gauge       | `server` |
| `minio_replication_max_active_workers`            | Maximum number of active replication workers seen since server start. <br><br>Type: gauge   | `server` |
| `minio_replication_max_queued_bytes`              | Maximum number of bytes queued for replication since server start. <br><br>Type: gauge      | `server` |
| `minio_replication_max_queued_count`              | Maximum number of objects queued for replication since server start. <br><br>Type: gauge    | `server` |
| `minio_replication_max_data_transfer_rate`        | Maximum replication data transfer rate in bytes/sec since server start. <br><br>Type: gauge | `server` |
| `minio_replication_recent_backlog_count`          | Total number of objects seen in replication backlog in the last 5 minutes <br><br>Type: gauge | `server` |
#### `/bucket/replication`

| Name                                                                | Description                                                                                                     | Labels                                                |
| `minio_bucket_replication_last_hour_failed_bytes`                   | Total number of bytes on a bucket which failed to replicate at least once in the last hour. <br><br>Type: gauge | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_last_hour_failed_count`                   | Total number of objects on a bucket which failed to replicate in the last hour. <br><br>Type: gauge             | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_last_minute_failed_bytes`                 | Total number of bytes on a bucket which failed at least once in the last full minute. <br><br>Type: gauge       | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_last_minute_failed_count`                 | Total number of objects on a bucket which failed to replicate in the last full minute. <br><br>Type: gauge      | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_latency_ms`                               | Replication latency on a bucket in milliseconds. <br><br>Type: gauge                                            | `bucket`, `operation`, `range`, `targetArn`, `server` |
| `minio_bucket_replication_proxied_delete_tagging_requests_total`    | Number of DELETE tagging requests proxied to replication target. <br><br>Type: counter                          | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_proxied_get_requests_failures`            | Number of failures in GET requests proxied to replication target. <br><br>Type: counter                         | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_proxied_get_requests_total`               | Number of GET requests proxied to replication target. <br><br>Type: counter                                     | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_proxied_get_tagging_requests_failures`    | Number of failures in GET tagging requests proxied to replication target. <br><br>Type: counter                 | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_proxied_get_tagging_requests_total`       | Number of GET tagging requests proxied to replication target. <br><br>Type: counter                             | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_proxied_head_requests_failures`           | Number of failures in HEAD requests proxied to replication target. <br><br>Type: counter                        | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_proxied_head_requests_total`              | Number of HEAD requests proxied to replication target. <br><br>Type: counter                                    | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_proxied_put_tagging_requests_failures`    | Number of failures in PUT tagging requests proxied to replication target. <br><br>Type: counter                 | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_proxied_put_tagging_requests_total`       | Number of PUT tagging requests proxied to replication target. <br><br>Type: counter                             | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_sent_bytes`                               | Total number of bytes replicated to the target. <br><br>Type: counter                                           | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_sent_count`                               | Total number of objects replicated to the target. <br><br>Type: counter                                         | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_total_failed_bytes`                       | Total number of bytes failed to replicate at least once since server start. <br><br>Type: counter               | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_total_failed_count`                       | Total number of objects that failed to replicate since server start. <br><br>Type: counter                      | `bucket`, `server`                                    |
| `minio_bucket_replication_proxied_delete_tagging_requests_failures` | Number of failures in DELETE tagging requests proxied to replication target. <br><br>Type: counter              | `bucket`, `server`                                    |

### Scanner metrics

Metrics about the MinIO scanner.

| Path       | Description                           |
| `/scanner` | Metrics related to the MinIO scanner. |

#### `/scanner`

| Name                                       | Description                                                                       | Labels   |
| `minio_scanner_bucket_scans_finished`      | Total number of bucket scans completed since server start. <br><br>Type: counter  | `server` |
| `minio_scanner_bucket_scans_started`       | Total number of bucket scans started since server start. <br><br>Type: counter    | `server` |
| `minio_scanner_directories_scanned`        | Total number of directories scanned since server start. <br><br>Type: counter     | `server` |
| `minio_scanner_last_activity_seconds`      | Time elapsed (in seconds) since last scan activity. <br><br>Type: gauge           | `server` |
| `minio_scanner_objects_scanned`            | Total number of unique objects scanned since server start. <br><br>Type: counter  | `server` |
| `minio_scanner_versions_scanned`           | Total number of object versions scanned since server start. <br><br>Type: counter | `server` |

### System metrics

Metrics about the MinIO process and the node.

| Path                        | Description                                        |
| `/system/cpu`               | Metrics about CPUs on the system.                  |
| `/system/drive`             | Metrics about drives on the system.                |
| `/system/network/internode` | Metrics about internode requests made by the node. |
| `/system/memory`            | Metrics about memory on the system.                |
| `/system/process`           | Standard process metrics.                          |

#### `/system/drive`

| Name                                           | Description                                                                             | Labels                                                             |
| `minio_system_drive_used_bytes`                | Total storage used on a drive in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge                             | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_free_bytes`                | Total storage free on a drive in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge                             | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_total_bytes`               | Total storage available on a drive in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge                        | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_used_inodes`               | Total used inodes on a drive. <br><br>Type: gauge                                       | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_free_inodes`               | Total free inodes on a drive. <br><br>Type: gauge                                       | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_total_inodes`              | Total inodes available on a drive. <br><br>Type: gauge                                  | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_timeout_errors_total`      | Total timeout errors on a drive. <br><br>Type: counter                                  | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_io_errors_total`           | Total I/O errors on a drive. <br><br>Type: counter                                      | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_availability_errors_total` | Total availability errors (I/O errors, timeouts) on a drive. <br><br>Type: counter      | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_waiting_io`                | Total waiting I/O operations on a drive. <br><br>Type: gauge                            | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_api_latency_micros`        | Average last minute latency in µs for drive API storage operations. <br><br>Type: gauge | `drive`, `api`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server` |
| `minio_system_drive_offline_count`             | Count of offline drives. <br><br>Type: gauge                                            | `pool_index`, `server`                                             |
| `minio_system_drive_online_count`              | Count of online drives. <br><br>Type: gauge                                             | `pool_index`, `server`                                             |
| `minio_system_drive_count`                     | Count of all drives. <br><br>Type: gauge                                                | `pool_index`, `server`                                             |
| `minio_system_drive_health`                    | Drive health (0 = offline, 1 = healthy, 2 = healing). <br><br>Type: gauge               | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_reads_per_sec`             | Reads per second on a drive. <br><br>Type: gauge                                        | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_reads_kb_per_sec`          | Kilobytes read per second on a drive. <br><br>Type: gauge                               | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_reads_await`               | Average time for read requests served on a drive. <br><br>Type: gauge                   | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_writes_per_sec`            | Writes per second on a drive. <br><br>Type: gauge                                       | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_writes_kb_per_sec`         | Kilobytes written per second on a drive. <br><br>Type: gauge                            | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_writes_await`              | Average time for write requests served on a drive. <br><br>Type: gauge                  | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |
| `minio_system_drive_perc_util`                 | Percentage of time the disk was busy. <br><br>Type: gauge                               | `drive`, `set_index`, `drive_index`, `pool_index`, `server`        |

#### `/system/memory`

| Name                             | Description                                             | Labels   |
| `minio_system_memory_used`       | Used memory on the node. <br><br>Type: gauge            | `server` |
| `minio_system_memory_used_perc`  | Used memory percentage on the node. <br><br>Type: gauge | `server` |
| `minio_system_memory_free`       | Free memory on the node. <br><br>Type: gauge            | `server` |
| `minio_system_memory_total`      | Total memory on the node. <br><br>Type: gauge           | `server` |
| `minio_system_memory_buffers`    | Buffers memory on the node. <br><br>Type: gauge         | `server` |
| `minio_system_memory_cache`      | Cache memory on the node. <br><br>Type: gauge           | `server` |
| `minio_system_memory_shared`     | Shared memory on the node. <br><br>Type: gauge          | `server` |
| `minio_system_memory_available`  | Available memory on the node. <br><br>Type: gauge       | `server` |

#### `/system/cpu`

| Name                          | Description                                             | Labels   |
| `minio_system_cpu_avg_idle`   | Average CPU idle time. <br><br>Type: gauge              | `server` |
| `minio_system_cpu_avg_iowait` | Average CPU IOWait time. <br><br>Type: gauge            | `server` |
| `minio_system_cpu_load`       | CPU load average 1min. <br><br>Type: gauge              | `server` |
| `minio_system_cpu_load_perc`  | CPU load average 1min (percentage). <br><br>Type: gauge | `server` |
| `minio_system_cpu_nice`       | CPU nice time. <br><br>Type: gauge                      | `server` |
| `minio_system_cpu_steal`      | CPU steal time. <br><br>Type: gauge                     | `server` |
| `minio_system_cpu_system`     | CPU system time. <br><br>Type: gauge                    | `server` |
| `minio_system_cpu_user`       | CPU user time. <br><br>Type: gauge                      | `server` |

#### `/system/network/internode`

| Name                                                 | Description                                                                   | Labels                 |
| `minio_system_network_internode_errors_total`        | Total number of failed internode calls. <br><br>Type: counter                 | `server`, `pool_index` |
| `minio_system_network_internode_dial_errors_total`   | Total number of internode TCP dial timeouts and errors. <br><br>Type: counter | `server`, `pool_index` |
| `minio_system_network_internode_dial_avg_time_nanos` | Average dial time of internodes TCP calls in nanoseconds. <br><br>Type: gauge | `server`, `pool_index` |
| `minio_system_network_internode_sent_bytes_total`    | Total number of bytes sent to other peer nodes. <br><br>Type: counter         | `server`, `pool_index` |
| `minio_system_network_internode_recv_bytes_total`    | Total number of bytes received from other peer nodes. <br><br>Type: counter   | `server`, `pool_index` |

#### `/system/process`

| Name                                               | Description                                                                                                                           | Labels   |
| `minio_system_process_locks_read_total`            | Number of current READ locks on this peer. <br><br>Type: gauge                                                                        | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_locks_write_total`           | Number of current WRITE locks on this peer. <br><br>Type: gauge                                                                       | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_cpu_total_seconds`           | Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds. <br><br>Type: counter                                                                | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_go_routine_total`            | Total number of go routines running. <br><br>Type: gauge                                                                              | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_io_rchar_bytes`              | Total bytes read by the process from the underlying storage system including cache, /proc/[pid]/io rchar. <br><br>Type: counter       | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_io_read_bytes`               | Total bytes read by the process from the underlying storage system, /proc/[pid]/io read_bytes. <br><br>Type: counter                  | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_io_wchar_bytes`              | Total bytes written by the process to the underlying storage system including page cache, /proc/[pid]/io wchar. <br><br>Type: counter | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_io_write_bytes`              | Total bytes written by the process to the underlying storage system, /proc/[pid]/io write_bytes. <br><br>Type: counter                | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_start_time_seconds`          | Start time for MinIO process in seconds since Unix epoch. <br><br>Type: gauge                                                         | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_uptime_seconds`              | Uptime for MinIO process in seconds. <br><br>Type: gauge                                                                              | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_file_descriptor_limit_total` | Limit on total number of open file descriptors for the MinIO Server process. <br><br>Type: gauge                                      | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_file_descriptor_open_total`  | Total number of open file descriptors by the MinIO Server process. <br><br>Type: gauge                                                | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_syscall_read_total`          | Total read SysCalls to the kernel. /proc/[pid]/io syscr. <br><br>Type: counter                                                        | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_syscall_write_total`         | Total write SysCalls to the kernel. /proc/[pid]/io syscw. <br><br>Type: counter                                                       | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_resident_memory_bytes`       | Resident memory size in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge                                                                                    | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_virtual_memory_bytes`        | Virtual memory size in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge                                                                                     | `server` |
| `minio_system_process_virtual_memory_max_bytes`    | Maximum virtual memory size in bytes. <br><br>Type: gauge                                                                             | `server` |