 * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015 Minio, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package fs

import "fmt"

// SignDoesNotMatch - signature does not match.
type SignDoesNotMatch struct{}

func (e SignDoesNotMatch) Error() string {
	return "Signature does not match."

// InvalidArgument invalid argument
type InvalidArgument struct{}

func (e InvalidArgument) Error() string {
	return "Invalid argument"

// UnsupportedFilesystem unsupported filesystem type
type UnsupportedFilesystem struct {
	Type string

func (e UnsupportedFilesystem) Error() string {
	return "Unsupported filesystem: " + e.Type

// RootPathFull root path out of space
type RootPathFull struct {
	Path string

func (e RootPathFull) Error() string {
	return "Root path " + e.Path + " reached its minimum free disk threshold."

// BucketNotFound bucket does not exist
type BucketNotFound struct {
	Bucket string

func (e BucketNotFound) Error() string {
	return "Bucket not found: " + e.Bucket

// BucketNotEmpty bucket is not empty
type BucketNotEmpty struct {
	Bucket string

func (e BucketNotEmpty) Error() string {
	return "Bucket not empty: " + e.Bucket

// ObjectNotFound object does not exist
type ObjectNotFound struct {
	Bucket string
	Object string

func (e ObjectNotFound) Error() string {
	return "Object not found: " + e.Bucket + "#" + e.Object

// ObjectExistsAsPrefix object already exists with a requested prefix.
type ObjectExistsAsPrefix struct {
	Bucket string
	Prefix string

func (e ObjectExistsAsPrefix) Error() string {
	return "Object exists on : " + e.Bucket + " as prefix " + e.Prefix

// ObjectCorrupted object found to be corrupted
type ObjectCorrupted struct {
	Object string

func (e ObjectCorrupted) Error() string {
	return "Object found corrupted: " + e.Object

// BucketExists bucket exists
type BucketExists struct {
	Bucket string

func (e BucketExists) Error() string {
	return "Bucket exists: " + e.Bucket

// CorruptedBackend backend found to be corrupted
type CorruptedBackend struct {
	Backend string

func (e CorruptedBackend) Error() string {
	return "Corrupted backend: " + e.Backend

// NotImplemented function not implemented
type NotImplemented struct {
	Function string

func (e NotImplemented) Error() string {
	return "Not implemented: " + e.Function

// InvalidDisksArgument invalid number of disks per node
type InvalidDisksArgument struct{}

func (e InvalidDisksArgument) Error() string {
	return "Invalid number of disks per node"

// BadDigest bad md5sum
type BadDigest struct {
	MD5    string
	Bucket string
	Object string

func (e BadDigest) Error() string {
	return "Bad digest"

// InternalError - generic internal error
type InternalError struct{}

// BackendError - generic disk backend error
type BackendError struct {
	Path string

// BackendCorrupted - path has corrupted data
type BackendCorrupted BackendError

// APINotImplemented - generic API not implemented error
type APINotImplemented struct {
	API string

// GenericBucketError - generic bucket error
type GenericBucketError struct {
	Bucket string

// GenericObjectError - generic object error
type GenericObjectError struct {
	Bucket string
	Object string

// ImplementationError - generic implementation error
type ImplementationError struct {
	Bucket string
	Object string
	Err    error

// DigestError - Generic MD5 error
type DigestError struct {
	Bucket string
	Key    string
	MD5    string

/// ACL related errors

// InvalidACL - acl invalid
type InvalidACL struct {
	ACL string

func (e InvalidACL) Error() string {
	return "Requested ACL is " + e.ACL + " invalid"

/// Bucket related errors

// BucketNameInvalid - bucketname provided is invalid
type BucketNameInvalid GenericBucketError

/// Object related errors

// ObjectNameInvalid - object name provided is invalid
type ObjectNameInvalid GenericObjectError

// InvalidDigest - md5 in request header invalid
type InvalidDigest DigestError

// Return string an error formatted as the given text
func (e ImplementationError) Error() string {
	error := ""
	if e.Bucket != "" {
		error = error + "Bucket: " + e.Bucket + " "
	if e.Object != "" {
		error = error + "Object: " + e.Object + " "
	error = error + "Error: " + e.Err.Error()
	return error

// EmbedError - wrapper function for error object
func EmbedError(bucket, object string, err error) ImplementationError {
	return ImplementationError{
		Bucket: bucket,
		Object: object,
		Err:    err,

// Return string an error formatted as the given text
func (e InternalError) Error() string {
	return "Internal error occured"

// Return string an error formatted as the given text
func (e APINotImplemented) Error() string {
	return "Api not implemented: " + e.API

// Return string an error formatted as the given text
func (e BucketNameInvalid) Error() string {
	return "Bucket name invalid: " + e.Bucket

// Return string an error formatted as the given text
func (e ObjectNameInvalid) Error() string {
	return "Object name invalid: " + e.Bucket + "#" + e.Object

// IncompleteBody You did not provide the number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header
type IncompleteBody GenericObjectError

// Return string an error formatted as the given text
func (e IncompleteBody) Error() string {
	return e.Bucket + "#" + e.Object + "has incomplete body"

// Return string an error formatted as the given text
func (e BackendCorrupted) Error() string {
	return "Backend corrupted: " + e.Path

// Return string an error formatted as the given text
func (e InvalidDigest) Error() string {
	return "MD5 provided " + e.MD5 + " is invalid"

// OperationNotPermitted - operation not permitted
type OperationNotPermitted struct {
	Op     string
	Reason string

func (e OperationNotPermitted) Error() string {
	return "Operation " + e.Op + " not permitted for reason: " + e.Reason

// InvalidRange - invalid range
type InvalidRange struct {
	Start  int64
	Length int64

func (e InvalidRange) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid range start:%d length:%d", e.Start, e.Length)

/// Multipart related errors

// InvalidUploadID invalid upload id
type InvalidUploadID struct {
	UploadID string

func (e InvalidUploadID) Error() string {
	return "Invalid upload id " + e.UploadID

// InvalidPart One or more of the specified parts could not be found
type InvalidPart struct{}

func (e InvalidPart) Error() string {
	return "One or more of the specified parts could not be found"

// InvalidPartOrder parts are not ordered as Requested
type InvalidPartOrder struct {
	UploadID string

func (e InvalidPartOrder) Error() string {
	return "Invalid part order sent for " + e.UploadID

// MalformedXML invalid xml format
type MalformedXML struct{}

func (e MalformedXML) Error() string {
	return "Malformed XML"