#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2120 exit_1() { cleanup echo "minio1 ============" cat /tmp/minio1_1.log echo "minio2 ============" cat /tmp/minio2_1.log exit 1 } cleanup() { echo -n "Cleaning up instances of MinIO ..." pkill minio || sudo pkill minio pkill -9 minio || sudo pkill -9 minio rm -rf /tmp/minio{1,2} echo "done" } cleanup export MINIO_CI_CD=1 export MINIO_BROWSER=off export MINIO_ROOT_USER="minio" export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD="minio123" TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY="MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDA" # Create certificates for TLS enabled MinIO echo -n "Setup certs for MinIO instances ..." wget -O certgen https://github.com/minio/certgen/releases/latest/download/certgen-linux-amd64 && chmod +x certgen ./certgen --host localhost mkdir -p /tmp/certs mv public.crt /tmp/certs || sudo mv public.crt /tmp/certs mv private.key /tmp/certs || sudo mv private.key /tmp/certs echo "done" # Start MinIO instances echo -n "Starting MinIO instances ..." minio server --certs-dir /tmp/certs --address ":9001" --console-address ":10000" /tmp/minio1/{1...4}/disk{1...4} /tmp/minio1/{5...8}/disk{1...4} >/tmp/minio1_1.log 2>&1 & minio server --certs-dir /tmp/certs --address ":9002" --console-address ":11000" /tmp/minio2/{1...4}/disk{1...4} /tmp/minio2/{5...8}/disk{1...4} >/tmp/minio2_1.log 2>&1 & echo "done" if [ ! -f ./mc ]; then echo -n "Downloading MinIO client ..." wget -O mc https://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mc && chmod +x mc echo "done" fi export MC_HOST_minio1=https://minio:minio123@localhost:9001 export MC_HOST_minio2=https://minio:minio123@localhost:9002 ./mc ready minio1 --insecure ./mc ready minio2 --insecure # Prepare data for tests echo -n "Preparing test data ..." mkdir -p /tmp/data echo "Hello world" >/tmp/data/plainfile echo "Hello from encrypted world" >/tmp/data/encrypted touch /tmp/data/defpartsize shred -s 500M /tmp/data/defpartsize touch /tmp/data/mpartobj.txt shred -s 500M /tmp/data/mpartobj.txt echo "done" # Enable compression for site minio1 ./mc admin config set minio1 compression enable=on extensions=".txt" --insecure ./mc admin config set minio1 compression allow_encryption=off --insecure # Create bucket in source cluster echo "Create bucket in source MinIO instance" ./mc mb minio1/test-bucket --insecure # Load objects to source site echo "Loading objects to source MinIO instance" ./mc cp /tmp/data/plainfile minio1/test-bucket --insecure ./mc cp /tmp/data/encrypted minio1/test-bucket/encrypted --enc-c "minio1/test-bucket/encrypted=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure ./mc cp /tmp/data/defpartsize minio1/test-bucket/defpartsize --enc-c "minio1/test-bucket/defpartsize=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure # Below should fail as compression and SSEC used at the same time # DISABLED: We must check the response header to see if compression was actually applied #RESULT=$({ ./mc put /tmp/data/mpartobj.txt minio1/test-bucket/mpartobj.txt --enc-c "minio1/test-bucket/mpartobj.txt=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure; } 2>&1) #if [[ ${RESULT} != *"Server side encryption specified with SSE-C with compression not allowed"* ]]; then # echo "BUG: Loading an SSE-C object to site with compression should fail. Succeeded though." # exit_1 #fi # Add replication site ./mc admin replicate add minio1 minio2 --insecure # sleep for replication to complete sleep 30 # List the objects from source site echo "Objects from source instance" ./mc ls minio1/test-bucket --insecure count1=$(./mc ls minio1/test-bucket/plainfile --insecure | wc -l) if [ "${count1}" -ne 1 ]; then echo "BUG: object minio1/test-bucket/plainfile not found" exit_1 fi count2=$(./mc ls minio1/test-bucket/encrypted --insecure | wc -l) if [ "${count2}" -ne 1 ]; then echo "BUG: object minio1/test-bucket/encrypted not found" exit_1 fi count3=$(./mc ls minio1/test-bucket/defpartsize --insecure | wc -l) if [ "${count3}" -ne 1 ]; then echo "BUG: object minio1/test-bucket/defpartsize not found" exit_1 fi sleep 120 # List the objects from replicated site echo "Objects from replicated instance" ./mc ls minio2/test-bucket --insecure repcount1=$(./mc ls minio2/test-bucket/plainfile --insecure | wc -l) if [ "${repcount1}" -ne 1 ]; then echo "BUG: object test-bucket/plainfile not replicated" exit_1 fi repcount2=$(./mc ls minio2/test-bucket/encrypted --insecure | wc -l) if [ "${repcount2}" -ne 1 ]; then echo "BUG: object test-bucket/encrypted not replicated" exit_1 fi repcount3=$(./mc ls minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize --insecure | wc -l) if [ "${repcount3}" -ne 1 ]; then echo "BUG: object test-bucket/defpartsize not replicated" exit_1 fi # Stat the SSEC objects from source site echo "Stat minio1/test-bucket/encrypted" ./mc stat --no-list minio1/test-bucket/encrypted --enc-c "minio1/test-bucket/encrypted=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure --json stat_out1=$(./mc stat --no-list minio1/test-bucket/encrypted --enc-c "minio1/test-bucket/encrypted=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure --json) src_obj1_etag=$(echo "${stat_out1}" | jq '.etag') src_obj1_size=$(echo "${stat_out1}" | jq '.size') src_obj1_md5=$(echo "${stat_out1}" | jq '.metadata."X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key-Md5"') echo "Stat minio1/test-bucket/defpartsize" ./mc stat --no-list minio1/test-bucket/defpartsize --enc-c "minio1/test-bucket/defpartsize=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure --json stat_out2=$(./mc stat --no-list minio1/test-bucket/defpartsize --enc-c "minio1/test-bucket/defpartsize=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure --json) src_obj2_etag=$(echo "${stat_out2}" | jq '.etag') src_obj2_size=$(echo "${stat_out2}" | jq '.size') src_obj2_md5=$(echo "${stat_out2}" | jq '.metadata."X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key-Md5"') # Stat the SSEC objects from replicated site echo "Stat minio2/test-bucket/encrypted" ./mc stat --no-list minio2/test-bucket/encrypted --enc-c "minio2/test-bucket/encrypted=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure --json stat_out1_rep=$(./mc stat --no-list minio2/test-bucket/encrypted --enc-c "minio2/test-bucket/encrypted=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure --json) rep_obj1_etag=$(echo "${stat_out1_rep}" | jq '.etag') rep_obj1_size=$(echo "${stat_out1_rep}" | jq '.size') rep_obj1_md5=$(echo "${stat_out1_rep}" | jq '.metadata."X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key-Md5"') echo "Stat minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize" ./mc stat --no-list minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize --enc-c "minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure --json stat_out2_rep=$(./mc stat --no-list minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize --enc-c "minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure --json) rep_obj2_etag=$(echo "${stat_out2_rep}" | jq '.etag') rep_obj2_size=$(echo "${stat_out2_rep}" | jq '.size') rep_obj2_md5=$(echo "${stat_out2_rep}" | jq '.metadata."X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key-Md5"') # Check the etag and size of replicated SSEC objects if [ "${rep_obj1_etag}" != "${src_obj1_etag}" ]; then echo "BUG: Etag: '${rep_obj1_etag}' of replicated object: 'minio2/test-bucket/encrypted' doesn't match with source value: '${src_obj1_etag}'" exit_1 fi if [ "${rep_obj1_size}" != "${src_obj1_size}" ]; then echo "BUG: Size: '${rep_obj1_size}' of replicated object: 'minio2/test-bucket/encrypted' doesn't match with source value: '${src_obj1_size}'" exit_1 fi if [ "${rep_obj2_etag}" != "${src_obj2_etag}" ]; then echo "BUG: Etag: '${rep_obj2_etag}' of replicated object: 'minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize' doesn't match with source value: '${src_obj2_etag}'" exit_1 fi if [ "${rep_obj2_size}" != "${src_obj2_size}" ]; then echo "BUG: Size: '${rep_obj2_size}' of replicated object: 'minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize' doesn't match with source value: '${src_obj2_size}'" exit_1 fi # Check content of replicated SSEC objects ./mc cat minio2/test-bucket/encrypted --enc-c "minio2/test-bucket/encrypted=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure ./mc cat minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize --enc-c "minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize=${TEST_MINIO_ENC_KEY}" --insecure >/dev/null || exit_1 # Check the MD5 checksums of encrypted objects from source and target if [ "${src_obj1_md5}" != "${rep_obj1_md5}" ]; then echo "BUG: MD5 checksum of object 'minio2/test-bucket/encrypted' doesn't match with source. Expected: '${src_obj1_md5}', Found: '${rep_obj1_md5}'" exit_1 fi if [ "${src_obj2_md5}" != "${rep_obj2_md5}" ]; then echo "BUG: MD5 checksum of object 'minio2/test-bucket/defpartsize' doesn't match with source. Expected: '${src_obj2_md5}', Found: '${rep_obj2_md5}'" exit_1 fi cleanup