#!/usr/bin/env bash trap 'catch $LINENO' ERR # shellcheck disable=SC2120 catch() { if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then echo "error on line $1" for site in sitea siteb sitec; do echo "$site server logs =========" cat "/tmp/${site}_1.log" echo "===========================" cat "/tmp/${site}_2.log" done fi echo "Cleaning up instances of MinIO" pkill minio pkill -9 minio rm -rf /tmp/multisitea rm -rf /tmp/multisiteb rm -rf /tmp/multisitec } catch set -e export MINIO_BROWSER=off export MINIO_ROOT_USER="minio" export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD="minio123" export MINIO_KMS_AUTO_ENCRYPTION=off export MINIO_PROMETHEUS_AUTH_TYPE=public export MINIO_KMS_SECRET_KEY=my-minio-key:OSMM+vkKUTCvQs9YL/CVMIMt43HFhkUpqJxTmGl6rYw= unset MINIO_KMS_KES_CERT_FILE unset MINIO_KMS_KES_KEY_FILE unset MINIO_KMS_KES_ENDPOINT unset MINIO_KMS_KES_KEY_NAME go build ./docs/debugging/s3-check-md5/ wget -O mc https://dl.minio.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mc \ && chmod +x mc wget -O mc.RELEASE.2021-03-12T03-36-59Z https://dl.minio.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/archive/mc.RELEASE.2021-03-12T03-36-59Z \ && chmod +x mc.RELEASE.2021-03-12T03-36-59Z minio server --address "{1...4}" \ "{5...8}" >/tmp/sitea_1.log 2>&1 & minio server --address "{1...4}" \ "{5...8}" >/tmp/sitea_2.log 2>&1 & minio server --address "{1...4}" \ "{5...8}" >/tmp/siteb_1.log 2>&1 & minio server --address "{1...4}" \ "{5...8}" >/tmp/siteb_2.log 2>&1 & minio server --address "{1...4}" \ "{5...8}" >/tmp/sitec_1.log 2>&1 & minio server --address "{1...4}" \ "{5...8}" >/tmp/sitec_2.log 2>&1 & sleep 30 export MC_HOST_sitea=http://minio:minio123@ export MC_HOST_siteb=http://minio:minio123@ export MC_HOST_sitec=http://minio:minio123@ ./mc mb sitea/bucket ./mc version enable sitea/bucket ./mc mb -l sitea/olockbucket ./mc mb siteb/bucket/ ./mc version enable siteb/bucket/ ./mc mb -l siteb/olockbucket/ ./mc mb sitec/bucket/ ./mc version enable sitec/bucket/ ./mc mb -l sitec/olockbucket echo "adding replication config for site a -> site b" remote_arn=$(./mc admin bucket remote add sitea/bucket/ \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") echo "adding replication rule for a -> b : ${remote_arn}" sleep 1 ./mc replicate add sitea/bucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for site b -> site a" remote_arn=$(./mc admin bucket remote add siteb/bucket/ \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for b -> a : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add siteb/bucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for site a -> site c" remote_arn=$(./mc admin bucket remote add sitea/bucket/ \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for a -> c : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add sitea/bucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" --priority 2 sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for site c -> site a" remote_arn=$(./mc admin bucket remote add sitec/bucket/ \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for c -> a : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add sitec/bucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" --priority 2 sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for site b -> site c" remote_arn=$(./mc admin bucket remote add siteb/bucket/ \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for b -> c : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add siteb/bucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" --priority 3 sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for site c -> site b" remote_arn=$(././mc admin bucket remote add sitec/bucket \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for c -> b : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add sitec/bucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" --priority 3 sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for olockbucket site a -> site b" remote_arn=$(././mc admin bucket remote add sitea/olockbucket/ \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for olockbucket a -> b : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add sitea/olockbucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for site b -> site a" remote_arn=$(././mc admin bucket remote add siteb/olockbucket/ \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for olockbucket b -> a : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add siteb/olockbucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for olockbucket site a -> site c" remote_arn=$(././mc admin bucket remote add sitea/olockbucket/ \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for olockbucket a -> c : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add sitea/olockbucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" --priority 2 sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for site c -> site a" remote_arn=$(././mc admin bucket remote add sitec/olockbucket/ \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for olockbucket c -> a : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add sitec/olockbucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" --priority 2 sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for site b -> site c" remote_arn=$(././mc admin bucket remote add siteb/olockbucket/ \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for olockbucket b -> c : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add siteb/olockbucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" --priority 3 sleep 1 echo "adding replication config for site c -> site b" remote_arn=$(././mc admin bucket remote add sitec/olockbucket \ http://minio:minio123@ \ --service "replication" --json | jq -r ".RemoteARN") sleep 1 echo "adding replication rule for olockbucket c -> b : ${remote_arn}" ./mc replicate add sitec/olockbucket/ \ --remote-bucket "${remote_arn}" \ --replicate "existing-objects,delete,delete-marker,replica-metadata-sync" --priority 3 sleep 1 echo "Set default governance retention 30d" ./mc retention set --default governance 30d sitea/olockbucket echo "Copying data to source sitea/bucket" ./mc cp --encrypt "sitea/" --quiet /etc/hosts sitea/bucket sleep 1 echo "Copying data to source sitea/olockbucket" ./mc cp --quiet /etc/hosts sitea/olockbucket sleep 1 echo "Verifying the metadata difference between source and target" if diff -pruN <(./mc stat --json sitea/bucket/hosts | jq .) <(./mc stat --json siteb/bucket/hosts | jq .) | grep -q 'COMPLETED\|REPLICA'; then echo "verified sitea-> COMPLETED, siteb-> REPLICA" fi if diff -pruN <(./mc stat --json sitea/bucket/hosts | jq .) <(./mc stat --json sitec/bucket/hosts | jq .) | grep -q 'COMPLETED\|REPLICA'; then echo "verified sitea-> COMPLETED, sitec-> REPLICA" fi echo "Verifying the metadata difference between source and target" if diff -pruN <(./mc stat --json sitea/olockbucket/hosts | jq .) <(./mc stat --json siteb/olockbucket/hosts | jq .) | grep -q 'COMPLETED\|REPLICA'; then echo "verified sitea-> COMPLETED, siteb-> REPLICA" fi if diff -pruN <(./mc stat --json sitea/olockbucket/hosts | jq .) <(./mc stat --json sitec/olockbucket/hosts | jq .) | grep -q 'COMPLETED\|REPLICA'; then echo "verified sitea-> COMPLETED, sitec-> REPLICA" fi sleep 5 head -c 221227088 </dev/urandom >200M ./mc.RELEASE.2021-03-12T03-36-59Z cp --config-dir ~/.mc --encrypt "sitea" --quiet 200M "sitea/bucket/200M-enc-v1" ./mc.RELEASE.2021-03-12T03-36-59Z cp --config-dir ~/.mc --quiet 200M "sitea/bucket/200M-v1" ./mc cp --encrypt "sitea" --quiet 200M "sitea/bucket/200M-enc-v2" ./mc cp --quiet 200M "sitea/bucket/200M-v2" sleep 10 echo "Verifying ETag for all objects" ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket bucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket bucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket bucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket bucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket bucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket bucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket olockbucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket olockbucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket olockbucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket olockbucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket olockbucket ./s3-check-md5 -versions -access-key minio -secret-key minio123 -endpoint -bucket olockbucket catch