 * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2018 Minio, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package event

import (

func TestValidateFilterRuleValue(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		value     string
		expectErr bool
		{"foo/.", true},
		{"../foo", true},
		{`foo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/bazfoo/bar/baz`, true},
		{string([]byte{0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd}), true},
		{`foo\bar`, true},
		{"Hello/世界", false},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		err := ValidateFilterRuleValue(testCase.value)
		expectErr := (err != nil)

		if expectErr != testCase.expectErr {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: error: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectErr, expectErr)

func TestFilterRuleUnmarshalXML(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		data           []byte
		expectedResult *FilterRule
		expectErr      bool
		{[]byte(`<FilterRule></FilterRule>`), nil, true},
		{[]byte(`<FilterRule><Name></Name></FilterRule>`), nil, true},
		{[]byte(`<FilterRule><Value></Value></FilterRule>`), nil, true},
		{[]byte(`<FilterRule><Name></Name><Value></Value></FilterRule>`), nil, true},
		{[]byte(`<FilterRule><Name>Prefix</Name><Value>Hello/世界</Value></FilterRule>`), nil, true},
		{[]byte(`<FilterRule><Name>ends</Name><Value>foo/bar</Value></FilterRule>`), nil, true},
		{[]byte(`<FilterRule><Name>prefix</Name><Value>Hello/世界</Value></FilterRule>`), &FilterRule{"prefix", "Hello/世界"}, false},
		{[]byte(`<FilterRule><Name>suffix</Name><Value>foo/bar</Value></FilterRule>`), &FilterRule{"suffix", "foo/bar"}, false},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := &FilterRule{}
		err := xml.Unmarshal(testCase.data, result)
		expectErr := (err != nil)

		if expectErr != testCase.expectErr {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: error: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectErr, expectErr)

		if !testCase.expectErr {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, testCase.expectedResult) {
				t.Fatalf("test %v: data: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestFilterRuleListUnmarshalXML(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		data           []byte
		expectedResult *FilterRuleList
		expectErr      bool
		{[]byte(`<S3Key><FilterRule><Name>suffix</Name><Value>Hello/世界</Value></FilterRule><FilterRule><Name>suffix</Name><Value>foo/bar</Value></FilterRule></S3Key>`), nil, true},
		{[]byte(`<S3Key><FilterRule><Name>prefix</Name><Value>Hello/世界</Value></FilterRule><FilterRule><Name>prefix</Name><Value>foo/bar</Value></FilterRule></S3Key>`), nil, true},
		{[]byte(`<S3Key><FilterRule><Name>prefix</Name><Value>Hello/世界</Value></FilterRule></S3Key>`), &FilterRuleList{[]FilterRule{{"prefix", "Hello/世界"}}}, false},
		{[]byte(`<S3Key><FilterRule><Name>suffix</Name><Value>foo/bar</Value></FilterRule></S3Key>`), &FilterRuleList{[]FilterRule{{"suffix", "foo/bar"}}}, false},
		{[]byte(`<S3Key><FilterRule><Name>prefix</Name><Value>Hello/世界</Value></FilterRule><FilterRule><Name>suffix</Name><Value>foo/bar</Value></FilterRule></S3Key>`), &FilterRuleList{[]FilterRule{{"prefix", "Hello/世界"}, {"suffix", "foo/bar"}}}, false},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := &FilterRuleList{}
		err := xml.Unmarshal(testCase.data, result)
		expectErr := (err != nil)

		if expectErr != testCase.expectErr {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: error: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectErr, expectErr)

		if !testCase.expectErr {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, testCase.expectedResult) {
				t.Fatalf("test %v: data: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestFilterRuleListPattern(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		filterRuleList FilterRuleList
		expectedResult string
		{FilterRuleList{}, ""},
		{FilterRuleList{[]FilterRule{{"prefix", "Hello/世界"}}}, "Hello/世界*"},
		{FilterRuleList{[]FilterRule{{"suffix", "foo/bar"}}}, "*foo/bar"},
		{FilterRuleList{[]FilterRule{{"prefix", "Hello/世界"}, {"suffix", "foo/bar"}}}, "Hello/世界*foo/bar"},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := testCase.filterRuleList.Pattern()

		if result != testCase.expectedResult {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: data: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestQueueUnmarshalXML(t *testing.T) {
	dataCase1 := []byte(`

	dataCase2 := []byte(`

	dataCase3 := []byte(`

	testCases := []struct {
		data      []byte
		expectErr bool
		{dataCase1, false},
		{dataCase2, false},
		{dataCase3, true},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		err := xml.Unmarshal(testCase.data, &Queue{})
		expectErr := (err != nil)

		if expectErr != testCase.expectErr {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: error: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectErr, expectErr)

func TestQueueValidate(t *testing.T) {
	var data []byte
	data = []byte(`
	queue1 := &Queue{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, queue1); err != nil {

	data = []byte(`
	queue2 := &Queue{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, queue2); err != nil {

	data = []byte(`
	queue3 := &Queue{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, queue3); err != nil {

	targetList1 := NewTargetList()

	targetList2 := NewTargetList()
	if err := targetList2.Add(&ExampleTarget{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, false, false}); err != nil {

	testCases := []struct {
		queue      *Queue
		region     string
		targetList *TargetList
		expectErr  bool
		{queue1, "eu-west-1", nil, true},
		{queue2, "us-east-1", targetList1, true},
		{queue3, "", targetList2, false},
		{queue2, "us-east-1", targetList2, false},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		err := testCase.queue.Validate(testCase.region, testCase.targetList)
		expectErr := (err != nil)

		if expectErr != testCase.expectErr {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: error: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectErr, expectErr)

func TestQueueSetRegion(t *testing.T) {
	var data []byte
	data = []byte(`
	queue1 := &Queue{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, queue1); err != nil {

	data = []byte(`
	queue2 := &Queue{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, queue2); err != nil {

	testCases := []struct {
		queue          *Queue
		region         string
		expectedResult ARN
		{queue1, "eu-west-1", ARN{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, "eu-west-1"}},
		{queue1, "", ARN{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, ""}},
		{queue2, "us-east-1", ARN{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, "us-east-1"}},
		{queue2, "", ARN{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, ""}},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := testCase.queue.ARN

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, testCase.expectedResult) {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: data: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestQueueToRulesMap(t *testing.T) {
	var data []byte
	data = []byte(`
	queueCase1 := &Queue{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, queueCase1); err != nil {

	data = []byte(`
	queueCase2 := &Queue{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, queueCase2); err != nil {

	rulesMapCase1 := NewRulesMap([]Name{ObjectAccessedAll, ObjectCreatedAll, ObjectRemovedAll}, "*", TargetID{"1", "webhook"})
	rulesMapCase2 := NewRulesMap([]Name{ObjectCreatedPut}, "images/*jpg", TargetID{"1", "webhook"})

	testCases := []struct {
		queue          *Queue
		expectedResult RulesMap
		{queueCase1, rulesMapCase1},
		{queueCase2, rulesMapCase2},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := testCase.queue.ToRulesMap()

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, testCase.expectedResult) {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: data: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestConfigUnmarshalXML(t *testing.T) {
	dataCase1 := []byte(`

	dataCase2 := []byte(`

	dataCase3 := []byte(`

	dataCase4 := []byte(`

	dataCase5 := []byte(`<NotificationConfiguration></NotificationConfiguration>`)

	testCases := []struct {
		data      []byte
		expectErr bool
		{dataCase1, false},
		{dataCase2, false},
		{dataCase3, false},
		{dataCase4, true},
		// make sure we don't fail when queue is empty.
		{dataCase5, false},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		err := xml.Unmarshal(testCase.data, &Config{})
		expectErr := (err != nil)

		if expectErr != testCase.expectErr {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: error: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectErr, expectErr)

func TestConfigValidate(t *testing.T) {
	var data []byte
	data = []byte(`
	config1 := &Config{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, config1); err != nil {

	data = []byte(`
	config2 := &Config{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, config2); err != nil {

	data = []byte(`
	config3 := &Config{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, config3); err != nil {

	targetList1 := NewTargetList()

	targetList2 := NewTargetList()
	if err := targetList2.Add(&ExampleTarget{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, false, false}); err != nil {

	testCases := []struct {
		config     *Config
		region     string
		targetList *TargetList
		expectErr  bool
		{config1, "eu-west-1", nil, true},
		{config2, "us-east-1", targetList1, true},
		{config3, "", targetList2, false},
		{config2, "us-east-1", targetList2, false},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		err := testCase.config.Validate(testCase.region, testCase.targetList)
		expectErr := (err != nil)

		if expectErr != testCase.expectErr {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: error: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectErr, expectErr)

func TestConfigSetRegion(t *testing.T) {
	var data []byte
	data = []byte(`
	config1 := &Config{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, config1); err != nil {

	data = []byte(`
	config2 := &Config{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, config2); err != nil {

	data = []byte(`
	config3 := &Config{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, config3); err != nil {

	testCases := []struct {
		config         *Config
		region         string
		expectedResult []ARN
		{config1, "eu-west-1", []ARN{{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, "eu-west-1"}}},
		{config1, "", []ARN{{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, ""}}},
		{config2, "us-east-1", []ARN{{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, "us-east-1"}}},
		{config2, "", []ARN{{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, ""}}},
		{config3, "us-east-1", []ARN{{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, "us-east-1"}, {TargetID{"2", "amqp"}, "us-east-1"}}},
		{config3, "", []ARN{{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, ""}, {TargetID{"2", "amqp"}, ""}}},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := []ARN{}
		for _, queue := range testCase.config.QueueList {
			result = append(result, queue.ARN)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, testCase.expectedResult) {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: data: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestConfigToRulesMap(t *testing.T) {
	var data []byte
	data = []byte(`
	config1 := &Config{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, config1); err != nil {

	data = []byte(`
	config2 := &Config{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, config2); err != nil {

	data = []byte(`
	config3 := &Config{}
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, config3); err != nil {

	rulesMapCase1 := NewRulesMap([]Name{ObjectAccessedAll, ObjectCreatedAll, ObjectRemovedAll}, "*", TargetID{"1", "webhook"})

	rulesMapCase2 := NewRulesMap([]Name{ObjectCreatedPut}, "images/*jpg", TargetID{"1", "webhook"})

	rulesMapCase3 := NewRulesMap([]Name{ObjectAccessedAll, ObjectCreatedAll, ObjectRemovedAll}, "*", TargetID{"1", "webhook"})
	rulesMapCase3.add([]Name{ObjectCreatedPut}, "images/*jpg", TargetID{"2", "amqp"})

	testCases := []struct {
		config         *Config
		expectedResult RulesMap
		{config1, rulesMapCase1},
		{config2, rulesMapCase2},
		{config3, rulesMapCase3},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		result := testCase.config.ToRulesMap()

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, testCase.expectedResult) {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: data: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectedResult, result)

func TestParseConfig(t *testing.T) {
	reader1 := strings.NewReader(`

	reader2 := strings.NewReader(`

	reader3 := strings.NewReader(`

	reader4 := strings.NewReader(`

	targetList1 := NewTargetList()

	targetList2 := NewTargetList()
	if err := targetList2.Add(&ExampleTarget{TargetID{"1", "webhook"}, false, false}); err != nil {

	testCases := []struct {
		reader     *strings.Reader
		region     string
		targetList *TargetList
		expectErr  bool
		{reader1, "eu-west-1", nil, true},
		{reader2, "us-east-1", targetList1, true},
		{reader4, "us-east-1", targetList1, true},
		{reader3, "", targetList2, false},
		{reader2, "us-east-1", targetList2, false},

	for i, testCase := range testCases {
		if _, err := testCase.reader.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
		_, err := ParseConfig(testCase.reader, testCase.region, testCase.targetList)
		expectErr := (err != nil)

		if expectErr != testCase.expectErr {
			t.Fatalf("test %v: error: expected: %v, got: %v", i+1, testCase.expectErr, expectErr)