# How to configure Prometheus AlertManager Alerting with prometheus is two step process. First we setup alerts in Prometheus server and then we need to send alerts to the AlertManager. Prometheus AlertManager is the component that manages sending, inhibition and silencing of the alerts generated from Prometheus. The AlertManager can be configured to send alerts to variety of receivers. Refer [Prometheus AlertManager receivers](https://prometheus.io/docs/alerting/latest/configuration/#receiver) for more details. Follow below steps to enable and use AlertManager. ## Deploy and start AlertManager Install Prometheus AlertManager from https://prometheus.io/download/ and create configuration as below ```yaml route: group_by: ['alertname'] group_wait: 30s group_interval: 5m repeat_interval: 1h receiver: 'web.hook' receivers: - name: 'web.hook' webhook_configs: - url: '' inhibit_rules: - source_match: severity: 'critical' target_match: severity: 'warning' equal: ['alertname', 'dev', 'instance'] ``` This sample configuration uses a `webhook` at to post the alerts. Start the AlertManager and it listens on port `9093` by default. Make sure your webhook is up and listening for the alerts. ## Configure Prometheus to use AlertManager Add below section to your `prometheus.yml` ```yaml alerting: alertmanagers: - static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9093'] rule_files: - rules.yml ``` Here `rules.yml` is the file which should contain the alerting rules defined. ## Add rules for your deployment Below is a sample alerting rules configuration for MinIO. Refer https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/alerting_rules/ for more instructions on writing alerting rules for Prometheus. ```yaml groups: - name: example rules: - alert: MinIOClusterTolerance expr: minio_cluster_health_erasure_set_status < 1 for: 5m labels: severity: critical annotations: summary: "Instance {{ $labels.server }} has lost quorum on pool {{ $labels.pool }} on set {{ $labels.set }}" description: "MinIO instance {{ $labels.server }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has lost quorum on pool {{ $labels.pool }} on set {{ $labels.set }} for more than 5 minutes." ``` ## Verify the configuration and alerts To verify the above sample alert follow below steps 1. Start a distributed MinIO instance (4 nodes setup) 2. Start Prometheus server and AlertManager 3. Bring down couple of MinIO instances to bring down the Erasure Set tolerance to -1 and verify the same with `mc admin prometheus metrics ALIAS | grep minio_cluster_health_erasure_set_status` 4. Wait for 5 mins (as alert is configured to be firing after 5 mins), and verify that you see an entry in webhook for the alert as well as in Prometheus console as shown below ```json { "receiver": "web\\.hook", "status": "firing", "alerts": [ { "status": "firing", "labels": { "alertname": "MinIOClusterTolerance", "instance": "localhost:9000", "job": "minio-job-node", "pool": "0", "server": "", "set": "0", "severity": "critical" }, "annotations": { "description": "MinIO instance of job minio-job has tolerance <=0 for more than 5 minutes.", "summary": "Instance unable to tolerate node failures" }, "startsAt": "2023-11-18T06:20:09.456Z", "endsAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "generatorURL": "http://fedora-minio:9090/graph?g0.expr=minio_cluster_health_erasure_set_tolerance+%3C%3D+0&g0.tab=1", "fingerprint": "2255608b0da28ca3" } ], "groupLabels": { "alertname": "MinIOClusterTolerance" }, "commonLabels": { "alertname": "MinIOClusterTolerance", "instance": "localhost:9000", "job": "minio-job-node", "pool": "0", "server": "", "set": "0", "severity": "critical" }, "commonAnnotations": { "description": "MinIO instance of job minio-job has lost quorum on pool 0 on set 0 for more than 5 minutes.", "summary": "Instance has lot quorum on pool 0 on set 0" }, "externalURL": "http://fedora-minio:9093", "version": "4", "groupKey": "{}:{alertname=\"MinIOClusterTolerance\"}", "truncatedAlerts": 0 } ```