<?php # # Mint, (C) 2017 Minio, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\S3\S3Client; use Aws\Credentials; use Aws\Exception\AwsException; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request; use GuzzleHttp\Client; // Constants const FILE_1_KB = "datafile-1-kB"; const FILE_5_MB = "datafile-5-MB"; const HTTP_OK = "200"; const HTTP_NOCONTENT = "204"; const HTTP_BADREQUEST = "400"; const HTTP_NOTIMPLEMENTED = "501"; const HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR = "500"; const TEST_METADATA = ['param_1' => 'val-1']; /** * ClientConfig abstracts configuration details to connect to a * S3-like service */ class ClientConfig { public $creds; public $endpoint; public $region; function __construct(string $access_key, string $secret_key, string $host, string $secure, string $region) { $this->creds = new Aws\Credentials\Credentials($access_key, $secret_key); if ($secure == "1") { $this->endpoint = "https://" . $host; } else { $this->endpoint = "http://" . $host; } $this->region = $region; } } /** * randomName returns a name prefixed by aws-sdk-php using uniqid() * from standard library * * @return string */ function randomName():string { return uniqid("aws-sdk-php-"); } /** * getStatusCode returns HTTP status code of the given result. * * @param $result - AWS\S3 result object * * @return string - HTTP status code. E.g, "400" for Bad Request. */ function getStatusCode($result):string { return $result->toArray()['@metadata']['statusCode']; } /** * runExceptionalTests executes a collection of tests that will throw * a known exception. * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $apiCall Name of the S3Client API method to call * * @param $exceptionMatcher Name of Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception * method to fetch exception details * * @param $exceptionParamMap Associative array of exception names to * API parameters. E.g, * $apiCall = 'headBucket' * $exceptionMatcher = 'getStatusCode' * $exceptionParamMap = [ * // Non existent bucket * '404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket['Name'] . '--'], * * // Non existent bucket * '404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket['Name'] . '-non-existent'], * ]; * * @return string - HTTP status code. E.g, "404" for Non existent bucket. */ function runExceptionalTests($s3Client, $apiCall, $exceptionMatcher, $exceptionParamMap) { foreach($exceptionParamMap as $exn => $params) { $exceptionCaught = false; try { $result = $s3Client->$apiCall($params); } catch(Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception $e) { $exceptionCaught = true; switch ($e->$exceptionMatcher()) { case $exn: // This is expected continue; default: throw $e; } } finally { if (!$exceptionCaught) { $message = sprintf("Expected %s to fail with %s", $apiCall, $exn); throw new Exception($message); } } } } /** * testListBuckets tests ListBuckets S3 API * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @return void */ function testListBuckets(S3Client $s3Client) { $buckets = $s3Client->listBuckets(); $debugger = $GLOBALS['debugger']; foreach ($buckets['Buckets'] as $bucket){ $debugger->out($bucket['Name'] . "\n"); } } /** * testBucketExists tests HEAD Bucket S3 API * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @return void */ function testBucketExists(S3Client $s3Client) { // List all buckets $buckets = $s3Client->listBuckets(); // All HEAD on existing buckets must return success foreach($buckets['Buckets'] as $bucket) { $result = $s3Client->headBucket(['Bucket' => $bucket['Name']]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('headBucket API failed for ' . $bucket['Name']); } // Run failure tests $params = [ // Non existent bucket '404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket['Name'] . '--'], // Non existent bucket '404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket['Name'] . '-non-existent'], ]; runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'headBucket', 'getStatusCode', $params); } /** * testHeadObject tests HeadObject S3 API * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $objects Associative array of buckets and objects * * @return void */ function testHeadObject($s3Client, $objects) { foreach($objects as $bucket => $object) { $result = $s3Client->headObject(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('headObject API failed for ' . $bucket . '/' . $object); if (strtolower($result['Metadata']) != strtolower(TEST_METADATA)) { throw new Exception("headObject API Metadata didn't match for " . $bucket . '/' . $object); } } // Run failure tests $params = [ '404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object . '-non-existent'] ]; runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'headObject', 'getStatusCode', $params); } /** * testListObjects tests ListObjectsV1 and V2 S3 APIs * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names * * @return void */ function testListObjects($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; $object = $params['Object']; $debugger = $GLOBALS['debugger']; try { for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $copyKey = $object . '-copy-' . strval($i); $result = $s3Client->copyObject([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $copyKey, 'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception("copyObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object); } $paginator = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListObjects', ['Bucket' => $bucket]); foreach ($paginator->search('Contents[].Key') as $key) { $debugger->out('key = ' . $key . "\n"); } $paginator = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListObjectsV2', ['Bucket' => $bucket]); foreach ($paginator->search('Contents[].Key') as $key) { $debugger->out('key = ' . $key . "\n"); } $prefix = 'obj'; $result = $s3Client->listObjects(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Prefix' => $prefix]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK || $result['Prefix'] != $prefix) throw new Exception("listObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object); $maxKeys = 1; $result = $s3Client->listObjects(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'MaxKeys' => $maxKeys]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK || count($result['Contents']) != $maxKeys) throw new Exception("listObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object); $params = [ 'InvalidArgument' => ['Bucket' => $bucket, 'MaxKeys' => -1], 'NoSuchBucket' => ['Bucket' => $bucket . '-non-existent'] ]; runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'listObjects', 'getAwsErrorCode', $params); } finally { $s3Client->deleteObjects([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Delete' => [ 'Objects' => array_map(function($a, $b) { return ['Key' => $a . '-copy-' . strval($b)]; }, array_fill(0, 5, $object), range(0,4)) ], ]); } } /** * testListMultipartUploads tests ListMultipartUploads, ListParts and * UploadPartCopy S3 APIs * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names * * @return void */ function testListMultipartUploads($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; $object = $params['Object']; $debugger = $GLOBALS['debugger']; $data_dir = $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR']; // Initiate multipart upload $result = $s3Client->createMultipartUpload([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object . '-copy', ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('createMultipartupload API failed for ' . $bucket . '/' . $object); // upload 5 parts $uploadId = $result['UploadId']; $parts = []; try { for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $result = $s3Client->uploadPartCopy([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object . '-copy', 'UploadId' => $uploadId, 'PartNumber' => $i+1, 'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) { throw new Exception('uploadPart API failed for ' . $bucket . '/' . $object); } array_push($parts, [ 'ETag' => $result['ETag'], 'PartNumber' => $i+1, ]); } // ListMultipartUploads and ListParts may return empty // responses in the case of minio gateway gcs and minio server // FS mode. So, the following tests don't make assumptions on // result response. $paginator = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListMultipartUploads', ['Bucket' => $bucket]); foreach ($paginator->search('Uploads[].{Key: Key, UploadId: UploadId}') as $keyHash) { $debugger->out('key = ' . $keyHash['Key'] . ' uploadId = ' . $keyHash['UploadId'] . "\n"); } $paginator = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListParts', [ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object . '-copy', 'UploadId' => $uploadId, ]); foreach ($paginator->search('Parts[].{PartNumber: PartNumber, ETag: ETag}') as $partsHash) { $debugger->out('partNumber = ' . $partsHash['PartNumber'] . ' ETag = ' . $partsHash['ETag'] . "\n"); } }finally { $s3Client->abortMultipartUpload([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object . '-copy', 'UploadId' => $uploadId ]); } } /** * initSetup creates buckets and objects necessary for the functional * tests to run * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $objects Associative array of buckets and objects * * @return void */ function initSetup(S3Client $s3Client, $objects) { $MINT_DATA_DIR = $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR']; foreach($objects as $bucket => $object) { $s3Client->createBucket(['Bucket' => $bucket]); $stream = NULL; try { if (!file_exists($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB)) throw new Exception('File not found ' . $MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB); $stream = Psr7\stream_for(fopen($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB, 'r')); $result = $s3Client->putObject([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'Body' => $stream, 'Metadata' => TEST_METADATA, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception("putObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object); } finally { // close data file if (!is_null($stream)) $stream->close(); } } // Create an empty bucket for bucket policy + delete tests $result = $s3Client->createBucket(['Bucket' => $GLOBALS['emptyBucket']]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception("createBucket API failed for " . $bucket); } /** * testGetPutObject tests GET/PUT object S3 API * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names * * @return void */ function testGetPutObject($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; $object = $params['Object']; // Upload a 10KB file $MINT_DATA_DIR = $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR']; try { $stream = Psr7\stream_for(fopen($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB, 'r')); $result = $s3Client->putObject([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'Body' => $stream, ]); } finally { $stream->close(); } if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception("putObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object); // Download the same object and verify size $result = $s3Client->getObject([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception("getObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object); $body = $result['Body']; $bodyLen = 0; while (!$body->eof()) { $bodyLen += strlen($body->read(4096)); } if ($bodyLen != 1 * 1024) { throw new Exception("Object downloaded has different content length than uploaded object " . $bucket . '/' . $object); } } /** * testMultipartUploadFailure tests MultipartUpload failures * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names * * @return void */ function testMultipartUploadFailure($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; $object = $params['Object']; $MINT_DATA_DIR = $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR']; // Initiate multipart upload $result = $s3Client->createMultipartUpload([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('createMultipartupload API failed for ' . $bucket . '/' . $object); // upload 2 parts $uploadId = $result['UploadId']; $parts = []; try { for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $stream = Psr7\stream_for(fopen($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_5_MB, 'r')); $limitedStream = new Psr7\LimitStream($stream, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 0); $result = $s3Client->uploadPart([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'UploadId' => $uploadId, 'ContentLength' => 4 * 1024 * 1024, 'Body' => $limitedStream, 'PartNumber' => $i+1, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) { throw new Exception('uploadPart API failed for ' . $bucket . '/' . $object); } array_push($parts, [ 'ETag' => $result['ETag'], 'PartNumber' => $i+1, ]); $limitedStream->close(); $limitedStream = NULL; } } finally { if (!is_null($limitedStream)) $limitedStream->close(); } $params = [ 'EntityTooSmall' => [ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'UploadId' => $uploadId, 'MultipartUpload' => [ 'Parts' => $parts, ], ], 'NoSuchUpload' => [ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'UploadId' => 'non-existent', 'MultipartUpload' => [ 'Parts' => $parts, ], ], ]; runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'completeMultipartUpload', 'getAwsErrorCode', $params); } /** * testMultipartUpload tests MultipartUpload S3 APIs * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names * * @return void */ function testMultipartUpload($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; $object = $params['Object']; $MINT_DATA_DIR = $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR']; // Initiate multipart upload $result = $s3Client->createMultipartUpload([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('createMultipartupload API failed for ' . $bucket . '/' . $object); // upload 2 parts $uploadId = $result['UploadId']; $parts = []; try { for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $stream = Psr7\stream_for(fopen($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_5_MB, 'r')); $result = $s3Client->uploadPart([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'UploadId' => $uploadId, 'ContentLength' => 5 * 1024 * 1024, 'Body' => $stream, 'PartNumber' => $i+1, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) { throw new Exception('uploadPart API failed for ' . $bucket . '/' . $object); } array_push($parts, [ 'ETag' => $result['ETag'], 'PartNumber' => $i+1, ]); $stream->close(); $stream = NULL; } } finally { if (!is_null($stream)) $stream->close(); } // complete multipart upload $result = $s3Client->completeMultipartUpload([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'UploadId' => $uploadId, 'MultipartUpload' => [ 'Parts' => $parts, ], ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) { throw new Exception('completeMultipartupload API failed for ' . $bucket . '/' . $object); } } /** * testAbortMultipartUpload tests aborting of a multipart upload * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names * * @return void */ function testAbortMultipartUpload($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; $object = $params['Object']; $MINT_DATA_DIR = $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR']; // Initiate multipart upload $result = $s3Client->createMultipartUpload([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('createMultipartupload API failed for ' . $bucket . '/' . $object); // Abort multipart upload $uploadId = $result['UploadId']; $result = $s3Client->abortMultipartUpload([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'UploadId' => $uploadId, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_NOCONTENT) throw new Exception('abortMultipartupload API failed for ' . $bucket . '/' . $object); //Run failure tests $params = [ // Upload doesn't exist 'NoSuchUpload' => [ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'UploadId' => 'non-existent', ], ]; runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'abortMultipartUpload', 'getAwsErrorCode', $params); } /** * testGetBucketLocation tests GET bucket location S3 API * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket name * * @return void */ function testGetBucketLocation($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; // Valid test $result = $s3Client->getBucketLocation(['Bucket' => $bucket]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('getBucketLocation API failed for ' . $bucket); // Run failure tests. $params = [ // Non existent bucket 'NoSuchBucket' => ['Bucket' => $bucket . '--'], // Bucket not found 'NoSuchBucket' => ['Bucket' => $bucket . '-non-existent'], ]; runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'getBucketLocation', 'getAwsErrorCode', $params); } /** * testCopyObject tests copy object S3 API * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket and object name * * @return void */ function testCopyObject($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; $object = $params['Object']; $result = $s3Client->copyObject([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object . '-copy', 'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object, ]); if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('copyObject API failed for ' . $bucket); $s3Client->deleteObject([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object . '-copy', ]); // Run failure tests $params = [ // Invalid copy source format 'InvalidArgument' => [ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object . '-copy', 'CopySource' => $bucket . $object ], // Missing source object 'NoSuchKey' => [ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object . '-copy', 'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object . '-non-existent' ], ]; runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'copyObject', 'getAwsErrorCode', $params); } /** * testDeleteObjects tests Delete Objects S3 API * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names * * @return void */ function testDeleteObjects($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; $object = $params['Object']; $copies = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $copyKey = $object . '-copy' . strval($i); $result = $s3Client->copyObject([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $copyKey, 'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object, ]); if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('copyobject API failed for ' . $bucket); array_push($copies, ['Key' => $copyKey]); } $result = $s3Client->deleteObjects([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Delete' => [ 'Objects' => $copies, ], ]); if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('deleteObjects api failed for ' . $bucket); } /** * testAnonDeleteObjects tests Delete Objects S3 API for anonymous requests. * The test case checks this scenario: * http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html#multiobjectdeleteapi-examples * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names * * @return void */ function testAnonDeleteObjects($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; $object = $params['Object']; // Create anonymous config object $anonConfig = new ClientConfig("", "", $GLOBALS['endpoint'], $GLOBALS['secure'], $GLOBALS['region']); // Create anonymous S3 client $anonymousClient = new S3Client([ 'credentials' => false, 'endpoint' => $anonConfig->endpoint, 'use_path_style_endpoint' => true, 'region' => $anonConfig->region, 'version' => '2006-03-01' ]); $copies = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $copyKey = $object . '-copy' . strval($i); $result = $s3Client->copyObject([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $copyKey, 'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object, ]); if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('copyobject API failed for ' . $bucket); array_push($copies, ['Key' => $copyKey]); } // Try anonymous delete. $result = $anonymousClient->deleteObjects([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Delete' => [ 'Objects' => $copies, ], ]); // Response code should be 200 if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('deleteObjects returned incorrect response ' . getStatusCode($result)); // Each object should have error code AccessDenied for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if ($result["Errors"][$i]["Code"] != "AccessDenied") throw new Exception('Incorrect response deleteObjects anonymous call for ' .$bucket); } // Delete objects after the test passed $result = $s3Client->deleteObjects([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Delete' => [ 'Objects' => $copies, ], ]); if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('deleteObjects api failed for ' . $bucket); // Each object should have empty code in case of successful delete for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if ($result["Errors"][$i]["Code"] != "") throw new Exception('Incorrect response deleteObjects anonymous call for ' .$bucket); } } // Check if the policy statements are equal function are_statements_equal($expected, $got) { $expected = json_decode($expected, TRUE); $got = json_decode($got, TRUE); function are_actions_equal($action1, $action2) { return ( is_array($action1) && is_array($action2) && count($action1) == count($action2) && array_diff($action1, $action2) === array_diff($action2, $action1) ); } foreach ($expected['Statement'] as $index => $value) { if (!are_actions_equal($value['Action'], $got['Statement'][$index]['Action'])) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * testBucketPolicy tests GET/PUT Bucket policy S3 APIs * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names * * @return void */ function testBucketPolicy($s3Client, $params) { $bucket = $params['Bucket']; $downloadPolicy = sprintf('{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"AWS":["*"]},"Action":["s3:GetBucketLocation","s3:ListBucket","s3:GetObject"],"Resource":["arn:aws:s3:::%s","arn:aws:s3:::%s/*"]}]}', $bucket, $bucket); $result = $s3Client->putBucketPolicy([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Policy' => $downloadPolicy ]); if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_NOCONTENT) throw new Exception('putBucketPolicy API failed for ' . $bucket); $result = $s3Client->getBucketPolicy(['Bucket' => $bucket]); if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('putBucketPolicy API failed for ' . $bucket); if ($result['Policy'] != $downloadPolicy) if (!are_statements_equal($result['Policy'], $downloadPolicy)) throw new Exception('bucket policy we got is not we set'); // Delete the bucket, make the bucket (again) and check if policy is none // Ref: https://github.com/minio/minio/issues/4714 $result = $s3Client->deleteBucket(['Bucket' => $bucket]); if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_NOCONTENT) throw new Exception('deleteBucket API failed for ' . $bucket); try { $s3Client->getBucketPolicy(['Bucket' => $bucket]); } catch (AWSException $e) { switch ($e->getAwsErrorCode()) { case 'NoSuchBucket': break; } } // Sleep is needed for Minio Gateway for Azure, ref: // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/Delete-Container#remarks sleep(40); $s3Client->createBucket(['Bucket' => $bucket]); $params = [ '404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket] ]; runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'getBucketPolicy', 'getStatusCode', $params); try { $MINT_DATA_DIR = $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR']; // Create an object to test anonymous GET object $object = 'test-anon'; if (!file_exists($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB)) throw new Exception('File not found ' . $MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB); $stream = Psr7\stream_for(fopen($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB, 'r')); $result = $s3Client->putObject([ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, 'Body' => $stream, ]); if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK) throw new Exception('createBucket API failed for ' . $bucket); $anonConfig = new ClientConfig("", "", $GLOBALS['endpoint'], $GLOBALS['secure'], $GLOBALS['region']); $anonymousClient = new S3Client([ 'credentials' => false, 'endpoint' => $anonConfig->endpoint, 'use_path_style_endpoint' => true, 'region' => $anonConfig->region, 'version' => '2006-03-01' ]); runExceptionalTests($anonymousClient, 'getObject', 'getStatusCode', [ '403' => [ 'Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object, ] ]); } finally { // close data file if (!is_null($stream)) $stream->close(); $s3Client->deleteObject(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object]); } } /** * cleanupSetup removes all buckets and objects created during the * functional test * * @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object * * @param $objects Associative array of buckets to objects * * @return void */ function cleanupSetup($s3Client, $objects) { // Delete all objects foreach ($objects as $bucket => $object) { $s3Client->deleteObject(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object]); } // Delete the buckets incl. emptyBucket $allBuckets = array_keys($objects); array_push($allBuckets, $GLOBALS['emptyBucket']); foreach ($allBuckets as $bucket) { try { // Delete the bucket $s3Client->deleteBucket(['Bucket' => $bucket]); // Wait until the bucket is removed from object store $s3Client->waitUntil('BucketNotExists', ['Bucket' => $bucket]); } catch (Exception $e) { // Ignore exceptions thrown during cleanup } } } /** * runTest helper function to wrap a test function and log * success or failure accordingly. * * @param myfunc name of test function to be run * * @param fnSignature function signature of the main S3 SDK API * * @param args parameters to be passed to test function * * @return void */ function runTest($s3Client, $myfunc, $fnSignature, $args = []) { try { $start_time = microtime(true); $status = "PASS"; $error = ""; $message = ""; $myfunc($s3Client, $args); } catch (AwsException $e) { $errorCode = $e->getAwsErrorCode(); // $fnSignature holds the specific API that is being // tested. It is possible that functions used to create the // test setup may not be implemented. if ($errorCode != "NotImplemented") { $status = "FAIL"; $error = $e->getMessage(); } else { $status = "NA"; $error = $e->getMessage(); $alert = sprintf("%s or a related API is NOT IMPLEMENTED, see \"error\" for exact details.", $fnSignature); } } catch (Exception $e) { // This exception handler handles high-level custom exceptions. $status = "FAIL"; $error = $e->getMessage(); } finally { $end_time = microtime(true); $json_log = [ "name" => "aws-sdk-php", "function" => $fnSignature, "args" => $args, "duration" => sprintf("%d", ($end_time - $start_time) * 1000), // elapsed time in ms "status" => $status, ]; if ($error !== "") { $json_log["error"] = $error; } if ($message !== "") { $json_log["message"] = $message; } print_r(json_encode($json_log)."\n"); // Exit on first failure. switch ($status) { case "FAIL": exit(1); } } } // Get client configuration from environment variables $GLOBALS['access_key'] = getenv("ACCESS_KEY"); $GLOBALS['secret_key'] = getenv("SECRET_KEY"); $GLOBALS['endpoint'] = getenv("SERVER_ENDPOINT"); $GLOBALS['region'] = getenv("SERVER_REGION"); $GLOBALS['secure'] = getenv("ENABLE_HTTPS"); /** * @global string $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR'] * @name $MINT_DATA_DIR */ $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR'] = '/mint/data'; $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR'] = getenv("MINT_DATA_DIR"); // Useful for debugging test failures; Set $debugmode it to true when required $debugmode = false; interface Debugger { public function out($data); } class EchoDebugger implements Debugger { public function out($data) { echo $data; } } class NullDebugger implements Debugger { public function out($data) { // Do nothing } } if($debugmode) $debugger = new EchoDebugger(); else $debugger = new NullDebugger(); // Make $debugger global $GLOBALS['debugger'] = $debugger; // Create config object $config = new ClientConfig($GLOBALS['access_key'], $GLOBALS['secret_key'], $GLOBALS['endpoint'], $GLOBALS['secure'], $GLOBALS['region']); // Create a S3Client $s3Client = new S3Client([ 'credentials' => $config->creds, 'endpoint' => $config->endpoint, 'use_path_style_endpoint' => true, 'region' => $config->region, 'version' => '2006-03-01' ]); // Used by initSetup $emptyBucket = randomName(); $objects = [ randomName() => 'obj1', randomName() => 'obj2', ]; try { initSetup($s3Client, $objects); $firstBucket = array_keys($objects)[0]; $firstObject = $objects[$firstBucket]; $testParams = ['Bucket' => $firstBucket, 'Object' => $firstObject]; runTest($s3Client, 'testGetBucketLocation', "getBucketLocation ( array \$params = [] )", ['Bucket' => $firstBucket]); runTest($s3Client, 'testListBuckets', "listBuckets ( array \$params = [] )"); runTest($s3Client, 'testListObjects', "listObjects ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams); runTest($s3Client, 'testListMultipartUploads', "listMultipartUploads ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams); runTest($s3Client, 'testBucketExists', "headBucket ( array \$params = [] )", array_keys($objects)); runTest($s3Client, 'testHeadObject', "headObject ( array \$params = [] )", $objects); runTest($s3Client, 'testGetPutObject', "getObject ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams); runTest($s3Client, 'testCopyObject', "copyObject ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams); runTest($s3Client, 'testDeleteObjects', "deleteObjects (array \$params = [] )", $testParams); runTest($s3Client, 'testAnonDeleteObjects', "anonDeleteObjects ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams); runTest($s3Client, 'testMultipartUpload', "createMultipartUpload ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams); runTest($s3Client, 'testMultipartUploadFailure', "uploadPart ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams); runTest($s3Client, 'testAbortMultipartUpload', "abortMultipartupload ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams); runTest($s3Client, 'testBucketPolicy', "getBucketPolicy ( array \$params = [] )", ['Bucket' => $emptyBucket]); } finally { cleanupSetup($s3Client, $objects); } ?>