Shireesh Anjal
Remove logging info from OBDInfoHandler ( #10727 )
A lot of logging data is counterproductive. A better implementation with
precise useful log data can be introduced later.
2020-10-27 17:41:48 -07:00
Shireesh Anjal
Fix a couple of typos in json config ( #10605 )
Vault.Encrypt: encryp -> encrypt
SysOBDProcess.Uids: uidsomitempty -> uids,omitempty
2020-09-30 13:08:11 -07:00
Shireesh Anjal
Change "disks" node to "drives" in OBD output ( #10540 )
2020-09-22 11:53:19 -07:00
Anis Elleuch
obd: Add console log to OBD output ( #10372 )
2020-09-15 18:02:54 -07:00
Sidhartha Mani
implement configurable timeout for OBD tests ( #9324 )
2020-04-14 11:48:32 -07:00
Sidhartha Mani
increase drive OBD blocksize to 4MB ( #9258 )
2020-04-08 06:04:27 -07:00
Sidhartha Mani
Add Parallel NetOBD tests to saturate all nodes at once ( #9241 )
2020-03-31 17:08:28 -07:00
Sidhartha Mani
Implement oboard diagnostics admin API ( #9024 )
- Implement a graph algorithm to test network bandwidth from every
node to every other node
- Saturate any network bandwidth adaptively, accounting for slow
and fast network capacity
- Implement parallel drive OBD tests
- Implement a paging mechanism for OBD test to provide periodic updates to client
- Implement Sys, Process, Host, Mem OBD Infos
2020-03-26 21:07:39 -07:00