This API is meant for administrative tools like mc-admin to heal an
ongoing multipart upload on a Minio server. N B This set of admin
APIs apply only for Minio servers.
`` provides a go SDK for this (and
other admin) operations. Specifically,
func HealUpload(bucket, object, uploadID string, dryRun bool) error
Sample admin API request:
- Header(s): ["x-minio-operation"] = "upload"
- bucket, object and upload-id are mandatory query parameters
- if dry-run is set, API returns success if all parameters passed are
This is a consolidation effort, avoiding usage
of naked strings in codebase. Whenever possible
use constants which can be repurposed elsewhere.
This also fixes `goconst ./...` reported issues.
This is needed to validate if the `format.json` indeed exists
when a fresh node is brought online.
This wrapped implementation also connects to the remote node
by attempting a re-login. Subsequently after a successful
connect `format.json` is validated as well.
This is needed as explained by @krisis
Lets say we have following errors.
[]error{nil, errFileNotFound, errDiskAccessDenied, errDiskAccesDenied}
Since the last two errors are filtered, the maximum is nil,
depending on map order.
Let's say we get nil from reduceErr. Clearly at this point
we don't have quorum nodes agreeing about the data and since
GetObject only requires N/2 (Read quorum) and isDiskQuorum
would have returned true. This is problematic and can lead to
undersiable consequences.