Since the server performs automatic clean-up of multipart uploads that
have not been resumed for more than a couple of weeks, it was decided
to remove functionality to heal multipart uploads.
This API is meant for administrative tools like mc-admin to heal an
ongoing multipart upload on a Minio server. N B This set of admin
APIs apply only for Minio servers.
`` provides a go SDK for this (and
other admin) operations. Specifically,
func HealUpload(bucket, object, uploadID string, dryRun bool) error
Sample admin API request:
- Header(s): ["x-minio-operation"] = "upload"
- bucket, object and upload-id are mandatory query parameters
- if dry-run is set, API returns success if all parameters passed are
* Implement heal format REST API handler
* Implement admin peer rpc handler to re-initialize storage
* Implement HealFormat API in pkg/madmin
* Update pkg/madmin to incl. HealFormat
* Added unit tests for ReInitDisks rpc handler and HealFormatHandler
* Filter lock info based on bucket, prefix and time since lock was held
* Implement list and clear locks REST API
* madmin: Add list and clear locks API
* locks: Clear locks matching bucket, prefix, relTime.
* Gather lock information across nodes for both list and clear locks admin REST API.
* docs: Add lock API to management APIs