This patch implements Get,Put,Delete bucket policies Supporting - Currently supports following actions. "*": true, "s3:*": true, "s3:GetObject": true, "s3:ListBucket": true, "s3:PutObject": true, "s3:CreateBucket": true, "s3:GetBucketLocation": true, "s3:DeleteBucket": true, "s3:DeleteObject": true, "s3:AbortMultipartUpload": true, "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads": true, "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts": true, following conditions for "StringEquals" and "StringNotEquals" "s3:prefix", "s3:max-keys"
- Move fs-definitions.go and break them into fs-datatypes.go, fs-bucket-acl.go and fs-utils.go - Move api-definitions.go to api-response.go, where they should be. - Move web-definitions to its related handlers.