Use reference format to initialize lockers
during startup, also handle `nil` for NetLocker
in dsync and remove *errorLocker* implementation
Add further tuning parameters such as
- DialTimeout is now 15 seconds from 30 seconds
- KeepAliveTimeout is not 20 seconds, 5 seconds
more than default 15 seconds
- ResponseHeaderTimeout to 10 seconds
- ExpectContinueTimeout is reduced to 3 seconds
- DualStack is enabled by default remove setting
it to `true`
- Reduce IdleConnTimeout to 30 seconds from
1 minute to avoid idleConn build up
This PR refactors object layer handling such
that upon failure in sub-system initialization
server reaches a stage of safe-mode operation
wherein only certain API operations are enabled
and available.
This allows for fixing many scenarios such as
- incorrect configuration in vault, etcd,
notification targets
- missing files, incomplete config migrations
unable to read encrypted content etc
- any other issues related to notification,
policies, lifecycle etc
- This PR allows config KVS to be validated properly
without being affected by ENV overrides, rejects
invalid values during set operation
- Expands unit tests and refactors the error handling
for notification targets, returns error instead of
ignoring targets for invalid KVS
- Does all the prep-work for implementing safe-mode
style operation for MinIO server, introduces a new
global variable to toggle safe mode based operations
NOTE: this PR itself doesn't provide safe mode operations
The new auto healing model selects one node always responsible
for auto-healing the whole cluster, erasure set by erasure set.
If that node dies, another node will be elected as a leading
operator to perform healing.
This code also adds a goroutine which checks each 10 minutes
if there are any new unformatted disks and performs its healing
in that case, only the erasure set which has the new disk will
be healed.