- total number of S3 API calls per server
- maximum wait duration for any S3 API call
This implementation is primarily meant for situations
where HDDs are not capable enough to handle the incoming
workload and there is no way to throttle the client.
This feature allows MinIO server to throttle itself
such that we do not overwhelm the HDDs.
- Supports migrating only when the credential ENVs are set,
so any FS mode deployments which do not have ENVs set will
continue to remain as is.
- Credential ENVs can be rotated using MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_OLD
and MINIO_SECRET_KEY_OLD envs, in such scenarios it allowed
to rotate the encrypted content to a new admin key.
- adding oauth support to MinIO browser (#8400) by @kanagaraj
- supports multi-line get/set/del for all config fields
- add support for comments, allow toggle
- add extensive validation of config before saving
- support MinIO browser to support proper claims, using STS tokens
- env support for all config parameters, legacy envs are also
supported with all documentation now pointing to latest ENVs
- preserve accessKey/secretKey from FS mode setups
- add history support implements three APIs
- ClearHistory
- RestoreHistory
- ListHistory
- add help command support for each config parameters
- all the bug fixes after migration to KV, and other bug
fixes encountered during testing.