This change introduces following simplified steps to follow
during config migration.
// Steps to move from version N to version N+1
// 1. Add new struct serverConfigVN+1 in config-versions.go
// 2. Set configCurrentVersion to "N+1"
// 3. Set serverConfigCurrent to serverConfigVN+1
// 4. Add new migration function (ex. func migrateVNToVN+1()) in config-migrate.go
// 5. Call migrateVNToVN+1() from migrateConfig() in config-migrate.go
// 6. Make changes in config-current_test.go for any test change
Since go1.8 os.RemoveAll and os.MkdirAll both support long
path names i.e UNC path on windows. The code we are carrying
was directly borrowed from `pkg/os` package and doesn't need
to be in our repo anymore. As a side affect this also
addresses our codecoverage issue.
Refer #4658
Fixed header-to-metadat extraction. The extractMetadataFromHeader function should return an error if the http.Header contains a non-canonicalized key. The reason is that the keys can be manually set (through a map access) which can lead to ugly bugs.
Also fixed header-to-metadata extraction. Return a InternalError if a non-canonicalized key is found in a http.Header. Also log the error.
Separate out validating v/s parsing logic in
isValidLocationConstraint() into parseLocationConstraint()
and isValidLocation()
Additionally also set `X-Amz-Bucket-Region` as part of the
common headers for the clients to fallback on in-case of any
region related errors.
This change is cleanup of the postPolicyHandler code
primarily to address the flow and also converting
certain critical parts into self contained functions.
This is a consolidation effort, avoiding usage
of naked strings in codebase. Whenever possible
use constants which can be repurposed elsewhere.
This also fixes `goconst ./...` reported issues.