Allow multiple private keys and extract all files from streams.
Place files in the folder with `.enc` removed.
Do basic checks so streams cannot traverse outside of the folder.
When no results match or another error occurs, add an error to the stream. Keep the "inspect-input.txt" as the only thing in the zip for reference.
λ mc support inspect --airgap myminio/testbucket/fjghfjh/**
mc: Using public key from C:\Users\klaus\mc\support_public.pem
File data successfully downloaded as inspect-data.enc
λ inspect inspect-data.enc
Using private key from support_private.pem
output written to
2024/04/11 14:10:51 next stream: GetRawData: No files matched the given pattern
λ unzip -l
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
222 2024-04-11 14:10 inspect-input.txt
--------- -------
222 1 file
Modifies inspect to read until end of stream to report the error.
Bonus: Add legacy commandline params