This removal comes to avoid some redundant requirements
which are adding more problems on a production setup.
Here are the list of checks for time as they happen
- Fresh connect (during server startup) - CORRECT
- A reconnect after network disconnect - CORRECT
- For each RPC call - INCORRECT.
Verifying time for each RPC aggravates a situation
where a RPC call is rejected in a sequence of events
due to enough load on a production setup. 3 second
might not be enough time window for the call to be
initiated and received by the server.
* Implement heal format REST API handler
* Implement admin peer rpc handler to re-initialize storage
* Implement HealFormat API in pkg/madmin
* Update pkg/madmin to incl. HealFormat
* Added unit tests for ReInitDisks rpc handler and HealFormatHandler
This is a consolidation effort, avoiding usage
of naked strings in codebase. Whenever possible
use constants which can be repurposed elsewhere.
This also fixes `goconst ./...` reported issues.
* Filter lock info based on bucket, prefix and time since lock was held
* Implement list and clear locks REST API
* madmin: Add list and clear locks API
* locks: Clear locks matching bucket, prefix, relTime.
* Gather lock information across nodes for both list and clear locks admin REST API.
* docs: Add lock API to management APIs
* Rename GenericArgs to AuthRPCArgs
* Rename GenericReply to AuthRPCReply
* Remove authConfig.loginMethod and add authConfig.ServiceName
* Rename loginServer to AuthRPCServer
* Rename RPCLoginArgs to LoginRPCArgs
* Rename RPCLoginReply to LoginRPCReply
* Version and RequestTime are added to LoginRPCArgs and verified by
server side, not client side.
* Fix data race in lockMaintainence loop.