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synced 2025-03-28 08:20:58 -04:00
Test for ListObjectParts. (#1802)
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@ -170,22 +170,23 @@ func testObjectAPIPutObjectPart(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t *testing
// Case with valid UploadID, existing bucket name.
// But using the bucket name from which NewMultipartUpload is not constructed from.
{"unused-bucket", object, uploadID, 1, "", "", 0, false, "", fmt.Errorf("%s", "Invalid upload id "+uploadID)},
// Test Case - 10.
// Test Case - 11.
// Case with valid UploadID, existing bucket name.
// But using the object name from which NewMultipartUpload is not constructed from.
{bucket, "none-object", uploadID, 1, "", "", 0, false, "", fmt.Errorf("%s", "Invalid upload id "+uploadID)},
// Test case - 11.
// Test case - 12.
// Input to replicate Md5 mismatch.
{bucket, object, uploadID, 1, "", "a35", 0, false, "",
fmt.Errorf("%s", "Bad digest: Expected a35 is not valid with what we calculated "+"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e")},
// Test case - 12.
// Input with size more than the size of actual data inside the reader.
{bucket, object, uploadID, 1, "abcd", "a35", int64(len("abcd") + 1), false, "", fmt.Errorf("%s", "Bad digest: Expected a35 is not valid with what we calculated e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f")},
// Test case - 13.
// Input with size more than the size of actual data inside the reader.
{bucket, object, uploadID, 1, "abcd", "a35", int64(len("abcd") + 1), false, "",
fmt.Errorf("%s", "Bad digest: Expected a35 is not valid with what we calculated e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f")},
// Test case - 14.
// Input with size less than the size of actual data inside the reader.
{bucket, object, uploadID, 1, "abcd", "a35", int64(len("abcd") - 1), false, "",
fmt.Errorf("%s", "Bad digest: Expected a35 is not valid with what we calculated e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f")},
// Test case - 14-17.
// Test case - 15-18.
// Validating for success cases.
{bucket, object, uploadID, 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), true, "", nil},
{bucket, object, uploadID, 2, "efgh", "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27", int64(len("efgh")), true, "", nil},
@ -1118,3 +1119,238 @@ func testListMultipartUploads(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t *testing.T
// Wrapper for calling TestListObjectParts tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestListObjectParts(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testListObjectParts)
// testListMultipartUploads - Tests validate listing of multipart uploads.
func testListObjectParts(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t *testing.T) {
bucketNames := []string{"minio-bucket", "minio-2-bucket"}
objectNames := []string{"minio-object-1.txt"}
uploadIDs := []string{}
// bucketnames[0].
// objectNames[0].
// uploadIds [0].
// Create bucket before intiating NewMultipartUpload.
err := obj.MakeBucket(bucketNames[0])
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Initiate Multipart Upload on the above created bucket.
uploadID, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], nil)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
uploadIDs = append(uploadIDs, uploadID)
// Create multipart parts.
// Need parts to be uploaded before MultipartLists can be called and tested.
createPartCases := []struct {
bucketName string
objName string
uploadID string
PartID int
inputReaderData string
inputMd5 string
intputDataSize int64
expectedMd5 string
// Case 1-4.
// Creating sequence of parts for same uploadID.
// Used to ensure that the ListMultipartResult produces one output for the four parts uploaded below for the given upload ID.
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 2, "efgh", "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27", int64(len("efgh")), "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 3, "ijkl", "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579", int64(len("abcd")), "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 4, "mnop", "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef", int64(len("abcd")), "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef"},
// Iterating over creatPartCases to generate multipart chunks.
for _, testCase := range createPartCases {
_, err := obj.PutObjectPart(testCase.bucketName, testCase.objName, testCase.uploadID, testCase.PartID, testCase.intputDataSize,
bytes.NewBufferString(testCase.inputReaderData), testCase.inputMd5)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
partInfos := []ListPartsInfo{
// partinfos - 0.
Bucket: bucketNames[0],
Object: objectNames[0],
MaxParts: 10,
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
Parts: []partInfo{
PartNumber: 1,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f",
PartNumber: 2,
Size: 4,
ETag: "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27",
PartNumber: 3,
Size: 4,
ETag: "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579",
PartNumber: 4,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef",
// partinfos - 1.
Bucket: bucketNames[0],
Object: objectNames[0],
MaxParts: 3,
NextPartNumberMarker: 3,
IsTruncated: true,
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
Parts: []partInfo{
PartNumber: 1,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f",
PartNumber: 2,
Size: 4,
ETag: "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27",
PartNumber: 3,
Size: 4,
ETag: "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579",
// partinfos - 2.
Bucket: bucketNames[0],
Object: objectNames[0],
MaxParts: 2,
IsTruncated: false,
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
Parts: []partInfo{
PartNumber: 4,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef",
testCases := []struct {
bucket string
object string
uploadID string
partNumberMarker int
maxParts int
// Expected output of ListPartsInfo.
expectedResult ListPartsInfo
expectedErr error
// Flag indicating whether the test is expected to pass or not.
shouldPass bool
// Test cases with invalid bucket names (Test number 1-4).
{".test", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: ".test"}, false},
{"Test", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "Test"}, false},
{"---", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "---"}, false},
{"ad", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "ad"}, false},
// Test cases for listing uploadID with single part.
// Valid bucket names, but they donot exist (Test number 5-7).
{"volatile-bucket-1", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-1"}, false},
{"volatile-bucket-2", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-2"}, false},
{"volatile-bucket-3", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-3"}, false},
// Test case for Asserting for invalid objectName (Test number 8).
{bucketNames[0], "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, ObjectNameInvalid{Bucket: bucketNames[0]}, false},
// Asserting for Invalid UploadID (Test number 9).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], "abc", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, InvalidUploadID{UploadID: "abc"}, false},
// Test case for uploadID with multiple parts (Test number 12).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 0, 10, partInfos[0], nil, true},
// Test case with maxParts set to less than number of parts (Test number 13).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 0, 3, partInfos[1], nil, true},
// Test case with partNumberMarker set (Test number 14)-.
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 3, 2, partInfos[2], nil, true},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
actualResult, actualErr := obj.ListObjectParts(testCase.bucket, testCase.object, testCase.uploadID, testCase.partNumberMarker, testCase.maxParts)
if actualErr != nil && testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to pass, but failed with: <ERROR> %s", i+1, instanceType, actualErr.Error())
if actualErr == nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with <ERROR> \"%s\", but passed instead", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedErr.Error())
// Failed as expected, but does it fail for the expected reason.
if actualErr != nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
if !strings.Contains(actualErr.Error(), testCase.expectedErr.Error()) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with error \"%s\", but instead failed with error \"%s\" instead", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedErr.Error(), actualErr.Error())
// Passes as expected, but asserting the results.
if actualErr == nil && testCase.shouldPass {
expectedResult := testCase.expectedResult
// Asserting the MaxParts.
if actualResult.MaxParts != expectedResult.MaxParts {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected the MaxParts to be %d, but instead found it to be %d", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.MaxParts, actualResult.MaxParts)
// Asserting Object Name.
if actualResult.Object != expectedResult.Object {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected Object name to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.Object, actualResult.Object)
// Asserting UploadID.
if actualResult.UploadID != expectedResult.UploadID {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected UploadID to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.UploadID, actualResult.UploadID)
// Asserting NextPartNumberMarker.
if actualResult.NextPartNumberMarker != expectedResult.NextPartNumberMarker {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected NextPartNumberMarker to be \"%d\", but instead found it to be \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.NextPartNumberMarker, actualResult.NextPartNumberMarker)
// Asserting PartNumberMarker.
if actualResult.PartNumberMarker != expectedResult.PartNumberMarker {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected PartNumberMarker to be \"%d\", but instead found it to be \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.PartNumberMarker, actualResult.PartNumberMarker)
// Asserting the BucketName.
if actualResult.Bucket != expectedResult.Bucket {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected Bucket to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.Bucket, actualResult.Bucket)
// Asserting IsTruncated.
if actualResult.IsTruncated != testCase.expectedResult.IsTruncated {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected IsTruncated to be \"%v\", but found it to \"%v\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.IsTruncated, actualResult.IsTruncated)
// Asserting the number of Parts.
if len(expectedResult.Parts) != len(actualResult.Parts) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected the result to contain info of %d Parts, but found %d instead", i+1, instanceType, len(expectedResult.Parts), len(actualResult.Parts))
} else {
// Iterating over the partInfos and asserting the fields.
for j, actualMetaData := range actualResult.Parts {
// Asserting the PartNumber in the PartInfo.
if actualMetaData.PartNumber != expectedResult.Parts[j].PartNumber {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Part %d: Expected PartNumber to be \"%d\", but instead found \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, j+1, expectedResult.Parts[j].PartNumber, actualMetaData.PartNumber)
// Asserting the Size in the PartInfo.
if actualMetaData.Size != expectedResult.Parts[j].Size {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Part %d: Expected Part Size to be \"%d\", but instead found \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, j+1, expectedResult.Parts[j].Size, actualMetaData.Size)
// Asserting the ETag in the PartInfo.
if actualMetaData.ETag != expectedResult.Parts[j].ETag {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Part %d: Expected Etag to be \"%s\", but instead found \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, j+1, expectedResult.Parts[j].ETag, actualMetaData.ETag)
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