mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:00:57 -04:00
fix: allow DeleteObject unversioned objects with insufficient read quorum (#19581)
Since the object is being permanently deleted, the lack of read quorum should not matter as long as sufficient disks are online to complete the deletion with parity requirements. If several pools have the same object with insufficient read quorum, attempt to delete object from all the pools where it exists
This commit is contained in:
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ func (fi FileInfo) ObjectToPartOffset(ctx context.Context, offset int64) (partIn
func findFileInfoInQuorum(ctx context.Context, metaArr []FileInfo, modTime time.Time, etag string, quorum int) (FileInfo, error) {
// with less quorum return error.
if quorum < 1 {
return FileInfo{}, errErasureReadQuorum
return FileInfo{}, InsufficientReadQuorum{Err: errErasureReadQuorum, Type: RQInsufficientOnlineDrives}
metaHashes := make([]string, len(metaArr))
h := sha256.New()
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ func findFileInfoInQuorum(ctx context.Context, metaArr []FileInfo, modTime time.
if maxCount < quorum {
return FileInfo{}, errErasureReadQuorum
return FileInfo{}, InsufficientReadQuorum{Err: errErasureReadQuorum, Type: RQInconsistentMeta}
// Find the successor mod time in quorum, otherwise leave the
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ func findFileInfoInQuorum(ctx context.Context, metaArr []FileInfo, modTime time.
return candidate, nil
return FileInfo{}, errErasureReadQuorum
return FileInfo{}, InsufficientReadQuorum{Err: errErasureReadQuorum, Type: RQInconsistentMeta}
// pickValidFileInfo - picks one valid FileInfo content and returns from a
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ func objectQuorumFromMeta(ctx context.Context, partsMetaData []FileInfo, errs []
parities := listObjectParities(partsMetaData, errs)
parityBlocks := commonParity(parities, defaultParityCount)
if parityBlocks < 0 {
return -1, -1, errErasureReadQuorum
return -1, -1, InsufficientReadQuorum{Err: errErasureReadQuorum, Type: RQInsufficientOnlineDrives}
dataBlocks := len(partsMetaData) - parityBlocks
@ -210,13 +210,13 @@ func TestFindFileInfoInQuorum(t *testing.T) {
fis: getNFInfo(16, 7, 1603863445, "36a21454-a2ca-11eb-bbaa-93a81c686f21", nil),
modTime: time.Unix(1603863445, 0),
expectedErr: errErasureReadQuorum,
expectedErr: InsufficientReadQuorum{},
expectedQuorum: 8,
fis: getNFInfo(16, 16, 1603863445, "36a21454-a2ca-11eb-bbaa-93a81c686f21", nil),
modTime: time.Unix(1603863445, 0),
expectedErr: errErasureReadQuorum,
expectedErr: InsufficientReadQuorum{},
expectedQuorum: 0,
@ -241,7 +241,9 @@ func TestFindFileInfoInQuorum(t *testing.T) {
test := test
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
fi, err := findFileInfoInQuorum(context.Background(), test.fis, test.modTime, "", test.expectedQuorum)
if err != test.expectedErr {
_, ok1 := err.(InsufficientReadQuorum)
_, ok2 := test.expectedErr.(InsufficientReadQuorum)
if ok1 != ok2 {
t.Errorf("Expected %s, got %s", test.expectedErr, err)
if test.succmodTimes != nil {
@ -1912,23 +1912,26 @@ func (er erasureObjects) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string
versionFound := true
objInfo = ObjectInfo{VersionID: opts.VersionID} // version id needed in Delete API response.
goi, _, gerr := er.getObjectInfoAndQuorum(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
tryDel := false
if gerr != nil && goi.Name == "" {
if _, ok := gerr.(InsufficientReadQuorum); ok {
// Add an MRF heal for next time.
er.addPartial(bucket, object, opts.VersionID)
return objInfo, InsufficientWriteQuorum{}
if opts.Versioned || opts.VersionSuspended || countOnlineDisks(storageDisks) < len(storageDisks)/2+1 {
// Add an MRF heal for next time.
er.addPartial(bucket, object, opts.VersionID)
return objInfo, InsufficientWriteQuorum{}
tryDel = true // only for unversioned objects if there is write quorum
// For delete marker replication, versionID being replicated will not exist on disk
if opts.DeleteMarker {
versionFound = false
} else {
} else if !tryDel {
return objInfo, gerr
if opts.EvalMetadataFn != nil {
dsc, err := opts.EvalMetadataFn(&goi, err)
dsc, err := opts.EvalMetadataFn(&goi, gerr)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
@ -458,7 +458,13 @@ type PoolObjInfo struct {
Err error
func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (PoolObjInfo, error) {
type poolErrs struct {
Index int
Err error
func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (PoolObjInfo, []poolErrs, error) {
var noReadQuorumPools []poolErrs
poolObjInfos := make([]PoolObjInfo, len(z.serverPools))
poolOpts := make([]ObjectOptions, len(z.serverPools))
for i := range z.serverPools {
@ -508,8 +514,9 @@ func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx context.Context, bu
if pinfo.Err == nil {
// found a pool
return pinfo, nil
return pinfo, z.poolsWithObject(poolObjInfos, opts), nil
if isErrReadQuorum(pinfo.Err) && !opts.MetadataChg {
// read quorum is returned when the object is visibly
// present but its unreadable, we simply ask the writes to
@ -518,30 +525,49 @@ func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx context.Context, bu
// with enough disks online but sufficiently inconsistent to
// break parity threshold, allow them to be overwritten
// or allow new versions to be added.
return pinfo, nil
return pinfo, z.poolsWithObject(poolObjInfos, opts), nil
defPool = pinfo
if !isErrObjectNotFound(pinfo.Err) {
return pinfo, pinfo.Err
return pinfo, noReadQuorumPools, pinfo.Err
// No object exists or its a delete marker,
// check objInfo to confirm.
if pinfo.ObjInfo.DeleteMarker && pinfo.ObjInfo.Name != "" {
return pinfo, nil
return pinfo, noReadQuorumPools, nil
if opts.ReplicationRequest && opts.DeleteMarker && defPool.Index >= 0 {
// If the request is a delete marker replication request, return a default pool
// in cases where the object does not exist.
// This is to ensure that the delete marker is replicated to the destination.
return defPool, nil
return defPool, noReadQuorumPools, nil
return PoolObjInfo{}, toObjectErr(errFileNotFound, bucket, object)
return PoolObjInfo{}, noReadQuorumPools, toObjectErr(errFileNotFound, bucket, object)
// return all pools with read quorum error or no error for an object with given opts.Note that this array is
// returned in the order of recency of object ModTime.
func (z *erasureServerPools) poolsWithObject(pools []PoolObjInfo, opts ObjectOptions) (errs []poolErrs) {
for _, pool := range pools {
if opts.SkipDecommissioned && z.IsSuspended(pool.Index) {
// Skip object if it's from pools participating in a rebalance operation.
if opts.SkipRebalancing && z.IsPoolRebalancing(pool.Index) {
if isErrReadQuorum(pool.Err) || pool.Err == nil {
errs = append(errs, poolErrs{Err: pool.Err, Index: pool.Index})
return errs
func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolIdxExistingWithOpts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (idx int, err error) {
pinfo, err := z.getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
pinfo, _, err := z.getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
@ -1082,7 +1108,8 @@ func (z *erasureServerPools) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, ob
gopts := opts
gopts.NoLock = true
pinfo, err := z.getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, gopts)
pinfo, noReadQuorumPools, err := z.getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, gopts)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(InsufficientReadQuorum); ok {
return objInfo, InsufficientWriteQuorum{}
@ -1096,11 +1123,44 @@ func (z *erasureServerPools) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, ob
return pinfo.ObjInfo, nil
// Delete concurrently in all server pools with read quorum error for unversioned objects.
if len(noReadQuorumPools) > 0 && !opts.Versioned && !opts.VersionSuspended {
return z.deleteObjectFromAllPools(ctx, bucket, object, opts, noReadQuorumPools)
objInfo, err = z.serverPools[pinfo.Index].DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
objInfo.Name = decodeDirObject(object)
return objInfo, err
func (z *erasureServerPools) deleteObjectFromAllPools(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, opts ObjectOptions, poolIndices []poolErrs) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) {
derrs := make([]error, len(poolIndices))
dobjects := make([]ObjectInfo, len(poolIndices))
// Delete concurrently in all server pools that reported no error or read quorum error
// where the read quorum issue is from metadata inconsistency.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for idx, pe := range poolIndices {
if v, ok := pe.Err.(InsufficientReadQuorum); ok && v.Type != RQInconsistentMeta {
derrs[idx] = InsufficientWriteQuorum{}
pool := z.serverPools[pe.Index]
go func(idx int, pool *erasureSets) {
defer wg.Done()
dobjects[idx], derrs[idx] = pool.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
}(idx, pool)
// the poolIndices array is pre-sorted in order of latest ModTime, we care only about pool with latest object though
// the delete call tries to clean up other pools during DeleteObject call.
objInfo = dobjects[0]
objInfo.Name = decodeDirObject(object)
err = derrs[0]
return objInfo, err
func (z *erasureServerPools) DeleteObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objects []ObjectToDelete, opts ObjectOptions) ([]DeletedObject, []error) {
derrs := make([]error, len(objects))
dobjects := make([]DeletedObject, len(objects))
@ -1142,7 +1202,7 @@ func (z *erasureServerPools) DeleteObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, o
j := j
obj := obj
eg.Go(func() error {
pinfo, err := z.getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, obj.ObjectName, ObjectOptions{
pinfo, _, err := z.getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, obj.ObjectName, ObjectOptions{
NoLock: true,
if err != nil {
@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ import (
// Converts underlying storage error. Convenience function written to
// handle all cases where we have known types of errors returned by
// underlying storage layer.
func toObjectErr(err error, params ...string) error {
if err == nil {
func toObjectErr(oerr error, params ...string) error {
if oerr == nil {
return nil
// Unwarp the error first
err = unwrapAll(err)
err := unwrapAll(oerr)
if err == context.Canceled {
return context.Canceled
@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ func toObjectErr(err error, params ...string) error {
if len(params) >= 2 {
apiErr.Object = decodeDirObject(params[1])
if v, ok := oerr.(InsufficientReadQuorum); ok {
apiErr.Type = v.Type
return apiErr
case errErasureWriteQuorum.Error():
apiErr := InsufficientWriteQuorum{}
@ -201,8 +204,34 @@ func (e SlowDown) Error() string {
return "Please reduce your request rate"
// RQErrType reason for read quorum error.
type RQErrType int
const (
// RQInsufficientOnlineDrives - not enough online drives.
RQInsufficientOnlineDrives RQErrType = 1 << iota
// RQInconsistentMeta - inconsistent metadata.
func (t RQErrType) String() string {
switch t {
case RQInsufficientOnlineDrives:
return "InsufficientOnlineDrives"
case RQInconsistentMeta:
return "InconsistentMeta"
return "Unknown"
// InsufficientReadQuorum storage cannot satisfy quorum for read operation.
type InsufficientReadQuorum GenericError
type InsufficientReadQuorum struct {
Bucket string
Object string
Err error
Type RQErrType
func (e InsufficientReadQuorum) Error() string {
return "Storage resources are insufficient for the read operation " + e.Bucket + "/" + e.Object
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ export MC_HOST_sited=http://minio:minio123@
## Setup site replication
./mc admin replicate add sitea siteb --replicate-ilm-expiry
sleep 10s
## Add warm tier
./mc ilm tier add minio sitea WARM-TIER --endpoint http://localhost:9006 --access-key minio --secret-key minio123 --bucket bucket
Reference in New Issue
Block a user