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synced 2025-03-27 16:00:57 -04:00
Add xl-meta partial shard reconstruction (#19841)
Add partial shard reconstruction * Add partial shard reconstruction * Fix padding causing the last shard to be rejected * Add md5 checks on single parts * Move md5 verified to `verified/filename.ext` * Move complete (without md5) to `complete/filename.ext.partno` It's not pretty, but at least now the md5 gives some confidence it works correctly.
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func main() {
// Prompt for decryption key if no --key or --private-key are provided
if len(privateKey) == 0 {
if len(privateKey) == 0 && !*stdin {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
fmt.Print("Enter Decryption Key: ")
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package main
import (
@ -814,6 +815,7 @@ type mappedData struct {
blockOffset int // Offset in bytes to start of block.
blocks int // 0 = one block.
objSize, partSize int
wantMD5 string
func readAndMap(files []string, partNum, blockNum int) (*mappedData, error) {
@ -835,6 +837,9 @@ func readAndMap(files []string, partNum, blockNum int) (*mappedData, error) {
EcBSize int
PartNums []int
PartSizes []int
MetaUsr struct {
Etag string `json:"etag"`
var ei erasureInfo
@ -845,11 +850,14 @@ func readAndMap(files []string, partNum, blockNum int) (*mappedData, error) {
m.data = ei.V2Obj.EcM
m.parity = ei.V2Obj.EcN
if len(ei.V2Obj.PartNums) == 1 && !strings.ContainsRune(ei.V2Obj.MetaUsr.Etag, '-') {
m.wantMD5 = ei.V2Obj.MetaUsr.Etag
if m.shards == 0 {
m.shards = m.data + m.parity
idx = ei.V2Obj.EcIndex - 1
fmt.Println("Read shard", ei.V2Obj.EcIndex, "Data shards", m.data, "Parity", m.parity, fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", file))
fmt.Println("Read shard", ei.V2Obj.EcIndex, fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", file))
if ei.V2Obj.Size != m.objSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("size mismatch. Meta size: %d, Prev: %d", ei.V2Obj.Size, m.objSize)
@ -893,7 +901,6 @@ func readAndMap(files []string, partNum, blockNum int) (*mappedData, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Println("Block data size:", m.size, "Shard size", ssz, "Got Shard:", len(b), "Bitrot ok")
if m.mapped == nil {
m.mapped = make([]byte, m.size)
@ -912,6 +919,7 @@ func readAndMap(files []string, partNum, blockNum int) (*mappedData, error) {
if start >= len(m.mapped) {
fmt.Println("Block data size:", m.size, "Shard size", ssz, "Got Shard:", len(b), "Bitrot ok", "Start", start, "End", start+len(b))
copy(m.mapped[start:], b)
for j := range b {
if j+start >= len(m.filled) {
@ -1038,14 +1046,23 @@ func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
if len(files[partIdx]) == 0 {
var wantMD5 string
exportedSizes := make(map[int]bool)
// block -> data
combineSharedBlocks := make(map[int][]byte)
combineFilledBlocks := make(map[int][]byte)
for key, file := range files[partIdx] {
fmt.Println("Reading base version", file[0], "part", part)
var combined []byte
var missingAll int
var lastValidAll int
attempt := 0
for block := 0; ; block++ {
combineFilled := combineFilledBlocks[block]
combineShared := combineSharedBlocks[block]
fmt.Printf("Block %d, Base version %q. Part %d. Files %d\n", block+1, key, part, len(file))
m, err := readAndMap(file, part, block)
if err != nil {
@ -1055,11 +1072,30 @@ func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
fmt.Println("Skipping version", key, "as it has already been exported.")
continue nextFile
addedFiles := 0
for otherKey, other := range files[partIdx] {
if attempt > 0 && len(m.filled) == len(combineFilled) {
fmt.Println("Merging previous global data")
filled := 0
missing := 0
for i, v := range combineFilled {
if v == 1 {
m.filled[i] = 1
m.mapped[i] = combineShared[i]
} else {
fmt.Println("Missing", missing, "bytes. Filled", filled, "bytes.")
if key == otherKey {
otherPart := getPartNum(other[0])
if part != otherPart {
fmt.Println("part ", part, " != other part", otherPart, other[0])
@ -1076,16 +1112,6 @@ func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
if m.objSize != otherM.objSize {
var ok int
for i, filled := range otherM.filled[:m.size] {
if filled == 1 && m.filled[i] == 1 {
if m.mapped[i] != otherM.mapped[i] {
fmt.Println("Data mismatch at byte", i, "- Disregarding version", otherKey)
continue compareFile
// If data+parity matches, combine.
if m.parity == otherM.parity && m.data == otherM.data {
@ -1102,6 +1128,17 @@ func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
var ok int
for i, filled := range otherM.filled[:m.size] {
if filled == 1 && m.filled[i] == 1 {
if m.mapped[i] != otherM.mapped[i] {
fmt.Println("Data mismatch at byte", i, "- Disregarding version", otherKey)
continue compareFile
fmt.Printf("Data overlaps (%d bytes). Combining with %q.\n", ok, otherKey)
for i := range otherM.filled {
if otherM.filled[i] == 1 {
@ -1110,6 +1147,7 @@ func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
lastValid := 0
missing := 0
for i := range m.filled {
@ -1130,7 +1168,7 @@ func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
if err != nil {
return err
split, err := rs.Split(m.mapped)
splitData, err := rs.Split(m.mapped)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1138,35 +1176,172 @@ func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
if err != nil {
return err
ok := len(splitFilled)
for i, sh := range splitFilled {
for _, v := range sh {
// Fill padding...
padding := len(splitFilled[0])*k - len(m.filled)
for i := 0; i < padding; i++ {
arr := splitFilled[k-1]
arr[len(arr)-i-1] = 1
hasParity := 0
parityOK := make([]bool, m.shards)
for idx, sh := range v {
splitData[idx] = sh
if idx >= k && len(sh) > 0 {
parityOK[idx] = true
for i := range splitFilled[idx] {
splitFilled[idx][i] = 1
splitDataShards := make([]byte, len(splitFilled[0]))
for _, sh := range splitFilled {
for i, v := range sh {
splitDataShards[i] += v
var hist [256]int
for _, v := range splitDataShards {
for _, v := range hist[m.data-hasParity : m.shards] {
if attempt > 0 {
if v == 0 {
for i, v := range hist[:m.shards] {
if v > 0 {
if i < m.data {
fmt.Println("- Shards:", i, "of", m.data, "Bytes:", v, "Missing: ", v*(m.data-i+hasParity))
} else {
fmt.Println("+ Shards:", i, "of", m.data, "Bytes:", v, "Recovering: ", v*(m.data-i+hasParity))
fmt.Println("Attempting to reconstruct with partial shards")
offset := 0
startOffset := 0
shardConfig := make([]byte, k)
reconstructAbleConfig := false
shards := make([][]byte, m.shards)
for i := range shards {
shards[i] = make([]byte, 0, len(splitData[0]))
for offset < len(splitDataShards) {
newConfig := false
for shardIdx, shard := range splitFilled[:k] {
if shardConfig[shardIdx] != shard[offset] {
newConfig = true
if newConfig {
if offset > startOffset && reconstructAbleConfig {
reconPartial(shards, k, parityOK, splitData, startOffset, offset, rs, shardConfig, splitFilled)
// Update to new config and add current
valid := 0
for shardIdx, shard := range splitFilled[:k] {
shardConfig[shardIdx] = shard[offset]
valid += int(shard[offset])
if shard[offset] == 0 {
shards[shardIdx] = shards[shardIdx][:0]
} else {
shards[shardIdx] = append(shards[shardIdx][:0], splitData[shardIdx][offset])
reconstructAbleConfig = valid >= m.data-hasParity && valid < m.data
startOffset = offset
for shardIdx, ok := range shardConfig {
if ok != 0 {
shards[shardIdx] = append(shards[shardIdx], splitData[shardIdx][offset])
if offset > startOffset && reconstructAbleConfig {
reconPartial(shards, k, parityOK, splitData, startOffset, offset, rs, shardConfig, splitFilled)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := rs.Join(&buf, splitFilled, m.size); err == nil {
m.filled = buf.Bytes()
buf = bytes.Buffer{}
if err := rs.Join(&buf, splitData, m.size); err == nil {
m.mapped = buf.Bytes()
for i, v := range m.filled {
if v == 0 {
split[i] = nil
m.mapped[i] = 0
ok := k
for i, sh := range splitFilled {
for j, v := range sh {
if v == 0 {
splitData[i] = nil
if i < k {
fmt.Println("Shard", i, "is missing data from offset", i*len(sh)+j)
hasParity := 0
for idx, sh := range v {
split[idx] = sh
if idx >= k && len(sh) > 0 {
missing = 0
lastValid = 0
for i := range m.filled {
if m.filled[i] == 1 {
lastValid = i
} else {
fmt.Printf("Have %d complete remapped data shards and %d complete parity shards. ", ok, hasParity)
fmt.Printf("Have %d complete remapped data shards and %d complete parity shards (%d bytes missing). ", ok, hasParity, missing)
if err := rs.ReconstructData(split); err == nil {
fmt.Println("Could reconstruct completely")
for i, data := range split[:k] {
if err := rs.ReconstructData(splitData); err == nil {
fmt.Println("Could reconstruct completely.")
for i, data := range splitData[:k] {
start := i * len(data)
copy(m.mapped[start:], data)
lastValid = m.size - 1
missing = 0
attempt = 2
wantMD5 = m.wantMD5
} else {
fmt.Println("Could NOT reconstruct:", err)
fmt.Println("Could NOT reconstruct:", err, " - Need", m.data, "shards.")
if attempt == 0 {
if len(combineShared) == 0 {
combineShared = make([]byte, len(m.mapped))
combineFilled = make([]byte, len(m.filled))
for i := range m.filled {
if m.filled[i] == 1 && combineFilled[i] == 0 {
combineShared[i] = m.mapped[i]
combineFilled[i] = 1
combineFilledBlocks[block] = combineFilled
combineSharedBlocks[block] = combineShared
fmt.Println("Retrying with merged data")
if addedFiles >= len(files[partIdx]) {
goto nextAttempt
@ -1182,7 +1357,7 @@ func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
if len(combined) != m.partSize {
fmt.Println("Combined size mismatch. Expected", m.partSize, "got", len(combined))
fmt.Println("Reached block", block+1, "of", m.blocks+1, "for", key, ". Done.")
fmt.Println("Reached block", block+1, "of", m.blocks+1, "for", key, "Done.")
@ -1195,16 +1370,31 @@ func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
if missingAll > 0 {
out += ".incomplete"
fmt.Println(missingAll, "bytes missing. Truncating", len(combined)-lastValidAll-1, "from end.")
fmt.Println(missingAll, "bytes missing.")
} else {
out += ".complete"
fmt.Println("No bytes missing.")
if wantMD5 != "" {
sum := md5.Sum(combined)
gotMD5 := hex.EncodeToString(sum[:])
if gotMD5 != wantMD5 {
fmt.Println("MD5 mismatch. Expected", wantMD5, "got", gotMD5)
out += ".mismatch"
} else {
fmt.Println("MD5 verified.")
out = fmt.Sprintf("verified/%s", baseName)
} else {
out = fmt.Sprintf("complete/%s.%05d", baseName, part)
fmt.Println("No bytes missing.")
if missingAll == 0 {
exportedSizes[len(combined)] = true
combined = combined[:lastValidAll+1]
err := os.WriteFile(out, combined, os.ModePerm)
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(out), os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return err
err = os.WriteFile(out, combined, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1214,6 +1404,46 @@ func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
return nil
func reconPartial(shards [][]byte, k int, parityOK []bool, splitData [][]byte, startOffset int, offset int, rs reedsolomon.Encoder, shardConfig []byte, splitFilled [][]byte) {
// Add parity
for i := range shards[k:] {
shards[i+k] = nil
if parityOK[i+k] {
shards[i+k] = splitData[i+k][startOffset:offset]
// Reconstruct with current config.
if err := rs.ReconstructData(shards); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("Internal error, could NOT partially reconstruct:", err))
// Copy reconstructed data back.
verified := 0
reconstructed := 0
for shardsIdx, ok := range shardConfig {
if ok == 0 {
copy(splitData[shardsIdx][startOffset:], shards[shardsIdx])
for i := range shards[shardsIdx] {
if splitFilled[shardsIdx][startOffset+i] == 1 {
fmt.Println("Internal error: Found filled data at", startOffset+i)
splitFilled[shardsIdx][startOffset+i] = 1
reconstructed += len(shards[shardsIdx])
} else {
for i := range shards[shardsIdx] {
if splitFilled[shardsIdx][startOffset+i] == 0 {
fmt.Println("Internal error: Expected filled data at", startOffset+i)
if splitData[shardsIdx][startOffset+i] != shards[shardsIdx][i] {
fmt.Println("Internal error: Mismatch at", startOffset+i)
fmt.Println("Reconstructed", reconstructed, "bytes and verified", verified, "bytes of partial shard with config", shardConfig)
// bitrot returns a shard beginning at startOffset after doing bitrot checks.
func bitrot(val []byte, startOffset, shardSize int) ([]byte, error) {
var res []byte
Reference in New Issue
Block a user