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synced 2025-03-08 17:50:10 -05:00
fs/multipart: Append multipart parts in a proper Go routine in background. (#3282)
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@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
// Error sent by appendParts go-routine when there are holes in parts.
// For ex. let's say client uploads part-2 before part-1 in which case we
// can not append and have to wait till part-1 is uploaded. Hence we return
// this error. Currently this error is not used in the caller.
var errPartsMissing = errors.New("required parts missing")
// Error sent when appendParts go-routine has waited long enough and timedout.
var errAppendPartsTimeout = errors.New("appendParts goroutine timeout")
// Timeout value for the appendParts go-routine.
var appendPartsTimeout = 24 * 60 * 60 * time.Second
// Holds a map of uploadID->appendParts go-routine
type backgroundAppend struct {
infoMap map[string]bgAppendPartsInfo
// Input to the appendParts go-routine
type bgAppendPartsInput struct {
meta fsMetaV1 // list of parts that need to be appended
errCh chan error // error sent by appendParts go-routine
// Identifies an appendParts go-routine.
type bgAppendPartsInfo struct {
inputCh chan bgAppendPartsInput
timeoutCh chan struct{} // closed by appendParts go-routine when it timesout
endCh chan struct{} // closed after complete/abort of upload to end the appendParts go-routine
// Called after a part is uploaded so that it can be appended in the background.
func (b *backgroundAppend) append(disk StorageAPI, bucket, object, uploadID string, meta fsMetaV1) {
info, ok := b.infoMap[uploadID]
if !ok {
// Corresponding appendParts go-routine was not found, create a new one. Would happen when the first
// part of a multipart upload is uploaded.
inputCh := make(chan bgAppendPartsInput)
timeoutCh := make(chan struct{})
endCh := make(chan struct{})
info = bgAppendPartsInfo{inputCh, timeoutCh, endCh}
b.infoMap[uploadID] = info
go b.appendParts(disk, bucket, object, uploadID, info)
go func() {
errCh := make(chan error)
// send input in a goroutine as send on the inputCh can block if appendParts go-routine
// is busy appending a part.
select {
case <-info.timeoutCh:
// This is to handle a rare race condition where we found info in b.infoMap
// but soon after that appendParts go-routine timed out.
case info.inputCh <- bgAppendPartsInput{meta, errCh}:
// Receive the error so that the appendParts go-routine does not block on send.
// But the error received is ignored as fs.PutObjectPart() would have already
// returned success to the client.
// Called on complete-multipart-upload. Returns nil if the required parts have been appended.
func (b *backgroundAppend) complete(disk StorageAPI, bucket, object, uploadID string, meta fsMetaV1) error {
info, ok := b.infoMap[uploadID]
if !ok {
return errPartsMissing
errCh := make(chan error)
select {
case <-info.timeoutCh:
// This is to handle a rare race condition where we found info in b.infoMap
// but soon after that appendParts go-routine timedouted out.
return errAppendPartsTimeout
case info.inputCh <- bgAppendPartsInput{meta, errCh}:
err := <-errCh
return err
// Called after complete-multipart-upload or abort-multipart-upload so that the appendParts go-routine is not left dangling.
func (b *backgroundAppend) remove(uploadID string) {
defer b.Unlock()
info, ok := b.infoMap[uploadID]
if !ok {
delete(b.infoMap, uploadID)
// This is run as a go-routine that appends the parts in the background.
func (b *backgroundAppend) appendParts(disk StorageAPI, bucket, object, uploadID string, info bgAppendPartsInfo) {
// Holds the list of parts that is already appended to the "append" file.
appendMeta := fsMetaV1{}
for {
select {
case input := <-info.inputCh:
// We receive on this channel when new part gets uploaded or when complete-multipart sends
// a value on this channel to confirm if all the required parts are appended.
meta := input.meta
for {
// Append should be done such a way that if part-3 and part-2 is uploaded before part-1, we
// wait till part-1 is uploaded after which we append part-2 and part-3 as well in this for-loop.
part, appendNeeded := partToAppend(meta, appendMeta)
if !appendNeeded {
if reflect.DeepEqual(meta.Parts, appendMeta.Parts) {
// Sending nil is useful so that the complete-multipart-upload knows that
// all the required parts have been appended.
input.errCh <- nil
} else {
// Sending error is useful so that complete-multipart-upload can fall-back to
// its own append process.
input.errCh <- errPartsMissing
if err := appendPart(disk, bucket, object, uploadID, part); err != nil {
input.errCh <- err
appendMeta.AddObjectPart(part.Number, part.Name, part.ETag, part.Size)
case <-info.endCh:
// Either complete-multipart-upload or abort-multipart-upload closed endCh to end the appendParts go-routine.
appendFilePath := getFSAppendDataPath(uploadID)
disk.DeleteFile(bucket, appendFilePath)
case <-time.After(appendPartsTimeout):
// Timeout the goroutine to garbage collect its resources. This would happen if the client initiates
// a multipart upload and does not complete/abort it.
delete(b.infoMap, uploadID)
// Delete the temporary append file as well.
appendFilePath := getFSAppendDataPath(uploadID)
disk.DeleteFile(bucket, appendFilePath)
// Appends the "part" to the append-file inside "tmp/" that finally gets moved to the actual location
// upon complete-multipart-upload.
func appendPart(disk StorageAPI, bucket, object, uploadID string, part objectPartInfo) error {
partPath := pathJoin(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadID, part.Name)
appendFilePath := getFSAppendDataPath(uploadID)
offset := int64(0)
totalLeft := part.Size
buf := make([]byte, readSizeV1)
for totalLeft > 0 {
curLeft := int64(readSizeV1)
if totalLeft < readSizeV1 {
curLeft = totalLeft
var n int64
n, err := disk.ReadFile(minioMetaBucket, partPath, offset, buf[:curLeft])
if err != nil {
// Check for EOF/ErrUnexpectedEOF not needed as it should never happen as we know
// the exact size of the file and hence know the size of buf[]
// EOF/ErrUnexpectedEOF indicates that the length of file was shorter than part.Size and
// hence considered as an error condition.
disk.DeleteFile(bucket, appendFilePath)
return err
if err = disk.AppendFile(minioMetaBucket, appendFilePath, buf[:n]); err != nil {
disk.DeleteFile(bucket, appendFilePath)
return err
offset += n
totalLeft -= n
return nil
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import (
@ -286,108 +285,9 @@ func partToAppend(fsMeta fsMetaV1, fsAppendMeta fsMetaV1) (part objectPartInfo,
return fsMeta.Parts[nextPartIndex], true
// Returns metadata path for the file holding info about the parts that
// have been appended to the "append-file"
func getFSAppendMetaPath(uploadID string) string {
return uploadID + ".json"
// Returns path for the append-file.
func getFSAppendDataPath(uploadID string) string {
return uploadID + ".data"
// Append parts to fsAppendDataFile.
func appendParts(disk StorageAPI, bucket, object, uploadID string) {
cleanupAppendPaths := func() {
// In case of any error, cleanup the append data and json files
// from the tmp so that we do not have any inconsistent append
// data/json files.
disk.DeleteFile(minioMetaTmpBucket, getFSAppendDataPath(uploadID))
disk.DeleteFile(minioMetaTmpBucket, getFSAppendMetaPath(uploadID))
uploadIDPath := path.Join(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadID)
// fs-append.json path
fsAppendMetaPath := getFSAppendMetaPath(uploadID)
// fs.json path
fsMetaPath := path.Join(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadID, fsMetaJSONFile)
// Lock the uploadID so that no one modifies fs.json
uploadIDLock := nsMutex.NewNSLock(minioMetaBucket, uploadIDPath)
fsMeta, err := readFSMetadata(disk, minioMetaBucket, fsMetaPath)
if err != nil {
// Lock fs-append.json so that there is no parallel append to the file.
appendPathLock := nsMutex.NewNSLock(minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendMetaPath)
defer appendPathLock.Unlock()
fsAppendMeta, err := readFSMetadata(disk, minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendMetaPath)
if err != nil {
if errorCause(err) != errFileNotFound {
fsAppendMeta = fsMeta
fsAppendMeta.Parts = nil
// Check if a part needs to be appended to
part, appendNeeded := partToAppend(fsMeta, fsAppendMeta)
if !appendNeeded {
// Hold write lock on the part so that there is no parallel upload on the part.
partPath := pathJoin(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadID, strconv.Itoa(part.Number))
partPathLock := nsMutex.NewNSLock(minioMetaBucket, partPath)
defer partPathLock.Unlock()
// Proceed to append "part"
fsAppendDataPath := getFSAppendDataPath(uploadID)
// Path to the part that needs to be appended.
partPath = path.Join(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadID, part.Name)
offset := int64(0)
totalLeft := part.Size
buf := make([]byte, readSizeV1)
for totalLeft > 0 {
curLeft := int64(readSizeV1)
if totalLeft < readSizeV1 {
curLeft = totalLeft
var n int64
n, err = disk.ReadFile(minioMetaBucket, partPath, offset, buf[:curLeft])
if n > 0 {
if err = disk.AppendFile(minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendDataPath, buf[:n]); err != nil {
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
offset += n
totalLeft -= n
fsAppendMeta.AddObjectPart(part.Number, part.Name, part.ETag, part.Size)
// Overwrite previous fs-append.json
if err = writeFSMetadata(disk, minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendMetaPath, fsAppendMeta); err != nil {
// If there are more parts that need to be appended to fsAppendDataFile
_, appendNeeded = partToAppend(fsMeta, fsAppendMeta)
if appendNeeded {
go appendParts(disk, bucket, object, uploadID)
return path.Join(minioMetaTmpBucket, uploadID)
// PutObjectPart - reads incoming data until EOF for the part file on
@ -514,7 +414,10 @@ func (fs fsObjects) PutObjectPart(bucket, object, uploadID string, partID int, s
if err = writeFSMetadata(fs.storage, minioMetaBucket, path.Join(uploadIDPath, fsMetaJSONFile), fsMeta); err != nil {
return "", toObjectErr(err, minioMetaBucket, uploadIDPath)
go appendParts(fs.storage, bucket, object, uploadID)
// Append the part in background.
fs.bgAppend.append(fs.storage, bucket, object, uploadID, fsMeta)
return newMD5Hex, nil
@ -650,21 +553,12 @@ func (fs fsObjects) CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket string, object string, upload
return "", traceError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
// fs-append.json path
fsAppendMetaPath := getFSAppendMetaPath(uploadID)
// Lock fs-append.json so that no parallel appendParts() is being done.
appendPathLock := nsMutex.NewNSLock(minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendMetaPath)
defer appendPathLock.Unlock()
// Calculate s3 compatible md5sum for complete multipart.
s3MD5, err := getCompleteMultipartMD5(parts)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fsAppendDataPath := getFSAppendDataPath(uploadID)
// Read saved fs metadata for ongoing multipart.
fsMetaPath := pathJoin(uploadIDPath, fsMetaJSONFile)
fsMeta, err := readFSMetadata(fs.storage, minioMetaBucket, fsMetaPath)
@ -672,16 +566,21 @@ func (fs fsObjects) CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket string, object string, upload
return "", toObjectErr(err, minioMetaBucket, fsMetaPath)
fsAppendMeta, err := readFSMetadata(fs.storage, minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendMetaPath)
if err == nil && isPartsSame(fsAppendMeta.Parts, parts) {
if err = fs.storage.RenameFile(minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendDataPath, bucket, object); err != nil {
return "", toObjectErr(traceError(err), minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendDataPath)
appendFallback := true // In case background appendRoutine() did not append the required parts.
if isPartsSame(fsMeta.Parts, parts) {
err = fs.bgAppend.complete(fs.storage, bucket, object, uploadID, fsMeta)
if err == nil {
appendFallback = false
fsAppendDataPath := getFSAppendDataPath(uploadID)
if err = fs.storage.RenameFile(minioMetaBucket, fsAppendDataPath, bucket, object); err != nil {
return "", toObjectErr(traceError(err), minioMetaBucket, fsAppendDataPath)
} else {
// Remove append data temporary file since it is no longer needed at this point
fs.storage.DeleteFile(minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendDataPath)
tempObj := uploadID + "-" + "part.1"
if appendFallback {
// appendRoutine could not do append all the required parts, hence we do it here.
tempObj := path.Join(minioMetaTmpBucket, uploadID+"-"+"part.1")
// Allocate staging buffer.
var buf = make([]byte, readSizeV1)
@ -757,9 +656,6 @@ func (fs fsObjects) CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket string, object string, upload
// Remove the append-file metadata file in tmp location as we no longer need it.
fs.storage.DeleteFile(minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendMetaPath)
// No need to save part info, since we have concatenated all parts.
fsMeta.Parts = nil
@ -806,7 +702,7 @@ func (fs fsObjects) abortMultipartUpload(bucket, object, uploadID string) error
if err := cleanupUploadedParts(bucket, object, uploadID, fs.storage); err != nil {
return err
// remove entry from uploads.json with quorum
if err := fs.updateUploadJSON(bucket, object, uploadIDChange{uploadID: uploadID, isRemove: true}); err != nil {
return toObjectErr(err, bucket, object)
@ -851,12 +747,6 @@ func (fs fsObjects) AbortMultipartUpload(bucket, object, uploadID string) error
return traceError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
fsAppendMetaPath := getFSAppendMetaPath(uploadID)
// Lock fs-append.json so that no parallel appendParts() is being done.
appendPathLock := nsMutex.NewNSLock(minioMetaTmpBucket, fsAppendMetaPath)
defer appendPathLock.Unlock()
err := fs.abortMultipartUpload(bucket, object, uploadID)
return err
@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ type fsObjects struct {
// List pool management.
listPool *treeWalkPool
// To manage the appendRoutine go0routines
bgAppend *backgroundAppend
// list of all errors that can be ignored in tree walk operation in FS
@ -61,6 +64,9 @@ func newFSObjects(storage StorageAPI) (ObjectLayer, error) {
fs := fsObjects{
storage: storage,
listPool: newTreeWalkPool(globalLookupTimeout),
bgAppend: &backgroundAppend{
infoMap: make(map[string]bgAppendPartsInfo),
// Return successfully initialized object layer.
@ -494,8 +494,11 @@ func (s *posix) ReadAll(volume, path string) (buf []byte, err error) {
// ReadFile reads exactly len(buf) bytes into buf. It returns the
// number of bytes copied. The error is EOF only if no bytes were
// read. On return, n == len(buf) if and only if err == nil. n == 0
// for io.EOF. Additionally ReadFile also starts reading from an
// offset.
// for io.EOF.
// If an EOF happens after reading some but not all the bytes,
// ReadFull returns ErrUnexpectedEOF.
// Additionally ReadFile also starts reading from an offset.
// ReadFile symantics are same as io.ReadFull
func (s *posix) ReadFile(volume string, path string, offset int64, buf []byte) (n int64, err error) {
defer func() {
if err == syscall.EIO {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user