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synced 2025-03-30 09:13:41 -04:00
tests: add OpenID service accounts creation and update (#13708)
- service account creation for STS accounts - service account session policy update for STS accounts - refactor svc acc tests and add them for OpenID
This commit is contained in:
@ -740,144 +740,27 @@ func (s *TestSuiteIAM) TestServiceAccountOpsByUser(c *check) {
// Create svc acc
cr, err := userAdmClient.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
TargetUser: accessKey,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Err creating svc acc: %v", err)
cr := c.mustCreateSvcAccount(ctx, accessKey, userAdmClient)
// 1. Check that svc account appears in listing
listResp, err := userAdmClient.ListServiceAccounts(ctx, accessKey)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to list svc accounts: %v", err)
if !set.CreateStringSet(listResp.Accounts...).Contains(cr.AccessKey) {
c.Fatalf("created service account did not appear in listing!")
c.assertSvcAccAppearsInListing(ctx, userAdmClient, accessKey, cr.AccessKey)
// 2. Check that svc account info can be queried
infoResp, err := userAdmClient.InfoServiceAccount(ctx, cr.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to get svc acc info: %v", err)
c.Assert(infoResp.ParentUser, accessKey)
c.Assert(infoResp.AccountStatus, "on")
c.Assert(infoResp.ImpliedPolicy, true)
c.assertSvcAccInfoQueryable(ctx, userAdmClient, accessKey, cr.AccessKey, false)
// 3. Check S3 access
c.assertSvcAccS3Access(ctx, s, cr, bucket)
// 4. Check that svc account can restrict the policy, and that the
// session policy can be updated.
svcAK, svcSK := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
policyBytes := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
}`, bucket))
cr, err := userAdmClient.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
Policy: policyBytes,
TargetUser: accessKey,
AccessKey: svcAK,
SecretKey: svcSK,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Unable to create svc acc: %v", err)
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
newPolicyBytes := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
}`, bucket))
err = userAdmClient.UpdateServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK, madmin.UpdateServiceAccountReq{
NewPolicy: newPolicyBytes,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to update session policy for svc acc: %v", err)
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
c.assertSvcAccSessionPolicyUpdate(ctx, s, userAdmClient, accessKey, bucket)
// 4. Check that service account's secret key and account status can be
// updated.
svcAK, svcSK := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
cr, err := userAdmClient.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
TargetUser: accessKey,
AccessKey: svcAK,
SecretKey: svcSK,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Unable to create svc acc: %v", err)
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
_, svcSK2 := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
err = userAdmClient.UpdateServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK, madmin.UpdateServiceAccountReq{
NewSecretKey: svcSK2,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to update secret key for svc acc: %v", err)
// old creds should not work:
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
// new creds work:
svcClient2 := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, svcSK2, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient2, bucket)
// update status to disabled
err = userAdmClient.UpdateServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK, madmin.UpdateServiceAccountReq{
NewStatus: "off",
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to update secret key for svc acc: %v", err)
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient2, bucket)
c.assertSvcAccSecretKeyAndStatusUpdate(ctx, s, userAdmClient, accessKey, bucket)
// 5. Check that service account can be deleted.
svcAK, svcSK := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
cr, err := userAdmClient.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
TargetUser: accessKey,
AccessKey: svcAK,
SecretKey: svcSK,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Unable to create svc acc: %v", err)
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
err = userAdmClient.DeleteServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to delete svc acc: %v", err)
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
c.assertSvcAccDeletion(ctx, s, userAdmClient, accessKey, bucket)
func (s *TestSuiteIAM) TestServiceAccountOpsByAdmin(c *check) {
@ -925,159 +808,37 @@ func (s *TestSuiteIAM) TestServiceAccountOpsByAdmin(c *check) {
// 1. Create a service account for the user
svcAK, svcSK := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
cr, err := s.adm.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
TargetUser: accessKey,
AccessKey: svcAK,
SecretKey: svcSK,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Unable to create svc acc: %v", err)
cr := c.mustCreateSvcAccount(ctx, accessKey, s.adm)
// 1.2 Check that svc account appears in listing
listResp, err := s.adm.ListServiceAccounts(ctx, accessKey)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to list svc accounts: %v", err)
if !set.CreateStringSet(listResp.Accounts...).Contains(svcAK) {
c.Fatalf("created service account did not appear in listing!")
c.assertSvcAccAppearsInListing(ctx, s.adm, accessKey, cr.AccessKey)
// 1.3 Check that svc account info can be queried
infoResp, err := s.adm.InfoServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to get svc acc info: %v", err)
c.Assert(infoResp.ParentUser, accessKey)
c.Assert(infoResp.AccountStatus, "on")
c.Assert(infoResp.ImpliedPolicy, true)
c.assertSvcAccInfoQueryable(ctx, s.adm, accessKey, cr.AccessKey, false)
// 2. Check that svc account can access the bucket
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
c.assertSvcAccS3Access(ctx, s, cr, bucket)
// 3. Check that svc account can restrict the policy, and that the
// session policy can be updated.
svcAK, svcSK := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
policyBytes := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
}`, bucket))
cr, err := s.adm.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
Policy: policyBytes,
TargetUser: accessKey,
AccessKey: svcAK,
SecretKey: svcSK,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Unable to create svc acc: %v", err)
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
newPolicyBytes := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
}`, bucket))
err = s.adm.UpdateServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK, madmin.UpdateServiceAccountReq{
NewPolicy: newPolicyBytes,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to update session policy for svc acc: %v", err)
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
c.assertSvcAccSessionPolicyUpdate(ctx, s, s.adm, accessKey, bucket)
// 4. Check that service account's secret key and account status can be
// updated.
svcAK, svcSK := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
cr, err := s.adm.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
TargetUser: accessKey,
AccessKey: svcAK,
SecretKey: svcSK,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Unable to create svc acc: %v", err)
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
_, svcSK2 := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
err = s.adm.UpdateServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK, madmin.UpdateServiceAccountReq{
NewSecretKey: svcSK2,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to update secret key for svc acc: %v", err)
// old creds should not work:
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
// new creds work:
svcClient2 := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, svcSK2, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient2, bucket)
// update status to disabled
err = s.adm.UpdateServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK, madmin.UpdateServiceAccountReq{
NewStatus: "off",
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to update secret key for svc acc: %v", err)
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient2, bucket)
c.assertSvcAccSecretKeyAndStatusUpdate(ctx, s, s.adm, accessKey, bucket)
// 5. Check that service account can be deleted.
svcAK, svcSK := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
cr, err := s.adm.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
TargetUser: accessKey,
AccessKey: svcAK,
SecretKey: svcSK,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Unable to create svc acc: %v", err)
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
err = s.adm.DeleteServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to delete svc acc: %v", err)
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
c.assertSvcAccDeletion(ctx, s, s.adm, accessKey, bucket)
func (c *check) mustCreateSvcAccount(ctx context.Context, tgtUser string, admClnt *madmin.AdminClient) {
_, err := admClnt.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
func (c *check) mustCreateSvcAccount(ctx context.Context, tgtUser string, admClnt *madmin.AdminClient) madmin.Credentials {
cr, err := admClnt.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
TargetUser: tgtUser,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("user should be able to create service accounts %s", err)
return cr
func (c *check) mustNotCreateSvcAccount(ctx context.Context, tgtUser string, admClnt *madmin.AdminClient) {
@ -1106,6 +867,147 @@ func (c *check) mustListObjects(ctx context.Context, client *minio.Client, bucke
func (c *check) assertSvcAccS3Access(ctx context.Context, s *TestSuiteIAM, cr madmin.Credentials, bucket string) {
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
func (c *check) assertSvcAccAppearsInListing(ctx context.Context, madmClient *madmin.AdminClient, parentAK, svcAK string) {
listResp, err := madmClient.ListServiceAccounts(ctx, parentAK)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to list svc accounts: %v", err)
if !set.CreateStringSet(listResp.Accounts...).Contains(svcAK) {
c.Fatalf("service account did not appear in listing!")
func (c *check) assertSvcAccInfoQueryable(ctx context.Context, madmClient *madmin.AdminClient, parentAK, svcAK string, skipParentUserCheck bool) {
infoResp, err := madmClient.InfoServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to get svc acc info: %v", err)
if !skipParentUserCheck {
c.Assert(infoResp.ParentUser, parentAK)
c.Assert(infoResp.AccountStatus, "on")
c.Assert(infoResp.ImpliedPolicy, true)
// This test assumes that the policy for `accessKey` allows listing on the given
// bucket. It creates a session policy that restricts listing on the bucket and
// then enables it again in a session policy update call.
func (c *check) assertSvcAccSessionPolicyUpdate(ctx context.Context, s *TestSuiteIAM, madmClient *madmin.AdminClient, accessKey, bucket string) {
svcAK, svcSK := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
// This policy does not allow listing objects.
policyBytes := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
}`, bucket))
cr, err := madmClient.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
Policy: policyBytes,
TargetUser: accessKey,
AccessKey: svcAK,
SecretKey: svcSK,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Unable to create svc acc: %v", err)
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
// This policy allows listing objects.
newPolicyBytes := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
}`, bucket))
err = madmClient.UpdateServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK, madmin.UpdateServiceAccountReq{
NewPolicy: newPolicyBytes,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to update session policy for svc acc: %v", err)
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
func (c *check) assertSvcAccSecretKeyAndStatusUpdate(ctx context.Context, s *TestSuiteIAM, madmClient *madmin.AdminClient, accessKey, bucket string) {
svcAK, svcSK := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
cr, err := madmClient.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
TargetUser: accessKey,
AccessKey: svcAK,
SecretKey: svcSK,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Unable to create svc acc: %v", err)
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
_, svcSK2 := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
err = madmClient.UpdateServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK, madmin.UpdateServiceAccountReq{
NewSecretKey: svcSK2,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to update secret key for svc acc: %v", err)
// old creds should not work:
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
// new creds work:
svcClient2 := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, svcSK2, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient2, bucket)
// update status to disabled
err = madmClient.UpdateServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK, madmin.UpdateServiceAccountReq{
NewStatus: "off",
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to update secret key for svc acc: %v", err)
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient2, bucket)
func (c *check) assertSvcAccDeletion(ctx context.Context, s *TestSuiteIAM, madmClient *madmin.AdminClient, accessKey, bucket string) {
svcAK, svcSK := mustGenerateCredentials(c)
cr, err := madmClient.AddServiceAccount(ctx, madmin.AddServiceAccountReq{
TargetUser: accessKey,
AccessKey: svcAK,
SecretKey: svcSK,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Unable to create svc acc: %v", err)
svcClient := s.getUserClient(c, cr.AccessKey, cr.SecretKey, "")
c.mustListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
err = madmClient.DeleteServiceAccount(ctx, svcAK)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("unable to delete svc acc: %v", err)
c.mustNotListObjects(ctx, svcClient, bucket)
func mustGenerateCredentials(c *check) (string, string) {
ak, sk, err := auth.GenerateCredentials()
if err != nil {
@ -1464,24 +1464,8 @@ func (store *IAMStoreSys) AddServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, cred auth.Crede
return errIAMActionNotAllowed
// Check that at least one policy is available.
policies, err := cache.policyDBGet(store.getUsersSysType(), parentUser, false)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, group := range cred.Groups {
gp, err := cache.policyDBGet(store.getUsersSysType(), group, true)
if err != nil && err != errNoSuchGroup {
return err
policies = append(policies, gp...)
if len(policies) == 0 {
return errNoSuchUser
u := newUserIdentity(cred)
err = store.saveUserIdentity(ctx, u.Credentials.AccessKey, svcUser, u)
err := store.saveUserIdentity(ctx, u.Credentials.AccessKey, svcUser, u)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1519,8 +1503,12 @@ func (store *IAMStoreSys) UpdateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey st
if opts.sessionPolicy != nil {
m := make(map[string]interface{})
err := opts.sessionPolicy.Validate()
m, err := getClaimsFromToken(cr.SessionToken)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to get svc acc claims: %v", err)
err = opts.sessionPolicy.Validate()
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1532,9 +1520,9 @@ func (store *IAMStoreSys) UpdateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey st
return fmt.Errorf("Session policy should not exceed 16 KiB characters")
// Overwrite session policy claims.
m[iampolicy.SessionPolicyName] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(policyBuf)
m[iamPolicyClaimNameSA()] = "embedded-policy"
m[parentClaim] = cr.ParentUser
cr.SessionToken, err = auth.JWTSignWithAccessKey(accessKey, m, globalActiveCred.SecretKey)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -419,6 +419,95 @@ func (s *TestSuiteIAM) TestOpenIDSTS(c *check) {
func (s *TestSuiteIAM) TestOpenIDServiceAcc(c *check) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
bucket := getRandomBucketName()
err := s.client.MakeBucket(ctx, bucket, minio.MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("bucket create error: %v", err)
// Generate web identity STS token by interacting with OpenID IDP.
token, err := mockTestUserInteraction(ctx, testProvider, "dillon@example.io", "dillon")
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("mock user err: %v", err)
webID := cr.STSWebIdentity{
Client: s.TestSuiteCommon.client,
STSEndpoint: s.endPoint,
GetWebIDTokenExpiry: func() (*cr.WebIdentityToken, error) {
return &cr.WebIdentityToken{
Token: token,
}, nil
// Create policy - with name as one of the groups in OpenID the user is
// a member of.
policy := "projecta"
policyBytes := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
}`, bucket))
err = s.adm.AddCannedPolicy(ctx, policy, policyBytes)
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("policy add error: %v", err)
value, err := webID.Retrieve()
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Expected to generate STS creds, got err: %#v", err)
// Create an madmin client with user creds
userAdmClient, err := madmin.NewWithOptions(s.endpoint, &madmin.Options{
Creds: cr.NewStaticV4(value.AccessKeyID, value.SecretAccessKey, value.SessionToken),
Secure: s.secure,
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Err creating user admin client: %v", err)
// Create svc acc
cr := c.mustCreateSvcAccount(ctx, value.AccessKeyID, userAdmClient)
// 1. Check that svc account appears in listing
c.assertSvcAccAppearsInListing(ctx, userAdmClient, value.AccessKeyID, cr.AccessKey)
// 2. Check that svc account info can be queried
c.assertSvcAccInfoQueryable(ctx, userAdmClient, value.AccessKeyID, cr.AccessKey, true)
// 3. Check S3 access
c.assertSvcAccS3Access(ctx, s, cr, bucket)
// 4. Check that svc account can restrict the policy, and that the
// session policy can be updated.
c.assertSvcAccSessionPolicyUpdate(ctx, s, userAdmClient, value.AccessKeyID, bucket)
// 4. Check that service account's secret key and account status can be
// updated.
c.assertSvcAccSecretKeyAndStatusUpdate(ctx, s, userAdmClient, value.AccessKeyID, bucket)
// 5. Check that service account can be deleted.
c.assertSvcAccDeletion(ctx, s, userAdmClient, value.AccessKeyID, bucket)
type providerParams struct {
clientID, clientSecret, providerURL, redirectURL string
@ -611,6 +700,7 @@ func TestIAMWithOpenIDServerSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.SetUpOpenID(c, openIDServer)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user