mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:13 -05:00
controller/auth: Implement JWT based authorization for controller. (#2544)
Fixes #2474
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,29 +17,95 @@
package cmd
import (
jwtgo "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
// GenericReply represents any generic RPC reply.
type GenericReply struct{}
// GenericArgs represents any generic RPC arguments.
type GenericArgs struct {
Token string // Used to authenticate every RPC call.
Timestamp time.Time // Used to verify if the RPC call was issued between the same Login() and disconnect event pair.
// SetToken - sets the token to the supplied value.
func (ga *GenericArgs) SetToken(token string) {
ga.Token = token
// SetTimestamp - sets the timestamp to the supplied value.
func (ga *GenericArgs) SetTimestamp(tstamp time.Time) {
ga.Timestamp = tstamp
// RPCLoginArgs - login username and password for RPC.
type RPCLoginArgs struct {
Username string
Password string
// RPCLoginReply - login reply provides generated token to be used
// with subsequent requests.
type RPCLoginReply struct {
Token string
ServerVersion string
Timestamp time.Time
// Validates if incoming token is valid.
func isRPCTokenValid(tokenStr string) bool {
jwt, err := newJWT(defaultTokenExpiry) // Expiry set to 100yrs.
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to initialize JWT")
return false
token, err := jwtgo.Parse(tokenStr, func(token *jwtgo.Token) (interface{}, error) {
if _, ok := token.Method.(*jwtgo.SigningMethodHMAC); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"])
return []byte(jwt.SecretAccessKey), nil
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to parse JWT token string")
return false
// Return if token is valid.
return token.Valid
// Auth config represents authentication credentials and Login method name to be used
// for fetching JWT tokens from the RPC server.
type authConfig struct {
accessKey string // Username for the server.
secretKey string // Password for the server.
address string // Network address path of RPC server.
path string // Network path for HTTP dial.
loginMethod string // RPC service name for authenticating using JWT
// AuthRPCClient is a wrapper type for RPCClient which provides JWT based authentication across reconnects.
type AuthRPCClient struct {
rpc *RPCClient // reconnect'able rpc client built on top of net/rpc Client
cred credential // AccessKey and SecretKey
isLoggedIn bool // Indicates if the auth client has been logged in and token is valid.
token string // JWT based token
tstamp time.Time // Timestamp as received on Login RPC.
loginMethod string // RPC service name for authenticating using JWT
config *authConfig
rpc *RPCClient // reconnect'able rpc client built on top of net/rpc Client
isLoggedIn bool // Indicates if the auth client has been logged in and token is valid.
token string // JWT based token
tstamp time.Time // Timestamp as received on Login RPC.
// newAuthClient - returns a jwt based authenticated (go) rpc client, which does automatic reconnect.
func newAuthClient(node, rpcPath string, cred credential, loginMethod string) *AuthRPCClient {
func newAuthClient(cfg *authConfig) *AuthRPCClient {
return &AuthRPCClient{
rpc: newClient(node, rpcPath),
cred: cred,
isLoggedIn: false, // Not logged in yet.
loginMethod: loginMethod,
// Save the config.
config: cfg,
// Initialize a new reconnectable rpc client.
rpc: newClient(cfg.address, cfg.path),
// Allocated auth client not logged in yet.
isLoggedIn: false,
@ -57,9 +123,9 @@ func (authClient *AuthRPCClient) Login() error {
return nil
reply := RPCLoginReply{}
if err := authClient.rpc.Call(authClient.loginMethod, RPCLoginArgs{
Username: authClient.cred.AccessKeyID,
Password: authClient.cred.SecretAccessKey,
if err := authClient.rpc.Call(authClient.config.loginMethod, RPCLoginArgs{
Username: authClient.config.accessKey,
Password: authClient.config.secretKey,
}, &reply); err != nil {
return err
@ -73,7 +139,10 @@ func (authClient *AuthRPCClient) Login() error {
// Call - If rpc connection isn't established yet since previous disconnect,
// connection is established, a jwt authenticated login is performed and then
// the call is performed.
func (authClient *AuthRPCClient) Call(serviceMethod string, args dsync.TokenSetter, reply interface{}) (err error) {
func (authClient *AuthRPCClient) Call(serviceMethod string, args interface {
SetToken(token string)
SetTimestamp(tstamp time.Time)
}, reply interface{}) (err error) {
// On successful login, attempt the call.
if err = authClient.Login(); err == nil {
// Set token and timestamp before the rpc call.
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package cmd
import (
@ -80,17 +79,22 @@ func healControl(ctx *cli.Context) {
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "heal", 1)
client, err := rpc.DialHTTPPath("tcp", parsedURL.Host, path.Join(reservedBucket, controlPath))
fatalIf(err, "Unable to connect to %s", parsedURL.Host)
authCfg := &authConfig{
accessKey: serverConfig.GetCredential().AccessKeyID,
secretKey: serverConfig.GetCredential().SecretAccessKey,
address: parsedURL.Host,
path: path.Join(reservedBucket, controlPath),
loginMethod: "Controller.LoginHandler",
client := newAuthClient(authCfg)
// If object does not have trailing "/" then it's an object, hence heal it.
if objectName != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(objectName, slashSeparator) {
fmt.Printf("Healing : /%s/%s", bucketName, objectName)
args := &HealObjectArgs{bucketName, objectName}
fmt.Printf("Healing : /%s/%s\n", bucketName, objectName)
args := &HealObjectArgs{Bucket: bucketName, Object: objectName}
reply := &HealObjectReply{}
err = client.Call("Control.HealObject", args, reply)
fatalIf(err, "RPC Control.HealObject call failed")
err = client.Call("Controller.HealObjectHandler", args, reply)
errorIf(err, "Healing object %s failed.", objectName)
@ -98,23 +102,32 @@ func healControl(ctx *cli.Context) {
prefix := objectName
marker := ""
for {
args := HealListArgs{bucketName, prefix, marker, "", 1000}
args := &HealListArgs{
Bucket: bucketName,
Prefix: prefix,
Marker: marker,
Delimiter: "",
MaxKeys: 1000,
reply := &HealListReply{}
err = client.Call("Control.ListObjectsHeal", args, reply)
fatalIf(err, "RPC Heal.ListObjects call failed")
err = client.Call("Controller.ListObjectsHealHandler", args, reply)
fatalIf(err, "Unable to list objects for healing.")
// Heal the objects returned in the ListObjects reply.
for _, obj := range reply.Objects {
fmt.Printf("Healing : /%s/%s", bucketName, obj)
reply := &HealObjectReply{}
err = client.Call("Control.HealObject", HealObjectArgs{bucketName, obj}, reply)
fatalIf(err, "RPC Heal.HealObject call failed")
fmt.Printf("Healing : /%s/%s\n", bucketName, obj)
reply := &GenericReply{}
healArgs := &HealObjectArgs{Bucket: bucketName, Object: obj}
err = client.Call("Controller.HealObjectHandler", healArgs, reply)
errorIf(err, "Healing object %s failed.", obj)
if !reply.IsTruncated {
// End of listing.
// Set the marker to list the next set of keys.
marker = reply.NextMarker
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
package cmd
import (
@ -55,14 +54,19 @@ func shutdownControl(c *cli.Context) {
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(c, "shutdown", 1)
parsedURL, err := url.ParseRequestURI(c.Args()[0])
fatalIf(err, "Unable to parse URL")
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(c.Args()[0])
fatalIf(err, "Unable to parse URL.")
client, err := rpc.DialHTTPPath("tcp", parsedURL.Host, path.Join(reservedBucket, controlPath))
fatalIf(err, "Unable to connect to %s", parsedURL.Host)
authCfg := &authConfig{
accessKey: serverConfig.GetCredential().AccessKeyID,
secretKey: serverConfig.GetCredential().SecretAccessKey,
address: parsedURL.Host,
path: path.Join(reservedBucket, controlPath),
loginMethod: "Controller.LoginHandler",
client := newAuthClient(authCfg)
args := &ShutdownArgs{Reboot: c.Bool("restart")}
reply := &ShutdownReply{}
err = client.Call("Control.Shutdown", args, reply)
fatalIf(err, "RPC Control.Shutdown call failed")
args := &ShutdownArgs{Restart: c.Bool("restart")}
err = client.Call("Controller.ShutdownHandler", args, &GenericReply{})
errorIf(err, "Shutting down Minio server at %s failed.", parsedURL.Host)
@ -16,8 +16,31 @@
package cmd
/// Auth operations
// Login - login handler.
func (c *controllerAPIHandlers) LoginHandler(args *RPCLoginArgs, reply *RPCLoginReply) error {
jwt, err := newJWT(defaultTokenExpiry)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = jwt.Authenticate(args.Username, args.Password); err != nil {
return err
token, err := jwt.GenerateToken(args.Username)
if err != nil {
return err
reply.Token = token
reply.ServerVersion = Version
return nil
// HealListArgs - argument for ListObjects RPC.
type HealListArgs struct {
// Authentication token generated by Login.
Bucket string
Prefix string
Marker string
@ -25,7 +48,7 @@ type HealListArgs struct {
MaxKeys int
// HealListReply - reply by ListObjects RPC.
// HealListReply - reply object by ListObjects RPC.
type HealListReply struct {
IsTruncated bool
NextMarker string
@ -33,12 +56,15 @@ type HealListReply struct {
// ListObjects - list all objects that needs healing.
func (c *controllerAPIHandlers) ListObjectsHeal(arg *HealListArgs, reply *HealListReply) error {
func (c *controllerAPIHandlers) ListObjectsHealHandler(args *HealListArgs, reply *HealListReply) error {
objAPI := c.ObjectAPI()
if objAPI == nil {
return errInvalidArgument
return errVolumeBusy
info, err := objAPI.ListObjectsHeal(arg.Bucket, arg.Prefix, arg.Marker, arg.Delimiter, arg.MaxKeys)
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errInvalidToken
info, err := objAPI.ListObjectsHeal(args.Bucket, args.Prefix, args.Marker, args.Delimiter, args.MaxKeys)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -52,7 +78,13 @@ func (c *controllerAPIHandlers) ListObjectsHeal(arg *HealListArgs, reply *HealLi
// HealObjectArgs - argument for HealObject RPC.
type HealObjectArgs struct {
// Authentication token generated by Login.
// Name of the bucket.
Bucket string
// Name of the object.
Object string
@ -60,26 +92,33 @@ type HealObjectArgs struct {
type HealObjectReply struct{}
// HealObject - heal the object.
func (c *controllerAPIHandlers) HealObject(arg *HealObjectArgs, reply *HealObjectReply) error {
func (c *controllerAPIHandlers) HealObjectHandler(args *HealObjectArgs, reply *GenericReply) error {
objAPI := c.ObjectAPI()
if objAPI == nil {
return errInvalidArgument
return errVolumeBusy
return objAPI.HealObject(arg.Bucket, arg.Object)
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errInvalidToken
return objAPI.HealObject(args.Bucket, args.Object)
// ShutdownArgs - argument for Shutdown RPC.
type ShutdownArgs struct {
Reboot bool
// Authentication token generated by Login.
// Should the server be restarted, call active connections are served before server
// is restarted.
Restart bool
// ShutdownReply - reply by Shutdown RPC.
type ShutdownReply struct{}
// Shutdown - Shutdown the server.
func (c *controllerAPIHandlers) Shutdown(arg *ShutdownArgs, reply *ShutdownReply) error {
if arg.Reboot {
// Shutdown - Shutsdown the server.
func (c *controllerAPIHandlers) ShutdownHandler(args *ShutdownArgs, reply *GenericReply) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errInvalidToken
if args.Restart {
globalShutdownSignalCh <- shutdownRestart
} else {
globalShutdownSignalCh <- shutdownHalt
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ const (
controlPath = "/controller"
// Register control RPC handlers.
func registerControlRPCRouter(mux *router.Router, ctrlHandlers *controllerAPIHandlers) {
// Register controller RPC handlers.
func registerControllerRPCRouter(mux *router.Router, ctrlHandlers *controllerAPIHandlers) {
ctrlRPCServer := rpc.NewServer()
ctrlRPCServer.RegisterName("Control", ctrlHandlers)
ctrlRPCServer.RegisterName("Controller", ctrlHandlers)
ctrlRouter := mux.NewRoute().PathPrefix(reservedBucket).Subrouter()
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
package cmd
import (
@ -59,10 +58,10 @@ type lockServer struct {
func (l *lockServer) verifyArgs(args *LockArgs) error {
if !l.timestamp.Equal(args.Timestamp) {
return errors.New("Timestamps don't match, server may have restarted.")
return errInvalidTimestamp
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
return nil
@ -34,14 +34,19 @@ var nsMutex *nsLockMap
func initDsyncNodes(disks []string, port int) error {
serverPort := strconv.Itoa(port)
cred := serverConfig.GetCredential()
loginMethod := "Dsync.LoginHandler"
// Initialize rpc lock client information only if this instance is a distributed setup.
var clnts []dsync.RPC
for _, disk := range disks {
if idx := strings.LastIndex(disk, ":"); idx != -1 {
dsyncAddr := disk[:idx] + ":" + serverPort // Construct a new dsync server addr.
rpcPath := pathutil.Join(lockRPCPath, disk[idx+1:]) // Construct a new rpc path for the disk.
clnts = append(clnts, newAuthClient(dsyncAddr, rpcPath, cred, loginMethod))
clnts = append(clnts, newAuthClient(&authConfig{
accessKey: cred.AccessKeyID,
secretKey: cred.SecretAccessKey,
// Construct a new dsync server addr.
address: disk[:idx] + ":" + serverPort,
// Construct a new rpc path for the disk.
path: pathutil.Join(lockRPCPath, disk[idx+1:]),
loginMethod: "Dsync.LoginHandler",
return dsync.SetNodesWithClients(clnts)
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func configureServerHandler(srvCmdConfig serverCmdConfig) http.Handler {
// Initialize Controller.
ctrlHandlers := &controllerAPIHandlers{
controllerHandlers := &controllerAPIHandlers{
ObjectAPI: newObjectLayerFn,
@ -122,11 +122,8 @@ func configureServerHandler(srvCmdConfig serverCmdConfig) http.Handler {
// Initialize distributed NS lock.
initDistributedNSLock(mux, srvCmdConfig)
// FIXME: till net/rpc auth is brought in "minio control" can be enabled only though
// this env variable.
if !strings.EqualFold(os.Getenv("MINIO_CONTROL"), "off") {
registerControlRPCRouter(mux, ctrlHandlers)
// Register controller rpc router.
registerControllerRPCRouter(mux, controllerHandlers)
// set environmental variable MINIO_BROWSER=off to disable minio web browser.
// By default minio web browser is enabled.
@ -134,11 +131,10 @@ func configureServerHandler(srvCmdConfig serverCmdConfig) http.Handler {
registerWebRouter(mux, webHandlers)
registerAPIRouter(mux, apiHandlers)
// Add new routers here.
registerAPIRouter(mux, apiHandlers)
// List of some generic handlers which are applied for all
// incoming requests.
// List of some generic handlers which are applied for all incoming requests.
var handlerFns = []HandlerFunc{
// Limits the number of concurrent http requests.
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import (
type networkStorage struct {
netScheme string
netAddr string
netPath string
rpcClient *AuthRPCClient
@ -93,15 +92,15 @@ func newRPCClient(networkPath string) (StorageAPI, error) {
rpcAddr := netAddr + ":" + strconv.Itoa(port)
// Initialize rpc client with network address and rpc path.
cred := serverConfig.GetCredential()
rpcClient := newAuthClient(rpcAddr, rpcPath, cred, "Storage.LoginHandler")
rpcClient := newAuthClient(&authConfig{
accessKey: cred.AccessKeyID,
secretKey: cred.SecretAccessKey,
address: rpcAddr,
path: rpcPath,
loginMethod: "Storage.LoginHandler",
// Initialize network storage.
ndisk := &networkStorage{
netScheme: func() string {
if !isSSL() {
return "http"
return "https"
netAddr: netAddr,
netPath: netPath,
rpcClient: rpcClient,
@ -16,41 +16,6 @@
package cmd
import "time"
// GenericReply represents any generic RPC reply.
type GenericReply struct{}
// GenericArgs represents any generic RPC arguments.
type GenericArgs struct {
Token string // Used to authenticate every RPC call.
Timestamp time.Time // Used to verify if the RPC call was issued between the same Login() and disconnect event pair.
// SetToken - sets the token to the supplied value.
func (ga *GenericArgs) SetToken(token string) {
ga.Token = token
// SetTimestamp - sets the timestamp to the supplied value.
func (ga *GenericArgs) SetTimestamp(tstamp time.Time) {
ga.Timestamp = tstamp
// RPCLoginArgs - login username and password for RPC.
type RPCLoginArgs struct {
Username string
Password string
// RPCLoginReply - login reply provides generated token to be used
// with subsequent requests.
type RPCLoginReply struct {
Token string
ServerVersion string
Timestamp time.Time
// GenericVolArgs - generic volume args.
type GenericVolArgs struct {
// Authentication token generated by Login.
@ -18,14 +18,11 @@ package cmd
import (
jwtgo "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
router "github.com/gorilla/mux"
@ -36,27 +33,6 @@ type storageServer struct {
path string
// Validates if incoming token is valid.
func isRPCTokenValid(tokenStr string) bool {
jwt, err := newJWT(defaultWebTokenExpiry) // Expiry set to 24Hrs.
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to initialize JWT")
return false
token, err := jwtgo.Parse(tokenStr, func(token *jwtgo.Token) (interface{}, error) {
if _, ok := token.Method.(*jwtgo.SigningMethodHMAC); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"])
return []byte(jwt.SecretAccessKey), nil
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to parse JWT token string")
return false
// Return if token is valid.
return token.Valid
/// Auth operations
// Login - login handler.
@ -82,7 +58,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) LoginHandler(args *RPCLoginArgs, reply *RPCLoginReply) e
// MakeVolHandler - make vol handler is rpc wrapper for MakeVol operation.
func (s *storageServer) MakeVolHandler(args *GenericVolArgs, reply *GenericReply) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
return s.storage.MakeVol(args.Vol)
@ -90,7 +66,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) MakeVolHandler(args *GenericVolArgs, reply *GenericReply
// ListVolsHandler - list vols handler is rpc wrapper for ListVols operation.
func (s *storageServer) ListVolsHandler(args *GenericArgs, reply *ListVolsReply) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
vols, err := s.storage.ListVols()
if err != nil {
@ -103,7 +79,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) ListVolsHandler(args *GenericArgs, reply *ListVolsReply)
// StatVolHandler - stat vol handler is a rpc wrapper for StatVol operation.
func (s *storageServer) StatVolHandler(args *GenericVolArgs, reply *VolInfo) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
volInfo, err := s.storage.StatVol(args.Vol)
if err != nil {
@ -117,7 +93,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) StatVolHandler(args *GenericVolArgs, reply *VolInfo) err
// DeleteVol operation.
func (s *storageServer) DeleteVolHandler(args *GenericVolArgs, reply *GenericReply) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
return s.storage.DeleteVol(args.Vol)
@ -127,7 +103,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) DeleteVolHandler(args *GenericVolArgs, reply *GenericRep
// StatFileHandler - stat file handler is rpc wrapper to stat file.
func (s *storageServer) StatFileHandler(args *StatFileArgs, reply *FileInfo) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
fileInfo, err := s.storage.StatFile(args.Vol, args.Path)
if err != nil {
@ -140,7 +116,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) StatFileHandler(args *StatFileArgs, reply *FileInfo) err
// ListDirHandler - list directory handler is rpc wrapper to list dir.
func (s *storageServer) ListDirHandler(args *ListDirArgs, reply *[]string) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
entries, err := s.storage.ListDir(args.Vol, args.Path)
if err != nil {
@ -153,7 +129,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) ListDirHandler(args *ListDirArgs, reply *[]string) error
// ReadAllHandler - read all handler is rpc wrapper to read all storage API.
func (s *storageServer) ReadAllHandler(args *ReadFileArgs, reply *[]byte) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
buf, err := s.storage.ReadAll(args.Vol, args.Path)
if err != nil {
@ -172,7 +148,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) ReadFileHandler(args *ReadFileArgs, reply *[]byte) (err
}() // Do not crash the server.
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
// Allocate the requested buffer from the client.
*reply = make([]byte, args.Size)
@ -192,7 +168,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) ReadFileHandler(args *ReadFileArgs, reply *[]byte) (err
// AppendFileHandler - append file handler is rpc wrapper to append file.
func (s *storageServer) AppendFileHandler(args *AppendFileArgs, reply *GenericReply) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
return s.storage.AppendFile(args.Vol, args.Path, args.Buffer)
@ -200,7 +176,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) AppendFileHandler(args *AppendFileArgs, reply *GenericRe
// DeleteFileHandler - delete file handler is rpc wrapper to delete file.
func (s *storageServer) DeleteFileHandler(args *DeleteFileArgs, reply *GenericReply) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
return s.storage.DeleteFile(args.Vol, args.Path)
@ -208,7 +184,7 @@ func (s *storageServer) DeleteFileHandler(args *DeleteFileArgs, reply *GenericRe
// RenameFileHandler - rename file handler is rpc wrapper to rename file.
func (s *storageServer) RenameFileHandler(args *RenameFileArgs, reply *GenericReply) error {
if !isRPCTokenValid(args.Token) {
return errors.New("Invalid token")
return errInvalidToken
return s.storage.RenameFile(args.SrcVol, args.SrcPath, args.DstVol, args.DstPath)
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ var errSignatureMismatch = errors.New("Signature does not match")
// used when token used for authentication by the MinioBrowser has expired
var errInvalidToken = errors.New("Invalid token")
// used when cached timestamp do not match with what client remembers.
var errInvalidTimestamp = errors.New("Timestamps don't match, server may have restarted.")
// If x-amz-content-sha256 header value mismatches with what we calculate.
var errContentSHA256Mismatch = errors.New("sha256 mismatch")
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package dsync
import (
@ -336,11 +337,21 @@ func sendRelease(c RPC, name, uid string, isReadLock bool) {
if err = c.Call("Dsync.RUnlock", &LockArgs{Name: name}, &status); err == nil {
// RUnlock delivered, exit out
} else if err != nil {
if nErr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && nErr.Timeout() {
// RUnlock possibly failed with server timestamp mismatch, server may have restarted.
} else {
if err = c.Call("Dsync.Unlock", &LockArgs{Name: name}, &status); err == nil {
// Unlock delivered, exit out
} else if err != nil {
if nErr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && nErr.Timeout() {
// Unlock possibly failed with server timestamp mismatch, server may have restarted.
@ -18,12 +18,11 @@ package dsync
import "time"
type TokenSetter interface {
SetToken(token string)
SetTimestamp(tstamp time.Time)
// RPC - is dsync compatible client interface.
type RPC interface {
Call(serviceMethod string, args TokenSetter, reply interface{}) error
Call(serviceMethod string, args interface {
SetToken(token string)
SetTimestamp(tstamp time.Time)
}, reply interface{}) error
Close() error
@ -98,10 +98,10 @@
"revisionTime": "2015-11-18T20:00:48-08:00"
"checksumSHA1": "UmlhYLEvnNk+1e4CEDpVZ3c5mhQ=",
"checksumSHA1": "OOADbvXPHaDRzp8WEvNw6esmfu0=",
"path": "github.com/minio/dsync",
"revision": "a095ea2cf13223a1bf7e20efcb83edacc3a610c1",
"revisionTime": "2016-08-22T23:56:01Z"
"revision": "a2d8949cd8284e6cfa5b2ff9b617e4edb87f513f",
"revisionTime": "2016-08-24T09:12:34Z"
"path": "github.com/minio/go-homedir",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user