mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 04:24:19 -04:00
use new xxml for XML responses to support rare control characters (#15511)
use new xxml/XML responses to support rare control characters fixes #15023
This commit is contained in:
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function start_minio_16drive() {
cat "${WORK_DIR}/server1.log"
echo "FAILED"
mkdir -p inspects
(cd inspects; "${WORK_DIR}/mc" admin inspect minio/healing-shard-bucket/unaligned/**)
(cd inspects; "${WORK_DIR}/mc" support inspect minio/healing-shard-bucket/unaligned/**)
"${WORK_DIR}/mc" mb play/inspects
"${WORK_DIR}/mc" mirror inspects play/inspects
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ function start_minio_16drive() {
cat "${WORK_DIR}/server1.log"
echo "FAILED"
mkdir -p inspects
(cd inspects; "${WORK_DIR}/mc" admin inspect minio/healing-shard-bucket/unaligned/**)
(cd inspects; "${WORK_DIR}/mc" support inspect minio/healing-shard-bucket/unaligned/**)
"${WORK_DIR}/mc" mb play/inspects
"${WORK_DIR}/mc" mirror inspects play/inspects
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ package cmd
import (
@ -30,6 +29,8 @@ import (
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/internal/http"
xxml "github.com/minio/xxml"
// Returns a hexadecimal representation of time at the
@ -64,9 +65,13 @@ func setCommonHeaders(w http.ResponseWriter) {
// Encodes the response headers into XML format.
func encodeResponse(response interface{}) []byte {
var bytesBuffer bytes.Buffer
e := xml.NewEncoder(&bytesBuffer)
buf, err := xxml.Marshal(response)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
return nil
return bytesBuffer.Bytes()
@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ type ListVersionsResponse struct {
IsTruncated bool
CommonPrefixes []CommonPrefix
Versions []ObjectVersion
DeleteMarkers []DeleteMarkerVersion `xml:"DeleteMarker,omitempty"`
Versions []ObjectVersion `xml:"Version,omitempty"`
// Encoding type used to encode object keys in the response.
EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`
@ -247,50 +248,80 @@ type ObjectVersion struct {
IsLatest bool
VersionID string `xml:"VersionId"`
isDeleteMarker bool
// MarshalXML - marshal ObjectVersion
func (o ObjectVersion) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if o.isDeleteMarker {
start.Name.Local = "DeleteMarker"
} else {
start.Name.Local = "Version"
// DeleteMarkerVersion container for delete marker metadata
type DeleteMarkerVersion struct {
Key string
LastModified string // time string of format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
// Owner of the object.
Owner Owner
IsLatest bool
VersionID string `xml:"VersionId"`
// Metadata metadata items implemented to ensure XML marshaling works.
type Metadata struct {
Items []struct {
Key string
Value string
type objectVersionWrapper ObjectVersion
return e.EncodeElement(objectVersionWrapper(o), start)
// StringMap is a map[string]string
type StringMap map[string]string
// Set add items, duplicate items get replaced.
func (s *Metadata) Set(k, v string) {
for i, item := range s.Items {
if item.Key == k {
s.Items[i] = struct {
Key string
Value string
Key: k,
Value: v,
s.Items = append(s.Items, struct {
Key string
Value string
Key: k,
Value: v,
type xmlKeyEntry struct {
XMLName xml.Name
Value string `xml:",chardata"`
// MarshalXML - StringMap marshals into XML.
func (s StringMap) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
tokens := []xml.Token{start}
for key, value := range s {
t := xml.StartElement{}
t.Name = xml.Name{
Space: "",
Local: key,
tokens = append(tokens, t, xml.CharData(value), xml.EndElement{Name: t.Name})
func (s *Metadata) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if s == nil {
return nil
tokens = append(tokens, xml.EndElement{
Name: start.Name,
if len(s.Items) == 0 {
return nil
for _, t := range tokens {
if err := e.EncodeToken(t); err != nil {
if err := e.EncodeToken(start); err != nil {
return err
for _, item := range s.Items {
if err := e.Encode(xmlKeyEntry{
XMLName: xml.Name{Local: item.Key},
Value: item.Value,
}); err != nil {
return err
// flush to ensure tokens are written
return e.Flush()
return e.EncodeToken(start.End())
// Object container for object metadata
@ -307,7 +338,7 @@ type Object struct {
StorageClass string
// UserMetadata user-defined metadata
UserMetadata StringMap `xml:"UserMetadata,omitempty"`
UserMetadata *Metadata `xml:"UserMetadata,omitempty"`
// CopyObjectResponse container returns ETag and LastModified of the successfully copied object
@ -438,6 +469,8 @@ func generateListBucketsResponse(buckets []BucketInfo) ListBucketsResponse {
// generates an ListBucketVersions response for the said bucket with other enumerated options.
func generateListVersionsResponse(bucket, prefix, marker, versionIDMarker, delimiter, encodingType string, maxKeys int, resp ListObjectVersionsInfo) ListVersionsResponse {
versions := make([]ObjectVersion, 0, len(resp.Objects))
deleteMarkers := make([]DeleteMarkerVersion, 0, len(resp.Objects))
owner := Owner{
ID: globalMinioDefaultOwnerID,
DisplayName: "minio",
@ -445,10 +478,25 @@ func generateListVersionsResponse(bucket, prefix, marker, versionIDMarker, delim
data := ListVersionsResponse{}
for _, object := range resp.Objects {
content := ObjectVersion{}
if object.Name == "" {
if object.DeleteMarker {
deleteMarker := DeleteMarkerVersion{
Key: s3EncodeName(object.Name, encodingType),
LastModified: object.ModTime.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat),
Owner: owner,
VersionID: object.VersionID,
if deleteMarker.VersionID == "" {
deleteMarker.VersionID = nullVersionID
deleteMarker.IsLatest = object.IsLatest
deleteMarkers = append(deleteMarkers, deleteMarker)
content := ObjectVersion{}
content.Key = s3EncodeName(object.Name, encodingType)
content.LastModified = object.ModTime.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
if object.ETag != "" {
@ -466,12 +514,12 @@ func generateListVersionsResponse(bucket, prefix, marker, versionIDMarker, delim
content.VersionID = nullVersionID
content.IsLatest = object.IsLatest
content.isDeleteMarker = object.DeleteMarker
versions = append(versions, content)
data.Name = bucket
data.Versions = versions
data.DeleteMarkers = deleteMarkers
data.EncodingType = encodingType
data.Prefix = s3EncodeName(prefix, encodingType)
data.KeyMarker = s3EncodeName(marker, encodingType)
@ -569,14 +617,14 @@ func generateListObjectsV2Response(bucket, prefix, token, nextToken, startAfter,
content.Owner = owner
if metadata {
content.UserMetadata = make(StringMap)
content.UserMetadata = &Metadata{}
switch kind, _ := crypto.IsEncrypted(object.UserDefined); kind {
case crypto.S3:
content.UserMetadata[xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryption] = xhttp.AmzEncryptionAES
content.UserMetadata.Set(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryption, xhttp.AmzEncryptionAES)
case crypto.S3KMS:
content.UserMetadata[xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryption] = xhttp.AmzEncryptionKMS
content.UserMetadata.Set(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryption, xhttp.AmzEncryptionKMS)
case crypto.SSEC:
content.UserMetadata[xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm] = xhttp.AmzEncryptionAES
content.UserMetadata.Set(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm, xhttp.AmzEncryptionAES)
for k, v := range CleanMinioInternalMetadataKeys(object.UserDefined) {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(k), ReservedMetadataPrefixLower) {
@ -588,7 +636,7 @@ func generateListObjectsV2Response(bucket, prefix, token, nextToken, startAfter,
if equals(k, xhttp.AmzMetaUnencryptedContentLength, xhttp.AmzMetaUnencryptedContentMD5) {
content.UserMetadata[k] = v
content.UserMetadata.Set(k, v)
contents = append(contents, content)
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package cmd
import (
@ -3066,6 +3067,16 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) GetObjectRetentionHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r
// ObjectTagSet key value tags
type ObjectTagSet struct {
Tags []tags.Tag `xml:"Tag"`
type objectTagging struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Tagging"`
TagSet *ObjectTagSet `xml:"TagSet"`
// GetObjectTaggingHandler - GET object tagging
func (api objectAPIHandlers) GetObjectTaggingHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "GetObjectTagging")
@ -3103,7 +3114,7 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) GetObjectTaggingHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *h
// Get object tags
tags, err := objAPI.GetObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
ot, err := objAPI.GetObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
@ -3113,7 +3124,20 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) GetObjectTaggingHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *h
w.Header()[xhttp.AmzVersionID] = []string{opts.VersionID}
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodeResponse(tags))
otags := &objectTagging{
TagSet: &ObjectTagSet{},
var list []tags.Tag
for k, v := range ot.ToMap() {
list = append(list, tags.Tag{
Key: k,
Value: v,
otags.TagSet.Tags = list
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodeResponse(otags))
// PutObjectTaggingHandler - PUT object tagging
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import (
@ -1636,6 +1637,81 @@ func (s *TestSuiteCommon) TestListObjectsHandler(c *check) {
// TestListObjectsSpecialCharactersHandler - Setting valid parameters to List Objects
// and then asserting the response with the expected one.
func (s *TestSuiteCommon) TestListObjectsSpecialCharactersHandler(c *check) {
if runtime.GOOS == globalWindowsOSName {
c.Skip("skip special character test for windows")
// generate a random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName()
// HTTP request to create the bucket.
request, err := newTestSignedRequest(http.MethodPut, getMakeBucketURL(s.endPoint, bucketName),
0, nil, s.accessKey, s.secretKey, s.signer)
c.Assert(err, nil)
// execute the HTTP request to create bucket.
response, err := s.client.Do(request)
c.Assert(err, nil)
c.Assert(response.StatusCode, http.StatusOK)
for _, objectName := range []string{"foo bar 1", "foo bar 2", "foo \x01 bar"} {
buffer := bytes.NewReader([]byte("Hello World"))
request, err = newTestSignedRequest(http.MethodPut, getPutObjectURL(s.endPoint, bucketName, objectName),
int64(buffer.Len()), buffer, s.accessKey, s.secretKey, s.signer)
c.Assert(err, nil)
response, err = s.client.Do(request)
c.Assert(err, nil)
c.Assert(response.StatusCode, http.StatusOK)
testCases := []struct {
getURL string
expectedStrings []string
{getListObjectsV1URL(s.endPoint, bucketName, "", "1000", ""), []string{"<Key>foo bar 1</Key>", "<Key>foo bar 2</Key>", "<Key>foo  bar</Key>"}},
{getListObjectsV1URL(s.endPoint, bucketName, "", "1000", "url"), []string{"<Key>foo+bar+1</Key>", "<Key>foo+bar+2</Key>", "<Key>foo+%01+bar</Key>"}},
getListObjectsV2URL(s.endPoint, bucketName, "", "1000", "", ""),
"<Key>foo bar 1</Key>",
"<Key>foo bar 2</Key>",
"<Key>foo  bar</Key>",
fmt.Sprintf("<Owner><ID>%s</ID><DisplayName>minio</DisplayName></Owner>", globalMinioDefaultOwnerID),
getListObjectsV2URL(s.endPoint, bucketName, "", "1000", "true", ""),
"<Key>foo bar 1</Key>",
"<Key>foo bar 2</Key>",
"<Key>foo  bar</Key>",
fmt.Sprintf("<Owner><ID>%s</ID><DisplayName>minio</DisplayName></Owner>", globalMinioDefaultOwnerID),
{getListObjectsV2URL(s.endPoint, bucketName, "", "1000", "", "url"), []string{"<Key>foo+bar+1</Key>", "<Key>foo+bar+2</Key>", "<Key>foo+%01+bar</Key>"}},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
// create listObjectsV1 request with valid parameters
request, err = newTestSignedRequest(http.MethodGet, testCase.getURL, 0, nil, s.accessKey, s.secretKey, s.signer)
c.Assert(err, nil)
// execute the HTTP request.
response, err = s.client.Do(request)
c.Assert(err, nil)
c.Assert(response.StatusCode, http.StatusOK)
getContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
c.Assert(err, nil)
for _, expectedStr := range testCase.expectedStrings {
c.Assert(strings.Contains(string(getContent), expectedStr), true)
// TestListObjectsHandlerErrors - Setting invalid parameters to List Objects
// and then asserting the error response with the expected one.
func (s *TestSuiteCommon) TestListObjectsHandlerErrors(c *check) {
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ require (
github.com/minio/sha256-simd v1.0.0
github.com/minio/simdjson-go v0.4.2
github.com/minio/sio v0.3.0
github.com/minio/xxml v0.0.3
github.com/minio/zipindex v0.2.1
github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir v1.1.0
github.com/nats-io/nats-server/v2 v2.7.4
@ -645,6 +645,8 @@ github.com/minio/simdjson-go v0.4.2 h1:+5rVznvslY/oLIGOO0M7y2g0D8DnFbFZyF2Nr+KT5
github.com/minio/simdjson-go v0.4.2/go.mod h1:w6ptSSCcUPtqAOOdDVywJkX+8CyYzCdjrTCir0l6BVg=
github.com/minio/sio v0.3.0 h1:syEFBewzOMOYVzSTFpp1MqpSZk8rUNbz8VIIc+PNzus=
github.com/minio/sio v0.3.0/go.mod h1:8b0yPp2avGThviy/+OCJBI6OMpvxoUuiLvE6F1lebhw=
github.com/minio/xxml v0.0.3 h1:ZIpPQpfyG5uZQnqqC0LZuWtPk/WT8G/qkxvO6jb7zMU=
github.com/minio/xxml v0.0.3/go.mod h1:wcXErosl6IezQIMEWSK/LYC2VS7LJ1dAkgvuyIN3aH4=
github.com/minio/zipindex v0.2.1 h1:A37vDQJ7Uyp4RHpQEEpintgiIxg0t3npH2CWjLT//u4=
github.com/minio/zipindex v0.2.1/go.mod h1:s+b/Qyw9JtSEnYfaM4ASOWNO2xGnXCfzQ+SWAzVkVZc=
github.com/mitchellh/cli v1.0.0/go.mod h1:hNIlj7HEI86fIcpObd7a0FcrxTWetlwJDGcceTlRvqc=
Reference in New Issue
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