mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 06:19:14 -05:00
FS/ListMultipart: Fix FS list-multipart to work for unit test cases.
This commit is contained in:
@ -92,22 +92,16 @@ func (fs fsObjects) newMultipartUploadCommon(bucket string, object string, meta
return uploadID, nil
func isMultipartObject(storage StorageAPI, bucket, prefix string) bool {
_, err := storage.StatFile(bucket, path.Join(prefix, fsMetaJSONFile))
if err != nil {
if err == errFileNotFound {
return false
errorIf(err, "Unable to access "+path.Join(prefix, fsMetaJSONFile))
return false
return true
// Returns if the prefix is a multipart upload.
func (fs fsObjects) isMultipartUpload(bucket, prefix string) bool {
_, err := fs.storage.StatFile(bucket, pathJoin(prefix, uploadsJSONFile))
return err == nil
// listUploadsInfo - list all uploads info.
func (fs fsObjects) listUploadsInfo(prefixPath string) (uploads []uploadInfo, err error) {
splitPrefixes := strings.SplitN(prefixPath, "/", 3)
uploadIDs, err := getUploadIDs(splitPrefixes[1], splitPrefixes[2], fs.storage)
uploadIDs, err := readUploadsJSON(splitPrefixes[1], splitPrefixes[2], fs.storage)
if err != nil {
if err == errFileNotFound {
return []uploadInfo{}, nil
@ -118,96 +112,6 @@ func (fs fsObjects) listUploadsInfo(prefixPath string) (uploads []uploadInfo, er
return uploads, nil
// listMetaBucketMultipart - list all objects at a given prefix inside minioMetaBucket.
func (fs fsObjects) listMetaBucketMultipart(prefixPath string, markerPath string, recursive bool, maxKeys int) (fileInfos []FileInfo, eof bool, err error) {
walker := fs.lookupTreeWalk(listParams{minioMetaBucket, recursive, markerPath, prefixPath})
if walker == nil {
walker = fs.startTreeWalk(minioMetaBucket, prefixPath, markerPath, recursive)
// newMaxKeys tracks the size of entries which are going to be
// returned back.
var newMaxKeys int
// Following loop gathers and filters out special files inside
// minio meta volume.
for {
walkResult, ok := <-walker.ch
if !ok {
// Closed channel.
eof = true
// For any walk error return right away.
if walkResult.err != nil {
// File not found or Disk not found is a valid case.
if walkResult.err == errFileNotFound || walkResult.err == errDiskNotFound {
return nil, true, nil
return nil, false, toObjectErr(walkResult.err, minioMetaBucket, prefixPath)
fileInfo := walkResult.fileInfo
var uploads []uploadInfo
if fileInfo.Mode.IsDir() {
// List all the entries if fi.Name is a leaf directory, if
// fi.Name is not a leaf directory then the resulting
// entries are empty.
uploads, err = fs.listUploadsInfo(fileInfo.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if len(uploads) > 0 {
for _, upload := range uploads {
fileInfos = append(fileInfos, FileInfo{
Name: path.Join(fileInfo.Name, upload.UploadID),
ModTime: upload.Initiated,
// If we have reached the maxKeys, it means we have listed
// everything that was requested.
if newMaxKeys == maxKeys {
} else {
// We reach here for a non-recursive case non-leaf entry
// OR recursive case with fi.Name.
if !fileInfo.Mode.IsDir() { // Do not skip non-recursive case directory entries.
// Validate if 'fi.Name' is incomplete multipart.
if !strings.HasSuffix(fileInfo.Name, fsMetaJSONFile) {
fileInfo.Name = path.Dir(fileInfo.Name)
fileInfos = append(fileInfos, fileInfo)
// If we have reached the maxKeys, it means we have listed
// everything that was requested.
if newMaxKeys == maxKeys {
if !eof && len(fileInfos) != 0 {
// EOF has not reached, hence save the walker channel to the map so that the walker go routine
// can continue from where it left off for the next list request.
lastFileInfo := fileInfos[len(fileInfos)-1]
markerPath = lastFileInfo.Name
fs.saveTreeWalk(listParams{minioMetaBucket, recursive, markerPath, prefixPath}, walker)
// Return entries here.
return fileInfos, eof, nil
// FIXME: Currently the code sorts based on keyName/upload-id which is
// not correct based on the S3 specs. According to s3 specs we are
// supposed to only lexically sort keyNames and then for keyNames with
// multiple upload ids should be sorted based on the initiated time.
// Currently this case is not handled.
// listMultipartUploadsCommon - lists all multipart uploads, common function for both object layers.
func (fs fsObjects) listMultipartUploadsCommon(bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (ListMultipartsInfo, error) {
result := ListMultipartsInfo{}
@ -259,9 +163,12 @@ func (fs fsObjects) listMultipartUploadsCommon(bucket, prefix, keyMarker, upload
result.IsTruncated = true
result.MaxUploads = maxUploads
result.KeyMarker = keyMarker
result.Prefix = prefix
result.Delimiter = delimiter
// Not using path.Join() as it strips off the trailing '/'.
multipartPrefixPath := pathJoin(mpartMetaPrefix, pathJoin(bucket, prefix))
multipartPrefixPath := pathJoin(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, prefix)
if prefix == "" {
// Should have a trailing "/" if prefix is ""
// For ex. multipartPrefixPath should be "multipart/bucket/" if prefix is ""
@ -269,33 +176,83 @@ func (fs fsObjects) listMultipartUploadsCommon(bucket, prefix, keyMarker, upload
multipartMarkerPath := ""
if keyMarker != "" {
keyMarkerPath := pathJoin(pathJoin(bucket, keyMarker), uploadIDMarker)
multipartMarkerPath = pathJoin(mpartMetaPrefix, keyMarkerPath)
multipartMarkerPath = pathJoin(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, keyMarker)
// List all the multipart files at prefixPath, starting with marker keyMarkerPath.
fileInfos, eof, err := fs.listMetaBucketMultipart(multipartPrefixPath, multipartMarkerPath, recursive, maxUploads)
if err != nil {
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, err
var uploads []uploadMetadata
var err error
var eof bool
if uploadIDMarker != "" {
uploads, _, err = listMultipartUploadIDs(bucket, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, maxUploads, fs.storage)
if err != nil {
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, err
maxUploads = maxUploads - len(uploads)
// Loop through all the received files fill in the multiparts result.
for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
if maxUploads > 0 {
walker := fs.lookupTreeWalk(listParams{minioMetaBucket, recursive, multipartMarkerPath, multipartPrefixPath})
if walker == nil {
walker = fs.startTreeWalk(minioMetaBucket, multipartPrefixPath, multipartMarkerPath, recursive, func(bucket, object string) bool {
return fs.isMultipartUpload(bucket, object)
for maxUploads > 0 {
walkResult, ok := <-walker.ch
if !ok {
// Closed channel.
eof = true
// For any walk error return right away.
if walkResult.err != nil {
// File not found or Disk not found is a valid case.
if walkResult.err == errFileNotFound || walkResult.err == errDiskNotFound {
eof = true
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, err
entry := strings.TrimPrefix(walkResult.entry, retainSlash(pathJoin(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket)))
if strings.HasSuffix(walkResult.entry, slashSeparator) {
uploads = append(uploads, uploadMetadata{
Object: entry,
if maxUploads == 0 {
if walkResult.end {
eof = true
var tmpUploads []uploadMetadata
var end bool
uploadIDMarker = ""
tmpUploads, end, err = listMultipartUploadIDs(bucket, entry, uploadIDMarker, maxUploads, fs.storage)
if err != nil {
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, err
uploads = append(uploads, tmpUploads...)
maxUploads -= len(tmpUploads)
if walkResult.end && end {
eof = true
// Loop through all the received uploads fill in the multiparts result.
for _, upload := range uploads {
var objectName string
var uploadID string
if fileInfo.Mode.IsDir() {
if strings.HasSuffix(upload.Object, slashSeparator) {
// All directory entries are common prefixes.
uploadID = "" // Upload ids are empty for CommonPrefixes.
objectName = strings.TrimPrefix(fileInfo.Name, retainSlash(pathJoin(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket)))
objectName = upload.Object
result.CommonPrefixes = append(result.CommonPrefixes, objectName)
} else {
uploadID = path.Base(fileInfo.Name)
objectName = strings.TrimPrefix(path.Dir(fileInfo.Name), retainSlash(pathJoin(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket)))
result.Uploads = append(result.Uploads, uploadMetadata{
Object: objectName,
UploadID: uploadID,
Initiated: fileInfo.ModTime,
uploadID = upload.UploadID
objectName = upload.Object
result.Uploads = append(result.Uploads, upload)
result.NextKeyMarker = objectName
result.NextUploadIDMarker = uploadID
@ -639,13 +596,17 @@ func (fs fsObjects) abortMultipartUploadCommon(bucket, object, uploadID string)
// Validate if there are other incomplete upload-id's present for
// the object, if yes do not attempt to delete 'uploads.json'.
uploadIDs, err := getUploadIDs(bucket, object, fs.storage)
uploadsJSON, err := readUploadsJSON(bucket, object, fs.storage)
if err == nil {
uploadIDIdx := uploadIDs.Index(uploadID)
uploadIDIdx := uploadsJSON.Index(uploadID)
if uploadIDIdx != -1 {
uploadIDs.Uploads = append(uploadIDs.Uploads[:uploadIDIdx], uploadIDs.Uploads[uploadIDIdx+1:]...)
uploadsJSON.Uploads = append(uploadsJSON.Uploads[:uploadIDIdx], uploadsJSON.Uploads[uploadIDIdx+1:]...)
if len(uploadIDs.Uploads) > 0 {
if len(uploadsJSON.Uploads) > 0 {
err = updateUploadsJSON(bucket, object, uploadsJSON, fs.storage)
if err != nil {
return toObjectErr(err, bucket, object)
return nil
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
@ -289,6 +290,22 @@ func isBucketExist(storage StorageAPI, bucketName string) bool {
func (fs fsObjects) listObjectsFS(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectsInfo, error) {
// Convert entry to FileInfo
entryToFileInfo := func(entry string) (fileInfo FileInfo, err error) {
if strings.HasSuffix(entry, slashSeparator) {
// Object name needs to be full path.
fileInfo.Name = entry
fileInfo.Mode = os.ModeDir
if fileInfo, err = fs.storage.StatFile(bucket, entry); err != nil {
// Object name needs to be full path.
fileInfo.Name = entry
// Verify if bucket is valid.
if !IsValidBucketName(bucket) {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket}
@ -334,7 +351,9 @@ func (fs fsObjects) listObjectsFS(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxK
walker := fs.lookupTreeWalk(listParams{bucket, recursive, marker, prefix})
if walker == nil {
walker = fs.startTreeWalk(bucket, prefix, marker, recursive)
walker = fs.startTreeWalk(bucket, prefix, marker, recursive, func(bucket, object string) bool {
return !strings.HasSuffix(object, slashSeparator)
var fileInfos []FileInfo
var eof bool
@ -354,7 +373,10 @@ func (fs fsObjects) listObjectsFS(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxK
return ListObjectsInfo{}, toObjectErr(walkResult.err, bucket, prefix)
fileInfo := walkResult.fileInfo
fileInfo, err := entryToFileInfo(walkResult.entry)
if err != nil {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, nil
nextMarker = fileInfo.Name
fileInfos = append(fileInfos, fileInfo)
if walkResult.end {
@ -86,10 +86,8 @@ func ExecObjectLayerTest(t *testing.T, objTest func(obj ObjectLayer, instanceTyp
t.Fatalf("Initialization of object layer failed for single node setup: %s", err.Error())
// FIXME: enable FS tests after fixing it.
if false {
// Executing the object layer tests for single node setup.
objTest(objLayer, singleNodeTestStr, t)
// Executing the object layer tests for single node setup.
objTest(objLayer, singleNodeTestStr, t)
objLayer, fsDirs, err := getXLObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
package main
import (
@ -34,34 +33,17 @@ type treeWalkerFS struct {
// Tree walk result carries results of tree walking.
type treeWalkResultFS struct {
fileInfo FileInfo
err error
end bool
entry string
err error
end bool
// treeWalk walks FS directory tree recursively pushing fileInfo into the channel as and when it encounters files.
func (fs fsObjects) treeWalk(bucket, prefixDir, entryPrefixMatch, marker string, recursive bool, send func(treeWalkResultFS) bool, count *int) bool {
func (fs fsObjects) treeWalk(bucket, prefixDir, entryPrefixMatch, marker string, recursive bool, send func(treeWalkResultFS) bool, count *int, isLeaf func(string, string) bool) bool {
// Example:
// if prefixDir="one/two/three/" and marker="four/five.txt" treeWalk is recursively
// called with prefixDir="one/two/three/four/" and marker="five.txt"
// Convert entry to FileInfo
entryToFileInfo := func(entry string) (fileInfo FileInfo, err error) {
if strings.HasSuffix(entry, slashSeparator) {
// Object name needs to be full path.
fileInfo.Name = path.Join(prefixDir, entry)
fileInfo.Name += slashSeparator
fileInfo.Mode = os.ModeDir
if fileInfo, err = fs.storage.StatFile(bucket, path.Join(prefixDir, entry)); err != nil {
// Object name needs to be full path.
fileInfo.Name = path.Join(prefixDir, entry)
var markerBase, markerDir string
if marker != "" {
// Ex: if marker="four/five.txt", markerDir="four/" markerBase="five.txt"
@ -78,12 +60,16 @@ func (fs fsObjects) treeWalk(bucket, prefixDir, entryPrefixMatch, marker string,
return false
if entryPrefixMatch != "" {
for i, entry := range entries {
for i, entry := range entries {
if entryPrefixMatch != "" {
if !strings.HasPrefix(entry, entryPrefixMatch) {
entries[i] = ""
if isLeaf(bucket, pathJoin(prefixDir, entry)) {
entries[i] = strings.TrimSuffix(entry, slashSeparator)
// Skip the empty strings
@ -129,19 +115,13 @@ func (fs fsObjects) treeWalk(bucket, prefixDir, entryPrefixMatch, marker string,
prefixMatch := "" // Valid only for first level treeWalk and empty for subdirectories.
if !fs.treeWalk(bucket, path.Join(prefixDir, entry), prefixMatch, markerArg, recursive, send, count) {
if !fs.treeWalk(bucket, path.Join(prefixDir, entry), prefixMatch, markerArg, recursive, send, count, isLeaf) {
return false
fileInfo, err := entryToFileInfo(entry)
if err != nil {
// The file got deleted in the interim between ListDir() and StatFile()
// Ignore error and continue.
if !send(treeWalkResultFS{fileInfo: fileInfo}) {
if !send(treeWalkResultFS{entry: pathJoin(prefixDir, entry)}) {
return false
@ -149,7 +129,7 @@ func (fs fsObjects) treeWalk(bucket, prefixDir, entryPrefixMatch, marker string,
// Initiate a new treeWalk in a goroutine.
func (fs fsObjects) startTreeWalk(bucket, prefix, marker string, recursive bool) *treeWalkerFS {
func (fs fsObjects) startTreeWalk(bucket, prefix, marker string, recursive bool, isLeaf func(string, string) bool) *treeWalkerFS {
// Example 1
// If prefix is "one/two/three/" and marker is "one/two/three/four/five.txt"
// treeWalk is called with prefixDir="one/two/three/" and marker="four/five.txt"
@ -186,7 +166,7 @@ func (fs fsObjects) startTreeWalk(bucket, prefix, marker string, recursive bool)
return false
fs.treeWalk(bucket, prefixDir, entryPrefixMatch, marker, recursive, send, &count)
fs.treeWalk(bucket, prefixDir, entryPrefixMatch, marker, recursive, send, &count, isLeaf)
return &walkNotify
@ -91,15 +91,17 @@ func (u uploadsV1) WriteTo(writer io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
return int64(m), err
// getUploadIDs - get all the saved upload id's.
func getUploadIDs(bucket, object string, storageDisks ...StorageAPI) (uploadIDs uploadsV1, err error) {
// readUploadsJSON - get all the saved uploads JSON.
func readUploadsJSON(bucket, object string, storageDisks ...StorageAPI) (uploadIDs uploadsV1, err error) {
uploadJSONPath := path.Join(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadsJSONFile)
var errs = make([]error, len(storageDisks))
var uploads = make([]uploadsV1, len(storageDisks))
var wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
// Read `uploads.json` from all disks.
for index, disk := range storageDisks {
// Read `uploads.json` in a routine.
go func(index int, disk StorageAPI) {
defer wg.Done()
r, rErr := disk.ReadFile(minioMetaBucket, uploadJSONPath, int64(0))
@ -116,8 +118,11 @@ func getUploadIDs(bucket, object string, storageDisks ...StorageAPI) (uploadIDs
errs[index] = nil
}(index, disk)
// Wait for all the routines.
// Return for first error.
for _, err = range errs {
if err != nil {
return uploadsV1{}, err
@ -128,13 +133,16 @@ func getUploadIDs(bucket, object string, storageDisks ...StorageAPI) (uploadIDs
return uploads[0], nil
func updateUploadJSON(bucket, object string, uploadIDs uploadsV1, storageDisks ...StorageAPI) error {
// uploadUploadsJSON - update `uploads.json` with new uploadsJSON for all disks.
func updateUploadsJSON(bucket, object string, uploadsJSON uploadsV1, storageDisks ...StorageAPI) error {
uploadsPath := path.Join(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadsJSONFile)
var errs = make([]error, len(storageDisks))
var wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
// Update `uploads.json` for all the disks.
for index, disk := range storageDisks {
// Update `uploads.json` in routine.
go func(index int, disk StorageAPI) {
defer wg.Done()
w, wErr := disk.CreateFile(minioMetaBucket, uploadsPath)
@ -142,7 +150,7 @@ func updateUploadJSON(bucket, object string, uploadIDs uploadsV1, storageDisks .
errs[index] = wErr
_, wErr = uploadIDs.WriteTo(w)
_, wErr = uploadsJSON.WriteTo(w)
if wErr != nil {
errs[index] = wErr
@ -158,8 +166,10 @@ func updateUploadJSON(bucket, object string, uploadIDs uploadsV1, storageDisks .
}(index, disk)
// Wait for all the routines to finish updating `uploads.json`
// Return for first error.
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
return err
@ -169,24 +179,44 @@ func updateUploadJSON(bucket, object string, uploadIDs uploadsV1, storageDisks .
return nil
// newUploadsV1 - initialize new uploads v1.
func newUploadsV1(format string) uploadsV1 {
uploadIDs := uploadsV1{}
uploadIDs.Version = "1"
uploadIDs.Format = format
return uploadIDs
// writeUploadJSON - create `uploads.json` or update it with new uploadID.
func writeUploadJSON(bucket, object, uploadID string, initiated time.Time, storageDisks ...StorageAPI) error {
func writeUploadJSON(bucket, object, uploadID string, initiated time.Time, storageDisks ...StorageAPI) (err error) {
uploadsPath := path.Join(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadsJSONFile)
tmpUploadsPath := path.Join(tmpMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadsJSONFile)
var errs = make([]error, len(storageDisks))
var wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
uploadIDs, err := getUploadIDs(bucket, object, storageDisks...)
if err != nil && err != errFileNotFound {
return err
var uploadsJSON uploadsV1
uploadsJSON, err = readUploadsJSON(bucket, object, storageDisks...)
if err != nil {
// For any other errors.
if err != errFileNotFound {
return err
if len(storageDisks) == 1 {
// Set uploads format to `fs` for single disk.
uploadsJSON = newUploadsV1("fs")
} else {
// Set uploads format to `xl` otherwise.
uploadsJSON = newUploadsV1("xl")
uploadIDs.Version = "1"
uploadIDs.Format = "xl"
uploadIDs.AddUploadID(uploadID, initiated)
// Add a new upload id.
uploadsJSON.AddUploadID(uploadID, initiated)
// Update `uploads.json` on all disks.
for index, disk := range storageDisks {
// Update `uploads.json` in a routine.
go func(index int, disk StorageAPI) {
defer wg.Done()
w, wErr := disk.CreateFile(minioMetaBucket, tmpUploadsPath)
@ -194,7 +224,7 @@ func writeUploadJSON(bucket, object, uploadID string, initiated time.Time, stora
errs[index] = wErr
_, wErr = uploadIDs.WriteTo(w)
_, wErr = uploadsJSON.WriteTo(w)
if wErr != nil {
errs[index] = wErr
@ -220,8 +250,10 @@ func writeUploadJSON(bucket, object, uploadID string, initiated time.Time, stora
}(index, disk)
// Wait for all the writes to finish.
// Return for first error encountered.
for _, err = range errs {
if err != nil {
return err
@ -235,11 +267,17 @@ func writeUploadJSON(bucket, object, uploadID string, initiated time.Time, stora
func cleanupUploadedParts(bucket, object, uploadID string, storageDisks ...StorageAPI) error {
var errs = make([]error, len(storageDisks))
var wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
// Construct uploadIDPath.
uploadIDPath := path.Join(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadID)
// Cleanup uploadID for all disks.
for index, disk := range storageDisks {
// Cleanup each uploadID in a routine.
go func(index int, disk StorageAPI) {
defer wg.Done()
err := cleanupDir(disk, minioMetaBucket, path.Join(mpartMetaPrefix, bucket, object, uploadID))
err := cleanupDir(disk, minioMetaBucket, uploadIDPath)
if err != nil {
errs[index] = err
@ -247,8 +285,11 @@ func cleanupUploadedParts(bucket, object, uploadID string, storageDisks ...Stora
errs[index] = nil
}(index, disk)
// Wait for all the cleanups to finish.
// Return first error.
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
return err
@ -257,6 +298,40 @@ func cleanupUploadedParts(bucket, object, uploadID string, storageDisks ...Stora
return nil
// listMultipartUploadIDs - list all the upload ids from a marker up to 'count'.
func listMultipartUploadIDs(bucketName, objectName, uploadIDMarker string, count int, disk StorageAPI) ([]uploadMetadata, bool, error) {
var uploads []uploadMetadata
// Read `uploads.json`.
uploadsJSON, err := readUploadsJSON(bucketName, objectName, disk)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
index := 0
if uploadIDMarker != "" {
for ; index < len(uploadsJSON.Uploads); index++ {
if uploadsJSON.Uploads[index].UploadID == uploadIDMarker {
// Skip the uploadID as it would already be listed in previous listing.
for index < len(uploadsJSON.Uploads) {
uploads = append(uploads, uploadMetadata{
Object: objectName,
UploadID: uploadsJSON.Uploads[index].UploadID,
Initiated: uploadsJSON.Uploads[index].Initiated,
if count == 0 {
end := (index == len(uploadsJSON.Uploads))
return uploads, end, nil
// Returns if the prefix is a multipart upload.
func (xl xlObjects) isMultipartUpload(bucket, prefix string) bool {
disk := xl.getRandomDisk() // Choose a random disk.
@ -265,49 +340,18 @@ func (xl xlObjects) isMultipartUpload(bucket, prefix string) bool {
// listUploadsInfo - list all uploads info.
func (xl xlObjects) listUploadsInfo(prefixPath string) (uploads []uploadInfo, err error) {
func (xl xlObjects) listUploadsInfo(prefixPath string) (uploadsInfo []uploadInfo, err error) {
disk := xl.getRandomDisk() // Choose a random disk on each attempt.
splitPrefixes := strings.SplitN(prefixPath, "/", 3)
uploadIDs, err := getUploadIDs(splitPrefixes[1], splitPrefixes[2], disk)
uploadsJSON, err := readUploadsJSON(splitPrefixes[1], splitPrefixes[2], disk)
if err != nil {
if err == errFileNotFound {
return []uploadInfo{}, nil
return nil, err
uploads = uploadIDs.Uploads
return uploads, nil
func (xl xlObjects) listMultipartUploadIDs(bucketName, objectName, uploadIDMarker string, count int) ([]uploadMetadata, bool, error) {
var uploads []uploadMetadata
uploadsJSONContent, err := getUploadIDs(bucketName, objectName, xl.getRandomDisk())
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
index := 0
if uploadIDMarker != "" {
for ; index < len(uploadsJSONContent.Uploads); index++ {
if uploadsJSONContent.Uploads[index].UploadID == uploadIDMarker {
// Skip the uploadID as it would already be listed in previous listing.
for index < len(uploadsJSONContent.Uploads) {
uploads = append(uploads, uploadMetadata{
Object: objectName,
UploadID: uploadsJSONContent.Uploads[index].UploadID,
Initiated: uploadsJSONContent.Uploads[index].Initiated,
if count == 0 {
return uploads, index == len(uploadsJSONContent.Uploads), nil
uploadsInfo = uploadsJSON.Uploads
return uploadsInfo, nil
// listMultipartUploadsCommon - lists all multipart uploads, common
@ -381,7 +425,7 @@ func (xl xlObjects) listMultipartUploadsCommon(bucket, prefix, keyMarker, upload
var err error
var eof bool
if uploadIDMarker != "" {
uploads, _, err = xl.listMultipartUploadIDs(bucket, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, maxUploads)
uploads, _, err = listMultipartUploadIDs(bucket, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, maxUploads, xl.getRandomDisk())
if err != nil {
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, err
@ -422,15 +466,15 @@ func (xl xlObjects) listMultipartUploadsCommon(bucket, prefix, keyMarker, upload
var tmpUploads []uploadMetadata
var newUploads []uploadMetadata
var end bool
uploadIDMarker = ""
tmpUploads, end, err = xl.listMultipartUploadIDs(bucket, entry, uploadIDMarker, maxUploads)
newUploads, end, err = listMultipartUploadIDs(bucket, entry, uploadIDMarker, maxUploads, xl.getRandomDisk())
if err != nil {
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, err
uploads = append(uploads, tmpUploads...)
maxUploads -= len(tmpUploads)
uploads = append(uploads, newUploads...)
maxUploads -= len(newUploads)
if walkResult.end && end {
eof = true
@ -416,14 +416,14 @@ func (xl xlObjects) CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket string, object string, upload
// Validate if there are other incomplete upload-id's present for
// the object, if yes do not attempt to delete 'uploads.json'.
uploadIDs, err := getUploadIDs(bucket, object, xl.storageDisks...)
uploadsJSON, err := readUploadsJSON(bucket, object, xl.storageDisks...)
if err == nil {
uploadIDIdx := uploadIDs.Index(uploadID)
uploadIDIdx := uploadsJSON.Index(uploadID)
if uploadIDIdx != -1 {
uploadIDs.Uploads = append(uploadIDs.Uploads[:uploadIDIdx], uploadIDs.Uploads[uploadIDIdx+1:]...)
uploadsJSON.Uploads = append(uploadsJSON.Uploads[:uploadIDIdx], uploadsJSON.Uploads[uploadIDIdx+1:]...)
if len(uploadIDs.Uploads) > 0 {
if err = updateUploadJSON(bucket, object, uploadIDs, xl.storageDisks...); err != nil {
if len(uploadsJSON.Uploads) > 0 {
if err = updateUploadsJSON(bucket, object, uploadsJSON, xl.storageDisks...); err != nil {
return "", err
return s3MD5, nil
@ -461,20 +461,21 @@ func (xl xlObjects) abortMultipartUploadCommon(bucket, object, uploadID string)
// Cleanup all uploaded parts.
if err := cleanupUploadedParts(bucket, object, uploadID, xl.storageDisks...); err != nil {
return err
return toObjectErr(err, bucket, object)
// Validate if there are other incomplete upload-id's present for
// the object, if yes do not attempt to delete 'uploads.json'.
uploadIDs, err := getUploadIDs(bucket, object, xl.storageDisks...)
uploadsJSON, err := readUploadsJSON(bucket, object, xl.storageDisks...)
if err == nil {
uploadIDIdx := uploadIDs.Index(uploadID)
uploadIDIdx := uploadsJSON.Index(uploadID)
if uploadIDIdx != -1 {
uploadIDs.Uploads = append(uploadIDs.Uploads[:uploadIDIdx], uploadIDs.Uploads[uploadIDIdx+1:]...)
uploadsJSON.Uploads = append(uploadsJSON.Uploads[:uploadIDIdx], uploadsJSON.Uploads[uploadIDIdx+1:]...)
if len(uploadIDs.Uploads) > 0 {
if err = updateUploadJSON(bucket, object, uploadIDs, xl.storageDisks...); err != nil {
return err
if len(uploadsJSON.Uploads) > 0 {
err = updateUploadsJSON(bucket, object, uploadsJSON, xl.storageDisks...)
if err != nil {
return toObjectErr(err, bucket, object)
return nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user