mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:13 -05:00
Add support for resource metrics (#18057)
Add a new endpoint for "resource" metrics `/v2/metrics/resource` This should return system metrics related to drives, network, CPU and memory. Except for drives, other metrics should have corresponding "avg" and "max" values also. Reuse the real-time feature to capture the required data, introducing CPU and memory metrics in it. Collect the data every minute and keep updating the average and max values accordingly, returning the latest values when the API is called.
This commit is contained in:
@ -231,7 +231,8 @@ func guessIsMetricsReq(req *http.Request) bool {
req.URL.Path == minioReservedBucketPath+prometheusMetricsPathLegacy ||
req.URL.Path == minioReservedBucketPath+prometheusMetricsV2ClusterPath ||
req.URL.Path == minioReservedBucketPath+prometheusMetricsV2NodePath ||
req.URL.Path == minioReservedBucketPath+prometheusMetricsV2BucketPath
req.URL.Path == minioReservedBucketPath+prometheusMetricsV2BucketPath ||
req.URL.Path == minioReservedBucketPath+prometheusMetricsV2ResourcePath
// guessIsRPCReq - returns true if the request is for an RPC endpoint.
@ -19,12 +19,15 @@ package cmd
import (
c "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3/cpu"
type collectMetricsOpts struct {
@ -89,6 +92,34 @@ func collectLocalMetrics(types madmin.MetricType, opts collectMetricsOpts) (m ma
m.Aggregated.Net.NetStats = netStats
if types.Contains(madmin.MetricsMem) {
m.Aggregated.Mem = &madmin.MemMetrics{
CollectedAt: UTCNow(),
m.Aggregated.Mem.Info = madmin.GetMemInfo(GlobalContext, globalMinioAddr)
if types.Contains(madmin.MetricsCPU) {
m.Aggregated.CPU = &madmin.CPUMetrics{
CollectedAt: UTCNow(),
cm, err := c.Times(false)
if err != nil {
m.Errors = append(m.Errors, err.Error())
} else {
// not collecting per-cpu stats, so there will be only one element
if len(cm) == 1 {
m.Aggregated.CPU.TimesStat = &cm[0]
} else {
m.Errors = append(m.Errors, fmt.Sprintf("Expected one CPU stat, got %d", len(cm)))
loadStat, err := load.Avg()
if err != nil {
m.Errors = append(m.Errors, err.Error())
} else {
m.Aggregated.CPU.LoadStat = loadStat
// Add types...
// ByHost is a shallow reference, so careful about sharing.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015-2023 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cmd
import (
const (
resourceMetricsCollectionInterval = time.Minute
resourceMetricsCacheInterval = time.Minute
// drive stats
totalInodes MetricName = "total_inodes"
readsPerSec MetricName = "reads_per_sec"
writesPerSec MetricName = "writes_per_sec"
readsKBPerSec MetricName = "reads_kb_per_sec"
writesKBPerSec MetricName = "writes_kb_per_sec"
readsAwait MetricName = "reads_await"
writesAwait MetricName = "writes_await"
percUtil MetricName = "perc_util"
usedInodes MetricName = "used_inodes"
// network stats
interfaceRxBytes MetricName = "rx_bytes"
interfaceRxErrors MetricName = "rx_errors"
interfaceTxBytes MetricName = "tx_bytes"
interfaceTxErrors MetricName = "tx_errors"
// memory stats
memUsed MetricName = "used"
memFree MetricName = "free"
memShared MetricName = "shared"
memBuffers MetricName = "buffers"
memCache MetricName = "cache"
memAvailable MetricName = "available"
// cpu stats
cpuUser MetricName = "user"
cpuSystem MetricName = "system"
cpuIOWait MetricName = "iowait"
cpuIdle MetricName = "idle"
cpuNice MetricName = "nice"
cpuSteal MetricName = "steal"
cpuLoad1 MetricName = "load1"
cpuLoad5 MetricName = "load5"
cpuLoad15 MetricName = "load15"
var (
resourceCollector *minioResourceCollector
// resourceMetricsMap is a map of subsystem to its metrics
resourceMetricsMap map[MetricSubsystem]ResourceMetrics
// resourceMetricsHelpMap maps metric name to its help string
resourceMetricsHelpMap map[MetricName]string
resourceMetricsGroups []*MetricsGroup
// PeerResourceMetrics represents the resource metrics
// retrieved from a peer, along with errors if any
type PeerResourceMetrics struct {
Metrics map[MetricSubsystem]ResourceMetrics
Errors []string
// ResourceMetrics is a map of unique key identifying
// a resource metric (e.g. reads_per_sec_{node}_{drive})
// to its data
type ResourceMetrics map[string]ResourceMetric
// ResourceMetric represents a single resource metric
// The metrics are collected from all servers periodically
// and stored in the resource metrics map.
// It also maintains the count of number of times this metric
// was collected since the server started, and the sum,
// average and max values across the same.
type ResourceMetric struct {
Name MetricName
Labels map[string]string
// value captured in current cycle
Current float64
// Used when system provides cumulative (since uptime) values
// helps in calculating the current value by comparing the new
// cumulative value with previous one
Cumulative float64
Max float64
Avg float64
Sum float64
Count uint64
func init() {
interval := fmt.Sprintf("%ds", int(resourceMetricsCollectionInterval.Seconds()))
resourceMetricsHelpMap = map[MetricName]string{
interfaceRxBytes: "Bytes received on the interface in " + interval,
interfaceRxErrors: "Receive errors in " + interval,
interfaceTxBytes: "Bytes transmitted in " + interval,
interfaceTxErrors: "Transmit errors in " + interval,
total: "Total memory on the node",
memUsed: "Used memory on the node",
memFree: "Free memory on the node",
memShared: "Shared memory on the node",
memBuffers: "Buffers memory on the node",
memCache: "Cache memory on the node",
memAvailable: "Available memory on the node",
readsPerSec: "Reads per second on a drive",
writesPerSec: "Writes per second on a drive",
readsKBPerSec: "Kilobytes read per second on a drive",
writesKBPerSec: "Kilobytes written per second on a drive",
readsAwait: "Average time for read requests to be served on a drive",
writesAwait: "Average time for write requests to be served on a drive",
percUtil: "Percentage of time the disk was busy since uptime",
usedBytes: "Used bytes on a drive",
totalBytes: "Total bytes on a drive",
usedInodes: "Total inodes used on a drive",
totalInodes: "Total inodes on a drive",
cpuUser: "CPU user time",
cpuSystem: "CPU system time",
cpuIdle: "CPU idle time",
cpuIOWait: "CPU ioWait time",
cpuSteal: "CPU steal time",
cpuNice: "CPU nice time",
cpuLoad1: "CPU load average 1min",
cpuLoad5: "CPU load average 5min",
cpuLoad15: "CPU load average 15min",
resourceMetricsGroups = []*MetricsGroup{
resourceCollector = newMinioResourceCollector(resourceMetricsGroups)
func updateResourceMetrics(subSys MetricSubsystem, name MetricName, val float64, labels map[string]string, isCumulative bool) {
subsysMetrics, found := resourceMetricsMap[subSys]
if !found {
subsysMetrics = ResourceMetrics{}
// labels are used to uniquely identify a metric
// e.g. reads_per_sec_{drive} inside the map
sfx := ""
for _, v := range labels {
if len(sfx) > 0 {
sfx += "_"
sfx += v
key := string(name) + "_" + sfx
metric, found := subsysMetrics[key]
if !found {
metric = ResourceMetric{
Name: name,
Labels: labels,
if isCumulative {
metric.Current = val - metric.Cumulative
metric.Cumulative = val
} else {
metric.Current = val
if metric.Current > metric.Max {
metric.Max = val
metric.Sum += metric.Current
metric.Avg = metric.Sum / float64(metric.Count)
subsysMetrics[key] = metric
resourceMetricsMap[subSys] = subsysMetrics
func collectDriveMetrics(m madmin.RealtimeMetrics) {
upt, _ := host.Uptime()
kib := 1 << 10
sectorSize := uint64(512)
for d, dm := range m.ByDisk {
stats := dm.IOStats
labels := map[string]string{"drive": d}
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, readsPerSec, float64(stats.ReadIOs)/float64(upt), labels, false)
readBytes := stats.ReadSectors * sectorSize
readKib := float64(readBytes) / float64(kib)
readKibPerSec := readKib / float64(upt)
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, readsKBPerSec, readKibPerSec, labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, writesPerSec, float64(stats.WriteIOs)/float64(upt), labels, false)
writeBytes := stats.WriteSectors * sectorSize
writeKib := float64(writeBytes) / float64(kib)
writeKibPerSec := writeKib / float64(upt)
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, writesKBPerSec, writeKibPerSec, labels, false)
rdAwait := 0.0
if stats.ReadIOs > 0 {
rdAwait = float64(stats.ReadTicks) / float64(stats.ReadIOs)
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, readsAwait, rdAwait, labels, false)
wrAwait := 0.0
if stats.WriteIOs > 0 {
wrAwait = float64(stats.WriteTicks) / float64(stats.WriteIOs)
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, writesAwait, wrAwait, labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, percUtil, float64(stats.TotalTicks)/float64(upt*10), labels, false)
gld := globalLocalDrives
for _, d := range gld {
labels := map[string]string{"drive": d.Endpoint().RawPath}
di, err := d.DiskInfo(GlobalContext, false)
if err == nil {
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, usedBytes, float64(di.Used), labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, totalBytes, float64(di.Total), labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, usedInodes, float64(di.UsedInodes), labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(driveSubsystem, totalInodes, float64(di.FreeInodes+di.UsedInodes), labels, false)
func collectLocalResourceMetrics() {
var types madmin.MetricType = madmin.MetricsDisk | madmin.MetricNet | madmin.MetricsMem | madmin.MetricsCPU
m := collectLocalMetrics(types, collectMetricsOpts{
hosts: map[string]struct{}{
globalLocalNodeName: {},
for host, hm := range m.ByHost {
if len(host) > 0 {
if hm.Net != nil && len(hm.Net.NetStats.Name) > 0 {
stats := hm.Net.NetStats
labels := map[string]string{"interface": stats.Name}
updateResourceMetrics(interfaceSubsystem, interfaceRxBytes, float64(stats.RxBytes), labels, true)
updateResourceMetrics(interfaceSubsystem, interfaceRxErrors, float64(stats.RxErrors), labels, true)
updateResourceMetrics(interfaceSubsystem, interfaceTxBytes, float64(stats.TxBytes), labels, true)
updateResourceMetrics(interfaceSubsystem, interfaceTxErrors, float64(stats.TxErrors), labels, true)
if hm.Mem != nil && len(hm.Mem.Info.Addr) > 0 {
labels := map[string]string{}
stats := hm.Mem.Info
updateResourceMetrics(memSubsystem, total, float64(stats.Total), labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(memSubsystem, memUsed, float64(stats.Used), labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(memSubsystem, memFree, float64(stats.Free), labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(memSubsystem, memShared, float64(stats.Shared), labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(memSubsystem, memBuffers, float64(stats.Buffers), labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(memSubsystem, memAvailable, float64(stats.Available), labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(memSubsystem, memCache, float64(stats.Cache), labels, false)
if hm.CPU != nil {
labels := map[string]string{}
ts := hm.CPU.TimesStat
if ts != nil {
tot := ts.User + ts.System + ts.Idle + ts.Iowait + ts.Nice + ts.Steal
cpuUserVal := math.Round(ts.User/tot*100*100) / 100
updateResourceMetrics(cpuSubsystem, cpuUser, cpuUserVal, labels, false)
cpuSystemVal := math.Round(ts.System/tot*100*100) / 100
updateResourceMetrics(cpuSubsystem, cpuSystem, cpuSystemVal, labels, false)
cpuIdleVal := math.Round(ts.Idle/tot*100*100) / 100
updateResourceMetrics(cpuSubsystem, cpuIdle, cpuIdleVal, labels, false)
cpuIOWaitVal := math.Round(ts.Iowait/tot*100*100) / 100
updateResourceMetrics(cpuSubsystem, cpuIOWait, cpuIOWaitVal, labels, false)
cpuNiceVal := math.Round(ts.Nice/tot*100*100) / 100
updateResourceMetrics(cpuSubsystem, cpuNice, cpuNiceVal, labels, false)
cpuStealVal := math.Round(ts.Steal/tot*100*100) / 100
updateResourceMetrics(cpuSubsystem, cpuSteal, cpuStealVal, labels, false)
ls := hm.CPU.LoadStat
if ls != nil {
updateResourceMetrics(cpuSubsystem, cpuLoad1, ls.Load1, labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(cpuSubsystem, cpuLoad5, ls.Load5, labels, false)
updateResourceMetrics(cpuSubsystem, cpuLoad15, ls.Load15, labels, false)
break // only one host expected
// startResourceMetricsCollection - starts the job for collecting resource metrics
func startResourceMetricsCollection() {
resourceMetricsMap = map[MetricSubsystem]ResourceMetrics{}
metricsTimer := time.NewTimer(resourceMetricsCollectionInterval)
defer metricsTimer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-GlobalContext.Done():
case <-metricsTimer.C:
// Reset the timer for next cycle.
// minioResourceCollector is the Collector for resource metrics
type minioResourceCollector struct {
metricsGroups []*MetricsGroup
desc *prometheus.Desc
// Describe sends the super-set of all possible descriptors of metrics
func (c *minioResourceCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
ch <- c.desc
// Collect is called by the Prometheus registry when collecting metrics.
func (c *minioResourceCollector) Collect(out chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
publish := func(in <-chan Metric) {
defer wg.Done()
for metric := range in {
labels, values := getOrderedLabelValueArrays(metric.VariableLabels)
collectMetric(metric, labels, values, "resource", out)
// Call peer api to fetch metrics
go publish(ReportMetrics(GlobalContext, c.metricsGroups))
go publish(globalNotificationSys.GetResourceMetrics(GlobalContext))
// newMinioResourceCollector describes the collector
// and returns reference of minio resource Collector
// It creates the Prometheus Description which is used
// to define Metric and help string
func newMinioResourceCollector(metricsGroups []*MetricsGroup) *minioResourceCollector {
return &minioResourceCollector{
metricsGroups: metricsGroups,
desc: prometheus.NewDesc("minio_resource_stats", "Resource statistics exposed by MinIO server", nil, nil),
func prepareResourceMetrics(rm ResourceMetric, subSys MetricSubsystem, requireAvgMax bool) []Metric {
help := resourceMetricsHelpMap[rm.Name]
name := rm.Name
metrics := []Metric{}
metrics = append(metrics, Metric{
Description: getResourceMetricDescription(subSys, name, help),
Value: rm.Current,
VariableLabels: rm.Labels,
if requireAvgMax {
avgName := MetricName(fmt.Sprintf("%s_avg", name))
avgHelp := fmt.Sprintf("%s (avg)", help)
metrics = append(metrics, Metric{
Description: getResourceMetricDescription(subSys, avgName, avgHelp),
Value: math.Round(rm.Avg*100) / 100,
VariableLabels: rm.Labels,
maxName := MetricName(fmt.Sprintf("%s_max", name))
maxHelp := fmt.Sprintf("%s (max)", help)
metrics = append(metrics, Metric{
Description: getResourceMetricDescription(subSys, maxName, maxHelp),
Value: rm.Max,
VariableLabels: rm.Labels,
return metrics
func getResourceMetricDescription(subSys MetricSubsystem, name MetricName, help string) MetricDescription {
return MetricDescription{
Namespace: nodeMetricNamespace,
Subsystem: subSys,
Name: name,
Help: help,
Type: gaugeMetric,
func getResourceMetrics() *MetricsGroup {
mg := &MetricsGroup{
cacheInterval: resourceMetricsCacheInterval,
mg.RegisterRead(func(ctx context.Context) []Metric {
metrics := []Metric{}
subSystems := []MetricSubsystem{interfaceSubsystem, memSubsystem, driveSubsystem, cpuSubsystem}
for _, subSys := range subSystems {
stats, found := resourceMetricsMap[subSys]
if found {
requireAvgMax := true
if subSys == driveSubsystem {
requireAvgMax = false
for _, m := range stats {
metrics = append(metrics, prepareResourceMetrics(m, subSys, requireAvgMax)...)
return metrics
return mg
// metricsResourceHandler is the prometheus handler for resource metrics
func metricsResourceHandler() http.Handler {
return metricsHTTPHandler(resourceCollector, "handler.MetricsResource")
@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ import (
const (
prometheusMetricsPathLegacy = "/prometheus/metrics"
prometheusMetricsV2ClusterPath = "/v2/metrics/cluster"
prometheusMetricsV2BucketPath = "/v2/metrics/bucket"
prometheusMetricsV2NodePath = "/v2/metrics/node"
prometheusMetricsPathLegacy = "/prometheus/metrics"
prometheusMetricsV2ClusterPath = "/v2/metrics/cluster"
prometheusMetricsV2BucketPath = "/v2/metrics/bucket"
prometheusMetricsV2NodePath = "/v2/metrics/node"
prometheusMetricsV2ResourcePath = "/v2/metrics/resource"
// Standard env prometheus auth type
@ -57,4 +58,5 @@ func registerMetricsRouter(router *mux.Router) {
metricsRouter.Handle(prometheusMetricsV2ClusterPath, auth(metricsServerHandler()))
metricsRouter.Handle(prometheusMetricsV2BucketPath, auth(metricsBucketHandler()))
metricsRouter.Handle(prometheusMetricsV2NodePath, auth(metricsNodeHandler()))
metricsRouter.Handle(prometheusMetricsV2ResourcePath, auth(metricsResourceHandler()))
@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ const (
capacityRawSubsystem MetricSubsystem = "capacity_raw"
capacityUsableSubsystem MetricSubsystem = "capacity_usable"
driveSubsystem MetricSubsystem = "drive"
interfaceSubsystem MetricSubsystem = "if"
memSubsystem MetricSubsystem = "mem"
cpuSubsystem MetricSubsystem = "cpu_avg"
storageClassSubsystem MetricSubsystem = "storage_class"
fileDescriptorSubsystem MetricSubsystem = "file_descriptor"
goRoutines MetricSubsystem = "go_routine"
@ -539,12 +542,12 @@ func getNodeRRSParityMD() MetricDescription {
func getNodeDrivesFreeInodes() MetricDescription {
func getNodeDrivesFreeInodesMD() MetricDescription {
return MetricDescription{
Namespace: nodeMetricNamespace,
Subsystem: driveSubsystem,
Name: freeInodes,
Help: "Total free inodes",
Help: "Free inodes on a drive",
Type: gaugeMetric,
@ -3207,7 +3210,7 @@ func getLocalStorageMetrics() *MetricsGroup {
metrics = append(metrics, Metric{
Description: getNodeDrivesFreeInodes(),
Description: getNodeDrivesFreeInodesMD(),
Value: float64(disk.FreeInodes),
VariableLabels: map[string]string{"drive": disk.DrivePath},
@ -3546,6 +3549,61 @@ func getKMSMetrics() *MetricsGroup {
return mg
func collectMetric(metric Metric, labels []string, values []string, metricName string, out chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
if metric.Description.Type == histogramMetric {
if metric.Histogram == nil {
for k, v := range metric.Histogram {
pmetric, err := prometheus.NewConstMetric(
append(labels, metric.HistogramBucketLabel),
append(values, k)...)
if err != nil {
// Enable for debugging
if serverDebugLog {
logger.LogOnceIf(GlobalContext, fmt.Errorf("unable to validate prometheus metric (%w) %v+%v", err, values, metric.Histogram), metricName+"-metrics-histogram")
} else {
out <- pmetric
metricType := prometheus.GaugeValue
if metric.Description.Type == counterMetric {
metricType = prometheus.CounterValue
pmetric, err := prometheus.NewConstMetric(
if err != nil {
// Enable for debugging
if serverDebugLog {
logger.LogOnceIf(GlobalContext, fmt.Errorf("unable to validate prometheus metric (%w) %v", err, values), metricName+"-metrics")
} else {
out <- pmetric
type minioBucketCollector struct {
metricsGroups []*MetricsGroup
desc *prometheus.Desc
@ -3570,52 +3628,7 @@ func (c *minioBucketCollector) Collect(out chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
defer wg.Done()
for metric := range in {
labels, values := getOrderedLabelValueArrays(metric.VariableLabels)
if metric.Description.Type == histogramMetric {
if metric.Histogram == nil {
for k, v := range metric.Histogram {
pmetric, err := prometheus.NewConstMetric(
append(labels, metric.HistogramBucketLabel),
append(values, k)...)
if err != nil {
logger.LogOnceIf(GlobalContext, fmt.Errorf("unable to validate prometheus metric (%w) %v+%v", err, values, metric.Histogram), "bucket-metrics-histogram")
} else {
out <- pmetric
metricType := prometheus.GaugeValue
if metric.Description.Type == counterMetric {
metricType = prometheus.CounterValue
pmetric, err := prometheus.NewConstMetric(
if err != nil {
logger.LogOnceIf(GlobalContext, fmt.Errorf("unable to validate prometheus metric (%w) %v", err, values), "bucket-metrics")
} else {
out <- pmetric
collectMetric(metric, labels, values, "bucket", out)
@ -3650,59 +3663,7 @@ func (c *minioClusterCollector) Collect(out chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
defer wg.Done()
for metric := range in {
labels, values := getOrderedLabelValueArrays(metric.VariableLabels)
if metric.Description.Type == histogramMetric {
if metric.Histogram == nil {
for k, v := range metric.Histogram {
pmetric, err := prometheus.NewConstMetric(
append(labels, metric.HistogramBucketLabel),
append(values, k)...)
if err != nil {
// Enable for debugging
if serverDebugLog {
logger.LogOnceIf(GlobalContext, fmt.Errorf("unable to validate prometheus metric (%w) %v:%v", err, values, metric.Histogram), "cluster-metrics-histogram")
} else {
out <- pmetric
metricType := prometheus.GaugeValue
if metric.Description.Type == counterMetric {
metricType = prometheus.CounterValue
pmetric, err := prometheus.NewConstMetric(
if err != nil {
// Enable for debugging
if serverDebugLog {
logger.LogOnceIf(GlobalContext, fmt.Errorf("unable to validate prometheus metric (%w) %v", err, values), "cluster-metrics")
} else {
out <- pmetric
collectMetric(metric, labels, values, "cluster", out)
@ -3835,11 +3796,11 @@ func newMinioCollectorNode(metricsGroups []*MetricsGroup) *minioNodeCollector {
func metricsBucketHandler() http.Handler {
func metricsHTTPHandler(c prometheus.Collector, funcName string) http.Handler {
registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
// Report all other metrics
logger.CriticalIf(GlobalContext, registry.Register(bucketCollector))
logger.CriticalIf(GlobalContext, registry.Register(c))
// DefaultGatherers include golang metrics and process metrics.
gatherers := prometheus.Gatherers{
@ -3849,16 +3810,14 @@ func metricsBucketHandler() http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tc, ok := r.Context().Value(mcontext.ContextTraceKey).(*mcontext.TraceCtxt)
if ok {
tc.FuncName = "handler.MetricsBucket"
tc.FuncName = funcName
tc.ResponseRecorder.LogErrBody = true
mfs, err := gatherers.Gather()
if err != nil {
if len(mfs) == 0 {
writeErrorResponseJSON(r.Context(), w, toAdminAPIErr(r.Context(), err), r.URL)
if err != nil && len(mfs) == 0 {
writeErrorResponseJSON(r.Context(), w, toAdminAPIErr(r.Context(), err), r.URL)
contentType := expfmt.Negotiate(r.Header)
@ -3878,6 +3837,10 @@ func metricsBucketHandler() http.Handler {
func metricsBucketHandler() http.Handler {
return metricsHTTPHandler(bucketCollector, "handler.MetricsBucket")
func metricsServerHandler() http.Handler {
registry := prometheus.NewRegistry()
@ -783,6 +783,27 @@ func (sys *NotificationSys) GetMetrics(ctx context.Context, t madmin.MetricType,
return reply
// GetResourceMetrics - gets the resource metrics from all nodes excluding self.
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetResourceMetrics(ctx context.Context) <-chan Metric {
if sys == nil {
return nil
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(sys.peerClients))
peerChannels := make([]<-chan Metric, len(sys.peerClients))
for index := range sys.peerClients {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
if sys.peerClients[index] == nil {
return errPeerNotReachable
var err error
peerChannels[index], err = sys.peerClients[index].GetResourceMetrics(ctx)
return err
}, index)
return sys.collectPeerMetrics(ctx, peerChannels, g)
// GetSysConfig - Get information about system config
// (only the config that are of concern to minio)
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetSysConfig(ctx context.Context) []madmin.SysConfig {
@ -1122,25 +1143,7 @@ func (sys *NotificationSys) GetBandwidthReports(ctx context.Context, buckets ...
return consolidatedReport
// GetBucketMetrics - gets the cluster level bucket metrics from all nodes excluding self.
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetBucketMetrics(ctx context.Context) <-chan Metric {
if sys == nil {
return nil
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(sys.peerClients))
peerChannels := make([]<-chan Metric, len(sys.peerClients))
for index := range sys.peerClients {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
if sys.peerClients[index] == nil {
return errPeerNotReachable
var err error
peerChannels[index], err = sys.peerClients[index].GetPeerBucketMetrics(ctx)
return err
}, index)
func (sys *NotificationSys) collectPeerMetrics(ctx context.Context, peerChannels []<-chan Metric, g *errgroup.Group) <-chan Metric {
ch := make(chan Metric)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for index, err := range g.Wait() {
@ -1181,6 +1184,27 @@ func (sys *NotificationSys) GetBucketMetrics(ctx context.Context) <-chan Metric
return ch
// GetBucketMetrics - gets the cluster level bucket metrics from all nodes excluding self.
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetBucketMetrics(ctx context.Context) <-chan Metric {
if sys == nil {
return nil
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(sys.peerClients))
peerChannels := make([]<-chan Metric, len(sys.peerClients))
for index := range sys.peerClients {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
if sys.peerClients[index] == nil {
return errPeerNotReachable
var err error
peerChannels[index], err = sys.peerClients[index].GetPeerBucketMetrics(ctx)
return err
}, index)
return sys.collectPeerMetrics(ctx, peerChannels, g)
// GetClusterMetrics - gets the cluster metrics from all nodes excluding self.
func (sys *NotificationSys) GetClusterMetrics(ctx context.Context) <-chan Metric {
if sys == nil {
@ -1199,45 +1223,7 @@ func (sys *NotificationSys) GetClusterMetrics(ctx context.Context) <-chan Metric
return err
}, index)
ch := make(chan Metric)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for index, err := range g.Wait() {
if err != nil {
if sys.peerClients[index] != nil {
reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("peerAddress",
logger.LogOnceIf(logger.SetReqInfo(ctx, reqInfo), err, sys.peerClients[index].host.String())
} else {
logger.LogOnceIf(ctx, err, "peer-offline")
go func(ctx context.Context, peerChannel <-chan Metric, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for {
select {
case m, ok := <-peerChannel:
if !ok {
select {
case ch <- m:
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ctx.Done():
}(ctx, peerChannels[index], &wg)
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, ch chan Metric) {
}(&wg, ch)
return ch
return sys.collectPeerMetrics(ctx, peerChannels, g)
// ServiceFreeze freezes all S3 API calls when 'freeze' is true,
@ -229,6 +229,33 @@ func (client *peerRESTClient) GetMetrics(ctx context.Context, t madmin.MetricTyp
return info, err
func (client *peerRESTClient) GetResourceMetrics(ctx context.Context) (<-chan Metric, error) {
respBody, err := client.callWithContext(ctx, peerRESTMethodResourceMetrics, nil, nil, -1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dec := gob.NewDecoder(respBody)
ch := make(chan Metric)
go func(ch chan<- Metric) {
defer func() {
for {
var metric Metric
if err := dec.Decode(&metric); err != nil {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case ch <- metric:
return ch, nil
// GetProcInfo - fetch MinIO process information for a remote node.
func (client *peerRESTClient) GetProcInfo(ctx context.Context) (info madmin.ProcInfo, err error) {
respBody, err := client.callWithContext(ctx, peerRESTMethodProcInfo, nil, nil, -1)
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ const (
peerRESTMethodDevNull = "/devnull"
peerRESTMethodNetperf = "/netperf"
peerRESTMethodMetrics = "/metrics"
peerRESTMethodResourceMetrics = "/resourcemetrics"
peerRESTMethodGetReplicationMRF = "/getreplicationmrf"
peerRESTMethodGetSRMetrics = "/getsrmetrics"
@ -474,6 +474,22 @@ func (s *peerRESTServer) GetMetricsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reques
logger.LogIf(ctx, gob.NewEncoder(w).Encode(info))
func (s *peerRESTServer) GetResourceMetrics(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !s.IsValid(w, r) {
s.writeErrorResponse(w, errors.New("invalid request"))
enc := gob.NewEncoder(w)
for m := range ReportMetrics(r.Context(), resourceMetricsGroups) {
if err := enc.Encode(m); err != nil {
s.writeErrorResponse(w, errors.New("Encoding metric failed: "+err.Error()))
// GetSysConfigHandler - returns system config information.
// (only the config that are of concern to minio)
func (s *peerRESTServer) GetSysConfigHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@ -1438,6 +1454,7 @@ func registerPeerRESTHandlers(router *mux.Router) {
subrouter.Methods(http.MethodPost).Path(peerRESTVersionPrefix + peerRESTMethodProcInfo).HandlerFunc(h(server.GetProcInfoHandler))
subrouter.Methods(http.MethodPost).Path(peerRESTVersionPrefix + peerRESTMethodMemInfo).HandlerFunc(h(server.GetMemInfoHandler))
subrouter.Methods(http.MethodPost).Path(peerRESTVersionPrefix + peerRESTMethodMetrics).HandlerFunc(h(server.GetMetricsHandler)).Queries(restQueries(peerRESTMetricsTypes)...)
subrouter.Methods(http.MethodPost).Path(peerRESTVersionPrefix + peerRESTMethodResourceMetrics).HandlerFunc(h(server.GetResourceMetrics))
subrouter.Methods(http.MethodPost).Path(peerRESTVersionPrefix + peerRESTMethodSysErrors).HandlerFunc(h(server.GetSysErrorsHandler))
subrouter.Methods(http.MethodPost).Path(peerRESTVersionPrefix + peerRESTMethodSysServices).HandlerFunc(h(server.GetSysServicesHandler))
subrouter.Methods(http.MethodPost).Path(peerRESTVersionPrefix + peerRESTMethodSysConfig).HandlerFunc(h(server.GetSysConfigHandler))
@ -928,6 +928,10 @@ func serverMain(ctx *cli.Context) {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize MinIO client")
go bootstrapTrace("startResourceMetricsCollection", func() {
// Add User-Agent to differentiate the requests.
globalMinioClient.SetAppInfo("minio-perf-test", ReleaseTag)
@ -303,3 +303,109 @@ For deployments with [Site Replication](https://min.io/docs/minio/linux/operatio
| `minio_bucket_requests_total` | Total number of S3 requests on a bucket. |
| `minio_bucket_requests_canceled_total` | Total number S3 requests canceled by the client. |
| `minio_bucket_requests_ttfb_seconds_distribution` | Distribution of time to first byte across API calls per bucket. |
# Resource Metrics
MinIO collects the following resource metrics at the node level.
Each metric includes the `server` label to identify the corresponding node.
Metrics may include one or more additional labels, such as the drive path, interface name, etc.
These metrics can be obtained from any MinIO server once per collection by using the following URL:
Replace `HOSTNAME:PORT` with the hostname of your MinIO deployment.
For deployments behind a load balancer, use the load balancer hostname instead of a single node hostname.
## Drive Resource Metrics
| Name | Description |
| :----------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------- |
| `minio_node_drive_total_bytes` | Total bytes on a drive. |
| `minio_node_drive_used_bytes` | Used bytes on a drive. |
| `minio_node_drive_total_inodes` | Total inodes on a drive. |
| `minio_node_drive_used_inodes` | Total inodes used on a drive. |
| `minio_node_drive_reads_per_sec` | Reads per second on a drive. |
| `minio_node_drive_reads_kb_per_sec` | Kilobytes read per second on a drive. |
| `minio_node_drive_reads_await` | Average time for read requests to be served on a drive. |
| `minio_node_drive_writes_per_sec` | Writes per second on a drive. |
| `minio_node_drive_writes_kb_per_sec` | Kilobytes written per second on a drive. |
| `minio_node_drive_writes_await` | Average time for write requests to be served on a drive. |
| `minio_node_drive_perc_util` | Percentage of time the disk was busy since uptime. |
## Network Interface Metrics
| Name | Description |
| :---------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------- |
| `minio_node_if_rx_bytes` | Bytes received on the interface in 60s. |
| `minio_node_if_rx_bytes_avg` | Bytes received on the interface in 60s (avg). |
| `minio_node_if_rx_bytes_max` | Bytes received on the interface in 60s (max). |
| `minio_node_if_rx_errors` | Receive errors in 60s. |
| `minio_node_if_rx_errors_avg` | Receive errors in 60s (avg). |
| `minio_node_if_rx_errors_max` | Receive errors in 60s (max). |
| `minio_node_if_tx_bytes` | Bytes transmitted in 60s. |
| `minio_node_if_tx_bytes_avg` | Bytes transmitted in 60s (avg). |
| `minio_node_if_tx_bytes_max` | Bytes transmitted in 60s (max). |
| `minio_node_if_tx_errors` | Transmit errors in 60s. |
| `minio_node_if_tx_errors_avg` | Transmit errors in 60s (avg). |
| `minio_node_if_tx_errors_max` | Transmit errors in 60s (max). |
## CPU Metrics
| Name | Description |
| :------------------------------ | :---------------------------- |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_user` | CPU user time. |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_user_avg` | CPU user time (avg). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_user_max` | CPU user time (max). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_system` | CPU system time. |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_system_avg` | CPU system time (avg). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_system_max` | CPU system time (max). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_idle` | CPU idle time. |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_idle_avg` | CPU idle time (avg). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_idle_max` | CPU idle time (max). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_iowait` | CPU ioWait time. |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_iowait_avg` | CPU ioWait time (avg). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_iowait_max` | CPU ioWait time (max). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_nice` | CPU nice time. |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_nice_avg` | CPU nice time (avg). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_nice_max` | CPU nice time (max). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_steal` | CPU steam time. |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_steal_avg` | CPU steam time (avg). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_steal_max` | CPU steam time (max). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_load1` | CPU load average 1min. |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_load1_avg` | CPU load average 1min (avg). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_load1_max` | CPU load average 1min (max). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_load5` | CPU load average 5min. |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_load5_avg` | CPU load average 5min (avg). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_load5_max` | CPU load average 5min (max). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_load15` | CPU load average 15min. |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_load15_avg` | CPU load average 15min (avg). |
| `minio_node_cpu_avg_load15_max` | CPU load average 15min (max). |
## Memory Metrics
| Name | Description |
| :----------------------------- | :---------------------------------- |
| `minio_node_mem_available` | Available memory on the node. |
| `minio_node_mem_available_avg` | Available memory on the node (avg). |
| `minio_node_mem_available_max` | Available memory on the node (max). |
| `minio_node_mem_buffers` | Buffers memory on the node. |
| `minio_node_mem_buffers_avg` | Buffers memory on the node (avg). |
| `minio_node_mem_buffers_max` | Buffers memory on the node (max). |
| `minio_node_mem_cache` | Cache memory on the node. |
| `minio_node_mem_cache_avg` | Cache memory on the node (avg). |
| `minio_node_mem_cache_max` | Cache memory on the node (max). |
| `minio_node_mem_free` | Free memory on the node. |
| `minio_node_mem_free_avg` | Free memory on the node (avg). |
| `minio_node_mem_free_max` | Free memory on the node (max). |
| `minio_node_mem_shared` | Shared memory on the node. |
| `minio_node_mem_shared_avg` | Shared memory on the node (avg). |
| `minio_node_mem_shared_max` | Shared memory on the node (max). |
| `minio_node_mem_total` | Total memory on the node. |
| `minio_node_mem_total_avg` | Total memory on the node (avg). |
| `minio_node_mem_total_max` | Total memory on the node (max). |
| `minio_node_mem_used` | Used memory on the node. |
| `minio_node_mem_used_avg` | Used memory on the node (avg). |
| `minio_node_mem_used_max` | Used memory on the node (max). |
Reference in New Issue
Block a user