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synced 2025-03-13 21:12:55 -04:00
Add LDAP Lookup-Bind mode (#11318)
This change allows the MinIO server to be configured with a special (read-only) LDAP account to perform user DN lookups. The following configuration parameters are added (along with corresponding environment variables) to LDAP identity configuration (under `identity_ldap`): - lookup_bind_dn / MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_LOOKUP_BIND_DN - lookup_bind_password / MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_LOOKUP_BIND_PASSWORD - user_dn_search_base_dn / MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_USER_DN_SEARCH_BASE_DN - user_dn_search_filter / MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_USER_DN_SEARCH_FILTER This lookup-bind account is a service account that is used to lookup the user's DN from their username provided in the STS API. When configured, searching for the user DN is enabled and configuration of the base DN and filter for search is required. In this "lookup-bind" mode, the username format is not checked and must not be specified. This feature is to support Active Directory setups where the DN cannot be simply derived from the username. When the lookup-bind is not configured, the old behavior is enabled: the minio server performs LDAP lookups as the LDAP user making the STS API request and the username format is checked and configuring it is required.
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ import (
const (
defaultLDAPExpiry = time.Hour * 1
dnDelimiter = ";"
// Config contains AD/LDAP server connectivity information.
@ -48,31 +50,43 @@ type Config struct {
UsernameFormat string `json:"usernameFormat"`
UsernameFormats []string `json:"-"`
// User DN search parameters
UserDNSearchBaseDN string `json:"userDNSearchBaseDN"`
UserDNSearchFilter string `json:"userDNSearchFilter"`
// Group search parameters
GroupSearchBaseDistName string `json:"groupSearchBaseDN"`
GroupSearchBaseDistNames []string `json:"-"`
GroupSearchFilter string `json:"groupSearchFilter"`
GroupNameAttribute string `json:"groupNameAttribute"`
// Lookup bind LDAP service account
LookupBindDN string `json:"lookupBindDN"`
LookupBindPassword string `json:"lookupBindPassword"`
stsExpiryDuration time.Duration // contains converted value
tlsSkipVerify bool // allows skipping TLS verification
serverInsecure bool // allows plain text connection to LDAP Server
serverStartTLS bool // allows plain text connection to LDAP Server
serverInsecure bool // allows plain text connection to LDAP server
serverStartTLS bool // allows using StartTLS connection to LDAP server
isUsingLookupBind bool
rootCAs *x509.CertPool
// LDAP keys and envs.
const (
ServerAddr = "server_addr"
STSExpiry = "sts_expiry"
UsernameFormat = "username_format"
UsernameSearchFilter = "username_search_filter"
UsernameSearchBaseDN = "username_search_base_dn"
GroupSearchFilter = "group_search_filter"
GroupNameAttribute = "group_name_attribute"
GroupSearchBaseDN = "group_search_base_dn"
TLSSkipVerify = "tls_skip_verify"
ServerInsecure = "server_insecure"
ServerStartTLS = "server_starttls"
ServerAddr = "server_addr"
STSExpiry = "sts_expiry"
LookupBindDN = "lookup_bind_dn"
LookupBindPassword = "lookup_bind_password"
UserDNSearchBaseDN = "user_dn_search_base_dn"
UserDNSearchFilter = "user_dn_search_filter"
UsernameFormat = "username_format"
GroupSearchFilter = "group_search_filter"
GroupNameAttribute = "group_name_attribute"
GroupSearchBaseDN = "group_search_base_dn"
TLSSkipVerify = "tls_skip_verify"
ServerInsecure = "server_insecure"
ServerStartTLS = "server_starttls"
@ -80,9 +94,13 @@ const (
// DefaultKVS - default config for LDAP config
@ -97,11 +115,11 @@ var (
Value: "",
Key: UsernameSearchFilter,
Key: UserDNSearchBaseDN,
Value: "",
Key: UsernameSearchBaseDN,
Key: UserDNSearchFilter,
Value: "",
@ -132,17 +150,26 @@ var (
Key: ServerStartTLS,
Value: config.EnableOff,
Key: LookupBindDN,
Value: "",
Key: LookupBindPassword,
Value: "",
const (
dnDelimiter = ";"
func getGroups(conn *ldap.Conn, sreq *ldap.SearchRequest) ([]string, error) {
var groups []string
sres, err := conn.Search(sreq)
if err != nil {
// Check if there is no matching result and return empty slice.
// Ref: https://ldap.com/ldap-result-code-reference/
if ldap.IsErrorWithCode(err, 32) {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
for _, entry := range sres.Entries {
@ -153,15 +180,19 @@ func getGroups(conn *ldap.Conn, sreq *ldap.SearchRequest) ([]string, error) {
return groups, nil
// bind - Iterates over all given username formats and expects that only one
// will succeed if the credentials are valid. The succeeding bindDN is returned
// or an error.
func (l *Config) lookupBind(conn *ldap.Conn) error {
return conn.Bind(l.LookupBindDN, l.LookupBindPassword)
// usernameFormatsBind - Iterates over all given username formats and expects
// that only one will succeed if the credentials are valid. The succeeding
// bindDN is returned or an error.
// In the rare case that multiple username formats succeed, implying that two
// (or more) distinct users in the LDAP directory have the same username and
// password, we return an error as we cannot identify the account intended by
// the user.
func (l *Config) bind(conn *ldap.Conn, username, password string) (string, error) {
func (l *Config) usernameFormatsBind(conn *ldap.Conn, username, password string) (string, error) {
var bindDistNames []string
var errs = make([]error, len(l.UsernameFormats))
var successCount = 0
@ -175,13 +206,13 @@ func (l *Config) bind(conn *ldap.Conn, username, password string) (string, error
if successCount == 0 {
var errStrings []string = []string{"All username formats failed with: "}
var errStrings []string
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
errStrings = append(errStrings, err.Error())
outErr := strings.Join(errStrings, "; ")
outErr := fmt.Sprintf("All username formats failed with: %s", strings.Join(errStrings, "; "))
return "", errors.New(outErr)
if successCount > 1 {
@ -192,6 +223,32 @@ func (l *Config) bind(conn *ldap.Conn, username, password string) (string, error
return bindDistNames[0], nil
// lookupUserDN searches for the DN of the user given their username. conn is
// assumed to be using the lookup bind service account. It is required that the
// search result in at most one result.
func (l *Config) lookupUserDN(conn *ldap.Conn, username string) (string, error) {
filter := strings.Replace(l.UserDNSearchFilter, "%s", ldap.EscapeFilter(username), -1)
searchRequest := ldap.NewSearchRequest(
ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
[]string{}, // only need DN, so no pass no attributes here
searchResult, err := conn.Search(searchRequest)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(searchResult.Entries) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("User DN for %s not found", username)
if len(searchResult.Entries) != 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Multiple DNs for %s found - please fix the search filter", username)
return searchResult.Entries[0].DN, nil
// Bind - binds to ldap, searches LDAP and returns the distinguished name of the
// user and the list of groups.
func (l *Config) Bind(username, password string) (string, []string, error) {
@ -201,11 +258,42 @@ func (l *Config) Bind(username, password string) (string, []string, error) {
defer conn.Close()
bindDN, err := l.bind(conn, username, password)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
var bindDN string
if l.isUsingLookupBind {
// Bind to the lookup user account
if err = l.lookupBind(conn); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
// Lookup user DN
bindDN, err = l.lookupUserDN(conn, username)
if err != nil {
errRet := fmt.Errorf("Unable to find user DN: %s", err)
return "", nil, errRet
// Authenticate the user credentials.
err = conn.Bind(bindDN, password)
if err != nil {
errRet := fmt.Errorf("LDAP auth failed for DN %s: %v", bindDN, err)
return "", nil, errRet
} else {
// Verify login credentials by checking the username formats.
bindDN, err = l.usernameFormatsBind(conn, username, password)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
// Bind to the successful bindDN again.
err = conn.Bind(bindDN, password)
if err != nil {
errRet := fmt.Errorf("LDAP conn failed though auth for DN %s succeeded: %v", bindDN, err)
return "", nil, errRet
// User groups lookup.
var groups []string
if l.GroupSearchFilter != "" {
for _, groupSearchBase := range l.GroupSearchBaseDistNames {
@ -221,7 +309,8 @@ func (l *Config) Bind(username, password string) (string, []string, error) {
var newGroups []string
newGroups, err = getGroups(conn, searchRequest)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
errRet := fmt.Errorf("Error finding groups of %s: %v", bindDN, err)
return "", nil, errRet
groups = append(groups, newGroups...)
@ -298,6 +387,8 @@ func Lookup(kvs config.KVS, rootCAs *x509.CertPool) (l Config, err error) {
l.STSExpiryDuration = v
l.stsExpiryDuration = expDur
// LDAP connection configuration
if v := env.Get(EnvServerInsecure, kvs.Get(ServerInsecure)); v != "" {
l.serverInsecure, err = config.ParseBool(v)
if err != nil {
@ -316,15 +407,45 @@ func Lookup(kvs config.KVS, rootCAs *x509.CertPool) (l Config, err error) {
return l, err
// Lookup bind user configuration
lookupBindDN := env.Get(EnvLookupBindDN, kvs.Get(LookupBindDN))
lookupBindPassword := env.Get(EnvLookupBindPassword, kvs.Get(LookupBindPassword))
if lookupBindDN != "" && lookupBindPassword != "" {
l.LookupBindDN = lookupBindDN
l.LookupBindPassword = lookupBindPassword
l.isUsingLookupBind = true
// User DN search configuration
userDNSearchBaseDN := env.Get(EnvUserDNSearchBaseDN, kvs.Get(UserDNSearchBaseDN))
userDNSearchFilter := env.Get(EnvUserDNSearchFilter, kvs.Get(EnvUserDNSearchFilter))
if userDNSearchFilter == "" || userDNSearchBaseDN == "" {
return l, errors.New("In lookup bind mode, userDN search base DN and userDN search filter are both required")
l.UserDNSearchBaseDN = userDNSearchBaseDN
l.UserDNSearchFilter = userDNSearchFilter
// Username format configuration.
if v := env.Get(EnvUsernameFormat, kvs.Get(UsernameFormat)); v != "" {
if !strings.Contains(v, "%s") {
return l, errors.New("LDAP username format doesn't have '%s' substitution")
l.UsernameFormats = strings.Split(v, dnDelimiter)
} else {
return l, fmt.Errorf("'%s' cannot be empty and must have a value", UsernameFormat)
// Either lookup bind mode or username format is supported, but not
// both.
if l.isUsingLookupBind && len(l.UsernameFormats) > 0 {
return l, errors.New("Lookup Bind mode and Username Format mode are not supported at the same time")
// At least one of bind mode or username format must be used.
if !l.isUsingLookupBind && len(l.UsernameFormats) == 0 {
return l, errors.New("Either Lookup Bind mode or Username Format mode is required.")
// Group search params configuration
grpSearchFilter := env.Get(EnvGroupSearchFilter, kvs.Get(GroupSearchFilter))
grpSearchNameAttr := env.Get(EnvGroupNameAttribute, kvs.Get(GroupNameAttribute))
grpSearchBaseDN := env.Get(EnvGroupSearchBaseDN, kvs.Get(GroupSearchBaseDN))
@ -341,6 +462,7 @@ func Lookup(kvs config.KVS, rootCAs *x509.CertPool) (l Config, err error) {
if allSet {
l.GroupSearchFilter = grpSearchFilter
l.GroupNameAttribute = grpSearchNameAttr
l.GroupSearchBaseDistName = grpSearchBaseDN
l.GroupSearchBaseDistNames = strings.Split(l.GroupSearchBaseDistName, dnDelimiter)
@ -27,30 +27,46 @@ var (
Type: "address",
Key: UsernameFormat,
Description: `";" separated list of username bind DNs e.g. "uid=%s,cn=accounts,dc=myldapserver,dc=com"`,
Type: "list",
Key: STSExpiry,
Description: `temporary credentials validity duration in s,m,h,d. Default is "1h"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "duration",
Key: UsernameSearchFilter,
Description: `user search filter, for example "(cn=%s)" or "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"`,
Key: LookupBindDN,
Description: `DN for LDAP read-only service account used to perform DN and group lookups`,
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: LookupBindPassword,
Description: `Password for LDAP read-only service account used to perform DN and group lookups`,
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: UserDNSearchBaseDN,
Description: `Base LDAP DN to search for user DN`,
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: UserDNSearchFilter,
Description: `Search filter to lookup user DN`,
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: UsernameFormat,
Description: `";" separated list of username bind DNs e.g. "uid=%s,cn=accounts,dc=myldapserver,dc=com"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "list",
Key: GroupSearchFilter,
Description: `search filter for groups e.g. "(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(memberUid=%s))"`,
Type: "string",
Key: GroupSearchBaseDN,
Description: `";" separated list of group search base DNs e.g. "dc=myldapserver,dc=com"`,
Type: "list",
Key: UsernameSearchBaseDN,
Description: `";" separated list of username search DNs`,
Type: "list",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: GroupNameAttribute,
@ -59,10 +75,10 @@ var (
Type: "string",
Key: STSExpiry,
Description: `temporary credentials validity duration in s,m,h,d. Default is "1h"`,
Key: GroupSearchBaseDN,
Description: `";" separated list of group search base DNs e.g. "dc=myldapserver,dc=com"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "duration",
Type: "list",
Key: TLSSkipVerify,
@ -76,6 +92,12 @@ var (
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: ServerStartTLS,
Description: `use StartTLS connection to AD/LDAP server, defaults to "off"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: config.DefaultComment,
@ -2,29 +2,35 @@
**Table of Contents**
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Configuring AD/LDAP on MinIO](#configuring-adldap-on-minio)
- [Variable substitution in AD/LDAP configuration strings](#variable-substitution-in-adldap-configuration-strings)
- [Notes on configuring with Microsoft Active Directory (AD)](#notes-on-configuring-with-microsoft-active-directory-ad)
- [Managing User/Group Access Policy](#managing-usergroup-access-policy)
- [API Request Parameters](#api-request-parameters)
- [LDAPUsername](#ldapusername)
- [LDAPPassword](#ldappassword)
- [Version](#version)
- [Policy](#policy)
- [Response Elements](#response-elements)
- [Errors](#errors)
- [Sample `POST` Request](#sample-post-request)
- [Using LDAP STS API](#using-ldap-sts-api)
- [Explore Further](#explore-further)
- [AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentity [](https://slack.min.io)](#assumerolewithldapidentity-slackhttpsslackminioslacktypesvghttpsslackminio)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Configuring AD/LDAP on MinIO](#configuring-adldap-on-minio)
- [Supported modes of operation](#supported-modes-of-operation)
- [Lookup-Bind Mode](#lookup-bind-mode)
- [Username-Format Mode](#username-format-mode)
- [Group membership search](#group-membership-search)
- [Variable substitution in AD/LDAP configuration strings](#variable-substitution-in-adldap-configuration-strings)
- [Managing User/Group Access Policy](#managing-usergroup-access-policy)
- [API Request Parameters](#api-request-parameters)
- [LDAPUsername](#ldapusername)
- [LDAPPassword](#ldappassword)
- [Version](#version)
- [Policy](#policy)
- [Response Elements](#response-elements)
- [Errors](#errors)
- [Sample `POST` Request](#sample-post-request)
- [Sample Response](#sample-response)
- [Using LDAP STS API](#using-ldap-sts-api)
- [Caveats](#caveats)
- [Explore Further](#explore-further)
## Introduction
MinIO provides a custom STS API that allows integration with LDAP based corporate environments. The flow is as follows:
MinIO provides a custom STS API that allows integration with LDAP based corporate environments including Microsoft Active Directory. The MinIO server can be configured in two possible modes: either using a LDAP separate service account, called lookup-bind mode or in username-format mode. In either case the login flow for a user is the same as the STS flow:
1. User provides their AD/LDAP username and password to the STS API.
2. MinIO logs-in to the AD/LDAP server as the user - if the login succeeds the user is authenticated.
3. MinIO then queries the AD/LDAP server for a list of groups that the user is a member of.
2. MinIO verifies the login credentials with the AD/LDAP server.
3. On success, MinIO queries the AD/LDAP server for a list of groups that the user is a member of.
- This is done via a customizable AD/LDAP search query.
4. MinIO then generates temporary credentials for the user storing the list of groups in a cryptographically secure session token. The temporary access key, secret key and session token are returned to the user.
5. The user can now use these credentials to make requests to the MinIO server.
@ -33,30 +39,77 @@ The administrator will associate IAM access policies with each group and if requ
## Configuring AD/LDAP on MinIO
LDAP configuration is designed to be simple for the MinIO administrator. The full path of a user DN (Distinguished Name) (e.g. `uid=johnwick,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=minio,dc=io`) is configured as a format string in the **MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_USERNAME_FORMAT** environment variable. This allows an AD/LDAP user to not specify this whole string in the AD/LDAP STS API. Instead the user only needs to specify the username portion (i.e. `johnwick` in this example) that will be substituted into the format string configured on the server.
MinIO can be configured to find the groups of a user from AD/LDAP by specifying the **MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER** and **MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE** environment variables. When a user logs in via the STS API, the MinIO server queries the AD/LDAP server with the given search filter and extracts the given attribute from the search results. These values represent the groups that the user is a member of. On each access MinIO applies the IAM policies attached to these groups in MinIO.
LDAP STS configuration can be performed via MinIO's standard configuration API (i.e. using `mc admin config set/get` commands) or equivalently via environment variables. For brevity we refer to environment variables here.
LDAP is configured via the following environment variables:
$ mc admin config set myminio/ identity_ldap --env
$ mc admin config set myminio identity_ldap --env
identity_ldap enable LDAP SSO support
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_SERVER_ADDR* (address) AD/LDAP server address e.g. "myldapserver.com:636"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_USERNAME_FORMAT* (list) ";" separated list of username bind DNs e.g. "uid=%s,cn=accounts,dc=myldapserver,dc=com"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER* (string) search filter for groups e.g. "(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(memberUid=%s))"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_BASE_DN* (list) ";" separated list of group search base DNs e.g. "dc=myldapserver,dc=com"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE (string) search attribute for group name e.g. "cn"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_STS_EXPIRY (duration) temporary credentials validity duration in s,m,h,d. Default is "1h"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY (on|off) trust server TLS without verification, defaults to "off" (verify)
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_SERVER_INSECURE (on|off) allow plain text connection to AD/LDAP server, defaults to "off"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_COMMENT (sentence) optionally add a comment to this setting
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_SERVER_ADDR* (address) AD/LDAP server address e.g. "myldapserver.com:636"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_STS_EXPIRY (duration) temporary credentials validity duration in s,m,h,d. Default is "1h"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_LOOKUP_BIND_DN (string) DN for LDAP read-only service account used to perform DN and group lookups
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_LOOKUP_BIND_PASSWORD (string) Password for LDAP read-only service account used to perform DN and group lookups
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_USER_DN_SEARCH_FILTER (string) Search filter to lookup user DN
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_USERNAME_FORMAT (list) ";" separated list of username bind DNs e.g. "uid=%s,cn=accounts,dc=myldapserver,dc=com"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER (string) search filter for groups e.g. "(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(memberUid=%s))"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE (string) search attribute for group name e.g. "cn"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_BASE_DN (list) ";" separated list of group search base DNs e.g. "dc=myldapserver,dc=com"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY (on|off) trust server TLS without verification, defaults to "off" (verify)
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_SERVER_INSECURE (on|off) allow plain text connection to AD/LDAP server, defaults to "off"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_SERVER_STARTTLS (on|off) use StartTLS connection to AD/LDAP server, defaults to "off"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_COMMENT (sentence) optionally add a comment to this setting
### Supported modes of operation ###
The two supported modes of LDAP configuration differ in how the MinIO server derives the Distinguished Name (DN) of the user from their username provided in the STS API. _Exactly one must be used in a valid configuration_.
Once a unique DN for the user is derived, the server verifies the user's credentials with the LDAP server and on success, looks up the user's groups via a configured group search query and finally temporary object storage credentials are generated and returned.
#### Lookup-Bind Mode ####
In this mode, the a low-privilege read-only LDAP service account is configured in the MinIO server by providing the account's Distinguished Name (DN) and password. It is the new and preferred mode for LDAP integration.
This service account is used by the MinIO server to lookup a user's DN given their username. The lookup is performed via an LDAP search filter query that is also configured by the administrator.
This mode is enabled by setting the following variables:
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_LOOKUP_BIND_DN (string) DN for LDAP read-only service account used to perform DN and group lookups
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_LOOKUP_BIND_PASSWORD (string) Password for LDAP read-only service account used to perform DN and group lookups
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_USER_DN_SEARCH_FILTER (string) Search filter to lookup user DN
#### Username-Format Mode ####
In this mode, the server does not use a separate LDAP service account. Instead, the username and password provided in the STS API call are used to login to the LDAP server and also to lookup the user's groups. This mode preserves older behavior for compatibility, but users are encouraged to use the Lookup-Bind mode.
The DN to use to login to LDAP is computed from a username format configuration parameter. This is a list of possible DN templates to be used. For each such template, the username is substituted and the DN is generated. Each generated DN is tried by the MinIO server to login to LDAP. If exactly one successful DN is found, it is used to perform the groups lookup as well.
This mode is enabled by setting the following variables:
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_USERNAME_FORMAT (list) ";" separated list of username bind DNs e.g. "uid=%s,cn=accounts,dc=myldapserver,dc=com"
### Group membership search
MinIO can be configured to find the groups of a user from AD/LDAP by specifying the folllowing variables:
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER (string) search filter for groups e.g. "(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(memberUid=%s))"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE (string) search attribute for group name e.g. "cn"
MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_BASE_DN (list) ";" separated list of group search base DNs e.g. "dc=myldapserver,dc=com"
When a user logs in via the STS API, the MinIO server queries the AD/LDAP server with the given search filter and extracts the given attribute from the search results. These values represent the groups that the user is a member of. On each access MinIO applies the IAM policies attached to these groups in MinIO.
**MinIO sends LDAP credentials to LDAP server for validation. So we _strongly recommend_ to use MinIO with AD/LDAP server over TLS or StartTLS _only_. Using plain-text connection between MinIO and LDAP server means _credentials can be compromised_ by anyone listening to network traffic.**
If a self-signed certificate is being used, the certificate can be added to MinIO's certificates directory, so it can be trusted by the server. An example setup for development or experimentation:
@ -71,48 +124,10 @@ export MINIO_IDENTITY_LDAP_STS_EXPIRY=60h
### Variable substitution in AD/LDAP configuration strings
### Variable substitution in AD/LDAP configuration strings ###
`%s` is replaced with *username* automatically for construction bind_dn, search_filter and group_search_filter.
### Notes on configuring with Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
The LDAP STS API also works with Microsoft AD and can be configured as above. The following are some notes on determining the values of the configuration parameters described above.
Once LDAP over TLS is enabled on AD, test access to LDAP works by running a sample search query with the `ldapsearch` utility from [OpenLDAP](https://openldap.org/):
$ ldapsearch -H ldaps://my.ldap-active-dir-server.com -D "username@minioad.local" -x -w 'secretpassword' -b "dc=minioad,dc=local"
# John, Users, minioad.local
dn: CN=John,CN=Users,DC=minioad,DC=local
# hpc, Users, minioad.local
dn: CN=hpc,CN=Users,DC=minioad,DC=local
objectClass: top
objectClass: group
cn: hpc
member: CN=John,CN=Users,DC=minioad,DC=local
The lines with "..." represent skipped content not shown here from brevity. Based on the output above, we see that the username format variable looks like `cn=%s,cn=users,dc=minioad,dc=local`.
The group search filter looks like `(&(objectclass=group)(member=%s))` and the group name attribute is clearly `cn`.
Thus the key configuration parameters look like:
## Managing User/Group Access Policy
Access policies may be configured on a group or on a user directly. Access policies are first defined on the MinIO server using IAM policy JSON syntax. The `mc` tool is used to issue the necessary commands.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user