mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:13 -05:00
Newer noncurrent versions (#13815)
- Rename MaxNoncurrentVersions tag to NewerNoncurrentVersions Note: We apply overlapping NewerNoncurrentVersions rules such that we honor the highest among applicable limits. e.g if 2 overlapping rules are configured with 2 and 3 noncurrent versions to be retained, we will retain 3. - Expire newer noncurrent versions after noncurrent days - MinIO extension: allow noncurrent days to be zero, allowing expiry of noncurrent version as soon as more than configured NewerNoncurrentVersions are present. - Allow NewerNoncurrentVersions rules on object-locked buckets - No x-amz-expiration when NewerNoncurrentVersions configured - ComputeAction should skip rules with NewerNoncurrentVersions > 0 - Add unit tests for lifecycle.ComputeAction - Support lifecycle rules with MaxNoncurrentVersions - Extend ExpectedExpiryTime to work with zero days - Fix all-time comparisons to be relative to UTC
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import (
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/internal/http"
@ -80,17 +79,6 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) PutBucketLifecycleHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r
// Disallow MaxNoncurrentVersions if bucket has object locking enabled
var rCfg lock.Retention
if rCfg, err = globalBucketObjectLockSys.Get(bucket); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if rCfg.LockEnabled && bucketLifecycle.HasMaxNoncurrentVersions() {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidLifecycleWithObjectLock), r.URL)
// Validate the transition storage ARNs
if err = validateTransitionTier(bucketLifecycle); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
@ -81,21 +81,21 @@ type expiryTask struct {
type expiryState struct {
once sync.Once
byDaysCh chan expiryTask
byMaxNoncurrentCh chan maxNoncurrentTask
once sync.Once
byDaysCh chan expiryTask
byNewerNoncurrentCh chan newerNoncurrentTask
// PendingTasks returns the number of pending ILM expiry tasks.
func (es *expiryState) PendingTasks() int {
return len(es.byDaysCh) + len(es.byMaxNoncurrentCh)
return len(es.byDaysCh) + len(es.byNewerNoncurrentCh)
// close closes work channels exactly once.
func (es *expiryState) close() {
es.once.Do(func() {
@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ func (es *expiryState) enqueueByDays(oi ObjectInfo, restoredObject bool, rmVersi
// enqueueByMaxNoncurrent enqueues object versions expired by
// MaxNoncurrentVersions limit for expiry.
func (es *expiryState) enqueueByMaxNoncurrent(bucket string, versions []ObjectToDelete) {
// enqueueByNewerNoncurrent enqueues object versions expired by
// NewerNoncurrentVersions limit for expiry.
func (es *expiryState) enqueueByNewerNoncurrent(bucket string, versions []ObjectToDelete) {
select {
case <-GlobalContext.Done():
case es.byMaxNoncurrentCh <- maxNoncurrentTask{bucket: bucket, versions: versions}:
case es.byNewerNoncurrentCh <- newerNoncurrentTask{bucket: bucket, versions: versions}:
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ var globalExpiryState *expiryState
func newExpiryState() *expiryState {
return &expiryState{
byDaysCh: make(chan expiryTask, 10000),
byMaxNoncurrentCh: make(chan maxNoncurrentTask, 10000),
byDaysCh: make(chan expiryTask, 10000),
byNewerNoncurrentCh: make(chan newerNoncurrentTask, 10000),
@ -141,15 +141,15 @@ func initBackgroundExpiry(ctx context.Context, objectAPI ObjectLayer) {
go func() {
for t := range globalExpiryState.byMaxNoncurrentCh {
for t := range globalExpiryState.byNewerNoncurrentCh {
deleteObjectVersions(ctx, objectAPI, t.bucket, t.versions)
// maxNoncurrentTask encapsulates arguments required by worker to expire objects
// by MaxNoncurrentVersions
type maxNoncurrentTask struct {
// newerNoncurrentTask encapsulates arguments required by worker to expire objects
// by NewerNoncurrentVersions
type newerNoncurrentTask struct {
bucket string
versions []ObjectToDelete
@ -972,14 +972,14 @@ func (i *scannerItem) applyTierObjSweep(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, oi O
// applyMaxNoncurrentVersionLimit removes noncurrent versions older than the most recent MaxNoncurrentVersions configured.
// applyNewerNoncurrentVersionLimit removes noncurrent versions older than the most recent NewerNoncurrentVersions configured.
// Note: This function doesn't update sizeSummary since it always removes versions that it doesn't return.
func (i *scannerItem) applyMaxNoncurrentVersionLimit(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, fivs []FileInfo) ([]FileInfo, error) {
func (i *scannerItem) applyNewerNoncurrentVersionLimit(ctx context.Context, _ ObjectLayer, fivs []FileInfo) ([]FileInfo, error) {
if i.lifeCycle == nil {
return fivs, nil
lim := i.lifeCycle.NoncurrentVersionsExpirationLimit(lifecycle.ObjectOpts{Name: i.objectPath()})
_, days, lim := i.lifeCycle.NoncurrentVersionsExpirationLimit(lifecycle.ObjectOpts{Name: i.objectPath()})
if lim == 0 || len(fivs) <= lim+1 { // fewer than lim _noncurrent_ versions
return fivs, nil
@ -992,6 +992,7 @@ func (i *scannerItem) applyMaxNoncurrentVersionLimit(ctx context.Context, o Obje
toDel := make([]ObjectToDelete, 0, len(overflowVersions))
for _, fi := range overflowVersions {
obj := fi.ToObjectInfo(i.bucket, i.objectPath())
// skip versions with object locking enabled
if rcfg.LockEnabled && enforceRetentionForDeletion(ctx, obj) {
if i.debug {
if obj.VersionID != "" {
@ -1000,22 +1001,34 @@ func (i *scannerItem) applyMaxNoncurrentVersionLimit(ctx context.Context, o Obje
console.Debugf(applyVersionActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %s is locked, not deleting\n", obj.Name)
// add this version back to remaining versions for
// subsequent lifecycle policy applications
fivs = append(fivs, fi)
// NoncurrentDays not passed yet.
if time.Now().UTC().Before(lifecycle.ExpectedExpiryTime(obj.SuccessorModTime, days)) {
// add this version back to remaining versions for
// subsequent lifecycle policy applications
fivs = append(fivs, fi)
toDel = append(toDel, ObjectToDelete{
ObjectName: fi.Name,
VersionID: fi.VersionID,
globalExpiryState.enqueueByMaxNoncurrent(i.bucket, toDel)
globalExpiryState.enqueueByNewerNoncurrent(i.bucket, toDel)
return fivs, nil
// applyVersionActions will apply lifecycle checks on all versions of a scanned item. Returns versions that remain
// after applying lifecycle checks configured.
func (i *scannerItem) applyVersionActions(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, fivs []FileInfo) ([]FileInfo, error) {
return i.applyMaxNoncurrentVersionLimit(ctx, o, fivs)
return i.applyNewerNoncurrentVersionLimit(ctx, o, fivs)
// applyActions will apply lifecycle checks on to a scanned item.
@ -29,11 +29,10 @@ import (
var (
errLifecycleTooManyRules = Errorf("Lifecycle configuration allows a maximum of 1000 rules")
errLifecycleNoRule = Errorf("Lifecycle configuration should have at least one rule")
errLifecycleDuplicateID = Errorf("Lifecycle configuration has rule with the same ID. Rule ID must be unique.")
errXMLNotWellFormed = Errorf("The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema")
errLifecycleInvalidNoncurrentExpiration = Errorf("Exactly one of NoncurrentDays (positive integer) or MaxNoncurrentVersions should be specified in a NoncurrentExpiration rule.")
errLifecycleTooManyRules = Errorf("Lifecycle configuration allows a maximum of 1000 rules")
errLifecycleNoRule = Errorf("Lifecycle configuration should have at least one rule")
errLifecycleDuplicateID = Errorf("Lifecycle configuration has rule with the same ID. Rule ID must be unique.")
errXMLNotWellFormed = Errorf("The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema")
const (
@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ func (lc Lifecycle) HasActiveRules(prefix string, recursive bool) bool {
if rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NoncurrentDays > 0 {
return true
if rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.MaxNoncurrentVersions > 0 {
if rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NewerNoncurrentVersions > 0 {
return true
if !rule.NoncurrentVersionTransition.IsNull() {
@ -150,13 +149,13 @@ func (lc Lifecycle) HasActiveRules(prefix string, recursive bool) bool {
if rule.Expiration.IsNull() && rule.Transition.IsNull() {
if !rule.Expiration.IsDateNull() && rule.Expiration.Date.Before(time.Now()) {
if !rule.Expiration.IsDateNull() && rule.Expiration.Date.Before(time.Now().UTC()) {
return true
if !rule.Expiration.IsDaysNull() {
return true
if !rule.Transition.IsDateNull() && rule.Transition.Date.Before(time.Now()) {
if !rule.Transition.IsDateNull() && rule.Transition.Date.Before(time.Now().UTC()) {
return true
if !rule.Transition.IsNull() { // this allows for Transition.Days to be zero.
@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ func (lc Lifecycle) FilterActionableRules(obj ObjectOpts) []Rule {
rules = append(rules, rule)
if rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.MaxNoncurrentVersions > 0 {
if rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NewerNoncurrentVersions > 0 {
rules = append(rules, rule)
@ -304,17 +303,24 @@ func (lc Lifecycle) ComputeAction(obj ObjectOpts) Action {
// Specifying the Days tag will automatically perform ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker cleanup
// once delete markers are old enough to satisfy the age criteria.
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/lifecycle-configuration-examples.html
if time.Now().After(ExpectedExpiryTime(obj.ModTime, int(rule.Expiration.Days))) {
if time.Now().UTC().After(ExpectedExpiryTime(obj.ModTime, int(rule.Expiration.Days))) {
return DeleteVersionAction
if !rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.IsDaysNull() {
// Skip rules with newer noncurrent versions specified.
// These rules are not handled at an individual version
// level. ComputeAction applies only to a specific
// version.
if !obj.IsLatest && rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NewerNoncurrentVersions > 0 {
if obj.VersionID != "" && !obj.IsLatest && !obj.SuccessorModTime.IsZero() {
// Non current versions should be deleted if their age exceeds non current days configuration
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/intro-lifecycle-rules.html#intro-lifecycle-rules-actions
if time.Now().After(ExpectedExpiryTime(obj.SuccessorModTime, int(rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NoncurrentDays))) {
if time.Now().UTC().After(ExpectedExpiryTime(obj.SuccessorModTime, int(rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NoncurrentDays))) {
return DeleteVersionAction
@ -350,7 +356,7 @@ func (lc Lifecycle) ComputeAction(obj ObjectOpts) Action {
if !obj.RestoreExpires.IsZero() && time.Now().After(obj.RestoreExpires) {
if !obj.RestoreExpires.IsZero() && time.Now().UTC().After(obj.RestoreExpires) {
if obj.VersionID != "" {
action = DeleteRestoredVersionAction
} else {
@ -358,7 +364,7 @@ func (lc Lifecycle) ComputeAction(obj ObjectOpts) Action {
if !obj.RestoreExpires.IsZero() && time.Now().After(obj.RestoreExpires) {
if !obj.RestoreExpires.IsZero() && time.Now().UTC().After(obj.RestoreExpires) {
if obj.VersionID != "" {
action = DeleteRestoredVersionAction
} else {
@ -377,6 +383,9 @@ func (lc Lifecycle) ComputeAction(obj ObjectOpts) Action {
// e.g. If the object modtime is `Thu May 21 13:42:50 GMT 2020` and the object should
// transition in 1 day, then the expected transition time is `Fri, 23 May 2020 00:00:00 GMT`
func ExpectedExpiryTime(modTime time.Time, days int) time.Time {
if days == 0 {
return modTime
t := modTime.UTC().Add(time.Duration(days+1) * 24 * time.Hour)
return t.Truncate(24 * time.Hour)
@ -395,6 +404,11 @@ func (lc Lifecycle) PredictExpiryTime(obj ObjectOpts) (string, time.Time) {
// Iterate over all actionable rules and find the earliest
// expiration date and its associated rule ID.
for _, rule := range lc.FilterActionableRules(obj) {
// We don't know the index of this version and hence can't
// reliably compute expected expiry time.
if !obj.IsLatest && rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NewerNoncurrentVersions > 0 {
if !rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.IsDaysNull() && !obj.IsLatest && obj.VersionID != "" {
return rule.ID, ExpectedExpiryTime(obj.SuccessorModTime, int(rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NoncurrentDays))
@ -477,31 +491,28 @@ func (lc Lifecycle) TransitionTier(obj ObjectOpts) string {
return ""
// NoncurrentVersionsExpirationLimit returns the minimum limit on number of
// NoncurrentVersionsExpirationLimit returns the maximum limit on number of
// noncurrent versions across rules.
func (lc Lifecycle) NoncurrentVersionsExpirationLimit(obj ObjectOpts) int {
func (lc Lifecycle) NoncurrentVersionsExpirationLimit(obj ObjectOpts) (string, int, int) {
var lim int
var days int
var ruleID string
for _, rule := range lc.FilterActionableRules(obj) {
if rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.MaxNoncurrentVersions == 0 {
if rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NewerNoncurrentVersions == 0 {
if lim == 0 || lim > rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.MaxNoncurrentVersions {
lim = rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.MaxNoncurrentVersions
// Pick the highest number of NewerNoncurrentVersions value
// among overlapping rules.
if lim == 0 || lim < rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NewerNoncurrentVersions {
lim = rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NewerNoncurrentVersions
// Pick the earliest applicable NoncurrentDays among overlapping
// rules. Note: ruleID is that of the rule which determines the
// time of expiry.
if ndays := int(rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NoncurrentDays); days == 0 || days > ndays {
days = ndays
ruleID = rule.ID
return lim
// HasMaxNoncurrentVersions returns true if there exists a rule with
// MaxNoncurrentVersions limit set.
func (lc Lifecycle) HasMaxNoncurrentVersions() bool {
for _, rule := range lc.Rules {
if rule.Status == Disabled {
if rule.NoncurrentVersionExpiration.MaxNoncurrentVersions > 0 {
return true
return false
return ruleID, days, lim
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ func TestParseAndValidateLifecycleConfig(t *testing.T) {
// Lifecycle with max noncurrent versions
inputConfig: `<LifecycleConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"><Rule><ID>rule</ID>><Status>Enabled</Status><Filter></Filter><NoncurrentVersionExpiration><MaxNoncurrentVersions>5</MaxNoncurrentVersions></NoncurrentVersionExpiration></Rule></LifecycleConfiguration>`,
inputConfig: `<LifecycleConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"><Rule><ID>rule</ID>><Status>Enabled</Status><Filter></Filter><NoncurrentVersionExpiration><NewerNoncurrentVersions>5</NewerNoncurrentVersions></NoncurrentVersionExpiration></Rule></LifecycleConfiguration>`,
expectedParsingErr: nil,
expectedValidationErr: nil,
@ -414,6 +414,24 @@ func TestComputeActions(t *testing.T) {
objectSuccessorModTime: time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Nanosecond).UTC(),
versionID: uuid.New().String(),
// Lifecycle rules with NewerNoncurrentVersions specified must return NoneAction.
inputConfig: `<LifecycleConfiguration><Rule><Filter><Prefix>foodir/</Prefix></Filter><Status>Enabled</Status><NoncurrentVersionExpiration><NewerNoncurrentVersions>5</NewerNoncurrentVersions></NoncurrentVersionExpiration></Rule></LifecycleConfiguration>`,
objectName: "foodir/fooobject",
versionID: uuid.NewString(),
objectModTime: time.Now().UTC().Add(-10 * 24 * time.Hour), // Created 10 days ago
expectedAction: NoneAction,
// Disabled rules with NewerNoncurrentVersions shouldn't affect outcome.
inputConfig: `<LifecycleConfiguration><Rule><Filter><Prefix>foodir/</Prefix></Filter><Status>Enabled</Status><NoncurrentVersionExpiration><NoncurrentDays>5</NoncurrentDays></NoncurrentVersionExpiration></Rule><Rule><Filter><Prefix>foodir/</Prefix></Filter><Status>Disabled</Status><NoncurrentVersionExpiration><NewerNoncurrentVersions>5</NewerNoncurrentVersions></NoncurrentVersionExpiration></Rule></LifecycleConfiguration>`,
objectName: "foodir/fooobject",
versionID: uuid.NewString(),
objectModTime: time.Now().UTC().Add(-10 * 24 * time.Hour), // Created 10 days ago
objectSuccessorModTime: time.Now().UTC().Add(-10 * 24 * time.Hour), // Created 10 days ago
isNoncurrent: true,
expectedAction: DeleteVersionAction,
for _, tc := range testCases {
@ -636,14 +654,55 @@ func TestNoncurrentVersionsLimit(t *testing.T) {
ID: strconv.Itoa(i),
Status: "Enabled",
NoncurrentVersionExpiration: NoncurrentVersionExpiration{
MaxNoncurrentVersions: i,
NewerNoncurrentVersions: i,
NoncurrentDays: ExpirationDays(i),
lc := Lifecycle{
Rules: rules,
if lim := lc.NoncurrentVersionsExpirationLimit(ObjectOpts{Name: "obj"}); lim != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected max noncurrent versions limit to be 1 but got %d", lim)
if ruleID, days, lim := lc.NoncurrentVersionsExpirationLimit(ObjectOpts{Name: "obj"}); ruleID != "1" || days != 1 || lim != 10 {
t.Fatalf("Expected (ruleID, days, lim) to be (\"1\", 1, 10) but got (%s, %d, %d)", ruleID, days, lim)
func TestMaxNoncurrentBackwardCompat(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
xml string
expected NoncurrentVersionExpiration
xml: `<NoncurrentVersionExpiration><NoncurrentDays>1</NoncurrentDays><NewerNoncurrentVersions>3</NewerNoncurrentVersions></NoncurrentVersionExpiration>`,
expected: NoncurrentVersionExpiration{
XMLName: xml.Name{
Local: "NoncurrentVersionExpiration",
NoncurrentDays: 1,
NewerNoncurrentVersions: 3,
set: true,
xml: `<NoncurrentVersionExpiration><NoncurrentDays>2</NoncurrentDays><MaxNoncurrentVersions>4</MaxNoncurrentVersions></NoncurrentVersionExpiration>`,
expected: NoncurrentVersionExpiration{
XMLName: xml.Name{
Local: "NoncurrentVersionExpiration",
NoncurrentDays: 2,
NewerNoncurrentVersions: 4,
set: true,
for i, tc := range testCases {
var got NoncurrentVersionExpiration
dec := xml.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(tc.xml))
if err := dec.Decode(&got); err != nil || got != tc.expected {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%d: Failed to unmarshal xml %v", i+1, err)
t.Fatalf("%d: Expected %v but got %v", i+1, tc.expected, got)
@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ import (
// NoncurrentVersionExpiration - an action for lifecycle configuration rule.
type NoncurrentVersionExpiration struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"NoncurrentVersionExpiration"`
NoncurrentDays ExpirationDays `xml:"NoncurrentDays,omitempty"`
MaxNoncurrentVersions int `xml:"MaxNoncurrentVersions,omitempty"`
set bool
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"NoncurrentVersionExpiration"`
NoncurrentDays ExpirationDays `xml:"NoncurrentDays,omitempty"`
NewerNoncurrentVersions int `xml:"NewerNoncurrentVersions,omitempty"`
set bool
// MarshalXML if non-current days not set to non zero value
@ -41,20 +41,35 @@ func (n NoncurrentVersionExpiration) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartE
// UnmarshalXML decodes NoncurrentVersionExpiration
func (n *NoncurrentVersionExpiration) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, startElement xml.StartElement) error {
type noncurrentVersionExpirationWrapper NoncurrentVersionExpiration
var val noncurrentVersionExpirationWrapper
// To handle xml with MaxNoncurrentVersions from older MinIO releases.
// note: only one of MaxNoncurrentVersions or NewerNoncurrentVersions would be present.
type noncurrentExpiration struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"NoncurrentVersionExpiration"`
NoncurrentDays ExpirationDays `xml:"NoncurrentDays,omitempty"`
NewerNoncurrentVersions int `xml:"NewerNoncurrentVersions,omitempty"`
MaxNoncurrentVersions int `xml:"MaxNoncurrentVersions,omitempty"`
var val noncurrentExpiration
err := d.DecodeElement(&val, &startElement)
if err != nil {
return err
*n = NoncurrentVersionExpiration(val)
if val.MaxNoncurrentVersions > 0 {
val.NewerNoncurrentVersions = val.MaxNoncurrentVersions
*n = NoncurrentVersionExpiration{
XMLName: val.XMLName,
NoncurrentDays: val.NoncurrentDays,
NewerNoncurrentVersions: val.NewerNoncurrentVersions,
n.set = true
return nil
// IsNull returns if both NoncurrentDays and NoncurrentVersions are empty
func (n NoncurrentVersionExpiration) IsNull() bool {
return n.IsDaysNull() && n.MaxNoncurrentVersions == 0
return n.IsDaysNull() && n.NewerNoncurrentVersions == 0
// IsDaysNull returns true if days field is null
@ -69,16 +84,13 @@ func (n NoncurrentVersionExpiration) Validate() error {
val := int(n.NoncurrentDays)
switch {
case val == 0 && n.MaxNoncurrentVersions == 0:
case val == 0 && n.NewerNoncurrentVersions == 0:
// both fields can't be zero
return errXMLNotWellFormed
case val > 0 && n.MaxNoncurrentVersions > 0:
// both tags can't be non-zero simultaneously
return errLifecycleInvalidNoncurrentExpiration
case val < 0, n.MaxNoncurrentVersions < 0:
case val < 0, n.NewerNoncurrentVersions < 0:
// negative values are not supported
return errXMLNotWellFormed
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package lifecycle
import "testing"
func Test_NoncurrentVersionsExpiration_Validation(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []struct {
n NoncurrentVersionExpiration
err error
n: NoncurrentVersionExpiration{
NoncurrentDays: 0,
NewerNoncurrentVersions: 0,
set: true,
err: errXMLNotWellFormed,
n: NoncurrentVersionExpiration{
NoncurrentDays: 90,
NewerNoncurrentVersions: 0,
set: true,
err: nil,
n: NoncurrentVersionExpiration{
NoncurrentDays: 90,
NewerNoncurrentVersions: 2,
set: true,
err: nil,
n: NoncurrentVersionExpiration{
NoncurrentDays: -1,
set: true,
err: errXMLNotWellFormed,
n: NoncurrentVersionExpiration{
NoncurrentDays: 90,
NewerNoncurrentVersions: -2,
set: true,
err: errXMLNotWellFormed,
// MinIO extension: supports zero NoncurrentDays when NewerNoncurrentVersions > 0
n: NoncurrentVersionExpiration{
NoncurrentDays: 0,
NewerNoncurrentVersions: 5,
set: true,
err: nil,
for i, tc := range testcases {
if got := tc.n.Validate(); got != tc.err {
t.Fatalf("%d: expected %v but got %v", i+1, tc.err, got)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user