mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:13 -05:00
enable full linter across the codebase (#9620)
enable linter using golangci-lint across codebase to run a bunch of linters together, we shall enable new linters as we fix more things the codebase. This PR fixes the first stage of this cleanup.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
min-confidence: 0
locale: US
disable-all: true
- typecheck
- goimports
- misspell
- govet
- golint
- ineffassign
- gosimple
- deadcode
- structcheck
exclude-use-default: false
- should have a package comment
- error strings should not be capitalized or end with punctuation or a newline
golangci-lint-version: 1.20.0 # use the fixed version to not introduce new linters unexpectedly
@ -18,22 +18,12 @@ checks:
@mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/bin
@which golint 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing golint" && GO111MODULE=off go get -u golang.org/x/lint/golint)
ifeq ($(GOARCH),s390x)
@which staticcheck 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing staticcheck" && GO111MODULE=off go get honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck)
@which staticcheck 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing staticcheck" && wget --quiet https://github.com/dominikh/go-tools/releases/download/2020.1.3/staticcheck_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.tar.gz && tar xf staticcheck_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.tar.gz && mv staticcheck/staticcheck ${GOPATH}/bin/staticcheck && chmod +x ${GOPATH}/bin/staticcheck && rm -f staticcheck_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.tar.gz && rm -rf staticcheck)
@which misspell 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing misspell" && GO111MODULE=off go get -u github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell)
@which golangci-lint 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing golangci-lint" && curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(GOPATH)/bin v1.27.0)
@(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/cross-compile.sh)
verifiers: getdeps vet fmt lint staticcheck spelling
@echo "Running $@ check"
@GO111MODULE=on go vet github.com/minio/minio/...
verifiers: getdeps fmt lint
@echo "Running $@ check"
@ -42,21 +32,8 @@ fmt:
@echo "Running $@ check"
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/golint -set_exit_status github.com/minio/minio/cmd/...
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/golint -set_exit_status github.com/minio/minio/pkg/...
@echo "Running $@ check"
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/staticcheck github.com/minio/minio/cmd/...
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/staticcheck github.com/minio/minio/pkg/...
@echo "Running $@ check"
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell -locale US -error `find cmd/`
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell -locale US -error `find pkg/`
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell -locale US -error `find docs/`
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell -locale US -error `find buildscripts/`
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell -locale US -error `find dockerscripts/`
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/golangci-lint cache clean
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/golangci-lint run --timeout=5m --config ./.golangci.yml
# Builds minio, runs the verifiers then runs the tests.
check: test
@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ func (a adminAPIHandlers) OBDInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
defer close(obdInfoCh)
if cpu, ok := vars["syscpu"]; ok && cpu == "true" {
cpuInfo := getLocalCPUOBDInfo(deadlinedCtx)
cpuInfo := getLocalCPUOBDInfo(deadlinedCtx, r)
obdInfo.Sys.CPUInfo = append(obdInfo.Sys.CPUInfo, cpuInfo)
obdInfo.Sys.CPUInfo = append(obdInfo.Sys.CPUInfo, globalNotificationSys.CPUOBDInfo(deadlinedCtx)...)
@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ func (a adminAPIHandlers) OBDInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
if diskHw, ok := vars["sysdiskhw"]; ok && diskHw == "true" {
diskHwInfo := getLocalDiskHwOBD(deadlinedCtx)
diskHwInfo := getLocalDiskHwOBD(deadlinedCtx, r)
obdInfo.Sys.DiskHwInfo = append(obdInfo.Sys.DiskHwInfo, diskHwInfo)
obdInfo.Sys.DiskHwInfo = append(obdInfo.Sys.DiskHwInfo, globalNotificationSys.DiskHwOBDInfo(deadlinedCtx)...)
@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ func (a adminAPIHandlers) OBDInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
if osInfo, ok := vars["sysosinfo"]; ok && osInfo == "true" {
osInfo := getLocalOsInfoOBD(deadlinedCtx)
osInfo := getLocalOsInfoOBD(deadlinedCtx, r)
obdInfo.Sys.OsInfo = append(obdInfo.Sys.OsInfo, osInfo)
obdInfo.Sys.OsInfo = append(obdInfo.Sys.OsInfo, globalNotificationSys.OsOBDInfo(deadlinedCtx)...)
@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ func (a adminAPIHandlers) OBDInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
if mem, ok := vars["sysmem"]; ok && mem == "true" {
memInfo := getLocalMemOBD(deadlinedCtx)
memInfo := getLocalMemOBD(deadlinedCtx, r)
obdInfo.Sys.MemInfo = append(obdInfo.Sys.MemInfo, memInfo)
obdInfo.Sys.MemInfo = append(obdInfo.Sys.MemInfo, globalNotificationSys.MemOBDInfo(deadlinedCtx)...)
@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ func (a adminAPIHandlers) OBDInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
if proc, ok := vars["sysprocess"]; ok && proc == "true" {
procInfo := getLocalProcOBD(deadlinedCtx)
procInfo := getLocalProcOBD(deadlinedCtx, r)
obdInfo.Sys.ProcInfo = append(obdInfo.Sys.ProcInfo, procInfo)
obdInfo.Sys.ProcInfo = append(obdInfo.Sys.ProcInfo, globalNotificationSys.ProcOBDInfo(deadlinedCtx)...)
@ -1321,7 +1321,6 @@ func (a adminAPIHandlers) ServerInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reque
usage = madmin.Usage{Size: dataUsageInfo.ObjectsTotalSize}
infoMsg := madmin.InfoMessage{}
vault := fetchVaultStatus(cfg)
ldap := madmin.LDAP{}
@ -1426,7 +1425,7 @@ func (a adminAPIHandlers) ServerInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reque
Notifications: notifyTarget,
infoMsg = madmin.InfoMessage{
infoMsg := madmin.InfoMessage{
Mode: mode,
Domain: domain,
Region: globalServerRegion,
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ func enforceFIFOQuota(ctx context.Context, objectAPI ObjectLayer) error {
if dataUsageInfo.BucketsSizes[bucket] > cfg.Quota {
toFree = dataUsageInfo.BucketsSizes[bucket] - cfg.Quota
if toFree <= 0 {
if toFree == 0 {
// Allocate new results channel to receive ObjectInfo.
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import (
const (
defaultTTL = 30
defaultPrefixPath = "/skydns"
defaultContextTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ package openid
import (
// Needed for SHA3 to work - See: https://golang.org/src/crypto/crypto.go?s=1034:1288
_ "golang.org/x/crypto/sha3"
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import (
iampolicy "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/iam/policy"
xnet "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/net"
@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ package openid
import (
// Needed for SHA3 to work - See: https://golang.org/src/crypto/crypto.go?s=1034:1288
_ "golang.org/x/crypto/sha3"
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import (
const (
formatNamespace = "namespace"
formatAccess = "access"
// ErrTargetsOffline - Indicates single/multiple target failures.
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ func (f *fileScorer) adjustSaveBytes(n int64) bool {
} else {
f.saveBytes += uint64(n)
if f.saveBytes <= 0 {
if f.saveBytes == 0 {
f.saveBytes = 0
return false
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ func formatXLMigrate(export string) error {
return err
// Migrate successful v2 => v3, v3 is latest
version = formatXLVersionV3
// version = formatXLVersionV3
case formatXLVersionV3:
// v3 is the latest version, return.
@ -899,16 +899,20 @@ func (l *gcsGateway) GetObjectInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object st
func (l *gcsGateway) PutObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, key string, r *minio.PutObjReader, opts minio.ObjectOptions) (minio.ObjectInfo, error) {
data := r.Reader
nctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// if we want to mimic S3 behavior exactly, we need to verify if bucket exists first,
// otherwise gcs will just return object not exist in case of non-existing bucket
if _, err := l.client.Bucket(bucket).Attrs(ctx); err != nil {
if _, err := l.client.Bucket(bucket).Attrs(nctx); err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err, logger.Application)
return minio.ObjectInfo{}, gcsToObjectError(err, bucket)
object := l.client.Bucket(bucket).Object(key)
w := object.NewWriter(ctx)
w := object.NewWriter(nctx)
// Disable "chunked" uploading in GCS client if the size of the data to be uploaded is below
// the current chunk-size of the writer. This avoids an unnecessary memory allocation.
@ -919,7 +923,6 @@ func (l *gcsGateway) PutObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, key string, r
if _, err := io.Copy(w, data); err != nil {
// Close the object writer upon error.
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return minio.ObjectInfo{}, gcsToObjectError(err, bucket, key)
@ -642,7 +642,6 @@ func (l *s3EncObjects) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, obje
for {
loi, lerr := l.s3Objects.ListObjectsV2(ctx, bucket, uploadPrefix, continuationToken, delimiter, 1000, false, startAfter)
if lerr != nil {
done = true
for _, obj := range loi.Objects {
@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ func registerMetricsRouter(router *mux.Router) {
switch prometheusAuthType(authType) {
case prometheusPublic:
metricsRouter.Handle(prometheusMetricsPath, metricsHandler())
case prometheusJWT:
metricsRouter.Handle(prometheusMetricsPath, AuthMiddleware(metricsHandler()))
@ -32,12 +32,10 @@ import (
func getLocalCPUOBDInfo(ctx context.Context) madmin.ServerCPUOBDInfo {
addr := ""
func getLocalCPUOBDInfo(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) madmin.ServerCPUOBDInfo {
addr := r.Host
if globalIsDistXL {
addr = GetLocalPeer(globalEndpoints)
} else {
addr = "minio"
info, err := cpuhw.InfoWithContext(ctx)
@ -60,16 +58,15 @@ func getLocalCPUOBDInfo(ctx context.Context) madmin.ServerCPUOBDInfo {
Addr: addr,
CPUStat: info,
TimeStat: time,
Error: "",
func getLocalDrivesOBD(ctx context.Context, parallel bool, endpointZones EndpointZones, r *http.Request) madmin.ServerDrivesOBDInfo {
var drivesOBDInfo []madmin.DriveOBDInfo
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, ep := range endpointZones {
for i, endpoint := range ep.Endpoints {
for _, endpoint := range ep.Endpoints {
// Only proceed for local endpoints
if endpoint.IsLocal {
if _, err := os.Stat(endpoint.Path); err != nil {
@ -81,34 +78,34 @@ func getLocalDrivesOBD(ctx context.Context, parallel bool, endpointZones Endpoin
measurePath := pathJoin(minioMetaTmpBucket, mustGetUUID())
measure := func(index int, path string) {
var driveOBDInfo madmin.DriveOBDInfo
measure := func(path string) {
defer wg.Done()
driveOBDInfo := madmin.DriveOBDInfo{
Path: path,
latency, throughput, err := disk.GetOBDInfo(ctx, path, pathJoin(path, measurePath))
if err != nil {
driveOBDInfo.Error = err.Error()
} else {
driveOBDInfo.Latency = latency
driveOBDInfo.Throughput = throughput
driveOBDInfo.Path = path
driveOBDInfo.Latency = latency
driveOBDInfo.Throughput = throughput
drivesOBDInfo = append(drivesOBDInfo, driveOBDInfo)
if parallel {
go measure(i, endpoint.Path)
go measure(endpoint.Path)
} else {
measure(i, endpoint.Path)
addr := ""
addr := r.Host
if globalIsDistXL {
addr = GetLocalPeer(endpointZones)
} else {
addr = "minio"
if parallel {
return madmin.ServerDrivesOBDInfo{
@ -122,12 +119,10 @@ func getLocalDrivesOBD(ctx context.Context, parallel bool, endpointZones Endpoin
func getLocalMemOBD(ctx context.Context) madmin.ServerMemOBDInfo {
addr := ""
func getLocalMemOBD(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) madmin.ServerMemOBDInfo {
addr := r.Host
if globalIsDistXL {
addr = GetLocalPeer(globalEndpoints)
} else {
addr = "minio"
swap, err := memhw.SwapMemoryWithContext(ctx)
@ -150,16 +145,13 @@ func getLocalMemOBD(ctx context.Context) madmin.ServerMemOBDInfo {
Addr: addr,
SwapMem: swap,
VirtualMem: vm,
Error: "",
func getLocalProcOBD(ctx context.Context) madmin.ServerProcOBDInfo {
addr := ""
func getLocalProcOBD(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) madmin.ServerProcOBDInfo {
addr := r.Host
if globalIsDistXL {
addr = GetLocalPeer(globalEndpoints)
} else {
addr = "minio"
errProcInfo := func(err error) madmin.ServerProcOBDInfo {
@ -374,16 +366,13 @@ func getLocalProcOBD(ctx context.Context) madmin.ServerProcOBDInfo {
return madmin.ServerProcOBDInfo{
Addr: addr,
Processes: sysProcs,
Error: "",
func getLocalOsInfoOBD(ctx context.Context) madmin.ServerOsOBDInfo {
addr := ""
func getLocalOsInfoOBD(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) madmin.ServerOsOBDInfo {
addr := r.Host
if globalIsDistXL {
addr = GetLocalPeer(globalEndpoints)
} else {
addr = "minio"
info, err := host.InfoWithContext(ctx)
@ -410,6 +399,5 @@ func getLocalOsInfoOBD(ctx context.Context) madmin.ServerOsOBDInfo {
Info: info,
Sensors: sensors,
Users: users,
Error: "",
@ -19,16 +19,15 @@ package cmd
import (
func getLocalDiskHwOBD(ctx context.Context) madmin.ServerDiskHwOBDInfo {
addr := ""
func getLocalDiskHwOBD(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) madmin.ServerDiskHwOBDInfo {
addr := r.Host
if globalIsDistXL {
addr = GetLocalPeer(globalEndpoints)
} else {
addr = "minio"
return madmin.ServerDiskHwOBDInfo{
@ -21,18 +21,17 @@ package cmd
import (
diskhw "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/disk"
func getLocalDiskHwOBD(ctx context.Context) madmin.ServerDiskHwOBDInfo {
addr := ""
func getLocalDiskHwOBD(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) madmin.ServerDiskHwOBDInfo {
addr := r.Host
if globalIsDistXL {
addr = GetLocalPeer(globalEndpoints)
} else {
addr = "minio"
partitions, err := diskhw.PartitionsWithContext(ctx, true)
@ -955,7 +955,6 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) CopyObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Re
// - the object is encrypted using SSE-S3 and the SSE-S3 header is present
// - the object storage class is not changing
// then execute a key rotation.
var keyRotation bool
if cpSrcDstSame && (sseCopyC && sseC) && !chStorageClass {
oldKey, err = ParseSSECopyCustomerRequest(r.Header, srcInfo.UserDefined)
if err != nil {
@ -977,13 +976,12 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) CopyObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Re
// Since we are rotating the keys, make sure to update the metadata.
srcInfo.metadataOnly = true
keyRotation = true
} else {
if isSourceEncrypted || isTargetEncrypted {
// We are not only copying just metadata instead
// we are creating a new object at this point, even
// if source and destination are same objects.
if !keyRotation {
if !srcInfo.metadataOnly {
srcInfo.metadataOnly = false
@ -1512,15 +1510,6 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) NewMultipartUploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r
r.Header.Add(crypto.SSEHeader, crypto.SSEAlgorithmAES256)
// get gateway encryption options
var opts ObjectOptions
opts, err = putOpts(ctx, r, bucket, object, nil)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponseHeadersOnly(w, toAPIError(ctx, err))
// Validate storage class metadata if present
if sc := r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzStorageClass); sc != "" {
if !storageclass.IsValid(sc) {
@ -1585,7 +1574,7 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) NewMultipartUploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r
metadata[ReservedMetadataPrefix+"compression"] = compressionAlgorithmV2
opts, err = putOpts(ctx, r, bucket, object, metadata)
opts, err := putOpts(ctx, r, bucket, object, metadata)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponseHeadersOnly(w, toAPIError(ctx, err))
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ func (client *peerRESTClient) cycleServerBloomFilter(ctx context.Context, req bl
if err != nil {
return nil, err
respBody, err := client.call(peerRESTMethodCycleBloom, nil, &reader, -1)
respBody, err := client.callWithContext(ctx, peerRESTMethodCycleBloom, nil, &reader, -1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -493,9 +493,10 @@ func (s *peerRESTServer) CPUOBDInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reques
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(newContext(r, w, "CpuOBDInfo"))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(r.Context())
defer cancel()
info := getLocalCPUOBDInfo(ctx)
info := getLocalCPUOBDInfo(ctx, r)
defer w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
logger.LogIf(ctx, gob.NewEncoder(w).Encode(info))
@ -508,9 +509,10 @@ func (s *peerRESTServer) DiskHwOBDInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Req
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(newContext(r, w, "DiskHwOBDInfo"))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(r.Context())
defer cancel()
info := getLocalDiskHwOBD(ctx)
info := getLocalDiskHwOBD(ctx, r)
defer w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
logger.LogIf(ctx, gob.NewEncoder(w).Encode(info))
@ -523,9 +525,10 @@ func (s *peerRESTServer) OsOBDInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(newContext(r, w, "OsOBDInfo"))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(r.Context())
defer cancel()
info := getLocalOsInfoOBD(ctx)
info := getLocalOsInfoOBD(ctx, r)
defer w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
logger.LogIf(ctx, gob.NewEncoder(w).Encode(info))
@ -538,9 +541,10 @@ func (s *peerRESTServer) ProcOBDInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reque
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(newContext(r, w, "ProcOBDInfo"))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(r.Context())
defer cancel()
info := getLocalProcOBD(ctx)
info := getLocalProcOBD(ctx, r)
defer w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
logger.LogIf(ctx, gob.NewEncoder(w).Encode(info))
@ -553,9 +557,10 @@ func (s *peerRESTServer) MemOBDInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reques
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(newContext(r, w, "MemOBDInfo"))
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(r.Context())
defer cancel()
info := getLocalMemOBD(ctx)
info := getLocalMemOBD(ctx, r)
defer w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
logger.LogIf(ctx, gob.NewEncoder(w).Encode(info))
@ -630,18 +630,17 @@ func TestPosixStatVol(t *testing.T) {
for i, testCase := range testCases {
var volInfo VolInfo
if _, ok := posixStorage.(*posixDiskIDCheck); !ok {
t.Errorf("Expected the StorageAPI to be of type *posix")
volInfo, err = posixStorage.StatVol(testCase.volName)
volInfo, err := posixStorage.StatVol(testCase.volName)
if err != testCase.expectedErr {
t.Fatalf("TestPosix case : %d, Expected: \"%s\", got: \"%s\"", i+1, testCase.expectedErr, err)
if err == nil {
if volInfo.Name != volInfo.Name {
t.Errorf("TestPosix case %d: Expected the volume name to be \"%s\", instead found \"%s\"", i+1, volInfo.Name, volInfo.Name)
if volInfo.Name != testCase.volName {
t.Errorf("TestPosix case %d: Expected the volume name to be \"%s\", instead found \"%s\"", i+1, volInfo.Name, testCase.volName)
@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ func testPostPolicyBucketHandlerRedirect(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t
expectedLocation := redirectURL.String()
// Check the new location url
if rec.HeaderMap.Get("Location") != expectedLocation {
t.Errorf("Unexpected location, expected = %s, found = `%s`", rec.HeaderMap.Get("Location"), expectedLocation)
if rec.Header().Get("Location") != expectedLocation {
t.Errorf("Unexpected location, expected = %s, found = `%s`", rec.Header().Get("Location"), expectedLocation)
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ func writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, errCode S
if errCtxt != nil {
stsErrorResponse.Error.Message = fmt.Sprintf("%v", errCtxt)
logKind := logger.All
var logKind logger.Kind
switch errCode {
case ErrSTSInternalError, ErrSTSNotInitialized:
logKind = logger.Minio
logKind = logger.Application
logKind = logger.All
logger.LogIf(ctx, errCtxt, logKind)
encodedErrorResponse := encodeResponse(stsErrorResponse)
@ -2425,11 +2425,16 @@ func uploadTestObject(t *testing.T, apiRouter http.Handler, creds auth.Credentia
rec = httptest.NewRecorder()
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
checkRespErr(rec, http.StatusOK)
etag := rec.Header()["ETag"][0]
if etag == "" {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected empty etag")
header := rec.Header()
if v, ok := header["ETag"]; ok {
etag := v[0]
if etag == "" {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected empty etag")
cp = append(cp, CompletePart{partID, etag[1 : len(etag)-1]})
} else {
t.Fatalf("Missing etag header")
cp = append(cp, CompletePart{partID, etag[1 : len(etag)-1]})
// Call CompleteMultipart API
@ -262,7 +262,6 @@ func (xl xlObjects) crawlAndGetDataUsage(ctx context.Context, buckets []BucketIn
buckets = nil
bucketResults := make(chan dataUsageEntryInfo, len(disks))
// Start async collector/saver.
@ -46,13 +46,14 @@ const (
letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1 // All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits
letterIdxMax = 63 / letterIdxBits // # of letter indices fitting in 63 bits
// different kinds of test failures
const (
PASS = "PASS" // Indicate that a test passed
FAIL = "FAIL" // Indicate that a test failed
NA = "NA" // Indicate that a test is not applicable
type ErrorResponse struct {
type errorResponse struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Error" json:"-"`
Code string
Message string
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ func testPresignedPutInvalidHash(s3Client *s3.S3) {
defer resp.Body.Close()
dec := xml.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
errResp := ErrorResponse{}
errResp := errorResponse{}
err = dec.Decode(&errResp)
if err != nil {
failureLog(function, args, startTime, "", "AWS SDK Go unmarshalling xml failed", err).Fatal()
@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ func main() {
// Tests whether the endpoint accepts SSL3.0, TLS1.0 or TLS1.1 connections - fail if so.
// Tests whether the endpoint accepts TLS1.0 or TLS1.1 connections - fail if so.
// Tests whether the endpoint accepts TLS1.2 connections - fail if not.
func testTLSVersions(endpoint string) {
const function = "TLSVersions"
startTime := time.Now()
// Tests whether the endpoint accepts SSL3.0, TLS1.0 or TLS1.1 connections
// Tests whether the endpoint accepts TLS1.0 or TLS1.1 connections
args := map[string]interface{}{
"MinVersion": "tls.VersionSSL30",
"MinVersion": "tls.VersionTLS10",
"MaxVersion": "tls.VersionTLS11",
_, err := tls.Dial("tcp", endpoint, &tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionSSL30,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS10,
MaxVersion: tls.VersionTLS11,
if err == nil {
@ -84,8 +84,3 @@ func (f Filter) Validate() error {
return nil
// isEmpty - returns true if Filter tag is empty
func (f Filter) isEmpty() bool {
return f.And.isEmpty() && f.Prefix == "" && f.Tag.IsEmpty()
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ func benchmarkRWMutex(b *testing.B, localWork, writeRatio int) {
} else {
rwm.RLock(id, source)
for i := 0; i != localWork; i += 1 {
for i := 0; i != localWork; i++ {
foo *= 2
foo /= 2
@ -128,13 +128,6 @@ const (
defaultRetryCap = 1 * time.Second // 1 second.
// newRetryTimer creates a timer with exponentially increasing delays
// until the maximum retry attempts are reached. - this function provides
// resulting retry values to be of maximum jitter.
func newRetryTimer(ctx context.Context, unit time.Duration, cap time.Duration) <-chan int {
return newRetryTimerWithJitter(ctx, unit, cap, MaxJitter)
// newRetryTimerSimple creates a timer with exponentially increasing delays
// until the maximum retry attempts are reached. - this function is a
// simpler version with all default values.
@ -17,8 +17,9 @@
package target
import (
xnet "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/net"
xnet "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/net"
func TestNSQArgs_Validate(t *testing.T) {
@ -148,15 +148,6 @@ var supportedAdminActions = map[AdminAction]struct{}{
AllAdminActions: {},
func parseAdminAction(s string) (AdminAction, error) {
action := AdminAction(s)
if action.IsValid() {
return action, nil
return action, Errorf("unsupported action '%v'", s)
// IsValid - checks if action is valid or not.
func (action AdminAction) IsValid() bool {
_, ok := supportedAdminActions[action]
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import (
@ -128,23 +127,6 @@ func (adm *AdminClient) StorageInfo(ctx context.Context) (StorageInfo, error) {
return storageInfo, nil
type objectHistogramInterval struct {
name string
start, end int64
// ObjectsHistogramIntervals contains the list of intervals
// of an histogram analysis of objects sizes.
var ObjectsHistogramIntervals = []objectHistogramInterval{
{"LESS_THAN_1024_B", -1, 1024 - 1},
{"BETWEEN_1024_B_AND_1_MB", 1024, 1024*1024 - 1},
{"BETWEEN_1_MB_AND_10_MB", 1024 * 1024, 1024*1024*10 - 1},
{"BETWEEN_10_MB_AND_64_MB", 1024 * 1024 * 10, 1024*1024*64 - 1},
{"BETWEEN_64_MB_AND_128_MB", 1024 * 1024 * 64, 1024*1024*128 - 1},
{"BETWEEN_128_MB_AND_512_MB", 1024 * 1024 * 128, 1024*1024*512 - 1},
{"GREATER_THAN_512_MB", 1024 * 1024 * 512, math.MaxInt64},
// DataUsageInfo represents data usage of an Object API
type DataUsageInfo struct {
// LastUpdate is the timestamp of when the data usage info was last updated.
@ -20,10 +20,7 @@ package madmin
import (
@ -116,37 +113,6 @@ func (adm AdminClient) newRetryTimer(ctx context.Context, maxRetry int, unit tim
return attemptCh
// isHTTPReqErrorRetryable - is http requests error retryable, such
// as i/o timeout, connection broken etc..
func isHTTPReqErrorRetryable(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
switch e := err.(type) {
case *url.Error:
switch e.Err.(type) {
case *net.DNSError, *net.OpError, net.UnknownNetworkError:
return true
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Connection closed by foreign host") {
return true
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "net/http: TLS handshake timeout") {
// If error is - tlsHandshakeTimeoutError, retry.
return true
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "i/o timeout") {
// If error is - tcp timeoutError, retry.
return true
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection timed out") {
// If err is a net.Dial timeout, retry.
return true
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken") {
// If error is transport connection broken, retry.
return true
return false
// List of AWS S3 error codes which are retryable.
var retryableS3Codes = map[string]struct{}{
"RequestError": {},
@ -26,9 +26,8 @@ import (
const (
none = "none"
use = "use"
ignore = "ignore"
none = "none"
use = "use"
defaultRecordDelimiter = "\n"
defaultFieldDelimiter = ","
@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ const (
defaultQuoteEscapeCharacter = `"`
defaultCommentCharacter = "#"
always = "always"
asneeded = "asneeded"
@ -43,24 +43,6 @@ func (err *s3Error) Error() string {
return err.message
func errInvalidFileHeaderInfo(err error) *s3Error {
return &s3Error{
code: "InvalidFileHeaderInfo",
message: "The FileHeaderInfo is invalid. Only NONE, USE, and IGNORE are supported.",
statusCode: 400,
cause: err,
func errInvalidQuoteFields(err error) *s3Error {
return &s3Error{
code: "InvalidQuoteFields",
message: "The QuoteFields is invalid. Only ALWAYS and ASNEEDED are supported.",
statusCode: 400,
cause: err,
func errCSVParsingError(err error) *s3Error {
return &s3Error{
code: "CSVParsingError",
@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ func TestParquetInput(t *testing.T) {
offset = fi.Size() + offset
if _, err = file.Seek(offset, os.SEEK_SET); err != nil {
if _, err = file.Seek(offset, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -45,15 +45,6 @@ func (err *s3Error) Error() string {
return err.message
func errInvalidJSONType(err error) *s3Error {
return &s3Error{
code: "InvalidJsonType",
message: "The JsonType is invalid. Only DOCUMENT and LINES are supported.",
statusCode: 400,
cause: err,
func errJSONParsingError(err error) *s3Error {
return &s3Error{
code: "JSONParsingError",
@ -160,9 +160,6 @@ func TestValue_Equals(t *testing.T) {
func TestValue_CSVString(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
value interface{}
type test struct {
name string
want string
Reference in New Issue
Block a user