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synced 2024-12-26 23:25:54 -05:00
387 lines
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387 lines
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package oss
import (
type optionType string
const (
optionParam optionType = "HTTPParameter" // URL参数
optionHTTP optionType = "HTTPHeader" // HTTP头
optionArg optionType = "FuncArgument" // 函数参数
const (
deleteObjectsQuiet = "delete-objects-quiet"
routineNum = "x-routine-num"
checkpointConfig = "x-cp-config"
initCRC64 = "init-crc64"
progressListener = "x-progress-listener"
storageClass = "storage-class"
type (
optionValue struct {
Value interface{}
Type optionType
// Option http option
Option func(map[string]optionValue) error
// ACL is an option to set X-Oss-Acl header
func ACL(acl ACLType) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssACL, string(acl))
// ContentType is an option to set Content-Type header
func ContentType(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderContentType, value)
// ContentLength is an option to set Content-Length header
func ContentLength(length int64) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderContentLength, strconv.FormatInt(length, 10))
// CacheControl is an option to set Cache-Control header
func CacheControl(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderCacheControl, value)
// ContentDisposition is an option to set Content-Disposition header
func ContentDisposition(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderContentDisposition, value)
// ContentEncoding is an option to set Content-Encoding header
func ContentEncoding(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderContentEncoding, value)
// ContentMD5 is an option to set Content-MD5 header
func ContentMD5(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderContentMD5, value)
// Expires is an option to set Expires header
func Expires(t time.Time) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderExpires, t.Format(http.TimeFormat))
// Meta is an option to set Meta header
func Meta(key, value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssMetaPrefix+key, value)
// Range is an option to set Range header, [start, end]
func Range(start, end int64) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderRange, fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", start, end))
// NormalizedRange is an option to set Range header, such as 1024-2048 or 1024- or -2048
func NormalizedRange(nr string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderRange, fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%s", strings.TrimSpace(nr)))
// AcceptEncoding is an option to set Accept-Encoding header
func AcceptEncoding(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderAcceptEncoding, value)
// IfModifiedSince is an option to set If-Modified-Since header
func IfModifiedSince(t time.Time) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderIfModifiedSince, t.Format(http.TimeFormat))
// IfUnmodifiedSince is an option to set If-Unmodified-Since header
func IfUnmodifiedSince(t time.Time) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderIfUnmodifiedSince, t.Format(http.TimeFormat))
// IfMatch is an option to set If-Match header
func IfMatch(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderIfMatch, value)
// IfNoneMatch is an option to set IfNoneMatch header
func IfNoneMatch(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderIfNoneMatch, value)
// CopySource is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source header
func CopySource(sourceBucket, sourceObject string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssCopySource, "/"+sourceBucket+"/"+sourceObject)
// CopySourceRange is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source header
func CopySourceRange(startPosition, partSize int64) Option {
val := "bytes=" + strconv.FormatInt(startPosition, 10) + "-" +
strconv.FormatInt((startPosition+partSize-1), 10)
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssCopySourceRange, val)
// CopySourceIfMatch is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source-If-Match header
func CopySourceIfMatch(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssCopySourceIfMatch, value)
// CopySourceIfNoneMatch is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source-If-None-Match header
func CopySourceIfNoneMatch(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssCopySourceIfNoneMatch, value)
// CopySourceIfModifiedSince is an option to set X-Oss-CopySource-If-Modified-Since header
func CopySourceIfModifiedSince(t time.Time) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssCopySourceIfModifiedSince, t.Format(http.TimeFormat))
// CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source-If-Unmodified-Since header
func CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince(t time.Time) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssCopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince, t.Format(http.TimeFormat))
// MetadataDirective is an option to set X-Oss-Metadata-Directive header
func MetadataDirective(directive MetadataDirectiveType) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssMetadataDirective, string(directive))
// ServerSideEncryption is an option to set X-Oss-Server-Side-Encryption header
func ServerSideEncryption(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssServerSideEncryption, value)
// ObjectACL is an option to set X-Oss-Object-Acl header
func ObjectACL(acl ACLType) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssObjectACL, string(acl))
// symlinkTarget is an option to set X-Oss-Symlink-Target
func symlinkTarget(targetObjectKey string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOssSymlinkTarget, targetObjectKey)
// Origin is an option to set Origin header
func Origin(value string) Option {
return setHeader(HTTPHeaderOrigin, value)
// Delimiter is an option to set delimiler parameter
func Delimiter(value string) Option {
return addParam("delimiter", value)
// Marker is an option to set marker parameter
func Marker(value string) Option {
return addParam("marker", value)
// MaxKeys is an option to set maxkeys parameter
func MaxKeys(value int) Option {
return addParam("max-keys", strconv.Itoa(value))
// Prefix is an option to set prefix parameter
func Prefix(value string) Option {
return addParam("prefix", value)
// EncodingType is an option to set encoding-type parameter
func EncodingType(value string) Option {
return addParam("encoding-type", value)
// MaxUploads is an option to set max-uploads parameter
func MaxUploads(value int) Option {
return addParam("max-uploads", strconv.Itoa(value))
// KeyMarker is an option to set key-marker parameter
func KeyMarker(value string) Option {
return addParam("key-marker", value)
// UploadIDMarker is an option to set upload-id-marker parameter
func UploadIDMarker(value string) Option {
return addParam("upload-id-marker", value)
// DeleteObjectsQuiet DeleteObjects详细(verbose)模式或简单(quiet)模式,默认详细模式。
func DeleteObjectsQuiet(isQuiet bool) Option {
return addArg(deleteObjectsQuiet, isQuiet)
// StorageClass bucket的存储方式
func StorageClass(value StorageClassType) Option {
return addArg(storageClass, value)
// 断点续传配置,包括是否启用、cp文件
type cpConfig struct {
IsEnable bool
FilePath string
// Checkpoint DownloadFile/UploadFile是否开启checkpoint及checkpoint文件路径
func Checkpoint(isEnable bool, filePath string) Option {
return addArg(checkpointConfig, &cpConfig{isEnable, filePath})
// Routines DownloadFile/UploadFile并发数
func Routines(n int) Option {
return addArg(routineNum, n)
// InitCRC AppendObject CRC的校验的初始值
func InitCRC(initCRC uint64) Option {
return addArg(initCRC64, initCRC)
// Progress set progress listener
func Progress(listener ProgressListener) Option {
return addArg(progressListener, listener)
// ResponseContentType is an option to set response-content-type param
func ResponseContentType(value string) Option {
return addParam("response-content-type", value)
// ResponseContentLanguage is an option to set response-content-language param
func ResponseContentLanguage(value string) Option {
return addParam("response-content-language", value)
// ResponseExpires is an option to set response-expires param
func ResponseExpires(value string) Option {
return addParam("response-expires", value)
// ResponseCacheControl is an option to set response-cache-control param
func ResponseCacheControl(value string) Option {
return addParam("response-cache-control", value)
// ResponseContentDisposition is an option to set response-content-disposition param
func ResponseContentDisposition(value string) Option {
return addParam("response-content-disposition", value)
// ResponseContentEncoding is an option to set response-content-encoding param
func ResponseContentEncoding(value string) Option {
return addParam("response-content-encoding", value)
// Process is an option to set X-Oss-Process param
func Process(value string) Option {
return addParam("X-Oss-Process", value)
func setHeader(key string, value interface{}) Option {
return func(params map[string]optionValue) error {
if value == nil {
return nil
params[key] = optionValue{value, optionHTTP}
return nil
func addParam(key string, value interface{}) Option {
return func(params map[string]optionValue) error {
if value == nil {
return nil
params[key] = optionValue{value, optionParam}
return nil
func addArg(key string, value interface{}) Option {
return func(params map[string]optionValue) error {
if value == nil {
return nil
params[key] = optionValue{value, optionArg}
return nil
func handleOptions(headers map[string]string, options []Option) error {
params := map[string]optionValue{}
for _, option := range options {
if option != nil {
if err := option(params); err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range params {
if v.Type == optionHTTP {
headers[k] = v.Value.(string)
return nil
func getRawParams(options []Option) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
// option
params := map[string]optionValue{}
for _, option := range options {
if option != nil {
if err := option(params); err != nil {
return nil, err
paramsm := map[string]interface{}{}
// serialize
for k, v := range params {
if v.Type == optionParam {
vs := params[k]
paramsm[k] = vs.Value.(string)
return paramsm, nil
func findOption(options []Option, param string, defaultVal interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
params := map[string]optionValue{}
for _, option := range options {
if option != nil {
if err := option(params); err != nil {
return nil, err
if val, ok := params[param]; ok {
return val.Value, nil
return defaultVal, nil
func isOptionSet(options []Option, option string) (bool, interface{}, error) {
params := map[string]optionValue{}
for _, option := range options {
if option != nil {
if err := option(params); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if val, ok := params[option]; ok {
return true, val.Value, nil
return false, nil, nil