2016-08-05 20:33:18 +05:30
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2016-08-18 16:23:42 -07:00
package cmd
2016-08-05 20:33:18 +05:30
import (
2016-08-09 21:43:15 +05:30
2016-08-05 20:33:18 +05:30
// generates credential string from its fields.
func generateCredentialStr ( accessKey , date , region , service , requestVersion string ) string {
2016-08-09 21:43:15 +05:30
return "Credential=" + joinWithSlash ( accessKey , date , region , service , requestVersion )
// joins the argument strings with a '/' and returns it.
func joinWithSlash ( accessKey , date , region , service , requestVersion string ) string {
return strings . Join ( [ ] string {
2016-08-05 20:33:18 +05:30
accessKey ,
date ,
region ,
service ,
requestVersion } , "/" )
// generate CredentialHeader from its fields.
func generateCredentials ( t * testing . T , accessKey string , date string , region , service , requestVersion string ) credentialHeader {
cred := credentialHeader {
accessKey : accessKey ,
parsedDate , err := time . Parse ( yyyymmdd , date )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Failed to parse date" )
cred . scope . date = parsedDate
cred . scope . region = region
cred . scope . service = service
cred . scope . request = requestVersion
return cred
// validates the credential fields against the expected credential.
func validateCredentialfields ( t * testing . T , testNum int , expectedCredentials credentialHeader , actualCredential credentialHeader ) {
if expectedCredentials . accessKey != actualCredential . accessKey {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: AccessKey mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"" , testNum , expectedCredentials . accessKey , actualCredential . accessKey )
if expectedCredentials . scope . date != actualCredential . scope . date {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Date mismatch:Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"" , testNum , expectedCredentials . scope . date , actualCredential . scope . date )
if expectedCredentials . scope . region != actualCredential . scope . region {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: region mismatch:Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"" , testNum , expectedCredentials . scope . region , actualCredential . scope . region )
if expectedCredentials . scope . service != actualCredential . scope . service {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: service mismatch:Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"" , testNum , expectedCredentials . scope . service , actualCredential . scope . service )
if expectedCredentials . scope . request != actualCredential . scope . request {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: scope request mismatch:Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"" , testNum , expectedCredentials . scope . request , actualCredential . scope . request )
// TestParseCredentialHeader - validates the format validator and extractor for the Credential header in an aws v4 request.
// A valid format of creadential should be of the following format.
// Credential = accessKey + "/"+ scope
// where scope = string.Join([]string{ currTime.Format(yyyymmdd),
// "us-east-1",
// "s3",
// "aws4_request",
// },"/")
func TestParseCredentialHeader ( t * testing . T ) {
sampleTimeStr := time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) . Format ( yyyymmdd )
testCases := [ ] struct {
inputCredentialStr string
expectedCredentials credentialHeader
expectedErrCode APIErrorCode
} {
// Test Case - 1.
// Test case with no '=' in te inputCredentialStr.
inputCredentialStr : "Credential" ,
expectedCredentials : credentialHeader { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMissingFields ,
} ,
// Test Case - 2.
// Test case with no "Credential" string in te inputCredentialStr.
inputCredentialStr : "Cred=" ,
expectedCredentials : credentialHeader { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMissingCredTag ,
} ,
// Test Case - 3.
// Test case with malformed credentials.
inputCredentialStr : "Credential=abc" ,
expectedCredentials : credentialHeader { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrCredMalformed ,
} ,
// Test Case - 4.
2016-11-02 14:45:11 -07:00
// Test case with AccessKey of length 4.
2016-08-05 20:33:18 +05:30
inputCredentialStr : generateCredentialStr (
2016-11-02 14:45:11 -07:00
"^#@." ,
2016-08-05 20:33:18 +05:30
time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) . Format ( yyyymmdd ) ,
"ABCD" ,
"ABCD" ,
"ABCD" ) ,
expectedCredentials : credentialHeader { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidAccessKeyID ,
} ,
// Test Case - 5.
// Test case with invalid date format date.
// a valid date format for credentials is "yyyymmdd".
inputCredentialStr : generateCredentialStr (
time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) . String ( ) ,
"ABCD" ,
"ABCD" ,
"ABCD" ) ,
expectedCredentials : credentialHeader { } ,
2016-08-09 21:43:15 +05:30
expectedErrCode : ErrMalformedCredentialDate ,
2016-08-05 20:33:18 +05:30
} ,
// Test Case - 6.
// Test case with invalid region.
// region should a non empty string.
inputCredentialStr : generateCredentialStr (
time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) . Format ( yyyymmdd ) ,
"" ,
"ABCD" ,
"ABCD" ) ,
expectedCredentials : credentialHeader { } ,
2016-08-09 21:43:15 +05:30
expectedErrCode : ErrMalformedCredentialRegion ,
2016-08-05 20:33:18 +05:30
} ,
// Test Case - 7.
// Test case with invalid service.
// "s3" is the valid service string.
inputCredentialStr : generateCredentialStr (
time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) . Format ( yyyymmdd ) ,
"us-west-1" ,
"ABCD" ,
"ABCD" ) ,
expectedCredentials : credentialHeader { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidService ,
} ,
// Test Case - 8.
// Test case with invalid request version.
// "aws4_request" is the valid request version.
inputCredentialStr : generateCredentialStr (
time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) . Format ( yyyymmdd ) ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"ABCD" ) ,
expectedCredentials : credentialHeader { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidRequestVersion ,
} ,
// Test Case - 9.
// Test case with right inputs. Expected to return a valid CredentialHeader.
// "aws4_request" is the valid request version.
inputCredentialStr : generateCredentialStr (
sampleTimeStr ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"aws4_request" ) ,
expectedCredentials : generateCredentials (
t ,
sampleTimeStr ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"aws4_request" ) ,
expectedErrCode : ErrNone ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
actualCredential , actualErrCode := parseCredentialHeader ( testCase . inputCredentialStr )
// validating the credential fields.
if testCase . expectedErrCode != actualErrCode {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: Expected the APIErrCode to be %d, got %d" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedErrCode , actualErrCode )
if actualErrCode == ErrNone {
validateCredentialfields ( t , i + 1 , testCase . expectedCredentials , actualCredential )
// TestParseSignature - validates the logic for extracting the signature string.
func TestParseSignature ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
inputSignElement string
expectedSignStr string
expectedErrCode APIErrorCode
} {
// Test case - 1.
// SignElemenet doesn't have 2 parts on an attempt to split at '='.
// ErrMissingFields expected.
inputSignElement : "Signature" ,
expectedSignStr : "" ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMissingFields ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// SignElemenet with missing "SignatureTag",ErrMissingSignTag expected.
inputSignElement : "Sign=" ,
expectedSignStr : "" ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMissingSignTag ,
} ,
// Test case - 3.
// Test case with valid inputs.
inputSignElement : "Signature=abcd" ,
expectedSignStr : "abcd" ,
expectedErrCode : ErrNone ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
actualSignStr , actualErrCode := parseSignature ( testCase . inputSignElement )
if testCase . expectedErrCode != actualErrCode {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: Expected the APIErrCode to be %d, got %d" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedErrCode , actualErrCode )
if actualErrCode == ErrNone {
if testCase . expectedSignStr != actualSignStr {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected the result to be \"%s\", but got \"%s\". " , i + 1 , testCase . expectedSignStr , actualSignStr )
// TestParseSignedHeaders - validates the logic for extracting the signature string.
func TestParseSignedHeaders ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
inputSignElement string
expectedSignedHeaders [ ] string
expectedErrCode APIErrorCode
} {
// Test case - 1.
// SignElemenet doesn't have 2 parts on an attempt to split at '='.
// ErrMissingFields expected.
inputSignElement : "SignedHeaders" ,
expectedSignedHeaders : nil ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMissingFields ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// SignElemenet with missing "SigHeaderTag",ErrMissingSignHeadersTag expected.
inputSignElement : "Sign=" ,
expectedSignedHeaders : nil ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMissingSignHeadersTag ,
} ,
// Test case - 3.
// Test case with valid inputs.
inputSignElement : "SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date" ,
expectedSignedHeaders : [ ] string { "host" , "x-amz-content-sha256" , "x-amz-date" } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrNone ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
actualSignedHeaders , actualErrCode := parseSignedHeaders ( testCase . inputSignElement )
if testCase . expectedErrCode != actualErrCode {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected the APIErrCode to be %d, got %d" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedErrCode , actualErrCode )
if actualErrCode == ErrNone {
if strings . Join ( testCase . expectedSignedHeaders , "," ) != strings . Join ( actualSignedHeaders , "," ) {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected the result to be \"%v\", but got \"%v\". " , i + 1 , testCase . expectedSignedHeaders , actualSignedHeaders )
// TestParseSignV4 - Tests Parsing of v4 signature form the authorization string.
func TestParseSignV4 ( t * testing . T ) {
sampleTimeStr := time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) . Format ( yyyymmdd )
testCases := [ ] struct {
inputV4AuthStr string
expectedAuthField signValues
expectedErrCode APIErrorCode
} {
// Test case - 1.
// Test case with empty auth string.
inputV4AuthStr : "" ,
expectedAuthField : signValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrAuthHeaderEmpty ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// Test case with no sign v4 Algorithm prefix.
// A valid authorization string should begin(prefix)
inputV4AuthStr : "no-singv4AlgorithmPrefix" ,
expectedAuthField : signValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrSignatureVersionNotSupported ,
} ,
// Test case - 3.
// Test case with missing fields.
// A valid authorization string should have 3 fields.
inputV4AuthStr : signV4Algorithm ,
expectedAuthField : signValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMissingFields ,
} ,
// Test case - 4.
// Test case with invalid credential field.
inputV4AuthStr : signV4Algorithm + " Cred=,a,b" ,
expectedAuthField : signValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMissingCredTag ,
} ,
// Test case - 5.
// Auth field with missing "SigHeaderTag",ErrMissingSignHeadersTag expected.
// A vaild credential is generated.
// Test case with invalid credential field.
inputV4AuthStr : signV4Algorithm +
strings . Join ( [ ] string {
// generating a valid credential field.
generateCredentialStr (
sampleTimeStr ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"aws4_request" ) ,
// Incorrect SignedHeader field.
"SignIncorrectHeader=" ,
"b" ,
} , "," ) ,
expectedAuthField : signValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMissingSignHeadersTag ,
} ,
2016-08-09 21:43:15 +05:30
// Test case - 6.
2016-08-05 20:33:18 +05:30
// Auth string with missing "SignatureTag",ErrMissingSignTag expected.
// A vaild credential is generated.
// Test case with invalid credential field.
inputV4AuthStr : signV4Algorithm +
strings . Join ( [ ] string {
// generating a valid credential.
generateCredentialStr (
sampleTimeStr ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"aws4_request" ) ,
// valid SignedHeader.
"SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date" ,
// invalid Signature field.
// a valid signature is of form "Signature="
"Sign=" ,
} , "," ) ,
expectedAuthField : signValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMissingSignTag ,
} ,
2016-08-09 21:43:15 +05:30
// Test case - 7.
2016-08-05 20:33:18 +05:30
inputV4AuthStr : signV4Algorithm +
strings . Join ( [ ] string {
// generating a valid credential.
generateCredentialStr (
sampleTimeStr ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"aws4_request" ) ,
// valid SignedHeader.
"SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date" ,
// valid Signature field.
// a valid signature is of form "Signature="
"Signature=abcd" ,
} , "," ) ,
expectedAuthField : signValues {
Credential : generateCredentials (
t ,
sampleTimeStr ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"aws4_request" ) ,
SignedHeaders : [ ] string { "host" , "x-amz-content-sha256" , "x-amz-date" } ,
Signature : "abcd" ,
} ,
expectedErrCode : ErrNone ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
parsedAuthField , actualErrCode := parseSignV4 ( testCase . inputV4AuthStr )
if testCase . expectedErrCode != actualErrCode {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: Expected the APIErrCode to be %d, got %d" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedErrCode , actualErrCode )
if actualErrCode == ErrNone {
// validating the extracted/parsed credential fields.
validateCredentialfields ( t , i + 1 , testCase . expectedAuthField . Credential , parsedAuthField . Credential )
// validating the extraction/parsing of signature field.
if testCase . expectedAuthField . Signature != parsedAuthField . Signature {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Parsed Signature field mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedAuthField . Signature , parsedAuthField . Signature )
// validating the extracted signed headers.
if strings . Join ( testCase . expectedAuthField . SignedHeaders , "," ) != strings . Join ( parsedAuthField . SignedHeaders , "," ) {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected the result to be \"%v\", but got \"%v\". " , i + 1 , testCase . expectedAuthField , parsedAuthField . SignedHeaders )
2016-08-09 21:43:15 +05:30
// TestDoesV4PresignParamsExist - tests validate the logic to
func TestDoesV4PresignParamsExist ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
inputQueryKeyVals [ ] string
expectedErrCode APIErrorCode
} {
// Test case - 1.
// contains all query param keys which are necessary for v4 presign request.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Credential" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Date" , "" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "" ,
} ,
expectedErrCode : ErrNone ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// missing "X-Amz-Algorithm" in tdhe query param.
// contains all query param keys which are necessary for v4 presign request.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
"X-Amz-Credential" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Date" , "" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "" ,
} ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidQueryParams ,
} ,
// Test case - 3.
// missing "X-Amz-Credential" in the query param.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Date" , "" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "" ,
} ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidQueryParams ,
} ,
// Test case - 4.
// missing "X-Amz-Signature" in the query param.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Credential" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Date" , "" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "" ,
} ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidQueryParams ,
} ,
// Test case - 5.
// missing "X-Amz-Date" in the query param.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Credential" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "" ,
} ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidQueryParams ,
} ,
// Test case - 6.
// missing "X-Amz-SignedHeaders" in the query param.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Credential" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Date" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "" ,
} ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidQueryParams ,
} ,
// Test case - 7.
// missing "X-Amz-Expires" in the query param.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Credential" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Date" , "" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "" ,
} ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidQueryParams ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
inputQuery := url . Values { }
// iterating through input query key value and setting the inputQuery of type url.Values.
for j := 0 ; j < len ( testCase . inputQueryKeyVals ) - 1 ; j += 2 {
inputQuery . Set ( testCase . inputQueryKeyVals [ j ] , testCase . inputQueryKeyVals [ j + 1 ] )
actualErrCode := doesV4PresignParamsExist ( inputQuery )
if testCase . expectedErrCode != actualErrCode {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: Expected the APIErrCode to be %d, got %d" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedErrCode , actualErrCode )
// TestParsePreSignV4 - Validates the parsing logic of Presignied v4 request from its url query values.
func TestParsePreSignV4 ( t * testing . T ) {
// converts the duration in seconds into string format.
getDurationStr := func ( expires int ) string {
return strconv . FormatInt ( int64 ( expires ) , 10 )
// used in expected preSignValues, preSignValues.Date is of type time.Time .
2016-09-19 13:14:55 -07:00
queryTime := time . Now ( ) . UTC ( )
2016-08-09 21:43:15 +05:30
sampleTimeStr := time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) . Format ( yyyymmdd )
testCases := [ ] struct {
inputQueryKeyVals [ ] string
expectedPreSignValues preSignValues
expectedErrCode APIErrorCode
} {
// Test case - 1.
// A Valid v4 presign URL requires the following params to be in the query.
// "X-Amz-Algorithm", "X-Amz-Credential", "X-Amz-Signature", " X-Amz-Date", "X-Amz-SignedHeaders", "X-Amz-Expires".
// If these params are missing its expected to get ErrInvalidQueryParams .
// In the following test case 2 out of 6 query params are missing.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Credential" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "" ,
} ,
expectedPreSignValues : preSignValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidQueryParams ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// Test case with invalid "X-Amz-Algorithm" query value.
// The other query params should exist, other wise ErrInvalidQueryParams will be returned because of missing fields.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , "InvalidValue" ,
"X-Amz-Credential" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Date" , "" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "" ,
} ,
expectedPreSignValues : preSignValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrInvalidQuerySignatureAlgo ,
} ,
// Test case - 3.
// Test case with valid "X-Amz-Algorithm" query value, but invalid "X-Amz-Credential" header.
// Malformed crenential.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
// valid "X-Amz-Algorithm" header.
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , signV4Algorithm ,
// valid "X-Amz-Credential" header.
"X-Amz-Credential" , "invalid-credential" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Date" , "" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "" ,
} ,
expectedPreSignValues : preSignValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrCredMalformed ,
} ,
// Test case - 4.
// Test case with valid "X-Amz-Algorithm" query value.
// Malformed date.
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
// valid "X-Amz-Algorithm" header.
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , signV4Algorithm ,
// valid "X-Amz-Credential" header.
"X-Amz-Credential" , joinWithSlash (
sampleTimeStr ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"aws4_request" ) ,
// invalid "X-Amz-Date" query.
"X-Amz-Date" , "invalid-time" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
} ,
expectedPreSignValues : preSignValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMalformedPresignedDate ,
} ,
// Test case - 5.
// Test case with valid "X-Amz-Algorithm", "X-Amz-Credential", "X-Amz-Date" query value.
// Malformed Expiry, a valid expiry should be of format "<int>s".
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
// valid "X-Amz-Algorithm" header.
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , signV4Algorithm ,
// valid "X-Amz-Credential" header.
"X-Amz-Credential" , joinWithSlash (
sampleTimeStr ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"aws4_request" ) ,
// valid "X-Amz-Date" query.
"X-Amz-Date" , time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) . Format ( iso8601Format ) ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , "MalformedExpiry" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "" ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "" ,
} ,
expectedPreSignValues : preSignValues { } ,
expectedErrCode : ErrMalformedExpires ,
} ,
// Test case - 6.
// Test case with valid "X-Amz-Algorithm", "X-Amz-Credential", "X-Amz-Date" query value.
// Malformed Expiry, a valid expiry should be of format "<int>s".
inputQueryKeyVals : [ ] string {
// valid "X-Amz-Algorithm" header.
"X-Amz-Algorithm" , signV4Algorithm ,
// valid "X-Amz-Credential" header.
"X-Amz-Credential" , joinWithSlash (
sampleTimeStr ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"aws4_request" ) ,
// valid "X-Amz-Date" query.
"X-Amz-Date" , queryTime . UTC ( ) . Format ( iso8601Format ) ,
"X-Amz-Expires" , getDurationStr ( 100 ) ,
"X-Amz-Signature" , "abcd" ,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders" , "host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date" ,
} ,
expectedPreSignValues : preSignValues {
signValues {
// Credentials.
generateCredentials (
t ,
sampleTimeStr ,
"us-west-1" ,
"s3" ,
"aws4_request" ,
) ,
// SignedHeaders.
[ ] string { "host" , "x-amz-content-sha256" , "x-amz-date" } ,
// Signature.
"abcd" ,
} ,
// Date
queryTime ,
// Expires.
100 * time . Second ,
} ,
expectedErrCode : ErrNone ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
inputQuery := url . Values { }
// iterating through input query key value and setting the inputQuery of type url.Values.
for j := 0 ; j < len ( testCase . inputQueryKeyVals ) - 1 ; j += 2 {
inputQuery . Set ( testCase . inputQueryKeyVals [ j ] , testCase . inputQueryKeyVals [ j + 1 ] )
// call the function under test.
parsedPreSign , actualErrCode := parsePreSignV4 ( inputQuery )
if testCase . expectedErrCode != actualErrCode {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: Expected the APIErrCode to be %d, got %d" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedErrCode , actualErrCode )
if actualErrCode == ErrNone {
// validating credentials.
validateCredentialfields ( t , i + 1 , testCase . expectedPreSignValues . Credential , parsedPreSign . Credential )
// validating signed headers.
if strings . Join ( testCase . expectedPreSignValues . SignedHeaders , "," ) != strings . Join ( parsedPreSign . SignedHeaders , "," ) {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected the result to be \"%v\", but got \"%v\". " , i + 1 , testCase . expectedPreSignValues . SignedHeaders , parsedPreSign . SignedHeaders )
// validating signature field.
if testCase . expectedPreSignValues . Signature != parsedPreSign . Signature {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Signature field mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedPreSignValues . Signature , parsedPreSign . Signature )
// validating expiry duration.
if testCase . expectedPreSignValues . Expires != parsedPreSign . Expires {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected expiry time to be %v, but got %v" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedPreSignValues . Expires , parsedPreSign . Expires )
// validating presign date field.
if testCase . expectedPreSignValues . Date . UTC ( ) . Format ( iso8601Format ) != parsedPreSign . Date . UTC ( ) . Format ( iso8601Format ) {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected date to be %v, but got %v" , i + 1 , testCase . expectedPreSignValues . Date . UTC ( ) . Format ( iso8601Format ) , parsedPreSign . Date . UTC ( ) . Format ( iso8601Format ) )