2017-01-23 18:07:22 -08:00
/ *
2017-02-22 17:27:26 -08:00
* Minio Cloud Storage ( C ) 2016 Minio , Inc .
2017-01-23 18:07:22 -08:00
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
import React from 'react'
import connect from 'react-redux/lib/components/connect'
import * as actions from '../actions'
import Tooltip from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Tooltip'
import Modal from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Modal'
import ModalBody from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ModalBody'
import ModalHeader from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ModalHeader'
import OverlayTrigger from 'react-bootstrap/lib/OverlayTrigger'
import InputGroup from './InputGroup'
class SettingsModal extends React . Component {
// When the settings are shown, it loads the access key and secret key.
componentWillMount ( ) {
const { web , dispatch } = this . props
const { serverInfo } = this . props
let accessKeyEnv = ''
let secretKeyEnv = ''
2017-05-24 21:09:23 -07:00
// Check environment variables first.
if ( serverInfo . info . isEnvCreds ) {
2017-01-23 18:07:22 -08:00
dispatch ( actions . setSettings ( {
2017-05-24 21:09:23 -07:00
accessKey : 'xxxxxxxxx' ,
secretKey : 'xxxxxxxxx' ,
keysReadOnly : true
2017-01-23 18:07:22 -08:00
} ) )
} else {
web . GetAuth ( )
. then ( data => {
dispatch ( actions . setSettings ( {
accessKey : data . accessKey ,
secretKey : data . secretKey
} ) )
} )
// When they are re-hidden, the keys are unloaded from memory.
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
const { dispatch } = this . props
dispatch ( actions . setSettings ( {
accessKey : '' ,
secretKey : '' ,
secretKeyVisible : false
} ) )
dispatch ( actions . hideSettings ( ) )
// Handle field changes from inside the modal.
accessKeyChange ( e ) {
const { dispatch } = this . props
dispatch ( actions . setSettings ( {
accessKey : e . target . value
} ) )
secretKeyChange ( e ) {
const { dispatch } = this . props
dispatch ( actions . setSettings ( {
secretKey : e . target . value
} ) )
secretKeyVisible ( secretKeyVisible ) {
const { dispatch } = this . props
dispatch ( actions . setSettings ( {
} ) )
// Save the auth params and set them.
setAuth ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( )
const { web , dispatch } = this . props
let accessKey = document . getElementById ( 'accessKey' ) . value
let secretKey = document . getElementById ( 'secretKey' ) . value
web . SetAuth ( {
accessKey ,
} )
. then ( data => {
dispatch ( actions . setSettings ( {
accessKey : '' ,
secretKey : '' ,
secretKeyVisible : false
} ) )
dispatch ( actions . hideSettings ( ) )
dispatch ( actions . showAlert ( {
type : 'success' ,
message : 'Changed credentials'
} ) )
} )
. catch ( err => {
dispatch ( actions . setSettings ( {
accessKey : '' ,
secretKey : '' ,
secretKeyVisible : false
} ) )
dispatch ( actions . hideSettings ( ) )
dispatch ( actions . showAlert ( {
type : 'danger' ,
message : err . message
} ) )
} )
generateAuth ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( )
const { dispatch } = this . props
web . GenerateAuth ( )
. then ( data => {
dispatch ( actions . setSettings ( {
secretKeyVisible : true
} ) )
dispatch ( actions . setSettings ( {
accessKey : data . accessKey ,
secretKey : data . secretKey
} ) )
} )
hideSettings ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( )
const { dispatch } = this . props
dispatch ( actions . hideSettings ( ) )
render ( ) {
let { settings } = this . props
return (
< Modal bsSize = "sm" animation = { false } show = { true } >
< ModalHeader >
Change Password
< / M o d a l H e a d e r >
< ModalBody className = "m-t-20" >
< InputGroup value = { settings . accessKey }
onChange = { this . accessKeyChange . bind ( this ) }
id = "accessKey"
label = "Access Key"
name = "accesskey"
type = "text"
spellCheck = "false"
required = "required"
autoComplete = "false"
align = "ig-left"
readonly = { settings . keysReadOnly } > < / I n p u t G r o u p >
< i onClick = { this . secretKeyVisible . bind ( this , ! settings . secretKeyVisible ) } className = { "toggle-password fa fa-eye " + ( settings . secretKeyVisible ? "toggled" : "" ) } / >
< InputGroup value = { settings . secretKey }
onChange = { this . secretKeyChange . bind ( this ) }
id = "secretKey"
label = "Secret Key"
name = "accesskey"
type = { settings . secretKeyVisible ? "text" : "password" }
spellCheck = "false"
required = "required"
autoComplete = "false"
align = "ig-left"
readonly = { settings . keysReadOnly } > < / I n p u t G r o u p >
< / M o d a l B o d y >
< div className = "modal-footer" >
< button className = { "btn btn-primary " + ( settings . keysReadOnly ? "hidden" : "" ) } onClick = { this . generateAuth . bind ( this ) } >
< / b u t t o n >
< button href = "" className = { "btn btn-success " + ( settings . keysReadOnly ? "hidden" : "" ) } onClick = { this . setAuth . bind ( this ) } >
< / b u t t o n >
< button href = "" className = "btn btn-link" onClick = { this . hideSettings . bind ( this ) } >
< / b u t t o n >
< / d i v >
< / M o d a l >
export default connect ( state => {
return {
web : state . web ,
settings : state . settings ,
serverInfo : state . serverInfo
} ) ( SettingsModal )