As a prerequisite to run MinIO S3 gateway, you need valid AWS S3 access key and secret key by default. Optionally you can also set custom access/secret key, when you have rotating AWS IAM credentials or AWS credentials through environment variables (i.e. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID)
Minimum permissions required if you wish to provide restricted access with your AWS credentials, please make sure you have following IAM policies attached for your AWS user or roles.
MinIO gateway to S3 supports encryption of data at rest. Three types of encryption modes are supported
- encryption can be set to ``pass-through`` to backend
- ``single encryption`` (at the gateway)
- ``double encryption`` (single encryption at gateway and pass through to backend).
This can be specified by setting MINIO_GATEWAY_SSE environment variable. If MINIO_GATEWAY_SSE and KMS are not setup, all encryption headers are passed through to the backend. If KMS environment variables are set up, ``single encryption`` is automatically performed at the gateway and encrypted object is saved at the backend.
To specify ``double encryption``, MINIO_GATEWAY_SSE environment variable needs to be set to "s3" for sse-s3
and "c" for sse-c encryption. More than one encryption option can be set, delimited by ";". Objects are encrypted at the gateway and the gateway also does a pass-through to backend. Note that in the case of SSE-C encryption, gateway derives a unique SSE-C key for pass through from the SSE-C client key using a key derivation function (KDF).
MinIO edge caching allows storing content closer to the applications. Frequently accessed objects are stored in a local disk based cache. Edge caching with MinIO gateway feature allows
MinIO Gateway comes with an embedded web based object browser. Point your web browser to to ensure that your server has started successfully.