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# Bucket Versioning Design Guide [![Slack](https://slack.min.io/slack?type=svg)](https://slack.min.io) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/minio/minio.svg?maxAge=604800)](https://hub.docker.com/r/minio/minio/)
## Description of `xl.meta`
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`xl.meta` is a new self describing backend format used by MinIO to support AWS S3 compatible versioning.
This file is the source of truth for each `version` at rest. `xl.meta` is a msgpack file serialized from a
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well defined data structure. To understand `xl.meta` here are the few things to start with
`xl.meta` carries first 8 bytes an XL header which describes the current format and the format version,
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allowing the unmarshaller's to automatically use the right data structures to parse the subsequent content in the stream.
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### v1.0
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| Entry | Encoding | Content
| ----------|-------------|----------------------------------------
| xlHeader | [4]byte | `'X', 'L', '2', ' '`
| xlVersion | [4]byte | `'1', ' ', ' ', ' '`
| xlMetaV2 | msgp object | All versions as single messagepack object
| [EOF] | |
### v1.1+
Version 1.1 added inline data, which will be placed after the metadata.
Therefore, the metadata is wrapped as a binary array for easy skipping.
| Entry | Encoding | Content
| ---------------|----------------|----------------------------------------
| xlHeader | [4]byte | `'X', 'L', '2', ' '`
| xlVersionMajor | uint16 | Major xl-meta version.
| xlVersionMinor | uint16 | Minor xl-meta version.
| xlMetaV2 | msgp bin array | Bin array with serialized metadata
| crc | msgp uint | Lower 32 bits of 64 bit xxhash of previous array contents (v1.2+ only)
| inline data | binary | Inline data if any, see Inline Data section for encoding.
| [EOF] | |
## v1.0-v1.2 Versions
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`xl.meta` carries three types of object entries which designate the type of version object stored.
- ObjectType (default)
- LegacyObjectType (preserves existing deployments and older xl.json format)
- DeleteMarker (a versionId to capture the DELETE sequences implemented primarily for AWS spec compatibility)
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A sample msgpack-JSON `xl.meta`, you can debug the content inside `xl.meta` using [xl-meta.go](https://github.com/minio/minio/tree/master/docs/debugging#decoding-metadata) program.
"Versions": [
"Type": 1,
"V2Obj": {
"ID": "KWUs8S+8RZq4Vp5TWy6KFg==",
"DDir": "X3pDAFu8Rjyft7QD6t7W5g==",
"EcAlgo": 1,
"EcM": 2,
"EcN": 2,
"EcBSize": 10485760,
"EcIndex": 3,
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"EcDist": [3, 4, 1, 2],
"CSumAlgo": 1,
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"PartNums": [1],
"PartETags": [""],
"PartSizes": [314],
"PartASizes": [282],
"Size": 314,
"MTime": 1591820730,
"MetaSys": {
"X-Minio-Internal-Server-Side-Encryption-S3-Kms-Key-Id": "bXktbWluaW8ta2V5",
"X-Minio-Internal-Server-Side-Encryption-S3-Kms-Sealed-Key": "ZXlKaFpXRmtJam9pUVVWVExUSTFOaTFIUTAwdFNFMUJReTFUU0VFdE1qVTJJaXdpYVhZaU9pSkJMMVZzZFVnelZYVjZSR2N6UkhGWUwycEViRmRCUFQwaUxDSnViMjVqWlNJNklpdE9lbkJXVWtseFlWSlNVa2t2UVhNaUxDSmllWFJsY3lJNklrNDBabVZsZG5WU1NWVnRLMFoyUWpBMVlYTk9aMU41YVhoU1RrNUpkMDlhTkdKa2RuaGpLMjFuVDNnMFFYbFJhbE15V0hkU1pEZzNRMk54ZUN0SFFuSWlmUT09",
"X-Minio-Internal-Server-Side-Encryption-Seal-Algorithm": "REFSRXYyLUhNQUMtU0hBMjU2",
"X-Minio-Internal-Server-Side-Encryption-Iv": "bW5YRDhRUGczMVhkc2pJT1V1UVlnbWJBcndIQVhpTUN1dnVBS0QwNUVpaz0=",
"X-Minio-Internal-Server-Side-Encryption-S3-Sealed-Key": "SUFBZkFPeUo5ZHVVSEkxYXFLU0NSRkJTTnM0QkVJNk9JWU1QcFVTSXFhK2dHVThXeE9oSHJCZWwwdnRvTldUNE8zS1BtcWluR0cydmlNNFRWa0N0Mmc9PQ=="
"MetaUsr": {
"content-type": "application/octet-stream",
"etag": "20000f00f58c508b40720270929bd90e9f07b9bd78fb605e5432a67635fc34722e4fc53b1d5fab9ff8400eb9ded4fba2"
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### v1.3+ versions
Version 1.3 introduces changes to help with [faster metadata reads and updates](https://blog.min.io/minio-versioning-metadata-deep-dive/)
| Entry | Encoding | Content
| ----------------|-----------------------------|----------------------------------------
| xlHeaderVersion | msgp uint | header version identifier
| xlMetaVersion | msgp uint | metadata version identifier
| versions | msgp int | Number of versions following
| header_1 | msgp bin array | Header of version 1
| metadata_1 | msgp bin array | Metadata of version 1
| ...header_n | msgp bin array | Header of last version
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| ...metadata_n | msgp bin array | Metadata of last version
Each header contains a mspg array (tuple) encoded object:
xlHeaderVersion version == 1:
//msgp:tuple xlMetaV2VersionHeader
type xlMetaV2VersionHeader struct {
VersionID [16]byte // Version UUID, raw.
ModTime int64 // Unix nanoseconds.
Signature [4]byte // Signature of metadata.
Type uint8 // Type if the version
Flags uint8
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The following flags are defined:
const (
FreeVersion = 1 << 0
UsesDataDir = 1 << 1
InlineData = 1 << 2
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The "Metadata" section contains a single version, encoded in similar fashion as each version in the `Versions` array
of the previous version.
## Inline Data
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Inline data is optional. If no inline data is present, it is encoded as 0 bytes.
| Entry | Encoding | Content
| --------------------|-----------------------------|----------------------------------------
| xlMetaInlineDataVer | byte | version identifier
| id -> data | msgp `map[string][]byte` | Map of string id -> byte content
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Currently only xlMetaInlineDataVer == 1 exists.
The ID is the string encoded Version ID of which the data corresponds.