2016-09-01 00:09:08 +05:30
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* Minio Cloud Storage , ( C ) 2016 Minio , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
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package cmd
import (
2016-09-30 14:32:13 -07:00
2016-09-01 00:09:08 +05:30
const (
debugRLockStr = "RLock"
debugWLockStr = "WLock"
// struct containing information of status (ready/running/blocked) of an operation with given operation ID.
type debugLockInfo struct {
lockType string // "Rlock" or "WLock".
lockOrigin string // contains the trace of the function which invoked the lock, obtained from runtime.
status string // status can be running/ready/blocked.
since time . Time // time info of the since how long the status holds true.
// debugLockInfo - container for storing locking information for unique copy (volume,path) pair.
// ref variable holds the reference count for locks held for.
// `ref` values helps us understand the n locks held for given <volume, path> pair.
// `running` value helps us understand the total successful locks held (not blocked) for given <volume, path> pair and the operation is under execution.
// `blocked` value helps us understand the total number of operations blocked waiting on locks for given <volume,path> pair.
type debugLockInfoPerVolumePath struct {
ref int64 // running + blocked operations.
running int64 // count of successful lock acquire and running operations.
blocked int64 // count of number of operations blocked waiting on lock.
lockInfo ( map [ string ] debugLockInfo ) // map of [operationID] debugLockInfo{operation, status, since} .
// returns an instance of debugLockInfo.
// need to create this for every unique pair of {volume,path}.
// total locks, number of calls blocked on locks, and number of successful locks held but not unlocked yet.
func newDebugLockInfoPerVolumePath ( ) * debugLockInfoPerVolumePath {
return & debugLockInfoPerVolumePath {
lockInfo : make ( map [ string ] debugLockInfo ) ,
ref : 0 ,
blocked : 0 ,
running : 0 ,
// LockInfoOriginNotFound - While changing the state of the lock info its important that the entry for
// lock at a given origin exists, if not `LockInfoOriginNotFound` is returned.
type LockInfoOriginNotFound struct {
volume string
path string
operationID string
lockOrigin string
func ( l LockInfoOriginNotFound ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "No lock state stored for the lock origined at \"%s\", for <volume> %s, <path> %s, <operationID> %s." ,
l . lockOrigin , l . volume , l . path , l . operationID )
// LockInfoVolPathMssing - Error interface. Returned when the info the
type LockInfoVolPathMssing struct {
volume string
path string
func ( l LockInfoVolPathMssing ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "No entry in debug Lock Map for Volume: %s, path: %s." , l . volume , l . path )
// LockInfoOpsIDNotFound - Returned when the lock state info exists, but the entry for
// given operation ID doesn't exist.
type LockInfoOpsIDNotFound struct {
volume string
path string
operationID string
func ( l LockInfoOpsIDNotFound ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "No entry in lock info for <Operation ID> %s, <volume> %s, <path> %s." , l . operationID , l . volume , l . path )
// LockInfoStateNotBlocked - When an attempt to change the state of the lock form `blocked` to `running` is done,
// its necessary that the state before the transsition is "blocked", otherwise LockInfoStateNotBlocked returned.
type LockInfoStateNotBlocked struct {
volume string
path string
operationID string
func ( l LockInfoStateNotBlocked ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "Lock state should be \"Blocked\" for <volume> %s, <path> %s, <operationID> %s." , l . volume , l . path , l . operationID )
2016-09-30 14:32:13 -07:00
var errLockNotInitialized = errors . New ( "Debug Lock Map not initialized:\n1. Enable Lock Debugging using right ENV settings \n2. Make sure initNSLock() is called." )
2016-09-01 00:09:08 +05:30
// change the state of the lock from Blocked to Running.
func ( n * nsLockMap ) statusBlockedToRunning ( param nsParam , lockOrigin , operationID string , readLock bool ) error {
// This operation is not executed under the scope nsLockMap.mutex.Lock(), lock has to be explicitly held here.
n . lockMapMutex . Lock ( )
defer n . lockMapMutex . Unlock ( )
if n . debugLockMap == nil {
2016-09-30 14:32:13 -07:00
return errLockNotInitialized
2016-09-01 00:09:08 +05:30
// new state info to be set for the lock.
newLockInfo := debugLockInfo {
lockOrigin : lockOrigin ,
status : "Running" ,
since : time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) ,
// set lock type.
if readLock {
newLockInfo . lockType = debugRLockStr
} else {
newLockInfo . lockType = debugWLockStr
// check whether the lock info entry for <volume, path> pair already exists and its not `nil`.
if debugLockMap , ok := n . debugLockMap [ param ] ; ok {
// ``*debugLockInfoPerVolumePath` entry containing lock info for `param <volume, path>` is `nil`.
if debugLockMap == nil {
2016-09-30 14:32:13 -07:00
return errLockNotInitialized
2016-09-01 00:09:08 +05:30
} else {
// The lock state info foe given <volume, path> pair should already exist.
// If not return `LockInfoVolPathMssing`.
return LockInfoVolPathMssing { param . volume , param . path }
// Lock info the for the given operation ID shouldn't be `nil`.
if n . debugLockMap [ param ] . lockInfo == nil {
return LockInfoOpsIDNotFound { param . volume , param . path , operationID }
if lockInfo , ok := n . debugLockMap [ param ] . lockInfo [ operationID ] ; ok {
// The entry for the lock origined at `lockOrigin` should already exist.
// If not return `LockInfoOriginNotFound`.
if lockInfo . lockOrigin != lockOrigin {
return LockInfoOriginNotFound { param . volume , param . path , operationID , lockOrigin }
// Status of the lock should already be set to "Blocked".
// If not return `LockInfoStateNotBlocked`.
if lockInfo . status != "Blocked" {
return LockInfoStateNotBlocked { param . volume , param . path , operationID }
} else {
// The lock info entry for given `opsID` should already exist for given <volume, path> pair.
// If not return `LockInfoOpsIDNotFound`.
return LockInfoOpsIDNotFound { param . volume , param . path , operationID }
// All checks finished.
// changing the status of the operation from blocked to running and updating the time.
n . debugLockMap [ param ] . lockInfo [ operationID ] = newLockInfo
// After locking unblocks decrease the blocked counter.
n . blockedCounter --
// Increase the running counter.
n . runningLockCounter ++
n . debugLockMap [ param ] . blocked --
n . debugLockMap [ param ] . running ++
return nil
// change the state of the lock from Ready to Blocked.
func ( n * nsLockMap ) statusNoneToBlocked ( param nsParam , lockOrigin , operationID string , readLock bool ) error {
if n . debugLockMap == nil {
2016-09-30 14:32:13 -07:00
return errLockNotInitialized
2016-09-01 00:09:08 +05:30
newLockInfo := debugLockInfo {
lockOrigin : lockOrigin ,
status : "Blocked" ,
since : time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) ,
if readLock {
newLockInfo . lockType = debugRLockStr
} else {
newLockInfo . lockType = debugWLockStr
if lockInfo , ok := n . debugLockMap [ param ] ; ok {
if lockInfo == nil {
// *debugLockInfoPerVolumePath entry is nil, initialize here to avoid any case of `nil` pointer access.
n . initLockInfoForVolumePath ( param )
} else {
// State info entry for the given <volume, pair> doesn't exist, initializing it.
n . initLockInfoForVolumePath ( param )
// lockInfo is a map[string]debugLockInfo, which holds map[OperationID]{status,time, origin} of the lock.
if n . debugLockMap [ param ] . lockInfo == nil {
n . debugLockMap [ param ] . lockInfo = make ( map [ string ] debugLockInfo )
// The status of the operation with the given operation ID is marked blocked till its gets unblocked from the lock.
n . debugLockMap [ param ] . lockInfo [ operationID ] = newLockInfo
// Increment the Global lock counter.
n . globalLockCounter ++
// Increment the counter for number of blocked opertions, decrement it after the locking unblocks.
n . blockedCounter ++
// increment the reference of the lock for the given <volume,path> pair.
n . debugLockMap [ param ] . ref ++
// increment the blocked counter for the given <volume, path> pair.
n . debugLockMap [ param ] . blocked ++
return nil
// deleteLockInfoEntry - Deletes the lock state information for given <volume, path> pair. Called when nsLk.ref count is 0.
func ( n * nsLockMap ) deleteLockInfoEntryForVolumePath ( param nsParam ) error {
if n . debugLockMap == nil {
2016-09-30 14:32:13 -07:00
return errLockNotInitialized
2016-09-01 00:09:08 +05:30
// delete the lock info for the given operation.
if _ , found := n . debugLockMap [ param ] ; found {
// Remove from the map if there are no more references for the given (volume,path) pair.
delete ( n . debugLockMap , param )
} else {
return LockInfoVolPathMssing { param . volume , param . path }
return nil
// deleteLockInfoEntry - Deletes the entry for given opsID in the lock state information of given <volume, path> pair.
// called when the nsLk ref count for the given <volume, path> pair is not 0.
func ( n * nsLockMap ) deleteLockInfoEntryForOps ( param nsParam , operationID string ) error {
if n . debugLockMap == nil {
2016-09-30 14:32:13 -07:00
return errLockNotInitialized
2016-09-01 00:09:08 +05:30
// delete the lock info for the given operation.
if infoMap , found := n . debugLockMap [ param ] ; found {
// the opertion finished holding the lock on the resource, remove the entry for the given operation with the operation ID.
if _ , foundInfo := infoMap . lockInfo [ operationID ] ; foundInfo {
// decrease the global running and lock reference counter.
n . runningLockCounter --
n . globalLockCounter --
2016-09-01 02:54:37 -07:00
// decrease the lock referee counter for the lock info for given <volume,path> pair.
2016-09-01 00:09:08 +05:30
// decrease the running operation number. Its assumed that the operation is over once an attempt to release the lock is made.
infoMap . running --
// decrease the total reference count of locks jeld on <volume,path> pair.
infoMap . ref --
delete ( infoMap . lockInfo , operationID )
} else {
// Unlock request with invalid opertion ID not accepted.
return LockInfoOpsIDNotFound { param . volume , param . path , operationID }
} else {
return LockInfoVolPathMssing { param . volume , param . path }
return nil
2016-09-27 14:35:43 -07:00
// return randomly generated string ID
func getOpsID ( ) string {
return string ( generateRequestID ( ) )
2016-09-01 00:09:08 +05:30