This document explains some basic assumptions and design approach, limits of the disk caching feature. If you're looking to get started with disk cache, we suggest you go through the [getting started document]( first.
- The cache drives are required to be a filesystem mount point with [`atime`]( support to be enabled on the drive. Alternatively writable directories with atime support can be specified in MINIO_CACHE_DRIVES
- Expiration of each cached entry takes user provided expiry as a hint, and defaults to 90 days if not provided.
- Garbage collection sweep of the expired cache entries happens whenever cache usage is > 80% of drive capacity, GC continues until sufficient disk space is reclaimed.
> NOTE: Expiration happens automatically based on the configured interval as explained above, frequently accessed objects stay alive in cache for a significantly longer time.
Upon restart of minio server after a running minio process is killed or crashes, disk caching resumes automatically. The garbage collection cycle resumes and any previously cached entries are served from cache.
- Objects are distributed using deterministic hashing among the list of configured cache drives. If one or more drives go offline, or cache drive configuration is altered in any way, performance may degrade to a linear lookup time depending on the number of disks in cache.