2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
/ *
* Minio Cloud Storage , ( C ) 2018 Minio , Inc .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
* /
package s3select
import (
// Unit Test for the checkForDuplicates function.
func TestCheckForDuplicates ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
myReq [ ] string
myHeaders map [ string ] int
myDup map [ string ] bool
myLow map [ string ] int
myErr error
} {
{ [ ] string { "name" , "id" , "last_name" , "last_name" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , ErrAmbiguousFieldName } ,
{ [ ] string { "name" , "id" , "last_name" , "another_name" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , nil } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
err := checkForDuplicates ( table . myReq , table . myHeaders , table . myDup , table . myLow )
if err != table . myErr {
t . Error ( )
// Test for the function which processes columnnames to make sure that they are
// compatible with spaces.
func TestMyProcessing ( t * testing . T ) {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "Here , is, a, string + \n + random,random,stuff,stuff " ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
tables := [ ] struct {
myReq [ ] string
myHeaders map [ string ] int
myDup map [ string ] bool
myLow map [ string ] int
myOpts * Options
input * Input
length int
testOutput string
myErr error
} {
{ [ ] string { "name" , "id" , "last_name" , "CAST" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , s3s , 4 , "CAST" , nil } ,
{ [ ] string { "name" , "id" , "last_name" , "another_name" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , s3s , 4 , "another_name" , nil } ,
{ [ ] string { "name" , "id" , "last_name" , "another_name" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , s3s , 4 , "another_name" , nil } ,
{ [ ] string { "name" , "id" , "random_name" , "fame_name" , "another_col" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , s3s , 5 , "fame_name" , nil } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
err = checkForDuplicates ( table . myReq , table . myHeaders , table . myDup , table . myLow )
if err != table . myErr {
t . Error ( )
if len ( table . myReq ) != table . length {
t . Errorf ( "UnexpectedError" )
if table . myReq [ 3 ] != table . testOutput {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyRowIndexResults is a unit test which makes sure that the rows that are
// being printed are appropriate to the query being requested.
func TestMyRowIndexResults ( t * testing . T ) {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "Here , is, a, string + \n + random,random,stuff,stuff " ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
tables := [ ] struct {
myReq [ ] string
myHeaders map [ string ] int
myDup map [ string ] bool
myLow map [ string ] int
myOpts * Options
input * Input
myRecord [ ] string
myTarget string
myAsterix string
columns [ ] string
err error
} {
{ [ ] string { "1" , "2" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , s3s , [ ] string { "target" , "random" , "hello" , "stuff" } , "target,random" , "target,random,hello,stuff" , [ ] string { "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" } , nil } ,
{ [ ] string { "2" , "3" , "4" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , s3s , [ ] string { "random" , "hullo" , "thing" , "stuff" } , "hullo,thing,stuff" , "random,hullo,thing,stuff" , [ ] string { "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" } , nil } ,
{ [ ] string { "3" , "2" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , s3s , [ ] string { "random" , "hullo" , "thing" , "stuff" } , "thing,hullo" , "random,hullo,thing,stuff" , [ ] string { "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" } , nil } ,
{ [ ] string { "11" , "1" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , s3s , [ ] string { "random" , "hullo" , "thing" , "stuff" } , "" , "random,hullo,thing,stuff" , [ ] string { "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" } , ErrInvalidColumnIndex } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
checkForDuplicates ( table . columns , table . myHeaders , table . myDup , table . myLow )
myRow , err := s3s . processColNameIndex ( table . myRecord , table . myReq , table . columns )
if err != table . err {
t . Error ( )
if myRow != table . myTarget {
t . Error ( )
myRow = table . input . printAsterix ( table . myRecord )
if myRow != table . myAsterix {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyHelperFunctions is a unit test which tests some small helper string
// functions.
func TestMyHelperFunctions ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
myReq string
myList [ ] string
myIndex int
expected bool
} {
{ "test1" , [ ] string { "test1" , "test2" , "test3" , "test4" , "test5" } , 0 , true } ,
{ "random" , [ ] string { "test1" , "test2" , "test3" , "test4" , "test5" } , - 1 , false } ,
{ "test3" , [ ] string { "test1" , "test2" , "test3" , "test4" , "test5" } , 2 , true } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
if stringInSlice ( table . myReq , table . myList ) != table . expected {
t . Error ( )
if stringIndex ( table . myReq , table . myList ) != table . myIndex {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyStateMachine is a unit test which ensures that the lowest level of the
// interpreter is converting properly.
func TestMyStateMachine ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
operand interface { }
operator string
leftArg string
err error
expected bool
} {
{ "2005" , ">" , "2012" , nil , true } ,
{ 2005 , ">" , "2012" , nil , true } ,
{ 2012.0000 , ">" , "2014.000" , nil , true } ,
{ "NA" , ">" , "2014.000" , nil , false } ,
{ 2014 , ">" , "Random" , nil , false } ,
{ "test3" , ">" , "aandom" , nil , false } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
val , err := evaluateOperator ( table . leftArg , table . operator , table . operand )
if err != table . err {
t . Error ( )
if val != table . expected {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyOperators is a unit test which ensures that the appropriate values are
// being returned from the operators functions.
func TestMyOperators ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
operator string
err error
} {
{ ">" , nil } ,
{ "%" , ErrParseUnknownOperator } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
err := checkValidOperator ( table . operator )
if err != table . err {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyConversion ensures that the conversion of the value from the csv
// happens correctly.
func TestMyConversion ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
myTblVal string
expected reflect . Kind
} {
{ "2014" , reflect . Int } ,
{ "2014.000" , reflect . Float64 } ,
{ "String!!!" , reflect . String } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
val := reflect . ValueOf ( checkStringType ( table . myTblVal ) ) . Kind ( )
if val != table . expected {
t . Error ( )
// Unit Tests for Parser.
func TestMyParser ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
myQuery string
err error
reqCols [ ] string
alias string
myLimit int
aggFuncs [ ] string
header [ ] string
} {
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT" , nil , [ ] string { "*" } , "S3OBJECT" , 0 , make ( [ ] string , 1 ) , [ ] string { "name1" , "name2" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT AS A" , nil , [ ] string { "*" } , "A" , 0 , make ( [ ] string , 1 ) , [ ] string { "name1" , "name2" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT col_name FROM S3OBJECT AS A" , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" } , "A" , 0 , make ( [ ] string , 1 ) , [ ] string { "col_name" , "name2" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT col_name,col_other FROM S3OBJECT AS A LIMIT 5" , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" } , "A" , 5 , make ( [ ] string , 2 ) , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT col_name,col_other FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE col_name = 'Name' LIMIT 5" , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" } , "A" , 5 , make ( [ ] string , 2 ) , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT col_name,col_other FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE col_name = 'Name LIMIT 5" , ErrLexerInvalidChar , nil , "" , 0 , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT count(*) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE col_name = 'Name' LIMIT 5" , nil , [ ] string { "*" } , "A" , 5 , [ ] string { "count" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT sum(col_name),sum(col_other) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE col_name = 'Name' LIMIT 5" , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" } , "A" , 5 , [ ] string { "sum" , "sum" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" } } ,
{ "SELECT A.col_name FROM S3OBJECT AS A" , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" } , "A" , 0 , make ( [ ] string , 1 ) , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT A._col_name FROM S3OBJECT AS A" , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" } , "A" , 0 , make ( [ ] string , 1 ) , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT A._col_name FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE randomname > 5" , ErrMissingHeaders , nil , "" , 0 , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT A._col_name FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE A._11 > 5" , ErrInvalidColumnIndex , nil , "" , 0 , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT COALESCE(col_name,col_other) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE A._3 > 5" , nil , [ ] string { "" } , "A" , 0 , [ ] string { "" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT COALESCE(col_name,col_other),COALESCE(col_name,col_other) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE A._3 > 5" , nil , [ ] string { "" , "" } , "A" , 0 , [ ] string { "" , "" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT COALESCE(col_name,col_other) ,col_name , COALESCE(col_name,col_other) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE col_name > 5" , nil , [ ] string { "" , "col_name" , "" } , "A" , 0 , [ ] string { "" , "" , "" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT NULLIF(col_name,col_other) ,col_name , COALESCE(col_name,col_other) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE col_name > 5" , nil , [ ] string { "" , "col_name" , "" } , "A" , 0 , [ ] string { "" , "" , "" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT NULLIF(col_name,col_other) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE col_name > 5" , nil , [ ] string { "" } , "A" , 0 , [ ] string { "" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT NULLIF(randomname,col_other) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE col_name > 5" , ErrMissingHeaders , nil , "" , 0 , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT col_name FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE COALESCE(random,5) > 5" , ErrMissingHeaders , nil , "" , 0 , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT col_name FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE NULLIF(random,5) > 5" , ErrMissingHeaders , nil , "" , 0 , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT col_name FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE LOWER(col_name) BETWEEN 5 AND 7" , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" } , "A" , 0 , [ ] string { "" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT UPPER(col_name) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE LOWER(col_name) BETWEEN 5 AND 7" , nil , [ ] string { "" } , "A" , 0 , [ ] string { "" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT UPPER(*) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE LOWER(col_name) BETWEEN 5 AND 7" , ErrParseUnsupportedCallWithStar , nil , "" , 0 , nil , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT NULLIF(col_name,col_name) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE NULLIF(LOWER(col_name),col_name) BETWEEN 5 AND 7" , nil , [ ] string { "" } , "A" , 0 , [ ] string { "" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "SELECT COALESCE(col_name,col_name) FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE NULLIF(LOWER(col_name),col_name) BETWEEN 5 AND 7" , nil , [ ] string { "" } , "A" , 0 , [ ] string { "" } , [ ] string { "col_name" , "col_other" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "name1,name2,name3,name4" + "\n" + "5,is,a,string" + "\n" + "random,random,stuff,stuff" ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
HeaderOpt : true ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
s3s . header = table . header
reqCols , alias , myLimit , _ , aggFunctionNames , _ , err := s3s . ParseSelect ( table . myQuery )
if table . err != err {
t . Error ( )
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( reqCols , table . reqCols ) {
t . Error ( )
if alias != table . alias {
t . Error ( )
2018-08-22 12:46:04 +02:00
if myLimit != int64 ( table . myLimit ) {
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
t . Error ( )
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( table . aggFuncs , aggFunctionNames ) {
t . Error ( )
// Unit tests for the main function that performs aggreggation.
func TestMyAggregationFunc ( t * testing . T ) {
columnsMap := make ( map [ string ] int )
columnsMap [ "Col1" ] = 0
columnsMap [ "Col2" ] = 1
tables := [ ] struct {
counter int
filtrCount int
myAggVals [ ] float64
columnsMap map [ string ] int
storeReqCols [ ] string
storeFunctions [ ] string
record [ ] string
err error
expectedVal float64
} {
{ 10 , 5 , [ ] float64 { 10 } , columnsMap , [ ] string { "Col1" } , [ ] string { "count" } , [ ] string { "1" , "2" } , nil , 11 } ,
{ 10 , 5 , [ ] float64 { 10 } , columnsMap , [ ] string { "Col1" } , [ ] string { "min" } , [ ] string { "1" , "2" } , nil , 1 } ,
{ 10 , 5 , [ ] float64 { 10 } , columnsMap , [ ] string { "Col1" } , [ ] string { "max" } , [ ] string { "1" , "2" } , nil , 10 } ,
{ 10 , 5 , [ ] float64 { 10 } , columnsMap , [ ] string { "Col1" } , [ ] string { "sum" } , [ ] string { "1" , "2" } , nil , 11 } ,
{ 1 , 1 , [ ] float64 { 10 } , columnsMap , [ ] string { "Col1" } , [ ] string { "avg" } , [ ] string { "1" , "2" } , nil , 5.500 } ,
{ 10 , 5 , [ ] float64 { 0.000 } , columnsMap , [ ] string { "Col1" } , [ ] string { "random" } , [ ] string { "1" , "2" } , ErrParseNonUnaryAgregateFunctionCall , 0 } ,
{ 0 , 5 , [ ] float64 { 0 } , columnsMap , [ ] string { "0" } , [ ] string { "count" } , [ ] string { "1" , "2" } , nil , 1 } ,
{ 10 , 5 , [ ] float64 { 10 } , columnsMap , [ ] string { "1" } , [ ] string { "min" } , [ ] string { "1" , "12" } , nil , 10 } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
err := aggregationFunctions ( table . counter , table . filtrCount , table . myAggVals , table . columnsMap , table . storeReqCols , table . storeFunctions , table . record )
if table . err != err {
t . Error ( )
if table . myAggVals [ 0 ] != table . expectedVal {
t . Error ( )
// Unit Tests for the function which converts a float array to string.
func TestToStringAgg ( t * testing . T ) {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "Here , is, a, string + \n + random,random,stuff,stuff " ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
HeaderOpt : true ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
tables := [ ] struct {
myAggVal [ ] float64
expected string
} {
{ [ ] float64 { 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 } , "10.000000,11.000000,12.000000,13.000000,14.000000" } ,
{ [ ] float64 { 10 } , "10.000000" } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
val := s3s . aggFuncToStr ( table . myAggVal )
if val != table . expected {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyRowColLiteralResults is a unit test which makes sure that the rows that
// are being printed are appropriate to the query being requested.
func TestMyRowColLiteralResults ( t * testing . T ) {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "Here , is, a, string + \n + random,random,stuff,stuff " ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
HeaderOpt : true ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
tables := [ ] struct {
myReq [ ] string
myHeaders map [ string ] int
myDup map [ string ] bool
myLow map [ string ] int
myOpts * Options
tempList [ ] string
input * Input
myRecord [ ] string
myTarget string
columns [ ] string
err error
} {
{ [ ] string { "draft" , "year" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , [ ] string { "draft" , "year" } , s3s , [ ] string { "target" , "random" , "hello" , "stuff" } , "target,random" , [ ] string { "draft" , "year" , "random" , "another" } , nil } ,
{ [ ] string { "year" , "draft" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , [ ] string { "year" , "draft" } , s3s , [ ] string { "draft" , "2012" , "thing" , "stuff" } , "2012,draft" , [ ] string { "draft" , "year" , "random" , "another" } , nil } ,
{ [ ] string { "yearrandomstuff" , "draft" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , [ ] string { "yearrandomstuff" , "draft" } , s3s , [ ] string { "draft" , "2012" , "thing" , "stuff" } , "" , [ ] string { "draft" , "year" , "random" , "another" } , ErrMissingHeaders } ,
{ [ ] string { "draft" , "randomstuff" } , make ( map [ string ] int ) , make ( map [ string ] bool ) , make ( map [ string ] int ) , options , [ ] string { "yearrandomstuff" , "draft" } , s3s , [ ] string { "draft" , "2012" , "thing" , "stuff" } , "" , [ ] string { "draft" , "year" , "random" , "another" } , ErrMissingHeaders } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
checkForDuplicates ( table . columns , table . myHeaders , table . myDup , table . myLow )
myRow , err := table . input . processColNameLiteral ( table . myRecord , table . myReq , table . tempList , table . myHeaders , nil )
if err != table . err {
t . Error ( )
if myRow != table . myTarget {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyWhereEval is a function which provides unit tests for the function
// which evaluates the where clause.
func TestMyWhereEval ( t * testing . T ) {
columnsMap := make ( map [ string ] int )
columnsMap [ "Col1" ] = 0
columnsMap [ "Col2" ] = 1
tables := [ ] struct {
myQuery string
record [ ] string
err error
expected bool
header [ ] string
} {
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT" , [ ] string { "record_1,record_2,record_3,record_4" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT WHERE Col1 < -1" , [ ] string { "0" , "1" } , nil , false , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT WHERE Col1 < -1 OR Col2 > 15" , [ ] string { "151" , "12" } , nil , false , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT WHERE Col1 > -1 AND Col2 > 15" , [ ] string { "151" , "12" } , nil , false , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT WHERE Col1 > 1.00" , [ ] string { "151.0000" , "12" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT WHERE Col1 > 100" , [ ] string { "random" , "12" } , nil , false , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT WHERE Col1 BETWEEN 100 AND 0" , [ ] string { "151" , "12" } , nil , false , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT WHERE Col1 BETWEEN 100.0 AND 0.0" , [ ] string { "151" , "12" } , nil , false , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE A.1 BETWEEN 160 AND 150" , [ ] string { "151" , "12" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE A._1 BETWEEN 160 AND 0" , [ ] string { "151" , "12" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE A._1 BETWEEN 0 AND 160" , [ ] string { "151" , "12" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT A._1 LIKE 'r%'" , [ ] string { "record_1,record_2,record_3,record_4" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT s._2 FROM S3Object s WHERE s._2 = 'Steven'" , [ ] string { "record_1" , "Steven" , "Steven" , "record_4" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE Col1 BETWEEN 0 AND 160" , [ ] string { "151" , "12" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE Col1 BETWEEN 160 AND 0" , [ ] string { "151" , "12" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE UPPER(Col1) BETWEEN 160 AND 0" , [ ] string { "151" , "12" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE UPPER(Col1) = 'RANDOM'" , [ ] string { "random" , "12" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
{ "SELECT * FROM S3OBJECT AS A WHERE LOWER(UPPER(Col1) = 'random'" , [ ] string { "random" , "12" } , nil , true , [ ] string { "Col1" , "Col2" } } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "name1,name2,name3,name4" + "\n" + "5,is,a,string" + "\n" + "random,random,stuff,stuff" ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
HeaderOpt : true ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
s3s . header = table . header
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
_ , alias , _ , whereClause , _ , _ , _ := s3s . ParseSelect ( table . myQuery )
myVal , err := matchesMyWhereClause ( table . record , columnsMap , alias , whereClause )
if table . err != err {
t . Error ( )
if myVal != table . expected {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyStringComparator is a unit test which ensures that the appropriate
// values are being compared for strings.
func TestMyStringComparator ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
operand string
operator string
myVal string
expected bool
err error
} {
{ "random" , ">" , "myName" , "random" > "myName" , nil } ,
{ "12" , "!=" , "myName" , "12" != "myName" , nil } ,
{ "12" , "=" , "myName" , "12" == "myName" , nil } ,
{ "12" , "<=" , "myName" , "12" <= "myName" , nil } ,
{ "12" , ">=" , "myName" , "12" >= "myName" , nil } ,
{ "12" , "<" , "myName" , "12" < "myName" , nil } ,
{ "name" , "like" , "_x%" , false , nil } ,
{ "12" , "randomoperator" , "myName" , false , ErrUnsupportedSyntax } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
myVal , err := stringEval ( table . operand , table . operator , table . myVal )
if err != table . err {
t . Error ( )
if myVal != table . expected {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyFloatComparator is a unit test which ensures that the appropriate
// values are being compared for floats.
func TestMyFloatComparator ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
operand float64
operator string
myVal float64
expected bool
err error
} {
{ 12.000 , ">" , 13.000 , 12.000 > 13.000 , nil } ,
{ 1000.000 , "!=" , 1000.000 , 1000.000 != 1000.000 , nil } ,
{ 1000.000 , "<" , 1000.000 , 1000.000 < 1000.000 , nil } ,
{ 1000.000 , "<=" , 1000.000 , 1000.000 <= 1000.000 , nil } ,
{ 1000.000 , ">=" , 1000.000 , 1000.000 >= 1000.000 , nil } ,
{ 1000.000 , "=" , 1000.000 , 1000.000 == 1000.000 , nil } ,
{ 17.000 , "randomoperator" , 0.0 , false , ErrUnsupportedSyntax } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
myVal , err := floatEval ( table . operand , table . operator , table . myVal )
if err != table . err {
t . Error ( )
if myVal != table . expected {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyIntComparator is a unit test which ensures that the appropriate values
// are being compared for ints.
func TestMyIntComparator ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
operand int64
operator string
myVal int64
expected bool
err error
} {
{ 12 , ">" , 13 , 12.000 > 13.000 , nil } ,
{ 1000 , "!=" , 1000 , 1000.000 != 1000.000 , nil } ,
{ 1000 , "<" , 1000 , 1000.000 < 1000.000 , nil } ,
{ 1000 , "<=" , 1000 , 1000.000 <= 1000.000 , nil } ,
{ 1000 , ">=" , 1000 , 1000.000 >= 1000.000 , nil } ,
{ 1000 , "=" , 1000 , 1000.000 >= 1000.000 , nil } ,
{ 17 , "randomoperator" , 0 , false , ErrUnsupportedSyntax } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
myVal , err := intEval ( table . operand , table . operator , table . myVal )
if err != table . err {
t . Error ( )
if myVal != table . expected {
t . Error ( )
// TestMySizeFunction is a function which provides unit testing for the function
// which calculates size.
func TestMySizeFunction ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
myRecord [ ] string
expected int64
} {
{ [ ] string { "test1" , "test2" , "test3" , "test4" , "test5" } , 30 } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
if processSize ( table . myRecord ) != table . expected {
t . Error ( )
// TestInterpreter is a function which provides unit testing for the main
// interpreter function.
func TestInterpreter ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
myQuery string
myChan chan * Row
err error
header [ ] string
} {
{ "Select random from S3OBJECT" , make ( chan * Row ) , ErrMissingHeaders , [ ] string { "name1" , "name2" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "Select * from S3OBJECT as A WHERE name2 > 5.00" , make ( chan * Row ) , nil , [ ] string { "name1" , "name2" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "Select * from S3OBJECT" , make ( chan * Row ) , nil , [ ] string { "name1" , "name2" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "Select A_1 from S3OBJECT as A" , make ( chan * Row ) , nil , [ ] string { "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" } } ,
{ "Select count(*) from S3OBJECT" , make ( chan * Row ) , nil , [ ] string { "name1" , "name2" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
{ "Select * from S3OBJECT WHERE name1 > 5.00" , make ( chan * Row ) , nil , [ ] string { "name1" , "name2" , "name3" , "name4" } } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "name1,name2,name3,name4" + "\n" + "5,is,a,string" + "\n" + "random,random,stuff,stuff" ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
HeaderOpt : true ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
s3s . header = table . header
reqCols , alias , myLimit , whereClause , aggFunctionNames , _ , err := s3s . ParseSelect ( table . myQuery )
if err != table . err {
t . Fatal ( )
if err == nil {
go s3s . processSelectReq ( reqCols , alias , whereClause , myLimit , aggFunctionNames , table . myChan , nil )
select {
case row , ok := <- table . myChan :
if ok && len ( row . record ) > 0 {
} else if ok && row . err != nil {
if row . err != table . err {
t . Error ( )
close ( table . myChan )
} else if ! ok {
// TestMyXMLFunction is a function that provides unit testing for the XML
// creating function.
func TestMyXMLFunction ( t * testing . T ) {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "name1,name2,name3,name4" + "\n" + "5,is,a,string" + "\n" + "random,random,stuff,stuff" ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
HeaderOpt : true ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
tables := [ ] struct {
expectedStat int
expectedProgress int
} {
2018-09-16 23:22:46 -07:00
{ 150 , 156 } ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
for _ , table := range tables {
myVal , _ := s3s . createStatXML ( )
myOtherVal , _ := s3s . createProgressXML ( )
if len ( myVal ) != table . expectedStat {
t . Error ( )
if len ( myOtherVal ) != table . expectedProgress {
fmt . Println ( len ( myOtherVal ) )
t . Error ( )
// TestMyProtocolFunction is a function which provides unit testing for several
// of the functions which write the binary protocol.
func TestMyProtocolFunction ( t * testing . T ) {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "name1,name2,name3,name4" + "\n" + "5,is,a,string" + "\n" + "random,random,stuff,stuff" ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
HeaderOpt : true ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
tables := [ ] struct {
payloadMsg string
expectedRecord int
expectedEnd int
} {
{ "random payload" , 115 , 56 } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
var currentMessage = & bytes . Buffer { }
if len ( s3s . writeRecordMessage ( table . payloadMsg , currentMessage ) . Bytes ( ) ) != table . expectedRecord {
t . Error ( )
currentMessage . Reset ( )
if len ( s3s . writeEndMessage ( currentMessage ) . Bytes ( ) ) != table . expectedEnd {
t . Error ( )
currentMessage . Reset ( )
if len ( s3s . writeContinuationMessage ( currentMessage ) . Bytes ( ) ) != 57 {
t . Error ( )
currentMessage . Reset ( )
// TestMyInfoProtocolFunctions is a function which provides unit testing for the
// stat and progress messages of the protocols.
func TestMyInfoProtocolFunctions ( t * testing . T ) {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : true ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "name1,name2,name3,name4" + "\n" + "5,is,a,string" + "\n" + "random,random,stuff,stuff" ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
myVal , _ := s3s . createStatXML ( )
myOtherVal , _ := s3s . createProgressXML ( )
tables := [ ] struct {
payloadStatMsg string
payloadProgressMsg string
expectedStat int
expectedProgress int
} {
2018-09-16 23:22:46 -07:00
{ myVal , myOtherVal , 233 , 243 } ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
for _ , table := range tables {
var currBuf = & bytes . Buffer { }
if len ( s3s . writeStatMessage ( table . payloadStatMsg , currBuf ) . Bytes ( ) ) != table . expectedStat {
t . Error ( )
currBuf . Reset ( )
if len ( s3s . writeProgressMessage ( table . payloadProgressMsg , currBuf ) . Bytes ( ) ) != table . expectedProgress {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyErrorProtocolFunctions is a function which provides unit testing for
// the error message type of protocol.
func TestMyErrorProtocolFunctions ( t * testing . T ) {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "name1,name2,name3,name4" + "\n" + "5,is,a,string" + "\n" + "random,random,stuff,stuff" ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
HeaderOpt : true ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
tables := [ ] struct {
err error
expectedError int
} {
{ ErrInvalidCast , 248 } ,
{ ErrTruncatedInput , 200 } ,
{ ErrUnsupportedSyntax , 114 } ,
{ ErrCSVParsingError , 157 } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
var currentMessage = & bytes . Buffer { }
if len ( s3s . writeErrorMessage ( table . err , currentMessage ) . Bytes ( ) ) != table . expectedError {
t . Error ( )
func TestMatch ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
pattern string
text string
matched bool
} {
// Test case - 1.
// Test case so that the match occurs on the opening letter.
pattern : "a%" ,
text : "apple" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// Test case so that the ending letter is true.
pattern : "%m" ,
text : "random" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
// Test case - 3.
// Test case so that a character is at the appropriate position.
pattern : "_d%" ,
text : "adam" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
// Test case - 4.
// Test case so that a character is at the appropriate position.
pattern : "_d%" ,
text : "apple" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
// Test case - 5.
// Test case with checking that it is at least 3 in length
pattern : "a_%_%" ,
text : "ap" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "a_%_%" ,
text : "apple" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "%or%" ,
text : "orphan" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "%or%" ,
text : "dolphin" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "%or%" ,
text : "dorlphin" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "2__3" ,
text : "2003" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "_YYYY_" ,
text : "aYYYYa" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "C%" ,
text : "CA" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "C%" ,
text : "SC" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "%C" ,
text : "SC" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "%C" ,
text : "CA" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "%C" ,
text : "ACCC" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "C%" ,
text : "CCC" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "j%" ,
text : "mejri" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "a%o" ,
text : "ando" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "%j" ,
text : "mejri" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "%ja" ,
text : "mejrija" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "ja%" ,
text : "jamal" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "a%o" ,
text : "andp" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "_r%" ,
text : "arpa" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "_r%" ,
text : "apra" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "a_%_%" ,
text : "appple" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "l_b%" ,
text : "lebron" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
pattern : "leb%" ,
text : "Dalembert" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "leb%" ,
text : "Landesberg" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "leb%" ,
text : "Mccalebb" ,
matched : false ,
} ,
pattern : "%lebb" ,
text : "Mccalebb" ,
matched : true ,
} ,
// Iterating over the test cases, call the function under test and asert the output.
for i , testCase := range testCases {
actualResult , err := likeConvert ( testCase . pattern , testCase . text )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( )
if testCase . matched != actualResult {
fmt . Println ( "Expected Pattern" , testCase . pattern , "Expected Text" , testCase . text )
t . Errorf ( "Test %d: Expected the result to be `%v`, but instead found it to be `%v`" , i + 1 , testCase . matched , actualResult )
// TestMyValids is a unit test which ensures that the appropriate values are
// being returned from the isValid... functions.
func TestMyValids ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
myQuery string
indexList [ ] int
myIndex int
myValIndex bool
header [ ] string
err error
} {
{ "SELECT UPPER(NULLIF(draft_year,random_name))" , [ ] int { 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 } , 3 , true , [ ] string { "draft_year" , "random_name" } , nil } ,
{ "SELECT UPPER(NULLIF(draft_year,xandom_name))" , [ ] int { 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 } , 3 , true , [ ] string { "draft_year" , "random_name" } , ErrMissingHeaders } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
options := & Options {
HasHeader : false ,
2018-09-10 21:50:28 +05:30
RecordDelimiter : "\n" ,
2018-08-15 03:30:19 -07:00
FieldDelimiter : "," ,
Comments : "" ,
Name : "S3Object" , // Default table name for all objects
ReadFrom : bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( "name1,name2,name3,name4" + "\n" + "5,is,a,string" + "\n" + "random,random,stuff,stuff" ) ) ,
Compressed : "" ,
Expression : "" ,
OutputFieldDelimiter : "," ,
StreamSize : 20 ,
HeaderOpt : true ,
s3s , err := NewInput ( options )
if err != nil {
t . Error ( err )
s3s . header = table . header
_ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , err = s3s . ParseSelect ( table . myQuery )
if err != table . err {
t . Fatal ( )
myVal := isValidFunc ( table . indexList , table . myIndex )
if myVal != table . myValIndex {
t . Error ( )
// TestMyFuncProcessing is a unit test which ensures that the appropriate values are
// being returned from the Processing... functions.
func TestMyFuncProcessing ( t * testing . T ) {
tables := [ ] struct {
myString string
nullList [ ] string
coalList [ ] string
myValString string
myValCoal string
myValNull string
stringFunc string
} {
{ "lower" , [ ] string { "yo" , "yo" } , [ ] string { "random" , "hello" , "random" } , "LOWER" , "random" , "" , "UPPER" } ,
{ "LOWER" , [ ] string { "null" , "random" } , [ ] string { "missing" , "hello" , "random" } , "lower" , "hello" , "null" , "LOWER" } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
if table . coalList != nil {
myVal := processCoalNoIndex ( table . coalList )
if myVal != table . myValCoal {
t . Error ( )
if table . nullList != nil {
myVal := processNullIf ( table . nullList )
if myVal != table . myValNull {
t . Error ( )
myVal := applyStrFunc ( table . myString , table . stringFunc )
if myVal != table . myValString {
t . Error ( )