version); } function run_version_file() { // Find the latest tag $version = trim(shell_exec('git describe --abbrev=0 --tags')); // Write it to the version file for the self update command file_put_contents('./version', $version); // Write it to the composer.json file as well $config = json_decode(file_get_contents('composer.json')); $config->version = $version; file_put_contents('composer.json', json_encode($config, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)); } function run_lint() { pake_echo_comment('Linting files'); pake_sh('./build/lint -R ./src', true); } function run_phar() { pake_echo_comment('Construction phar and moving to ./bin/md2resume'); $command = 'rm -f ./bin/md2resume && rm -f ./bin/md2resume.phar &&' . 'php -dphar.readonly=0 build/empir make ./bin/md2resume.phar md2resume_dev.php . --exclude="' . '*.git/*|*.gitignore|*test*|*Tests*|*.md|*/doc/*|*.lock|*token.txt|pakefile' . '|.*|build/*|*.markdown|*.phar|*LICENSE|*AUTHORS|*CHANGELOG|*.dist|*.tpl|.travis.yml' . '|*squizlabs*|*fabpot*' . '" && chmod a+x ./bin/md2resume.phar' . ' && mv ./bin/md2resume.phar ./bin/md2resume'; pake_sh($command, true); } function run_sniff() { pake_echo_comment('Checking files for PSR2'); pake_sh('./vendor/bin/phpcs -p --standard=PSR2 ./src/ ./md2resume_dev.php', true); } function run_fixer() { pake_echo_comment('Running php-cs-fixer'); pake_sh( './vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix ./md2resume_dev.php' . ' && ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix ./src/Resume/Cli/' . ' && ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix ./src/Resume/Command/', true ); } function run_readme() { pake_echo_comment('Updating README documentation'); $startPoint = '## Help'; $endPoint = '## Examples'; $readme = file_get_contents(''); $help = shell_exec('php ./md2resume_dev.php list --no-interaction'); $output = preg_replace( '/('.preg_quote($startPoint).')(.*)('.preg_quote($endPoint).')/si', "$1\n```\n" . $help . "\n```\n$3", $readme ); file_put_contents('', $output); } function run_mv() { pake_sh('cp ./bin/md2resume ~/bin/md2resume', true); } /* End of pakefile */