# Markdown Resume Styles Turn a simple Markdown document into an elegant resume. ## Features * PDF generation via `wkhtmltopdf` * Responsive design for multiple device viewport sizes * Simple Markdown formatting * Single file deployment * You can now version control and branch your resume. ## Quickstart php ./build/build.php --source sample.md php ./build/build.php --source sample.md --pdf ## Options If you want to edit your markdown resume in your editor while watching it update in your browser, run this command: watch php ./build/build.php -s sample.md -r This makes the build script run periodically, and html document will refresh every two seconds. Open the `./ouput/sample.html` file in your browser, and then just save your markdown document when you want to see a fresh preview. ## Development Markdown is limited to basic html markup. Follow the `resume/sample.md` file as a guideline. This file includes various headers and several nested elements. This allows us to construct a semantic HTML document for the resume, and then use a CSS rules to display a very nice resume. Note that because we have very few ways to nest or identify elements that many of the css rules are based on descendant and adjacent selectors. ## TODO * Additional styles * Google Analytics include * Command line documentation ## Acknowledgments The initial inspiration is from the [Sample Resume Template](http://sampleresumetemplate.net/). However, no HTML from that project has been used in this. General layout has been reused, and media queries have been added. It's a nice template, and if you are a more comfortable with html than markdown, you should use it.