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synced 2025-03-27 23:50:54 -04:00
* Add scala linter and formatter Signed-off-by: Rahul Rudragoudar <rr83019@gmail.com> * Add java formatter Signed-off-by: Rahul Rudragoudar <rr83019@gmail.com> * Add linter support Signed-off-by: Rahul Rudragoudar <rr83019@gmail.com> * Increase maxColumn limit Signed-off-by: Rahul Rudragoudar <rr83019@gmail.com> * Reformat and lint Signed-off-by: Rahul Rudragoudar <rr83019@gmail.com> * Minor reformatting Signed-off-by: Rahul Rudragoudar <rr83019@gmail.com> * Add scala formatter on compile option Signed-off-by: Rahul Rudragoudar <rr83019@gmail.com> * Enable scala linter for CI Signed-off-by: Rahul Rudragoudar <rr83019@gmail.com>
28 lines
832 B
28 lines
832 B
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).settings(
organization := "com.example",
scalaVersion := "2.13.3",
version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT",
semanticdbEnabled := true,
semanticdbVersion := scalafixSemanticdb.revision,
scalafixScalaBinaryVersion := "2.13"
name := "LibreCaptcha",
libraryDependencies += "com.sksamuel.scrimage" % "scrimage-core" % "4.0.5",
libraryDependencies += "com.sksamuel.scrimage" % "scrimage-filters" % "4.0.5",
libraryDependencies += "org.json4s" % "json4s-jackson_2.13" % "3.6.9"
unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile += { baseDirectory.value / "lib" }
scalacOptions ++= List(
javacOptions += "-g:none"
scalafmtOnCompile := true
compileOrder := CompileOrder.JavaThenScala
fork in run := true