Haris Trgo a0016f50f6 feat: new language switch behaviour, always listing all languages by weight but linking to translations if available
feat: if language switch shows language codes (instead of full language name), those codes are now uppercase
feat: translation list in post headers are replaced by links to translations in page headers - the old translation list in the post header can still be enabled using the boolean parameter "showTranslationListInPosts" (i.e. to turn it back on, add the parameter to your hugo.toml and set it to true)
2023-02-13 21:32:40 +01:00

165 lines
7.9 KiB

{{- /* theme-toggle is enabled */}}
{{- if (not site.Params.disableThemeToggle) }}
{{- /* theme is light */}}
{{- if (eq site.Params.defaultTheme "light") }}
if (localStorage.getItem("pref-theme") === "dark") {
{{- /* theme is dark */}}
{{- else if (eq site.Params.defaultTheme "dark") }}
if (localStorage.getItem("pref-theme") === "light") {
{{- else }}
{{- /* theme is auto */}}
if (localStorage.getItem("pref-theme") === "dark") {
} else if (localStorage.getItem("pref-theme") === "light") {
} else if (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) {
{{- end }}
{{- /* theme-toggle is disabled and theme is auto */}}
{{- else if (and (ne site.Params.defaultTheme "light") (ne site.Params.defaultTheme "dark"))}}
if (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) {
{{- end }}
<header class="header">
<nav class="nav">
<div class="logo">
{{- $label_text := (site.Params.label.text | default site.Title) }}
{{- if site.Title }}
<a href="{{ "" | absLangURL }}" accesskey="h" title="{{ $label_text }} (Alt + H)">
{{- if site.Params.label.icon }}
{{- $img := resources.Get site.Params.label.icon }}
{{- if $img }}
{{- $processableFormats := (slice "jpg" "jpeg" "png" "tif" "bmp" "gif") -}}
{{- if hugo.IsExtended -}}
{{- $processableFormats = $processableFormats | append "webp" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $prod := (hugo.IsProduction | or (eq site.Params.env "production")) }}
{{- if and (in $processableFormats $img.MediaType.SubType) (eq $prod true)}}
{{- if site.Params.label.iconHeight }}
{{- $img = $img.Resize (printf "x%d" site.Params.label.iconHeight) }}
{{ else }}
{{- $img = $img.Resize "x30" }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
<img src="{{ $img.Permalink }}" alt="" aria-label="logo"
height="{{- site.Params.label.iconHeight | default "30" -}}">
{{- else }}
<img src="{{- site.Params.label.icon | absURL -}}" alt="" aria-label="logo"
height="{{- site.Params.label.iconHeight | default "30" -}}">
{{- end -}}
{{- else if hasPrefix site.Params.label.iconSVG "<svg" }}
{{ site.Params.label.iconSVG | safeHTML }}
{{- end -}}
{{- $label_text -}}
{{- end }}
<div class="logo-switches">
{{- if (not site.Params.disableThemeToggle) }}
<button id="theme-toggle" accesskey="t" title="(Alt + T)">
<svg id="moon" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"
<path d="M21 12.79A9 9 0 1 1 11.21 3 7 7 0 0 0 21 12.79z"></path>
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fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="5"></circle>
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<line x1="4.22" y1="4.22" x2="5.64" y2="5.64"></line>
<line x1="18.36" y1="18.36" x2="19.78" y2="19.78"></line>
<line x1="1" y1="12" x2="3" y2="12"></line>
<line x1="21" y1="12" x2="23" y2="12"></line>
<line x1="4.22" y1="19.78" x2="5.64" y2="18.36"></line>
<line x1="18.36" y1="5.64" x2="19.78" y2="4.22"></line>
{{- end }}
{{ if .Site.IsMultiLingual }}
{{/* set vars with page data */}}
{{ $currentLang := .Lang }}
{{ $allTranslations := .Translations }}
{{ $separator := or $label_text (not site.Params.disableThemeToggle)}}
<ul class="lang-switch">
{{ if $separator }}<li>|</li>{{ end }}
{{ range $anySiteLang := .Site.Home.AllTranslations }}
{{/* code here can only access page-related data via vars set above */}}
{{ if ne $currentLang $anySiteLang.Lang }}
{{ $translationLink := .Permalink }}
{{ range $translation := $allTranslations }}
{{ if eq $anySiteLang.Lang $translation.Lang }}
{{ $translationLink = $translation.Permalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ $translationLink }}"
title="{{ .Language.Params.languageAltTitle | default (.Language.LanguageName ) | default (.Lang | upper) }}"
aria-label="{{ .Language.LanguageName | default (.Lang | upper) }}">
{{ if site.Params.DisplayFullLangName }}
{{ .Language.LanguageName }}
{{ else }}
{{ .Lang | upper }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- $currentPage := . }}
<ul id="menu">
{{- range site.Menus.main }}
{{- $menu_item_url := (cond (strings.HasSuffix .URL "/") .URL (printf "%s/" .URL) ) | absLangURL }}
{{- $page_url:= $currentPage.Permalink | absLangURL }}
{{- $is_search := eq (site.GetPage .KeyName).Layout `search` }}
<a href="{{ .URL | absLangURL }}" title="{{ .Title | default .Name }} {{- cond $is_search (" (Alt + /)" | safeHTMLAttr) ("" | safeHTMLAttr ) }}"
{{- cond $is_search (" accesskey=/" | safeHTMLAttr) ("" | safeHTMLAttr ) }}>
<span {{- if eq $menu_item_url $page_url }} class="active" {{- end }}>
{{- .Pre }}
{{- .Name -}}
{{ .Post -}}
{{- if (findRE "://" .URL) }}&nbsp;
<svg fill="none" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round"
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2.5" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="12" width="12">
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<path d="M15 3h6v6"></path>
<path d="M10 14L21 3"></path>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}