mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 00:10:05 -04:00
update docs from wiki
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,33 +76,6 @@ Linked Issues:
## Archive Page
├── config.yml
├── content/
│ ├── archives.md <--- Create archive.md here
│ └── posts/
├── static/
└── themes/
└── hugo-PaperMod/
and add the following to it
title: "Archive"
layout: "archives"
url: "/archives/"
summary: archives
## Bundling Custom css with theme's assets
- For adding custom css to be bundled inside one minimized css
@ -117,8 +90,8 @@ Create folder in yout project directory as
└── assets/
└── css/
└── extended/ <---
│ ├── custom_css1.css <---
│ └── any_name.css <---
├── custom_css1.css <---
└── any_name.css <---
All `css` files inside `assets/css/extended` will be bundled !
@ -303,7 +276,7 @@ Add `#center` after image to center align an image
More Info : [Configure Markup - Highlight](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration-markup#highlight)
More Info : [Configure Markup - Highlight](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration-markup#highlight)
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ params:
enabled: true
title: "<Title>" # optional default will be site title
subtitle: "This is subtitle"
imageUrl: "<image link>" # optional
imageTitle: "<title of image as alt>" # optional
imageWidth: 120 # custom size
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ params:
### Search
### Search Page
PaperMod uses [Fuse.js Basic](https://fusejs.io/getting-started/different-builds.html#explanation-of-different-builds) for seach functionality
@ -194,6 +195,12 @@ searchHidden: true
ex: [search.md](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/exampleSite/content/search.md)
> Search Page also has Key bindings:
> - Arrow keys to move up/down the list
> - Enter key (return) or Right Arrow key to Go to highlighted page
> - Escape key to clear searchbox and results
For Multilingual use `search.<lang>.md` ex. `search.es.md`.
**Note:** Search will work only on current language, user is currently on !
@ -318,6 +325,8 @@ ShowBreadCrumbs: false
### Other Posts suggestion below a post
Adds a Previous / Next post suggestion under a single post
@ -327,6 +336,8 @@ params:
ShowPostNavLinks: true
### Multiple Authors
To Use multiple authors for a post, in post-variables:
@ -11,75 +11,75 @@ draft: true
## Social Icons
| No. | Name | Platform Link |
| --- | ------------- | ------------------------------- |
| 1 | 123rf | 123rf.com |
| 2 | adobestock | stock.adobe.com |
| 3 | behance | behance.net |
| 4 | buymeacoffee | buymeacoffee.com |
| 5 | codepen | codepen.io |
| 6 | cryptohack | cryptohack.org |
| 7 | dev | dev.to |
| 8 | discogs | discogs.com |
| 9 | discord | discord.com |
| 10 | dreamstime | dreamstime.com |
| 11 | dribbble | dribbble.com |
| 12 | email | - |
| 13 | facebook | facebook.com |
| 14 | freepik | freepik.com |
| 15 | github | github.com |
| 16 | gitlab | gitlab.com |
| 17 | hackerrank | hackerrank.com |
| 18 | hackthebox | hackthebox.eu |
| 19 | instagram | instagram.com |
| 20 | kakaotalk | kakaocorp.com/service/KakaoTalk |
| 21 | keybase | keybase.io |
| 22 | kofi | ko-fi.com |
| 23 | lastfm | last.fm |
| 24 | linkedin | linkedin.com |
| 25 | mastodon | mastodon.social |
| 26 | medium | medium.com |
| 27 | mixcloud | mixcloud.com |
| 28 | nuget | nuget.org |
| 29 | paypal | paypal.com |
| 30 | qq | qq.com |
| 31 | reddit | reddit.com |
| 32 | rss | - |
| 33 | soundcloud | soundcloud.com |
| 34 | shutterstock | shutterstock.com |
| 35 | slack | slack.com |
| 36 | snapchat | snapchat.com/add |
| 37 | sourcerer | sourcerer.io |
| 38 | stackoverflow | stackoverflow.com |
| 39 | steam | steampowered.com |
| 40 | telegram | telegram.org |
| 41 | twitch | twitch.tv |
| 42 | twitter | twitter.com |
| 43 | youtube | youtube.com |
| 44 | other | - |
| No. | Name | Platform Link |
| --- | --------------- | ------------------------------- |
| 1 | `123rf` | 123rf.com |
| 2 | `adobestock` | stock.adobe.com |
| 3 | `behance` | behance.net |
| 4 | `buymeacoffee` | buymeacoffee.com |
| 5 | `codepen` | codepen.io |
| 6 | `cryptohack` | cryptohack.org |
| 7 | `dev` | dev.to |
| 8 | `discogs` | discogs.com |
| 9 | `discord` | discord.com |
| 10 | `dreamstime` | dreamstime.com |
| 11 | `dribbble` | dribbble.com |
| 12 | `email` | - |
| 13 | `facebook` | facebook.com |
| 14 | `freepik` | freepik.com |
| 15 | `github` | github.com |
| 16 | `gitlab` | gitlab.com |
| 17 | `hackerrank` | hackerrank.com |
| 18 | `hackthebox` | hackthebox.eu |
| 19 | `instagram` | instagram.com |
| 20 | `kakaotalk` | kakaocorp.com/service/KakaoTalk |
| 21 | `keybase` | keybase.io |
| 22 | `kofi` | ko-fi.com |
| 23 | `lastfm` | last.fm |
| 24 | `linkedin` | linkedin.com |
| 25 | `mastodon` | mastodon.social |
| 26 | `medium` | medium.com |
| 27 | `mixcloud` | mixcloud.com |
| 28 | `nuget` | nuget.org |
| 29 | `paypal` | paypal.com |
| 30 | `qq` | qq.com |
| 31 | `reddit` | reddit.com |
| 32 | `rss` | - |
| 33 | `soundcloud` | soundcloud.com |
| 34 | `shutterstock` | shutterstock.com |
| 35 | `slack` | slack.com |
| 36 | `snapchat` | snapchat.com/add |
| 37 | `sourcerer` | sourcerer.io |
| 38 | `stackoverflow` | stackoverflow.com |
| 39 | `steam` | steampowered.com |
| 40 | `telegram` | telegram.org |
| 41 | `twitch` | twitch.tv |
| 42 | `twitter` | twitter.com |
| 43 | `youtube` | youtube.com |
| 44 | `other` | - |
Usage :
socialIcons: # optional
- name: "<NAME>"
url: "<link>"
- name: "<NAME>"
url: "<link2>"
- name: "kofi"
url: "https://kofi.com"
- name: "twitter"
url: "https://twitter.com"
## Share Icons
| No. | Platform |
| --- | -------- |
| 1 | twitter |
| 2 | linkedin |
| 3 | reddit |
| 4 | facebook |
| 5 | whatsapp |
| 6 | telegram |
| No. | Platform |
| --- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 1 | `twitter` (also generates hash tags from tags linked with post) |
| 2 | `linkedin` |
| 3 | `reddit` |
| 4 | `facebook` |
| 5 | `whatsapp` |
| 6 | `telegram` |
@ -9,9 +9,21 @@ tags: ["PaperMod"]
author: "Aditya Telange"
## Intro
- **We'll be using `yml/yaml` format for all examples down below, I recommend using `yml` over `toml` as it is easier to read.**
- You can find any [YML to TOML](https://www.google.com/search?q=yml+to+toml) converters if necessary.
## Guide
Follow [Quick Start](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/) guide to setup hugo and create a new site.
> Note: Use -f to select yml format
> `hugo new site <name of site> -f yml`
Make sure you install latest version of **`hugo(>=0.74.0)`**.
After you have created a new site, at [Step 3](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/#step-3-add-a-theme) follow the steps:
@ -39,7 +51,7 @@ you can use as [submodule](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/git-submodule
git submodule add https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod.git themes/PaperMod --depth=1
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive # needed when you reclone your repo (submodules may not get cloned automatically)
**Note**: You may use ` --branch v4.0` to end of above command if you want to stick to specific release.
@ -146,6 +158,7 @@ params:
enabled: false # needs to be explicitly set
title: ExampleSite
subtitle: "This is subtitle"
imageUrl: "<img location>"
imageWidth: 120
imageHeight: 120
@ -14,75 +14,88 @@ weight: 5
### Site Variables under `Params`
| name | type | example | Description |
| ------------------------------------ | ------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| env | string | 'production' | To set env to production |
| title | string | 'My Blog' | To set title |
| description | string | 'This is a blog of mine' | To set site description |
| author | string \|list | 'Me' \| ['Me','You'] | To show multiple Authors |
| images | string | 'myimage.png' | Link or path of image for opengraph, twitter-cards |
| ShowReadingTime | boolean | true \| false | To show read time in post meta |
| ShowShareButtons | boolean | true \| false | To show/hide share buttons under post |
| defaultTheme | string | light \| dark \| auto | To set default theme |
| disableThemeToggle | boolean | true \| false | To disable theme toggle icon shown besides label |
| disableSpecial1stPost | boolean | true \| false | To disable no-card special appearance of 1st post |
| hidemeta | boolean | true \| false | To Hide meta elements : date, read-time, author and available-translations for page |
| showtoc | boolean | true \| false | To show/hide Table of Contents |
| tocopen | boolean | true \| false | To keep open ToC by default on page load |
| ShowPostNavLinks | boolean | true \| false | Show Previous and Next Posts below a Post |
| ShowBreadCrumbs | boolean | true \| false | Show BreadCrumb Navigation above single post/page |
| comments | boolean | true \| false | To show/hide comments |
| analytics.google.SiteVerificationTag | string | "XYZabc" | Site Verification Tag for Google Analytics |
| analytics.bing.SiteVerificationTag | string | "XYZabc" | Site Verification Tag for Bing |
| analytics.yandex.SiteVerificationTag | string | "XYZabc" | Site Verification Tag for Yandex |
| | | | |
| fuseOpts | - | - | [Details](#fuseOpts) |
| socialIcons | - | - | [Details](#socialIcons) |
| label | - | - | [Details](#label) |
| assets | - | - | [Details](#assets) |
| cover | - | - | [Details](#cover) |
| profileMode | - | - | [Details](#profilemode) |
| name | type | example | Description |
| -------------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `env` | string | 'production' | To set env to production |
| `title` | string | 'My Blog' | To set title |
| `description` | string | 'This is a blog of mine' | To set site description |
| `author` | string \|list | 'Me' \| ['Me','You'] | To show multiple Authors |
| `images` | string | 'myimage.png' | Link or path of image for opengraph, twitter-cards |
| `ShowReadingTime` | boolean | true \| false | To show read time in post meta |
| `ShowShareButtons` | boolean | true \| false | To show/hide share buttons under post |
| `defaultTheme` | string | light \| dark \| auto | To set default theme |
| `disableThemeToggle` | boolean | true \| false | To disable theme toggle icon shown besides label |
| `disableSpecial1stPost` | boolean | true \| false | To disable no-card special appearance of 1st post |
| `hidemeta` | boolean | true \| false | To Hide meta elements : date, read-time, author and available-translations for page |
| `showtoc` | boolean | true \| false | To show/hide Table of Contents |
| `tocopen` | boolean | true \| false | To keep open ToC by default on page load |
| `ShowPostNavLinks` | boolean | true \| false | Show Previous and Next Posts below a Post |
| `ShowBreadCrumbs` | boolean | true \| false | Show BreadCrumb Navigation above single post/page |
| `comments` | boolean | true \| false | To show/hide comments |
| `analytics.google.SiteVerificationTag` | string | "XYZabc" | Site Verification Tag for Google Analytics |
| `analytics.bing.SiteVerificationTag` | string | "XYZabc" | Site Verification Tag for Bing |
| `analytics.yandex.SiteVerificationTag` | string | "XYZabc" | Site Verification Tag for Yandex |
| `fuseOpts` | - | - | [Details](#fuseOpts) |
| `socialIcons` | - | - | [Details](#socialIcons) |
| `label` | - | - | [Details](#label) |
| `assets` | - | - | [Details](#assets) |
| `cover` | - | - | [Details](#cover) |
| `profileMode` | - | - | [Details](#profilemode) |
#### label
| name | type | example | Description |
| ---------------- | ------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| label.text | string | 'Home' | To display different label text other than title |
| label.icon | string | '/apple-touch-icon.png' | To display a logo image in label |
| label.iconHeight | integer | 35 | To set size of label logo image |
| name | type | example | Description |
| ------------------ | ------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| `label.text` | string | 'Home' | To display different label text other than title |
| `label.icon` | string | '/apple-touch-icon.png' | To display a logo image in label |
| `label.iconHeight` | integer | 35 | To set size of label logo image |
#### profileMode
| name | type | example | Description |
| ----------------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| profileMode.enabled | boolean | true \| false | |
| profileMode.title | string | "Title" | |
| profileMode.imageUrl | string | "image.png" \| "https://example.com/image.jpg" | |
| profileMode.imageWidth | string | "" | |
| profileMode.imageHeight | string | "" | |
| profileMode.imageTitle | string | "This image is a picture of .." | |
| profileMode.buttons | - | - | |
| name | type | example | Description |
| ------------------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| `profileMode.enabled` | boolean | true \| false | For enabling profileMode, needs to be explicitly set |
| `profileMode.title` | string | "Title" | Title |
| `profileMode.subtitle` | string | "subtitle here" | Subtitle |
| `profileMode.imageUrl` | string | "image.png" \| "https://example.com/image.jpg" | Image URL or Link |
| `profileMode.imageWidth ` | string | "150" | Width of image |
| `profileMode.imageHeight` | string | "150" | Height of image |
| `profileMode.imageTitle` | string | "This image is a picture of .." | Title of image |
| `profileMode.buttons` | - | - | [Details](#profileModebuttons) |
##### profileMode.buttons
- name: Archive
url: "/archive"
- name: Github
url: "https://github.com/"
#### assets
| name | type | example | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| assets.favicon | string | 'icon.ico' | To set favicon, can be path or external link |
| assets.disableHLJS | boolean | | |
| assets.disableFingerprinting | boolean | | |
| name | type | example | Description |
| ------------------------------ | ------- | ------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| `assets.favicon` | string | 'icon.ico' | To set favicon, can be path or external link |
| `assets.disableHLJS` | boolean | true \| false | To disable Highlight.js loading |
| `assets.disableFingerprinting` | boolean | true \| false | To disable Sub-Resource integrity for assets |
#### cover
| name | type | example | Description |
| ---------------------- | ------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| cover.linkFullImages | boolean | true \| false | To open full size cover images on click on cover |
| cover.responsiveImages | boolean | true \| false | To enable/disable generation of responsive cover images |
| cover.hidden | boolean | true \| fals | |
| cover.hiddenInList | boolean | true \| fals | |
| cover.hiddenInSingle | boolean | true \| fals | |
| name | type | example | Description |
| ------------------------ | ------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| `cover.linkFullImages` | boolean | true \| false | To open full size cover images on click on cover |
| `cover.responsiveImages` | boolean | true \| false | To enable/disable generation of responsive cover images |
| `cover.hidden` | boolean | true \| false | To hide everywhere but not in structured data |
| `cover.hiddenInList` | boolean | true \| false | To hide on list pages and home |
| `cover.hiddenInSingle ` | boolean | true \| false | To hide on list pages and home |
#### fuseOpts
Refer: https://fusejs.io/api/options.html
isCaseSensitive: false
@ -104,37 +117,25 @@ socialIcons:
url: "<link2>"
- name: Archive
url: "/archive"
- name: Github
url: "https://github.com/"
### Page Variables
| Name | Type | Example | Description |
| --------------- | ------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| showtoc | boolean | true \| false | To show/hide Table of Contents |
| tocopen | boolean | true \| false | To keep open ToC by default on page load |
| hidemeta | boolean | true \| false | To Hide meta elements : date, read-time, author and available-translations for page |
| comments | boolean | true \| false | To show/hide comments |
| description | string | 'description text' | Show Post Description under Title |
| disableShare | boolean | true \| false | To hide/show share icons under a page |
| disableHLJS | boolean | true \| false | |
| searchHidden | boolean | true \| false | |
| ShowBreadCrumbs | boolean | true \| false | Show BreadCrumb Navigation above single post/page |
| author | string \|list | 'Me' \| ['Me','You'] | To show multiple Authors |
| cover.image | string | 'featured.jpg' | To add a cover image |
| cover.caption | string | 'caption for image' | To add caption to cover image |
| cover.alt | string | 'this is cover image' | Alternate text to show if image doesn't load/show up |
| cover.relative | boolean | true \| false | To use relative path for cover image, used in hugo Page-bundles |
| cover.hidden | boolean | true \| false | |
| | | | |
| weight | integer | 5 | To set page order or to pin a post to Top of list |
| Name | Type | Example | Description |
| ----------------- | ------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `showtoc` | boolean | true \| false | To show/hide Table of Contents |
| `tocopen` | boolean | true \| false | To keep open ToC by default on page load |
| `hidemeta` | boolean | true \| false | To Hide meta elements : date, read-time, author and available-translations for page |
| `comments` | boolean | true \| false | To show/hide comments |
| `description` | string | 'description text' | Show Post Description under Title |
| `disableShare` | boolean | true \| false | To hide/show share icons under a page |
| `disableHLJS` | boolean | true \| false | To disable Highlight.js loading |
| `searchHidden` | boolean | true \| false | Hide page from search |
| `ShowBreadCrumbs` | boolean | true \| false | Show BreadCrumb Navigation above single post/page |
| `author` | string \|list | 'Me' \| ['Me','You'] | To show multiple Authors |
| `cover.image` | string | 'featured.jpg' | To add a cover image |
| `cover.caption ` | string | 'caption for image' | To add caption to cover image |
| `cover.alt` | string | 'this is cover image' | Alternate text to show if image doesn't load/show up |
| `cover.relative` | boolean | true \| false | To use relative path for cover image, used in hugo Page-bundles |
| `cover.hidden ` | boolean | true \| false | To hide on current single page |
| `weight ` | integer | 5 | To set page order or to pin a post to Top of list |
Reference in New Issue
Block a user